Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 21, 1911, Image 8

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Sect is Said to Have Kept Dy
namiters Who Blew Up Los
Angeles Times.
Taeoma, Wash. Disclosure made
ublic her hare revealed the (act that
Home Colony, a lettKmenl of "Free
Thinkers" on Joe bay, less than 20
wiles from Taeoma. was, for several
months prior to the night the Los
Angeles Times building was dynamit
ed, the dwelling p'-ace of M. A.
Schmidt and Parid Caplan, that J as.
B. McXamara visited there, and that
for nearly twelve months Caplan and
his friends were under the eye ot
William J. Hums.
Jay Fox. editor of the "Agitator,"
an anarchistic periodical, la known to
tare been a close friend of jCaplan,
and J. M. Tillman, a Burns detective
who formerly was a deputy sheriff
with supervision over the Home Col
ony, and Oscar Engrail, formerly
manager ot the co-operative store at
Home, declare that Caplan and Fox
attempted to buy high-power dynamite
in the fall of 1910.
While there Tillman learned that
It was at the Home that Caplan and
Pox bad pored over books dealing
with the uee ot high explosives and
also that Fox was in Los Angeles in
the latter part of September, 1910.
Tilkman told a detailed story ot the
long vigil he had kept on Caplan and
Fox. He told of making the acquaint
ance of Engrail, the co-operative col
ony grocer and of learning from him
the don study Caplan and the agi
tator leader were known to have giv
en to explosives.
Roosevelt's Friends to Tell Ohloana
T. R. Will Not Be Candidate.
Columbus, 0. To impress on Ohio
Republicans that Theodore Roosevelt
will not be a candidate for the presi
dential nomination in 1912, John D.
Fackler. secretary of the Ohio Pro
gressive League, completed arrange
ments tor a speechmaklng tour of the
state by United States Senator Moses
E. C'app, of Minnesota, ex-United
States Forester Clifford Pinchot,
James R. Garfield, of Cleveland, and
Louis D. Brandeis, of Boston.
Pugilist Shot at Portland.
Portland, Ore. Shot by the hus
band of hia divorced wife, "Mysterious
Billy' Smith, pugilist, horse trainer,
and one of the most widely known
porting men on the Pacific Coast,
while walking In the company of his
x-wife, was shot and probably fataly
wounded by Albert B. Loomis, cap
tain of the riverboat Weown, husband
of Smith's divorced wife.
All Duty Reformers Are Denounced
by Speakers Before Association.
Omaha. Strongy indorsing a high
protective tariff on wool, prominent
speakers at the session of the annual
convention of the National Woolgrow
ers' Association denounced all tariff
reformers, including Congressman Un
derwood, as enemies of industry.
Tney decried all efforts now being
made to have wool placed on the free
list and asserted that the tariff should
be based on scoured wool, costing 51
cents a pound to raise in America,
nd only 16 cents abroad.
Plot to Assassinate Madero Foiled.
Mexico City. A conspiracy to as
sassinate President Madero and pro
claim a provisonal Presidency, pend
ing the coming of General Reyes to
the capital to assume the office of
President, has been frustrated at the
last moment, In the opinion of the
authorities, by the arrest of General
Hlginco Aguilar and Melotcn Hurtado,
of the Federal army, and of a score
of co-conspirators.
By One Injury Person May Suffer Two
Distinct Diszbilites.
Olympia, Wash. A workman affect
ed by the 3911 Industrial compensa
tion law may receive double compen
sation where he suffers "permanent
partial disability" and "temporary to
tal disability," says Assistant Attor
tey General Kelieran, in an opinion
to the Industrial Insurance Commis
eion. He sa;-s the law rcooynizes the
fact that one s-istaining an Injury
may suffer, as a p?ult of one injury,
two whoMy distinct disabilities, the
one total, though temporary, the othe
partial, though permanent.
Thus, if a wnrkmanjoses a finder
he Is entitled to a pension for the
permanent loss, or "permanent par
tial disability," and, as well, a month
ly compensation for a "temporary to
tal disability," which coincides with
the time he is unable to follow his
Infanta Eulalle, the Spanish prin
cess who quarreled with King Alfonso
over publication of her book.
Mrs. McKim, Divorced Wife of Balti
more Physician, Marries Millionaire.
London. Alfred Gwynne Vanderbllt
and Sirs. Margaret Emerson McKim,
daughter of Captain Isaac E. Emer
son, ot Baltimore, were married at
Relgate Sunday.
