Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 21, 1911, Image 7

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Royal Arch Chapter
Elects Officers
Central Ori'gin Itiyal Arch
Ctiitr, No. ;J3, lull tn election
and installation of ollkprs Wsilm-a
day evenliiu, tevmlr 'JU. Fol
l owing the Installation ccrrmonlra
ri'trcKhiiifiitii wnra nervid to the
meiiilwri of the Chapter, tlmir
In in 1 1 m j and othitr vUilor. 1 tie
(cllgwing olllcfm were sleeted fur
the mailing year:
High I'rieal CIim. H. KJwurJu.
King-M. K. Hrli.k.
Xcri C 1
Treurtr 1) I Admiuon.
Secretary J W CsrUon.
Captain of the Host U V
Principal Sojourner C K Hmith.
Itoysl Arch Captain w J i'an-oik.
Msiler Third Veil w J Julineon.
Manter Second Veil H It I.akin
Matter rirat Vuil Dale Jones.
Sentinel K O Hyde.
Hard Legal Tangle
Before Judge Kennedy
That there are two marosldon
tlcul In (8. description, weight,
brood, and In fact, ovorything
except the brand, In Crook coun
ty, wit tho somewhat poculiur
fuel brought out In tho case of
Oscar Cox vs. Nathan Ileuch.
which was tried before a Jury In
the Justice court hure Guturday
only one of the animals is miss
ing. There were sixteen wit
nesses, eight of whom swore
positively that Cox had ruined
and branded the mare at bis
ranch near Lamouta, while the
other eight Just as positively tes
tified that Keely Messlngor. hud
raised aud branded her at his
ranch down Crooked river. The
case lusted all Saturday after
noon and evening and was well
conducted on both sides through
fmt, Attorneys Duffy and Wins
appoarlng for the plaintiff while
M. K. Biggs defended. After
listening to the evldonce and In
specting the brand, which had
been shaved for the occasion, the
Jury found for tho defendant af
tir more than two hours' de lb
eration. Notico of appeal has
been served.
Sheepherders Don't
Set Forest Fires.
Salem. Or. Sheepherders are
among the most Innocent class
in Oregon so far as setting out
forest fires is concerned, ac
cording to the annual report of
State Forester Elliott. Two tires
in the past year are attributed
to slioepherdors. Other tiros are
classified as follows: Unknown
cause, 130; burning slashings &!);
campers, 40; lightning, 24; incend
iary, 22; hunters, 20; old slush
ings not extingulslred, 18; rail
road engines, 15; smokers, 14;
logging engines, 13; saw mills, 4;
shepherds, 2. Total 807.
Of all the means employed to
prevent fires Korost Klliott do
clures the local patrol association
most effective and cheapest. On
mi area of 954,000 acres within
tho associations, tho cost'per
acre was but 113 cent per acre,
while the lire loss was but GSo,
000 leet stumpiige. Out of N7-1,-000
owned by 112 Individual t'un
br men not in the associations,
tho cost was four cents per aero
and tho loss 8,110,000 feet board
Under tho Weeks law Oregon
has use of $5000 of national
funds for lire patrol along the
water sheds. A total of 003
wardens was named by the slate
forester during the year. A
widespread understanding of
tho laws is being noticed more
and more each year, uccording
to the report, and better guard
aguinst fires is resulting from
the work of the department.
Rooms for Rent.
Furnished rooms, single or in suite,
for rent. Apply at tlio Clark J lair
Droning Parlors, one block wont of
Commercial Club Hull. 10 -SO
Contract for Oregon
& Eastern Ry. Let
Vale, Of. President E. O.
Wutlis of the Utah Construction
company arrived lu Valo from
Ogdon, accompanied by a num
ber of subcontractors, who will
bid on sections of the 170 miles
of the Oregon A Eastern railroad.
The Job has been let to tho Utah
Construction company. Tho
party left town In the afternoon
for the Malheur canyon, where
they will look over the right of
It Is probable that the men
will go as fur as the Harney lake
country, as the first contract
takes In that much of the line.
