17 of 0 FREE:-Beautiful $400 Piano Given Away by the Crook County Journal for New Subscribers Crook County Jotara. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, $1.50 YEAR PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGONrTHURSDAY, DEC 28, 1911. ESS ?ni-r4 t the pt1ttfte t f'rlnrvlll VOL. XVI-NO. 5 MAY REACH AN AGREEMENT SURVEYORS AT LAM0NTA Satisfactory to Settler,' Board and Company. THE ULTIMA1UM SUBMITTED Definite Act on Will be Taken This Week by the Board. Kikk'tn. Or.. Doc. 23. The tlnal result of thti extended session of the Desert Land board, the Cen tral Oregon Irrigation company of Hond and Kcdinond country, and representatives from the set tlor on the Carey act project In Crook county being reclaimed by this company, meeting Jointly at the stnto house, waa the submis sion to tho company of a propo sition which it is thought will prove satisfactory to the settlers. The company ih given until Wednesday. December 27, to no tify the board concerning its at titude toward tho following ulti-niatntn: "First That said company shall raiHOor secure the sum of at least 1130.000 within SO days from this date, for the purpose of building adiversion dam north of Bond and a canal from the same to intersect with the Pilot Butte canal, with sufficient car rying capacity to supply all Irrl cable lands to bo ultimately re claimed therefrom. "Second That tho money so raised bo placed In the bands of the trustee to bo sulocted by the board and approved by the com pany, together with all notes and tho guarantee fund now In tho possession of tho board, to be applied ia tho construction of said dam and canal and in re building tho Hume and enlarg ing tho central Oregon canal, where needed, and completion of laterals; all moneys in the hands of the trustee to be ex pended on vouchers approved by the board of its representa tive. "Third That the diversion dam and canal to tho intersection with the Pilot Butte canal be com Dieted during 1912. "Fourth That whore nucessary the time will be extended on tho contract of June 17, 1907. "Fifth That the extention of the north canal from tho Inter section shall be a subject of con sideration hereafter and kept us a soparate proposition. "Sixth That lands may bo contracted for under the north canal extension, provided a'l moneys shall bo secured so that thoy can bo returned to purchas er if there is a failure to build the extension of the north canal, and all purchasers shall be noti fied that money will bo returned if land is not roclaimed within two vears. and that no wator will be guaranteed before that date. "Seven That money to be used for the eulargoment of the central Oregon canal may be used for the construction of the north canal if tho company can satisfy the board that it hassuffl ciont funds to complete the north canal to the old river bed. "Eighth That the company shall give to the board a surety com nan v bond, satisfactory to A tho board, in tho penal sum of $25,000, to insure the construc tion of the main l'ilot Butte flume - n trf ' , Mia r q ; . X V r,;o.v,.K,wM1i:y V;. tin; XjiA rf --V '0tk'd'-j UtM Mil . Will vr-l r,, . i i-,in-t... I , . J I t - 1 nAn 1 I r.tftUVt They are Headed for Prineville. HAVE THREE LINES SURVEYED UlAMr mum iiutogiapu at King Uaurita and Ih khixtlve coi.yrlh ty mrltn ITo AMcltlon, ISU. . .. ..... - . . . . M (Mn I . U nn ,1 n .VMtlrwl thilt M .... C ,Li. Th lumiM) pnwMl William BulWs reliltlon navocBtlng tlie nuropiuon or me rrenty 01 w WeWS OlUpSnOIS U(lltHllt tott- Vorwul to llow American cttlitern W enter because they were of Hebrew parentage. W. Mown Sbugter held nil treaaurer Benornl of IVrnItt ilwiilt tlie atrong opiKwllloo or tngiana ana huhsib. ... v..