BRITISH AND JAPS MAY CTIN CHINA Propose Dual Mediation, AN , though Powers Had An oiher Plan. London Considerable curiosity has boon arouted In diplomatic circle here regarding the reason (or the proposal of Great Rrttain and Japan to undertake a dual mediation In China, after the powers, Including the United States, had decided to present an Identical note to the con ference now meeting at Shanghai. There was a tendency to believe that the Japanese government had made the proposal and that Japan was anxious to Intervene. !t turns out now. however, that the proposal really came from the British govern ment, acting on the belief that the British consul at Hankow, who had Induced the combatants to agree to an armistice, might again succeed , as a mediator In the larger question. It is understood that the state de partment is making Inquiries both in Japan and Great Britain In regard to the proposed British-Japanese media tion. The reiterated report that the Brit- Uh-Japaaese mediation contemplated Insistence upon the monarchical gov- tument is officially denied. It was said at the foreign office that the efforts of the British government. In conjunction with the other powers, were directed to assisting China to secure an efficient form of govern ment based on popular approval. Italy It Willing to Pay. Some. The limitation of the war to Tripolltan territory and. the ab sence of any naval action on the part tt Italy makes the conclusion of peace less urgent, as the interests of the other powers are not so severely affected aa at the beginning of hos tilities. As peace with Turkey would facilitate matters and curtail ex penses, Italy, It is understood, still is ready to pay the Porte a consider able amount on account of Tripoli. NEW ARMISTICE EXPECTED Yuan Can Continue Government for Months Without Loan. Pekfa. Fighting apparently has ceased, at least temporarily, in China. No reports have been received recent ly of activities between the imperial ists and the revolutionists, but minor engagements have occurred with rob ker bands, which continue to increase. Officials here expect that the armis tice will be renewed after December . That Yuan also will refuse to ac cept the proffered presidency of the proposed republic is considered cer tain, even by those who believe he is a self-seeker. It is said on reliable authority that the premier is able to continue the government for several weeks, perhaps months, without a foreign loan. Wife of "Cut-Rate" Mayor Helps. Indianapolis. Mrs. Lewis Shank is actively reinforcing her husband, the mayor of Indianapolis, in his cam paign against the high cost of living. Saturday she stood in the public market, selling dressed turkeys and chickens, walnuts and mincemeat, purchased by the mayor directly from the producers and offered to the con sumers at prices under those asked by the regular dealers. DRASTIC LAWS ADOPTED California Legislature Regulates Pub lic Service Corporations. Sacramento. In a four weeks' spe cial session the California legislature adopted the most comprehensive and drastic law for the regulation of pub lic service corporations yet deviBed by any state. It adopted another hill designed to regulate the appropria tion of water for power purposes that will lay a basis for stringent regula tion of all power and Irrigation