Mrs. McKim Is the divorced wife
of Dr. Smith Hollis McKim, of New
ork and Baltimore. .Mrs. McKlm's
mother is divorced. Mrs. McKim ob
tained a divorce from her husband,
who threatened various suits before
the courts, but early In February,
1911, an agreement was signed, bring
ing to an end all pending or possible
litigation involving Dr. McKim, his
father-in-law, Mr. Emerson, McKlm's
former wife, and Alfred O. Vanderbllt
"Fake" Film Vex Italy.
Washington. Italy, through her am
bassador here, has appealed to the
State Department to stop the exhibi
tion in the United States ot motion
pictures alleged to portray the mas
sacre of Arabs and Turks in Tripoli
by Italian soldiers. The ambassador
Insisted the pictures were "faked" and
should not be shown on American
McManlgal Goes to Indianapolis.
Los Angeles. Arrangements for
the transfer of Ortie E. McManlgal
to Indianapolis, where he will be the
principal witness before the federal
grand jury investigating an alleged
nationwide dynamite conspiracy, have
been completed.
St. Paul. Almost united effort on
the part of Western states to attack
the National Administration's policy
regarding pubiic lands and to substi
tute therefor state control may be
made as the result of the Western
Governors' Congress, which met for
the first time here.
The conservation question was the
chief issue of the Congress. On the
general proposition of state, instead
of Federal, control of public lands,
the Western Governors are said to be
united, though differing on details of
the plan.
The presence of Walter L. Fisher,
secretary of the interior, at the ses
sion of the Congress, heightened In
terest in the issue.
St. Paul. After an absence of
three weeks, during which it traveled
a distance of 3400 miles and visited
2'J cities, with an aggregate popula
tion of over 12,000,000 people, the
Western Governors' special train re
turned to its starting point. Seven
governors were on the special when it
left, and ten returned on the train,
the additional executives being Gov
ernors Oddie, of Nevada; Deneen, of
Illinois, and Harmon, of Ohio.
Wheat Track prices: Club. 79c;
bluestem, 82c; red Russian, 78c.
Barley Feed, per ton.
Oats No. 1 white, per ton.
Hay Timothy, valley, $16; alfalfa,
Butter Creamery, 3Cc.
Eggs Ranch, 37c.
Hops 1011 crop, 44c; 3910, nomi
nal. Wool Eastern Oregon, SlGc;
Willamette Valley, 15 17c
Mohair 37c.
Wheat Blupstern, 81c; c'ub, 78c;
red Russian, 77c.
Rarley $33 per ton.
Oats $30 per ton.
Eggs Ranch, 50c. . '
Butter Creamery, 38c. ' . ;T
Hay Timothy, $16 per tec; 'f"
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is herebv given that the Arm
of Comlart A StoiiUM, doing business
tinder the nam of I'rlneville Furniture
Exchange, is UtMolved by mutual con
tent. tha.f. tomlart will continue
the buainem.collect all imlvtamlnr and
pav all bills. Cmas. K. Cunuakt,
ItU lVcctuber 13, lull.
Masquerade Ball
Lamonta Hall, Lamonta
Friday, December 22.
. Supper at Hotel Good Music
Smith & Allingham, Prop.
Champ Smith's old stand.
Imported and Domestic
Famous Whiskies
Old Crow; Hermitage; Red
Top Rye; Yellow Stone;
Canadian Club; Cream
Rye; James EL Pepper,
Moore's Malt
Porter, Ale and Olympia
Draft Beer on Tap.
Imported Wines
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County ol Crook.
In the matter of the estate of J. W.
Mctionagill, deceased.
To V. L. McOnnagin, C. McCtonafrill,
V. R. McUonaitill and Burch Mc Uona-
gill heirs ol J. W. MclionaKill, de
feated, and all unknown heirs, if any
I there be ol J. W. McUonaill, dcreaml,
I (.reeling: In the name ol the Suto ol
j Oregon, you are hereby cited and re
i quired to appear in the County Court oi
the State ol Oregon, for the County of
j Crook at the Court Room thereof, at
Prineville, in the County ol Crook on
i Tuesday, the 2nd day of January, 11)12,
' at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that
: day, then and there to show cause if
I any there be, why an order should not
i be made and granted, to G. W. Katn-
ev, administrator ot the estate ol J.
W. Mctinnagill, deceased, to fell all
of the real proerty lielonging to said
deceased and owned by him at the
time of his death, which rea' property
is more particularly described as fol
lows to-wit: The west half I1...) of the
west half (1 of section 24 (24,) in
township filteen (l.") south of range
twelve (12) east, of the Willamette
Meridian in Crook County, Oregon, con
taining one hundred sixty IliiU) acres
more or less, in one parcel and of the
appraised value of five hundred dollars.