- v n n. iri.iin with ntiia. ill ell In in lev on. ana an orierauon was perioruicu - Of the Week poslllon aa tua of Harvard unlvervltjr, One from Madras up Willow Creek, One from Metoliu and One from Culver V. of Grunt Urttaln wa of Kiiypt wtille u route prwlalmwl emperor of tiMla amlJ w-eura of uiiiwralleled epleudor at the ix-lhl durbar. Tbe royal party was the guest of tbe kbedWe i to ludla. Following Uie coronation. Ibe at of goVcrumeut wai transferred from Calcutta to Uelul. and the enlargement of the cen tral Oregon canal; and that an additional bond in thesnme sum bo given to Insure tho construc tion of the north canal to the inter section and to guarantee the re turn of tho notes and first pay ment to purchasers of land In segregation lists No. 19. under the north canal, in case said lands so sold are not reclaimed within two years from their sale; pro vided, however, that should the money realized from first pay ments at ny time exceed to, 000, an additional bond satisfac tory to the board shall be given by the company. "Ninth That if the foregoing conditions are not complied with by tho company by February 1, 1912, foreclosure proceeding un der the statute will be com menced by the board." Remember the Dedication The new liaptiat church will he dedicated the firft Sunday in Jan- j uary, 1012. Mayor F.dwards will deliver the address of welcome, and thu sermon will he preached by lr. C. A. Woody, one of Ore gon's grand men. Dr. Parker will aluo be present and the city pastors will he present with their congre gations to assist. A cordial Invitation is extended to all the contributors who have made it porsihle to erect and furnish this beautiful home for the Baptists. God bless the givers and the many friends who have helped to give the city and church this beautiful building. Come with us on that day and help us to praise the (liver of every good gift, is the cordial invitation of pastor and church. C. P. Bsiley, paBtor. Summary of Asieiiment Roll of Crtok County, Oregon, for the Year 1911 Acre cultivated land Acrea uncultivated land timber and graniug... lmprovementa nn duwled lauil....-....-... ... lone and city Iota 148,795 l,(ii:i,'.iw lmprovementa on towo anil city lot lmprovementa on land not deeded Stationary eniiinei, manufacturing machinery, etc Merchandise and atoclt In trade Farm Implements, wagona, carriage, etc Money, noU and accounts Shares ol stock . Ilmmdiold furniture, etc llorm i and mules . Sheep and goata . l!ee hives 1oks I'noccupied KailroaJ Kiglit of Way Total :. ; 742 11.2-14 22.7HO 15,321 1,1(01 210 1,004,565 5,122,664 3W1.2S2 5112. Iiv, 24'l.tUO 7H .(I'M 18.050 232,350 lfil.752 279,7tit , 11S.4H0 81.043 35H,SM2 322.20K state, 15,57U 6,201 124 2,2!5 2,035 f!,20l,403 Parole Convicts Taken to I Sheep on Desert PeS- Doing Well Wright and Garrett, the paroled j Sheep on the desert never looked ennvicta. accused of cattle etealini better at this time of the year, R. last week in northern Crook coun ty, were taken to the pen last Fri day from the county jail at Prineville. Wright was convicted stealing two years ago W. Breese says. His flocks are in fine shape. "They were good for mutton when I sent them out there last fall," said Mr. Breese, of cattlej" and they are just as good now as and had tbey ever were. Just enough snow been on parole but a short time. Garrett was convicted in Grant county two years ago for forging checks. He was paroled about six months ngo and returned to Crook county. He was expecting a full pardon. Last Thursday Warden James of the penitentiary ordered both men returned. The Journal Contest. Miss Mary Elliott jumped into the lead this week for the first time by 2285 votes over Mrs. Cyrus, who now has second place. Mifs Glaze is in the sixty' thousand column and werking hard. With Christmas out of the way sub scription money should come pour ing in. The vote stands: Miss Mary Elliott "l.RtiO Mrs. Vlra Cyrus 6l),f' Mies Maggie Glaze OO.ttM) MIhb Kiiu'i-Iou Young 4475 Baptist Church, Trluevllle .1000 Miss Myrtle Josllu of Hnystnck....l000 A. H. Llppman & Co. calls your at tention that all lota m union cemetery not paid for must be settled for before Jan. 1, wia. Ice Harvest in I Full Blast The" ice harvest commenced last Saturday. A good quality is being obtained at tbe dam