en terprises a year hence. A presidential preference primary law advocated by Governor Johnson gives to the majority of voters In each party the choice of delegates to the national conventions and the instruction of such delegates as to the presidential nomination. France Boycotts German-Made Toys. Paris. Shopkeepers who failed to tike into consideration the bitterness letween France and Germany found themselves with large supplies of toys and trinkets, marked "made In Germany," which they could not dis pose of at any price. The Christmas Khoppers boycotted everything of Ger man make. Standard Hash Proposed. Topeka. With the ultimate object of standardizing all hash served in public places In Kansas, the state board of health has instituted 3D In vestigation as to the ingredients com monly used by restaurants and hotels In the concoction of the d'lh. HENRY C. YOUTSEY ft $ h ?sU 1 7 Z ' I Henry C. Youtsey, serving a life term for the murder of r.i Goebel of Kentucky, who was refused a pardon. EXCLUDE AMERICAN GOODS Russia and Japan In League Against United States. St Petersburg. Intimation that the commercial treaty which Is being negotiated between Russia and Japan is to exclude all goods of American manufacture from Manchuria was made semiofficially here. It is said to be part of the tariff war which Russia Is preparing to wage against the United States In retaliation for the abrogation of the Russo-American treaty of 1832. The unwonted speed with which the negotiations are being carried on here and at Toklo in order to have the convention ratified within the j next fortnight if possible, indicates , that both nations are acting from a ' more important impetus than origin ally mutual consideration. Turks Lose 75 Men at Derna. Tripoli. General Trombl reports that la an engagement at Derna the Turks had 75 men killed. "At Tobruk an Italian detachment, protecting the construction of a fortification, was fiercely attacked. The fighting con tinued six hours with the Italian loss seven killed and fifteen wounded. Britons Say Treaty Bars Rebates London. The Hay-Pauncefote trea ty of 1902 between Great Britain and Ireland and the United States Is quot ed as against President Taffs sug gestion in his message to congress on December 21, that preferential treat ment should be accorded to American ships passing through tie Panama Canal TABRIZ ATTACKED BY RUSSIAN SOLDIERS London. Fifty persons were killed and many wounded In street fighting between Russian troops and Persians at Tabriz, according to dispatches from the Persian government The Russians have practically taken pos session of the city, as all government buildings and the telegraph office are in their possession. The dead include a number of Persian officials. Many private dwellings were des troyed by the Russians, who bom barded the city. There were collis ions between the Russians and Per sians at Recht and one or two other smaller places. The Russian clashes have caused considerable apprehen sion and complicated an already tense situation. It is thouKht the Persian troops will now remain in Persian territory for an indefinite I period. , The news of the fighting at Tahriz j f. and Recht created great excitement M in Teheran. I i- j THE MARKETS. Portland. Wheat Track prices: Club, 79c; bluestem, 82c; rc-d Russian, 