J. H. Windom Cupid Busy Shrinks 79 Pounds at Yuletide New Year's Reception by Ladies' Annex Metiihcrs of tli different com mittees "I th Ladi'V Annex are htiry completion naii;,MiiieiiU (or lit Niw Year' reception, livery thing U moving along nicely ml the reception promise to bit ft hig fui'itm, Tim eginmillees urn as follow : Reception -From 2 to 3 j. m Mm. PiHinnr, Mm. Hugh tr. Mrs, Jordan Fr. From 3 lo i p. m. Mr, 11.' Ik ii np Mr, t'lwk, Mr, With. Wigle, From 4 to J p. m. Mr. Cray, Mr. Cirey Foster, Mr Crook. (iood-hys committee From 2 to 3 . in Mrs. Colonel Smith. Mr?. Milllorn. Mrs. Ahhy. From 3 to 4 i. m. Mm. ISrink, Mm Clilion, MU ll iKUin, Fiom 4 to 5 p. m. Mm Clay pool, Mm. Adams, Mm. llaner. Miss I'i'uhili Crooks and Miss Emi'rin Young will ten that the guests re nerved with refresh ments. Mr. Kdwards has chargs ol the enterUintmnit (or the afternoon. K speclul invitation in e xiended to nli stranger and all teachers in Prineville. Must Appear Before County Court Olu Peterson, who live ncsr Fid-, ha hcen citI to appear lw (ore the county court m xl wetk mid give tin account of the way I l.a Imi-n irealinu two ili'i.ctiililil elilhlren under bin cure. Wold luitl reached tin' county court that thero wa juit cause of complaint. The law makes dependent children wards of tin, county and it timet no that they are not abmed. I'eiKruon i laehelor. John II. Montgomery and Knbiina J. Jtivin were married t the M. K. parona;i last Thursday. Charles S.'llarris and Sylvia I). Hull were married at the home of Hubert Z-verly Sunday, by Itev. Williams. J. II. Windoui ii able to 1S out agttin. For H time he wh not ex peeled to live, He has not tasted food for lilteeu dav and must go without until next Sunday, thus completing an lK-day fact ordered by lr. MneFaddeii, "I have ..i i. Tii i , ir ....l.l . ui... i ii , . i. Mih Mary ti enn, who was born dom. "lUve always been a ' , i ! and rawed n ( rook county, w heart v eater and you can imagine ; ' , how I craved a good square meal ! u-t Sunday at I or.Und U,. to a few day, ago. Nw 'jjlo . Mr. Uniler, a school teacher, don't care, so much. I have timtcd j Thomas F. Jones and Mise nothing but water and a little IWeie K. Klliott. were mar.ied at lemon during my lift. Am getting ; home of the bride' mother stronger every dav but my clot h'i Sunday, by I'.ev. Wi! i ma of the are K-Uing awful bapvy. If I j M, K. church. Mr. Jones ii from kern .... ir.n. h homer I omv elin I Sherman county, where be and hi through them and hang myself." j father and brother have several ranches. He also haa a piuce on We iWi t AMP rices I Groceries, Hardware, Farm Implements, Etc., as Cheap at our store as anywhere in Central Oregon. Two Runaways Enliven Christmas Mill creek, where the newly wd will live (or the prenent. Married At the residence of the brido'a parenta, Mr. and Mm. Jemie Windom, at high noon, Dec. 24. their datinhter. Myrtle .11, and Hoy H.McCord, ltev. V. V. Bailey, olliciating. Only the familiea of the contracting partiea were pres ent. After the ceremony the bride a table to eat. LOCAL MENTION Chrialmat wa enlivened at the C. Sum Smith place by a runaway. Mr. Smith had driven home from town and wat leading bla horre aero the road. A low place in llin ifrminil llirew thft htlrrtiv fur ward. This frightened the animal nd groom le.t the way 10 i :. ...i ... .,, ! loaded with Bood thinca llllU IV bl'lllllil'llll l, IU 1 Ufc I.IIVHI-! " " - around the owner. Mr Smith j Treacher Bailey cava be (lid erj .y hung on a long aa he could but 'the good thing prepared bv the the II vine aioka mid running gear h.ri, I., mother and litter. A of the vehicle tlll further in j MMnl jl0ur . ,I,pnt with the creaced the animal' fright Break-1 , ,ir.i.r ing 1UIM. from Mr. Smith the ! lol'' company then the ,-reache ibado them goodbye and clarteJ the direction of Andrew Noble'. J homeward, withing the newly weda j Mr. Noble children happened to I wt i tancd on lifii'a vovcge kru..:i..,(to-t.wnin their buggy) Ml(rriet,n lhU city( at the j and the a haf a and whitmle tree ! '"" 5 attached to the flying liorxo wared "Oino of t.eorge u. Antone. Dec. their home, which ran into a wire j o.r)th. John K. Hart and Bertha fence and kicked the huggy all to ' Huffman, liev. C. 1'. B.iilev officiat piece. Thnchildrtn jumped be- Q,ntw a number of friends tot they were hurt. A couple of; , new buggiea ai'd lome reiair to j T"r rri'K Umbamea, will Kjuare tua dam-, More Homc.ade Candy. Bi' ' ' ,n'i forurt Caielv nlo Satiinlav. llec. BO. Cwoaimt Chewing Caramela irkPAI MCMTinM 1 mn.le Iram Ovlull Ccieoamit. lieuular LVvHlj ItlLlUIUll Terms Cash. County court mceta next wcel-, Lark Klliott i visiting in Trine villo. W. F. King i in Portland .011 bunine-a. Orrin Mill pent Chriatmaa in Piineville. A. Dayton came in from Hubert to upend Christmas in town. Mr. N. A. Parriah waa a county neat visitor the lust of tho week. There will be a ekating niane rade Saturday evening at the rink. Carl Khret of Redmond was a Prinevillo vicitor yestutday. Mr. (. W. Noble left Monday (or The Dalle, where she will re ceive medical aid. She wai ac companied ly Mr. Noble and Dr. Hoaenherg. The Modern Woodmen of Prine ville have organised a brass band. Warren Glaze will be instructor. The boy ent for fourteen instru ment! Monday. Wheat ia Belling (or 8O0 in the Prineville market, liurley f 1.75 per 100 pound. Oatu about the eame price. Only OOo Sb ollered for wheat at the railioad. The Prinevillo basketball team 4i,l nut bo to Bum. Word was received that owing to the prevn lenue ol scarlet fever ft public build ing could not be obtained. T, If. Lafollette, district deputy arand master, and Messrs. Shut tuck. Constable and Huston left at noon today for Culver, where they will institute an Odd Fellows lodge this evening. Frank Brosius returned from Portland Sunday. While at the metropolis he met Perry Long who haa recovered from hia street car accident. He says that Perry's feet are ipradled out just a little more by reason of his encounter with the car. Charles Summers, the govern meiit wireless operator at Dutch Harbor, Alaska, wired Christmas greetings to his parents and friends in Prinevillo Monday. Charley is . getting along fine in his work, lie was prepared for it at the Crook County High School. A. i. Scogin of Paulina was town Monday. Zetila Cornell won the prize doll j at .Mr, tyru , Horn Dec. 20, to the wife of Arthur Kmmons, a son. Dr. Itosenberg i expected home from The Dalle Sunday. Omer Cyrus spent Christmai with relative in Prineville. Mr. ajnd Mr. W. Jl. Peek of; Culver were 'Prineville visitors! )cnterday. j C. 11. Henry and K. W. Nelson I of Po.'-t were in Prineville on busi ness Friday., Joseph Lister came down from Paulina to spend the holidays with his family in Prineville. There was a big turnout to the Christmas hall given by Lnckey's orchestra. All report a good time. A child' bracelet was picked up on the street the other day and left at Mrs. Michel' store for idnntiflcation. John It. Stinson wires from St. Paul that Crook county took first premium on alfalfa at the St. Paul Land Show. The prize is a $250 silver cup. Milling price :. HhWI 20c per lb. Week from Saliinlay Mr. I.f.ng will ilii t'liociilatu Cream' in tbe window. Tliooe, who have never had the oppor tunity ot swing ny Chocolates (lipped PI sure have a tre coming Saturday, .ImiiinrvO. Iroiil 7:..0 P. m. 10 v p. n UIMi l VIIIH.Tll.JM oiiui Don't Shiver and Freeze on Cold Days when you ride in automobile or any other vehicle. Get one of tkese genuine comfort makers A 4 W 1 k'X'''TJ V Clark Heater N.. TD. ..