Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 28, 1911, Image 3

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We have the largest and best line of Holiday Goods ever shown in Central Oregon. We bring the best goods
from the best shops of Portland, Chicago and other cities, for your inspection. Our Goods and Prices are Right, and
our time is yours to assist in selecting Christmas Gifts. Look through our Show Cases.
Handbags and Purses Chafing Dishes.
Bat quality leather. Well ma le and And allernoon tea sets. We have a
durable. Prices Irom 25c to $1 1. large and beautiful assortment oi these
uselul gills. Silver and copper finish-
Musical Instruments inflS-ebony tfimmin
A complete line ol high grade musical BeiTV Sets,
instruments, and carrying cases. Ash to
tee tliem. And Berry Dishes. Our holiday line
ol herry sets, and berry dishes, fancy
T ,,.-. crockery hand painted, oilers a big se-
jeweiry. Icclion
Men's and Ladies' gold and gold filled
watches, chains, charms, lockets, and Water SetS
eniLlem-culi links, pins, etc
Our collection ol water sets cover the
R inert widest range, and oilers everything from
' individual pitchers in beautiful shapes, to
Diamond rings, gold band and wedding cut glass sets in eight pieces,
rings, rings of all kinds. See them.
Clocks ' Folks.
Little work boxes, rubber balls, edu-
One-day, 8-day. 400-day clocks. A cational cut-out pictures and pictures and
line line ol parlor clocks lor the Holiday card sets, toy dishes, rag dolls, celluloid
trade. Look them over. dolls, rings, bracelets and neck chains.
Cut Glass.
The largest and best line ever displayed
in Prineville, Complete line to select Irom.
Prices range Irom $1 to $20 per piece.
These pieces cover every design oi cut
glass, Irom the most delicate "leather
edge" cuts, to the plainer, more eco
nomical designs.
" Pie Plates
And Rose Bowls in hand painted de
signs. Rose Bowls in many varied
shapes and designs.
Dolls and Doll Buggies
Durable Dolls with natural hair. Prices
from 4 lor 5c to $15 each. Solid wire
doll carriages, cheaper and better than
other kinds.
The "Columbia" Graphaphones from $25
to S200. Best in the World. A good
assortment ol records. '
Down to the minute copyright fiction, by
the best authors. Children ! story books,
and all kinds ol gill books. A large
line of novels. Magazines, Postcards
and Postcard Albums.
Hammered Brass.
Strictly new. Sold in the cilies this
year lor the first time. Beaulilui gill
Pyrography sets for doing burnt wood
pieces. Also a large line ol stamped
bass wood lor burning. These make
gilts that are appreciated.
A large line ol knives and lorks, pearl
handles, and hollow handle community
ware. Many other pieces, all at a price
to suit
Lowney's Candies.
Fresh and pure Special Holiday Line
from 5c to $5 per box.
Hand painted and Havilnd China line
gqpds which make excellent gilts.
Pudding Sets.
Elegant three piece pudding sets in new
patterns. Salt and pepper shakers,
novel and uselul
Other Articles.
Rogers' California Perfumes in gilt bot
tles. Water colors and paints, new holiday
stationery in gilt boxes, Christmas mir
rors. Toilet Sets, Military Sets, combs
and brushes, strops, mugs, and supplies,
field glasses. Vases, Gilt Pictures, big new
line of harps, pocket knives, jewel cases,
ink-wells, paper weights, paper cutters,
iountain and gold pens, games lor the
children, and many other useful articles.
We have made a study of the Holiday Gift Business for years. This line is of better variety and better quality than has been offered here before,
large stock of gifts, and our best attention are at your disposal Let us help you settle the Holiday Gift Question. Quality is our watchword.
Our time, our experience, our
D. P. Adamson & Co.
Prineville, Oregon
First Month of Session is Un
fruitful, as Usual, Though
Talk is Abundant. 1
WnNliliiKton, I). C Connrem can
not "point with rtda" to what It' has
accomplished during the two week
and half It hn bn In session pro
vtou to the holiday adjournment.
For alt practical purposes thore might
a wull have been no fusion until
after the let of Jitnunry.
The few week of the session this
yeur have keen leu profitable than
heretofore because the time i not
even devoted to a reorganisation of
the committee and organisation of
the new coiiKreas.
Talk It Abundant.
There wa plenty of talk, even
more thun uaunl. If It keep up wo
niay expect a very crowded Congress
tonal Ilecord. At the very outset
member begun making campaign
apeoche. The overburdoned Uocord
t already a dally evidence that a con
gressional campaign 1 approaching.
"Home consumption" speeches are
filling the column either whon spok
en to empty benches or under the
"leave to print" concession. And the
dlHpoaltlon last session to atop the
latter practice ha not been manifest
ed tliua far.
Many White House Gifts.
When Santa Clan visited the
While House ho found no Christina
tree to dress, but a remarkable col
lection of gl't fro" 11,1 "veT tlllfl
brond hind which hud been accumu
lating lor the past two or throe days
i.s rapidly as Iho express companies
could deliver them.
The Christ mas dinner was served
Monday night with only member of
the family seated at the table. No
guests were invited.
Following tho rule which President
Tuft has observed since he entered
the White House, no list is obtain
nblo of the numerous and diversified
present which have been sent him
by relatives, friends and unknown
admirers throughout the country.
These gifts lire delivered direct to
the Will to Houso and do not pass
through the hands of the clerical
force In the ofnee building.
Tariff Battle Llkoly.