Witness, the Hon. H. C. Ellis, Judge
of the County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Crook with the
seal of said Court allixed this 2-ird day
of November, mil, A. I). Attest:
11 23 ' Clerk.
Notice of Contest.
repnrtmfnt of Die Interior,
U- a. Luiid on.,., Tlie IMHm. OrrcoD.
Niivwntwr IH, 11 1.
To f'lyd" Helsley of I'uweil Butle, Oregon,
I nUnti:
j You arr- hereby notified that Klini fkott,
i fl(v alres, did on Orutr M. Ml, flW In
thin otthf hcrduly corrotxraU-d Hppllcul ton
i toconU'St and wr:ur the rimwHatton of your
hoiiK-ftead. Kntry No., rterliil No. 0wM initde
June -i. l'JW), fr w1 hw'4) iw- w4, uw iw-'
I mTtton V, lown-hlp l;j mth, mnjre 16 east.
I V iilHiiiflU- Mt-rtdiitn. imd a groundH for h(tr
contest it he nttf-itm that ttaid (.'lydfr llevy
bus wholly ahaudoncd the ahove d'-Ncrilied
tract of land for over six month )hhI puxt
nxl Dweedhiif the lyth day of August. ltll:
jihatMakd claimitnt haw wholly failed to ro-
I Hide upon. Improve and cultivnte the Kald
I trwt art hy law reijulred fir at all; that tild
i claimant U not now renldlnir upon Hatd land
You are, therefore, further notified that the
' oatd Hll'Katlons will 1j taken hy thl ofIl
a ImviiiK Iw-eii ciifettwl hy you, and your
' ttaid entry will lit fsin'le(l thereunder wHh
1 out yiiur further rlK"t to be heard therein,
i either lefure tnts ofllte or on appeal, if you
j fall to file In thlHolIiee within twenty dayii
after the KorKTHipuhHeatlon of thit notice,
j an Rhown trt'iow, your answer, under oath,
t tipeeitlf-aliy rneetlntc and respond ihk t thene
i all sr;itlon of eon test, or If vou full within
that time to hie In thlM olftce due proof that
you have "served a e-opy if your anwer
. theHutd contestant either In person or hy
' p'KUtereq mail If tht service In made hy
the delivery of a copy of yoor answer U the
contestant u p'rnoti, proof of ueh nervlce
mut te either the ald cont'ttlant'ii written
acknowM'flt'jiient of hin receipt of trm copy,
Hhowliifcj the dute of Uk receipt, or the ath-
ttavit or tlie j"rRm tjy whom the delivery
wan made HUitliiii when and where the copy
wh delivered; If made hy registered mall,
proof of fwh service miiKt connInt of t tie affi
davit of tlie ijerton hy whom the copy wan
j nuttled statins: when and tlie potorice to
which It whm mailed, and IhU eftldavit inun'
; if accompanied hy the poNUnajtter'H receipt
for the letter.
i ou Khould tiite in vour answer the name
of the pototfice to which you dettlr further
notlceii to le went to you.
H :t"p W. M(X)KK( Retfliiter.
I 'ate of first publication November 1'JlI.
liale of necond puhllcallon Ijeoemljcr 7, l'-dl.
Iate of third puhllcatton Ixwriiter H, IflH.
late of fourth publlcutloa lK.-ceniber H, ly11
We luiy hoiineholil gnml (or cash;
ht price, alio sell ami vichanira.
Stukuahi. A Coxiurt, Furniture, Ma
uaie building. Pioneer phone. ll-ltl
For Sale A Bargain.
A good bu.lnrat proportion In Prlue
villr; light, l-aatit work, siiltabl (or
lady or gvmleman. (tetter look Into
this. For particulars Inquire at Journal
office. Also house ami two lots, corner;
clou In. U-7
Notice for Publication.
lvrartmnt of th. Interior.
U. &. Urn! onto l Tl Ifell,. Orin.
IVfiuir Ut. iull.
Nolle la hi-n-l.j aivt-n llinl Klluttwlrt r.
Krv. Hinlher unit aolo ht-lr of im 1. Fry.
ilwwiwtl. of t'rtnavllto, Orvn, wink, im Jim.
imrv J-nd, 17, limit Unmll No. IJVWH
rrlal. No. !, fi.r ' '(, nV- ;, ami
ri wllon in. tnwiimlttp IA aoutli, runs
ll(tl, "Ulaiwtta Mrlitlnn. ha. nlrl nolli
of Intention lo ninkf nrnil eoniiuuuiliiii
untof. toMlMlHtl claim lo III Unit alxiv
ilr-rllHt la-ftira tlinolliy K. J. Huffy. II. H.
ronuniulonr, at hu oltttv Ml rrlnevllltt
Or"it, on Hi tl'utl day of January, twin.