a mile and a half above town. It runs all the way from five to eight inches in thickness. Ed Smith has a contract to put up 500 tons. He has six day and six night teams at work. He has fixed a flume so that the ice is car ried from the cutters to the wagons without further handling. The contrivance not onlv expedites the work of gathering but material ly reduces the cost of putting it up. To the Public. Commencing' Monday, Pec. 18, and until after Christmas, my store will be open evenings to accommodate those who cannot do their shopping during the day. Mua. I, Miciikl. Six-pound all-wool sanitary Blankets, as long as stock lasts, 15.00 per pair. A, 11. I.ii-1'man & Co. 12-21 to furnish water and not enough to interfere with feeding. However, if there comes bad weather we have plenty of hay on hand to feed." Range Cattle Wintering Fine J. F. Houston of Roberts was in for supplies the first of the week. He says that the winter has been fine for stock so far; couldn't be better. Stock looks fine. The moisture in the fall gave the grass a good start and as there is less stock on the range than usual it has had a chance to grow. James S. McMeen Died at Lamonta James Stewart McMeen died at his borne near Lamonta, Crook county, Oregon, December 21, 1911. He was born near Taffin, Seneca county, Ohio, February 25, 1852, and grew to manhood in bis native He came to Oregon in October, 1883, and settled on his present homestead; on November 18, 1884, was married to Miss Emma Williams of Salem, Oregon. A wife and three sons, Charles C, Llovd C. and Bruce F. are left to mourn the loss of a husband and father. One son, Harry B. died when three years of age. One brother living in Fostona, Ohio, and a sister living in Olatha, Kan sas, survive bim. His sister was with him during the last two weeks of his illness. By bis death the community has lost one of its best citizens. He was always ready to help any one in need and his word was bis bond with his friends and neigh bors, and he had many. The wife and sons desire to thank the neighbors for their many kindnesses shown them dur ing his illness and death. The four "mysterious" railroad surveyors that have been working out of Madras, Metoliusand Culver recently are now encamped at Lamonta. Lines have been run from each of the above towns to the gap. Aa these men are not advertising their business the pub lic is left to make as many guesses ai it sees fit. Tbe surveyors pitched their tent last Saturday at Lamonta, accord ing to J. W. Boone who came over from Metolius to spend Christmas at bis home in Prineville. He says that each of the towns men tioned feels certain that it will be selected as the junction point for a Prineville road. Speed the work. Real Estate Transfers. Furnished by the Crook County Ab stract Co. J. McLeon Wylie to Mary W. Wylie, sw' j sec 22 19-12, $500. House for Rent. New six-room house, warm, electric lights, wator, buth, toilet, 'phone, etc bam, chicken park. Also household furniture. Apply to'J. E. Stewart, or C. F. Coiulart. 12-Bl-2tp Horses Wanted. Will take a carload of young Eastern Oregon mares, broke to drive, weight must be 1200 or more, in exchange for unimproved Hood Kiver fruit land, valued at f 100 per acre, or would accept them as first payment on a 20-acre orchard, of which about 10 acres are planted to apples ; a portion of which will come into bearing next yonr. Valued atfSOOO; balance on easy tonus. Address East Hood River Land Co., 521 Heck building, Portland, Ore, 12-21 Mrs. Friend Quits Sheep Business Mrs. C. Friend of Ashwood, who has for several years been largely interested in the sheep business, has disposed of her remaining band to Rector Arnwine and is now entirely out of the sheep busi ness. Mr, Arnwine will winter the band on Mrs. Friend's range and will also do his winter feeding there. Rector Arnwine is a young man who has made a marked success as a wool grower in Eastern Oregon Shaniko Star. Revival Meetings Close Sunday The revival meetings continue this week. Dr. Bulgin gives no uncertain sound. Many souls have accepted the Savior and we expect many more will before the services close next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rose have won the hearts of the people by their sweet sing ing and godly lives. We bless God for sending Dr. Bulgin and his helpers to this city. Should any of Prineville's citizens miss Heaven it will not be the fault of these noble workers. C. P. Bailey. Keys Lost. A bunch of six ; one large pass key and the rest smaller. Finder please leave at Journal oitice and get reward. 