-. ShI. Ea V.UUU- h f fa & youf throws out aa good, strong heat you can regulate pertecuy and makes the finest kind of a foot rest .XJMawM mi. The W. -F. King Co. 1 i What Every Man Knows r I that the principal consideration now mlava ia "t'lothe!." One haa to drers neatly and stylishly it he wants to suc ceed in business and social lifo. W e are ready to help alt men in this re spect, providing tho very latest in fabrics, patterns and style, correctly Suite and Overcoats, made in all cut size. We are ottering them at most attractive prices. FOSTER & HYDE nil, tijsteM. 1 'ork has commenced on the 1" street bridge, The pile driver 1 1 J JlJj-lMfc.' . f . 1 1 t ,'1 1JU1 " I T VP BP I. .n nil-hnrnincr lamn which produces a flood ol II pan, while light more brilliant than es or electricily vet wonderfully mellow and easy on the eyes. It la simple and safe, clean and noiseless, does not till the room with obnox iou,unhealtli(ulodor. Tohaveabetterbslitcdhome.withan Aladdhi Mantle Lamp commenced operations this mornr ing. Some of the property for street and bridge purposes was donated but the rest of it will be condemned by the city authorities. Bert Wagner, who was struck on the head by a derrick on the Mc- Call ranch Sunday week, died of his injuries at the Jlome Hospital lust Friday. From the first it was not thought he had a chance to re cover. His remains were taken to Ohio for burial. J. 1?. Ogicr writos to the Journal from San Jose that he has sold his intnrest with J. . ShttttUCk OH Bear creek to Columbus Johnson, lie says: "I have been a transient visitor to your county since 1891 when 1 rode for I. N. Castle on the old "Circle" ranch on liear creek. I always retain a deep respect for Crook county." .....It. ... I...II to Ik nil It Will iftimMy COM TOM noting, iiwm pB, - - - h. ..ml lor Ihe Msnilo l.mn Correal ol Amonct aiiJ W'IJ h'' know 10 hf hmlu,e lm. I'ti.Imoi Roters, al Uwm InMitaw, t Jlcico, mac JJ.n , lound 10 ! the hml Mil anj lh moM K'ooomkal 10 u. Bui you A,, t n.( maccirl llicio alroog ulrnrnu on m mill, tliom i mr own il.k. I will b lliaJ 10 lI Jo" TRY an Aladdin Lamp in Your Home Before You Buy I lur-l.h TaMo. SiackM, Hamln.. y.ll and Chandrll.t lypra ol lamoi-ln lad AlaJdln " " "rf KoTJoi J I lsI l rl bom. lo i a w (wo. Mtu.il! wilboul oblli.llon. M..I lb. aril tod.,. Eat Turkey on New Years Day I w (V r M 11 Si You will have pleasant feelings nfterwards lncniiBe It will agree with you, PICKING A HOSE Isn't good form ol course, but our Meats' are so good that It Is hard to part with even the smallest portion. Try some of our Fresh Oysters. City Meat Market ARTHUR KELLY, Agt. 11-14-pl m Prineville, Or. W. A. Booth. Pres. D. P. 8TKWART, Vloe-l'res. 'C. l. Elkins, Cashier Crook County Bank PRINEVILLE, OREGON Statement of the Crook County Bank of Prineville, Oregon, as rendered to the Superintendent of Banks, June 7th, It'll An.la LLblllll.. t,onnnni1 Dlscionui. J1SH.H70.M mpltnl paid In full Ovci-iliiirm K.Hil.as HiirpliiK Ki illuiv limi' nitunw Vm.U Undivided proftl. Heal iwlnte Il.7i.ii IX-tHwiM ; Ciih oa hand ud due from biki . $47,809.95 iss,mM8 tan iwo 00 10 000.00 ., ,awi8 . 140,140,74 ? 111 HOLIDAY GOODS You will look with admiration over the splendid samples of modem Furniture that we have on exhibition in our Showrooms, the most artistic and best constructed Furniture ever turned out by wood crafters. The designs, the workmanship, the beautiful finish, will charm you at sight, and -we warrant the durability of every piece of Furni ture bought from us. Portland prices. A. H. LIPPMAN & COMPANY fin fji 5188,111(0.118 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR GROOK COUNTY Jj VJ JVJL JttJELiJrsj Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP&PERRYl I PRINEVILLE, OREGON m liil