Claimant mionk m wltncw: Kmnk T.
tV, Kllllb K. Iix. I'litrrni- McAIIUUr,
A. Wliaou, all of ninvilli, oriin.
l-14p C , MIXIKIC. IWUKt.
Ntic el Fial StttUMt.
Notice I hereby given that the under
lined Iim tiled her niml scrounl u l
minitrnirix of the eeiate of Jaiiie M.
Hamilton, ileceaAed. m tha ofttce nftli
county Clark of Ciuok county, Slat of
ureKon, ami me county court 01 aalti
county and Stat haa Hxevl Tuesday, the
tmi day of January, 1VI3. M Ih time for
heaiinjc aaiU tnl account and any ob
jeciiona that may be made thereto.
Uatrd this a I it day of Novemtwr. 1IM1.
Ailnilnl-lrntrlx of Ih Katat of Jauiei
M. llamlltoii, d.-rad. II JS
Tf f l.t t.OIKIg meia every
VJ V . I1 Halurday alibi.
Hlraniera welwime. R. V. t'onatabl, N. U.:
Wldd Haraea, V.(t.;H. U Hubba, Ho.i and
C. U. Mnwlddlo, Tnwa,
The Brosius Bar
Finest Brands of Wines,
Liquors and Cigars.
F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor
i? Prineville, Oregon
C.R. Henry
Resident Locator of
In Southern Crook Co.
Address : : Paulina, Oregon
The Oregon Bar
At the Old Stand
G. W. Wiley & Co., Prps
All kinds of Choice Liquors
Wines and Cigars.
Famous Ranier Beer in
Bottles and on Draft.
Express and Passengers.
Express matter from Culver to Prine
ville one cent a pound. Passengers
8-2 Lockard Stage Co
say they are.
We enn an re you VI to aft'Jfc on Ladiea and Gentlemen's 8dlJ
Cold Watches.
A Solid Cold Niagara Ring
(Value $10,00) Given Free
to the boy or girl w'o gets the moat reuistrred votes front their
friend. Get the particular of this contest from this store.
A fine line of Toilet Ht, Miinlciire Seta, Silverware of try uVarrlptlim,
llmul pnlnted China; flue aehvtloil ol Cut tiluaV Jewelry that Is right tip-to-dute.
Ninety Different Watches for Your Selection.
The lllggvut StiH-k of Jewelry Kver Offervd In (Vntrnl Orr-iimi. I'rloe ami
(Jtutllty Uunranteed.
Crook County Jewelry & Sporting Goods House
L. KAMSTRA, Proprietor.
Well it aint Christmas unless you
have a Turkey for dinner, and
you want a fat, juicy, tender one.
But if you prefer other meats,
we can supply you with the best
to be had anywhere.
Stroud & Stroud, Proprietor
' .'"JV
: .-...
stirpanHpil Milirsl Bluff, Hut I.kH MiniTul Water Cures liheumatiiiu,
Stomach, Kiilm-y, IUiwI sml Skin Dinonlon.
HOT LAKE SANATORIUM, - - Hot Lake, Oregon
WALTER M. PIERCE, Praa. and Mgr.
Oregon Trunk Ry Service
Portland; St. Paul,
Spokane, Chicago,
Direct connection at Fallbridge for Spokane and points cast.
Arrive Spokane 9:45 p. m. Through tickets sold to Eastern
points, Puget Sound and other Western points. Deposits
accepted for west-bound tickets to be furnished persons in
the East. Details will be furnished on request.
N. BANKOL, Agent
Redmond, Oregon.
A Solid Cold Ring Froc
We want to cmphimlie the fiu-t thnt this store lias
nn individuality f ll f" lh"K If""'"' .
mid i-nllintf things hy their right iminri. t sell
diiimomla lor ilinnnmila, mid our Solid Cold Kings
ami other Jewelry are as higli-vniat value as we
v Begin Treatment Now
Rheumatism Can Be
H Cured
A rU.t will bring you our
new IxM.kli't iliwrlbiiix HOT
ral I tot Mineral llulliH, Nature'.
Cur for Khaumaliam. Our
Kiiiitinivnt I coinploli). I n-
Denver, Kansas City
Omaha, and St. Louis
DAILY TRAIN Leaves Redmond 7:21
a. m., Opal City 8:00 a. m., Culver 8:13
a. m., Metolius 8:30 a. m., and Madras
8:39 a. m., arriving Portland 6:00 p. m.
J. J. H0YDAR, Agent
11-2 Madras, Oregon
Shingles, Moulding, Windows,
Doors, GltifmeH, Etc. Etc, Etc.