78c. Barley Feed, $;;7 per ton. Oats No. 1 white, $31 per ton. Hay Timothy, valley, $16; alfalfa, (H. Lutter Creamery, 3Cc. Eggs Ranch, 37c. Hops 1911 crop, 44c; 1910, nomi nal; contracts, 25c. Wool Eastern Oregon, 910c; Willamette Valley, 15 17c. Mohair 37c. Seattle. Wheat Bluestem, 81c; club, 78c; l:d Russian, 77c. Barley $35 per ton. Oats $3 ft per ton. Eggs Ranch, 60c. Butter Creamery, 38c. Hay Timothy, $1 per ton. 5 I I GROCERIES a PrinevilIe--Redmond--Sisters Stage Line Matt Kulesch, Proprietor. Passenger Fare to Redmond. $1.50. Express from Red mond to Prineville, one-half cent per pound for over 50 pounds. Small packages of less than 50 pounds, 25c Leaves Prineville for Redmond Daily. Office at the Pioneer Cream Company. U-16 S. R. COOPER, Agent Selling Out At Reduced Prices Stock consists of Blankets, Comforts, Pillows, Pillowcases, Sheets, Etc., Trunks, Suitcases, Hand-bags, and House Furnishings of all kinds, sold at prices that will save you money. J. F. MORRIS T I Why Use Your You can just as well trade it in on New, Spring will soon be here. Brighten up your home with a new Davenport, Morris Chair, Library Table, Dining Table, China Closet, Buffet. Sideboard, or Axminster Rug, and Linoleum, We can supply you at Portland prices. Satis faction Guaranteed. If you must kick, why, kick to us City orders given prompt attention. Prineville Furniture Exchange Charles F. Condart, Prop. SUCCESSOR TO STORDAHL & CONDART. Maaonic Building-. Pioneor Phone, r.t L'J n L'J ri i: j ri l:j rt t j t j ri t j n l LJ ri CJ Senoral ffilacksmithing Horseshoeing, Wood Work, etc., Neatly and Promptly Done When it ib Done By : : : Siobert 7fooro ri VJ ""I Satisfaction Will Prinkvim.e, r -innririririnnnstin ir - LjUJLJLjkJujLJtjUai.gLaLj'tUllil.Jl.ilULLiLJl.JtiJI.Jt.JtuL.JLj I, Provide yourself willi a Iiltle ol the true essence ol Holiday Good Cheer Royalty itself enjoys no Idler liquor than is offered in a good old bottle of genuine "I. W. HARPER" Sold By Silvertooth & Browder Shaniko and Bend, Oregon MM You Will Be SatUficd becauiH) w carry the moat ntiafactory took of Groceries iu lite cltv. We are little tunny on the point wt quality. We prefer to tlraw trade by reason o( high ittality than by cheap price. Kx tremcly low llgures will not buy staple gooili anywhere, etc. The Cash Grocery Ceo, Whiteis, Prop. Old Furniture? ! tJ ra L'J ri i j C3 L'J rn L'J LJ LJ n L'J LJ LJ r.s LU r,i L. BO L'J L rm He Guaranteed Oregon. rir.r'trir."irmr"imi"if"irir.r.n !irof9Ssfctal Cards, Dr. Howard (love Dentist Rooms 14 and IS Adamaoa Building. t. i:. j. nun v Attorney1 -at-Ltw tHuMr to W. A. Ik-ll) 1'HiNrvu.i.s . . Omkuoh t Jf. &4mtrf rfm tf?W mm ssn y CssvsMw ' Orfm, N. W. Sanborn Attorney-nt-I.nw Adiiiiimiu block I'rlnevllle C, c 3 Sftml Ctimt On fa W.l. MVl'KS O. C YOUNG Prarlli-a III til nutria. aparta) atlentlnll to watar riabu, Itihjaiioii and criminal datanraa, Cmlmtr Jmmttitm, Orfmm Dr. John Huback, lata Valarlnary ftttraaon t S. Arm, Iwpartmani ul lha fhllli.lhaa. All Hurulcal Murk ! MaaaunabU) iTUaa, Hamilton Stables. Prineville, Or. V. A. lil'LL Fit AN K MFNKFFli Lawyers The Dalln On(un S&olknap d Cdwards (County l'hyalclan.) SP. Ciiuti, Ttfl A, Rice, c. E. County Hurvayur. J. H. Nerlllo, Jr., K. M I(iiity l.'o. Murroyor, Hice & Neville Civil Enginr, Otneral K.nlneerln. rai.iaviu.1, oanoN. 