Representative Underwood states
that tho Democrat will take up the
revision of the tariff immediately af
ter the holiday, and undertake In
the next tow months a revision of all
the principal schedule of the high
Payne-Aldrlch law. The Democrat
of the way and mean committee
will dart work on schedule K na
soon they can check the report of
the tariff board and at the same time
the Republican will begin work on a
bill of their own. although they can
not hope to paa It.
The opening battle probably will
center on schedule K, long regarded
a the citadel of protection. The
Democratic house propose to revise
the wool, cotton, chemical. Iron and
steel and metal chedule. The tariff
board ha furnished a ma of data
on the wool chedule and will follow,
about January 15 with a report on
ootton, Theee report will be Inter
sting sidelight on the tariff contro
versy. Republican member of the
way and mean committee contend
that the tariff board report Justine
a protective tariff, even though It re
commends material reduction In the
Payne law rate.
The Insurgent of the house will re
fuse to stand by thoir Republican
colleague unless they propose a bill
that really make substantial roduc-:
lions, especially In schedule K.
National Capital Brevities.
It Is now practically certain that
Roosevelt' name will be presented at
the Chicago convention.
William F. McCombs hn assumed
the management of tile Woodrow
Wilson presidential campaign,
F.lnbornte general regulations for
tho protection of explosives and other
dangerous articles shipped by freight
and by express have been Issued by
tho Interstate Commerce Commission.
It Is said there are serious differ
ence of opinion over the report of
the national monetary commission be
tween Chairman Aldrlch of tho com
mission mid Congressman Vreelund
of Now York.
Now that members of congress
lave In largo numbers gono out of the
city for the recess, the president ex
pect the burden of IiIb office to be
lightened and he will take a much
time as posslblo for the next week
to rest and recuperate.
Unless something Is done to rehab
litate turkey-growing, there will be
10 such thing as Christmas or
l .lanksglving turkey In the United
Stales vjlthin 10 years. The census
bureau has Issued n bullotin showing
that In 1910 there were only 3,608,707
turkeys on farms In this country,
while in 1900 thore were 0,964,095,
and the population was Increasing
steadily between those dates.
Think What a Roof
Must Stand
Before you decide on sny roof
ing, for any purpose, consider
what that roof must stand.
Then send for our free book,
which tells the very facts you
want to know about all kinds
of roofing.
Host price paid for household good
Also soil and exchange, Prineville Fur
niture Exchange, Cbaa. F, Condart
propr. 12-14
This free book tells about roofs
of shingles, tin, tar, iron, of
"prepared" and other roofings,
It tells the advantages of each
fairly, frankly, comprehen
sively. We furnish it free be
cause it tells about Ruberoid
roofing, too.
Prineville, - - Oregcn
Eighth Grade Examinations.
Notice i heteby given that the eighth
grade examination for January will be
held by Superintendent Ford on Thurs-
f day and Friday, January 18 and IB.
The .irogram and source of question
will be aa follow:
Thursday Physiology, Writing, His
tory and Civil Government.
Friday Grammar, Arithmetic, Ge
ography and Spelling.
Source of Question :
Arithmetic Practical Arithmetic
Smith. Civil Government United States
Geography State Course of Study;
Redway and Hinman'i Natural School
History List of topics from History
Outline in Course of Study and Current
Grammar Uuehler'a Modern English
Grammar, no diagramming.
Physiology Graded Lesson in Physi
ology and Hygiene Krohn.
Reading The teael.or will send to the
county superintendent the applicant'
cla8 standing in reading, which will be
taken by such superintendent as the
applicant's standing on the subject.
Spelling Reed' Word Lesson.
Writing Sieeimena of penmanship
aa indicated in copied matter and man
uscript iu Language.
Rooms for Rent.
Furnished rooms, siiiL'le or in suite,
for rent Apply tit the Clark Hair
llreseing Parlors, one block weft of
CoiuniercialCliibHall. 10-21!
Crook County Journal, county
ollicial piper. 11.50 a year.
Statement of Resources and Liabilities of
The First National Bank
Of Prineville, Oregon
At the dose of business Juna 7, 1911
Loans and ll9ooimU......t-I S! OS capital Stock. PI1 in I W.000 00
United Stales Bonds H.5O0 00 urplu fund, earned 60.000 00
Bankrn'mte,ete 13,640 13- Undivided profits, earned 8T.7J4 56
Cash A Due from banks aio,M M Circulation 8,600 00
Deposit. ,.!.imu
SSI.!4 19 .!
B. F. All., Pro.ldent T. M. Baldwin, Cukin
Will Wurwilr, Vic Pr..idenl H. Baldwin, Au'l Cukier
Alfalfa $15
That's what a good cow will make it
pay you, and the market is right here
in Prineville. We will buy all the
cream you can produce.
Pioneer Cream Co.
Agents DeLaval Separator.
O. A. C. Short Courses
Begin Jan. 3, Continue FourJWeeks
Every citinen of Ort-ion is cordially invited to
attend the short courses of the Oregon Agri
cultural College, beginning Jan. 3. Eleven
distinctive courses will be offered in Agri
culture, Mechanic Arts, Domestic Science and
Art, Commerce, Forestry and Music. Every
course is desigued to HELP the student in
hie daily work. Make this a pleasant and
profitable winter outing. No tuition. Keason
able aceouimodatiBus. For beautiful illustrated
bulletin, address
H. 11. TENNAXT, Registrar, Corvallis, Or.
Farmer's Business Course by Correspondence.
The records show a clear title to your property? The
records (ailed to show correct title iu a sale made this
week by a lending real estate company. RESULT Long
delay and possible loss. Better let the Floueer Abstract
Company look ufter your Interests?
(Member Oregon Association of Title Men)