12-30 Choice Land for Sale. 120 acres dry land on north slope of Powell Butte; over 100 acres tillable; $1000 worth of improvements on place, also 20 acres wheat in ground. IMtch lateral running through place, Dry soil. 18 per acre. Inquire at Journal Otlice or write Lavkknb Skars, Prine ville, Ore. 12-30-3mp Wood for Sale. 'Phone for 10-inch rick wood for quick delivery. Chas. F. Condakt. 12-30 Notice of Annual Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Central Oregon Livestock and Agricul tural Association will be held in the Commercial Club Hall at Prineville, Oregon, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon on Monday, the first day of January, 1912. Dec. 7-4t J. S. Fox, Seey. For Sale. White Leghorn "cockerels, $2.50 each. White W.vnndott cockerels, $3.00 each. S. L. Vanokvkkt, Bend, Oregon. 11 30-linp Notice to My Friends. I am out to win the Journal Piano. When you subscribe remember me with your voteB. Mas. Yira Cvhcs. 1116 Geo. E. Lilly to Louisa J. Kerr, 1-64 int. in e4 ne, t sec 31; w?4 swfi sec 29 and t tehi sec 30 16-12 $10. Edward Stenernigle to T. H. Shevhn, Iota 1, 2, 3 see 6-19-U f 1. 3. W. Boone et ux to Albert E. Noble lots 1 and 2, blk 3 Prineville Heights $L James B. Green to Pearl Green, w seJi sec 9-16-14 f 1000. Earl B. Houston to J. D. Rodgers, rH nej and nehi nwj sec 15-17-12 $L Also se sk sec 30-17-12 $1. H. N. Lawrle, et al to Wm. Boegli, lota 7 and 8 block 17, Culver $315. D. A. McParlane to Robt. Simpson,. M interest in swj sec 16 22-10 S00. J. H. Haner Abstract Co. to H. P Belknap, et al, east 23 feet of the sooth 25 feet of lot 2. block 3, First add Prine ville $1. Chas. Altschul to Wm. F. King, lot 2, block 8, Third add Prineville $100. Chas. Altschul to W. F. King, lots 4r 5, 6, blk S, Fourth add Prineville $260. W. F. King et ux to W. F. King Co. part of lot 5, and all lots 6, 7, and 8 in block 3, First add Prineville. . Chas. W. Kirkhnde to W. J. Logus et al, nenei 18 and ee eei 7 20-11 $1. Chas. F. Condart to Orange F. Hodges tract 80 by 242 feet in Sewsom's Acre age, Prineville $1. Eva A. Steele to Bend Timber Co. s nei and sK nw? sec 8-13-11 $10. Eva A. Steele, administratrix to Bend Timber Co, 8s of n.Sj' sec 8-13-U $1000. Avery G. Scoggin to Ena Miller, lots 5 and 6' blk 3 and lots 3, 4, 5, 6, blk 1 Paulina, also tract adjoining platted portion, $4000. Richard King Sr. to Louisa Mareh, ne nwKj sec 29; e bw and sei nwi sec 20 19 11, and w Vj swj and nej sw) and nwi se sec 82-19-11 $1. May Houston to i, D. Rodgers, set sw 30 17-12 $1. Geo. W. Couch to J. T. Ames, lot 2, swj nef4' and sei 5-22-16 $1500. F. W. McCaffrey and wife to Cora M. Rkker, s,la nwi and n bw? sec 2 15 10 $10. Thoa. II. Lafollette et ux to School District No. 48, 57-100 acres in sw cor of Bee 36-14-16 $1. State of Oregon to P. W. Singer, nwfc nei sec 17-25 13. Certificate of proof to Winstead J. Stebbins ; Nicholas G. Appel; Gertrude D. Market. Patents from the TJ. S. to Eva L. Wise for nej swi, sj swl sec 36-22-9; Margaret J. Bachmann for s, nwj, nwj nwl4 sec 25 and sei nei sec 26-11-12; Chas. W. Kirkbride for nei uel 18, sei sei 7-20-11 ; Carl McGbee for si,; swl 2, H nw.Si 11-12-14; Anne B. Markel for nwi swl 30-16-12. Hugh Carroll to Oliver Byerly. eeli sw and lot 4 of sec. SO and ne5 nwj and nw?4 nei see. 31-11-19. $1000. J. N. Elliott to Emil Mosier. s-a sw Bee. 19 10-13; e nwj sec. 22 and e,La nw)i and e,'a nej sec 16 11-14. $1.