5, . Srink jCawytr Ji ttntl, !Prim,millt, C. 0. aSW Cua Ananiii Hannm.T UT on Niaar Omi-I OH a llooi HntlTM or AlUlaoa't Uaua HTtiai Both orni-a an iiJ denoa toloobonoa. !Prm,mll: . . Ortftm Dr. J. Tregclles Fox M. II. 0. S. Kng: and I,. K. A. I.omlon; I.lwtn-ai-Ori-tron Hlltte Meillfni llnnril. npci-laimi In htirxoryj llyxfeiia; All- nioiiinry niiai; women and clilliireit'i diiti-ani-a. Attanilnnca at offlf-e, Main Ft., I'rliti vi l, daily 11 to 3. Tel. I'ioiit-er 1T.7. ConmiltHtlnn Kn-e Hmininto5 R. D. Ketchum, M. T. D., D. C. Ai-nte uml chronic lilwiiHi'H treateil Hiitci'HHliilly by ii u li ly ilruirli'HH mi-tli(i(lM Raomi 16-17 Adamuia B!d. Call made (i. A. JMcFAKLANE Lawyer I'ractioe in all courts and U. H. I-antl Onice. Redmond, Oregon Willard II. Wirtz Attorncy-at-Law. ' OMk-t? In M. II. IIIkitn' olllcu. l'llI.NKVIM.K, OltKIION, Huntington & Wilson Attorncyi Of Tho Iinlli.H, Ihnvo Diicni d ofrintia In Portland, Oregon, Roomi 805-807 Lewii Building. RiiHlnfHH mnl lo tht-tti from Orook Countv throtiKh thi-lrntllco In Tim lliillin or cllrwa lo ruriliuul uilili-HHH will n!(tnlv prompt attention, l'ortluiid I'hotiu, Main v.iju. Dr. Charles Macl'aJdcu Oileopalhle FhjralcUn llvtrntr. IM..ll mid Natural Tharanaull, ttiuphivad. I'hrotila iMai-aaaa a ltNN-ii, Office Ovar Morris Furniture Store, Telephone) Pioneer, No. 124. Crk Ctumy jftjfrmtt C, Atotrx'Uul Wla la all land and town loti lit crunk county, I. F. WiMt, Janalary. FriMtuU, 0t.M I'. Y I'rcinont Architect nd Deaig nar, Iai meatifb In tMiiilitt(iitiiiru-iiun, tniarluf arranaaitiattla and dai-ufaituu, llaadUartara at t'rv-iun Hotel. Prineville, . Oregon, HAVE YOU FiW your Dcexl Of Course. HAVE YOU An Abstract? (Yrtnttily everyone lias an slwlraot now. IKi voii know wimre your corners are. Wall, No, Nnl eiai'tly. Brewster Engineering Company, I'ritxnillo, dragon, will lot-ate Uiaw Inr ytl ami sunraiilu the work Survey, in, l'latilim, Irrigation Knsiiieariiiu. t'llolie I'lomwr 'M. D. H PEOPLES Gvil and Irrigation Engineer, Irrigation, Subdivision, Land Surveying, Mapping, Estimating. Office next door to Lyric Therter Nutk't far I'ubllcatlaij. Jtlla.1 Trwl. ruMlp Un.l K.I., IV.artittaill Ml Ilia llilarlnr. t'.r) UuU lha llallaa. Ilrnn N.mlar imn. lalt. Nutlet la har-l,v alvau Ihal. aa .llt.-i..l ka lha IVIttmlaaliiitor 7 ,a lieltaral Uutl llltna titular Jrmtl.iiHi ot t-l ut Itittgrraa a-irova,( JuBa if, i a Hlau.,ait. a allU.ITar .iixili IIP aata W ma Itlgllaal bl.l.lar, at ItluVllHl, m.. on tha taiAtiar January wi j. at iiisfri,-v lha ..,.liil .I m,. , k, . , s .T. K K M .Nit .3l ' Any irann cUltmtic .v.rly lha alaita. Arm rlha.l laml ara aillaait In f la Irialr rlallna nr iihlai Uuua, Ull or baluro lha Ulna tnal(nalri 'raala. U. , MiKHtK . 11 a Kalatar. Notko l'ir I'ublkutlon. Iaulalr4 Traol. fl,lP j,n4 Mala. ISilMirlliM'til uf lha tlttarlor, V. H- IauiI llffliw al Tha llallaa, llraauri. Nnvatiilair llll. lull, Nnlli-O la Itrratir Blvan thai, aa dlm.f l.a tharoniniluliinar nr Ilia (Ivin-tal I .anil llttl.-a unilar pmvuimta nf AH ttt tjtrMa aimva4 Juna It, lmHIui..M7. . will ullVr I puhllr wla, lu lha hlltaat bld-lar, al 10 ti ahH a a. in., oil lha wilt rta .,( Jatiuarr. '..'."" nrn'- ha ftilli.wlna J,-,,Mil lr0ii "''"f-'.'.Tp. B,. U, 1 tua. Am iiaianna olaltttlnc aitmraaly lhaahono lli-ai-rllird lurid ara a.vaml I" Ilia Ihi-lr rlalllt tir ulilarllima u or U-ruro Ilia iiiiw 4-alanalra rnr aalo. lJ P. W. MlKIHIC, ILlatrr. Rutlcaot Arpiilnlmeiit of AJuilnli. triitor unj lo Crcjitora. H"tlr a hrrahy laii Ihal Ilia undanlinad haa barn, hy lha noulilr onlirl nf lha Hlalanl lln-tili Air rrtkna niMlilr, Ua'r at-laillilail ad UHlilalnthirnr Ilia aataUi nf M.Ma. I. rr. nnliU. iaa-arl anil all IMiranna having rlalma atalnal wld ratals an- harai,, riiulrd Ut prrwui tha aaiiia, duly vrtai-d, lit ratld ad mtnUlmtiir al lha law olhiai or M. K. Ilrliik, In I'rlnaallla, linmi. within all ntiintha frntn lha law of lha Ural lublloaU'n uf Ihlf nnth-w 7tJi',,1'1"l PUbll.liad Hr.1 lima laya-nibar, Aamlnlalratiir uf Ihaaatala nf Maria l'., dnmuaxl. Mot let for l'ublii'Htlon. IVparlmaiit of lha Inlarlnr, U. H. laind unio) al Tha tiallra, Orrgun, . . Nuvi-mla-r J4ih, mil. Nn ion la harahT lvan Uml Hmrni- MiHira nrprltiaviila. (Imt-m whn . i.n April a!th, mil', mailn M..III.-.U-U.I Nit. ufitlli, fur a', aw',, am w'. ',. am-llnn fl. Inwn.hiii 17 anulh, rani, la mat. lllin.-tta Mi-rlilUit. haa Itlrd llull.-a) nf Inli-ullnii in n.utia final aomniiitiiiiiin i. oiiiitn in mo land alxiva di-ariilM-d, U-fitro Wnrran Hruwtt, rnimly clara. ut hla ..m al I'rln. -villa. Iinvun. on lha 2nd day uf Jiinunry. luU, lUalinanl naini-aMa wllnt-iN: flanrval'raw fiird. Ili-nrna A. I.lltla. alvln iVlaraiui. Klla. wnrlh T. C"rll, allot ('rlnavllla. Or kiiii. 11JllP :- MINlKK, Itt-matrr. Nolle for PllhliclltloD. I-piirlitii-nt of lha Interior, U H. laitid IMU' l 1 ha liill.'. (Irv-goii, Nitvainla-r IHIIi. lull. NiMli-a l liari-hv tlvatt Mm! Karl lMm of I'rlllrvllla, llriviili, who nil I taii-utlH-r lrtl. IIIOW, llidllr lliillll-Nb-iid No. U'i77l. forait1, liw1, n' "w'a, tt"' -'4. aw', iii'' :t, lnu iilili 1,'t ainith, riiuaa In ,.,o, W lllitmi-ttn Mi-rlitlun, Inia rili-d nutli-a of Inh-nllnn lo rlnlm m n,a innd nhnvi. ih-ai-rll uiaai-finiii isiioniiiiaLlnn iiriHir, to i-Ntatillah i in tna mini n'mvit ili-ai-rlla-il, la-rnro Ihr I-:. J. thirty, t'. H. I'mumlMalnoar. nl ititnn hl iiinw, nl I'rltii-vilii On-Kott, nil hu lh (inv nr .liiiiuat v. ll'l'J. t'luhtutnl nitmi-a mm wlttii'wwit: Itli-hiird M IViwi-M. Kilivurd A. r. .Hfnlli-llli, .'r,-il Hlliai'tl .tiititt Kri-nrh, all of Prlni-vllli-. Ori-vmt, '. W. .MihiKI-:, Ibwlalar, Notice fur I'uhiiciitlon. Iwilnli-d Trai-I- Pulilli- I unit Hnle. Ih-iHirhni-iit nrthii Inti-rtnr, V. H. i .11 1. il (lllli-n at Tin- I ntlli-H. Ornguti. Nnvi-tnln-r I'-Mi, lull. Nnlli-i-tH Iiiti-I-v Ktvi-u Unit, im (Itn-i-lril hy tin- 'illtllllK.liilli-r nf t In- I Ji-iii-i ul I .a nit I lit! ..... i linili-r iimivM f Am nf t iniKii-Mi iiiiirnvil .Him. -7, I'.tHi ( Hlala.,fil7J, wit will nll'i-r ut imhllit aali-, to III.' hlaln-ptt hlddi-r, lit It-Ill oViiii-k a. in., mi Hi.- I. -Hi iinv nf .lununrv. Hll'2, nt Ihla olllw, the fnllnwlnil-.i'iirll.i-d llin.1: iii-', ani-llnn -U, tuwtlHlilii l-'aonlh, rmiiin I-ii-iihI, mill v'i ari'llnil 4. tuwnalilp 111 Hottllt, rntiKo Ift nnat, W. M. No. (HII7... Anv i"rotw l-litloilnif u.lvi-rii-lv llleabovii di-m-r llii il Iki.,1 mi. udvln.-d to tlln tlu-lr olitlina or nlili-cMiiiiH. on oi tu.foni lint II i mi uVhik nnlcd for aulo. "-"'I' C, W, MlMlltH, Hiwlatiir. Give us your order for CORDWOOD Juniper or Pine, large or small 'quantities. DILLON'S YARD Opposite Post Office.