Assistant Engineer O. S. Osborn,
recently engineer for the Mexi
can government, arrive! yester
day and wont out to confer with
the surveying engineers work
ing In the canyon. Engineer
Osborn will havs charge of the
construction of the trans Oregon
line. Another assistaut engin
eer in town Is G. II. Cumberland
of Salt Lake City, who has
charge of final details along con
struction lines.
Several changes are proposed.
It Is understood that a cutoff Is
contemplated from the Oregon
Short Lino noer Nyssa to reach
the mouth of the Malheur con-
yon through this city.
Two carloads of food supplies
for the Utah Construction com
pany arrived here this morning
and several trains of construc
tion outfits are expectod within a
day or two, part having already
boon ordered sent hore from
headquarters at Ogdon, and oth
ers are being gotton together at
liichflold and Sboshono, Idaho,
and other points where the con
tractors have boon working.
A sub contractor has given
out the information that 4000
men will be scattered along the
lino within a few weeks. The
Oregon Eastern extension from
Vale will connect with Deschutes
line at Odell, say engineers in
charge of the construction work.
dm pare the results obtained
with similar varieties under dry
fanning conditions.
"The grain sorghums are prov
ing Inceaslngly important as
slock food for dry land areas.
Tho dwarf and early varieties,
such as Dwarf milo, Dwarf Muck-
hull Kuril r, Sudan durra and th
knowliangs which have been
bred and distributed by this de
partment are giving surer yields
under conditions of greater
drouth than were formerly pos
Bible. They also permit the ex
tension of these grains into more
northern states, as South Dako
ta, Idaho and Oregon."
Eighth Grade Examinations,
Cerials for Dry
Climatic Conditions
Notice ! heietijr given that thei liihtb
graile elimination! for January will he
lii-lil by Hiiwrliitenilciit Fori) on Thurt
day ami Friday, January 18 tint 19.
Te .-migrant and source of questions
will be an followi :
Tlmrnlay l'hyilulogy, Writing, Ills
torjr and Civil Government.
Friday 4irainroar, Arithmetic, Ge
ography and Kpelling.
Hotircs of lJutioue :
Arithmetic Practical Arithmotic
Sniilli. Civil Government United Htatcs
(ieograiiliy State (,'ourie of Ntudy:
Itedway and 1 1 In man 'i Natural School
History Ll.t of toplca from Iliitory
Outline Id Court of Study and Current
r.icuti. ,
Grammar Uueliler'i Modern Kngliib
Grammar, no diagramming.
Pliyiiologr Graded lemons lo Phyil-
ohgf and Hygiene Krohn.
Heading The will aend to the
county superintendent the applicant'!
clan Handing In reading, which will be
taken by lucb luperinteodent aa the
applicant1! lUnding on the aubject.
Selling Heed's Word Lea ton a.
Vt riling Specimens of penmanihlp
aa indicated in copied matter aud man
uscript id language.
Card of Thanks.
Mr. Autfimt Wolke and children
doalre to thank their friend who
were a kind during the lllneea of
bmhnnil and father. Their aid and
comfort was greatly appreciated.
Many a Man
Owes His Success
to an Investment
on the InHtallinent plan, be
enuHe It linn eerved aaan anchor
mid kept him In a etrnlKht line
nnil away from the many "(iet
Ulch Quick" nclicmin which are
ao pleutlfiil today and which no
ofteu mean rlchea only for the
Hinooth tousued promoter
thereof. Rv Inveetlou IN YOUR
HOME TOWN you are deallnir,
with valued and people with
whom you are acquainted
people who are Interested In
your wclfHi-e liecatiM your anc
cetw meane the Hiiceemt of othera
about you, and the inure euc
ceMaful citizen, a town can
lioaHt of the better place It will
con tie had by making a very
ainttll payment down aud Un
balance on terms to milt the
purr hiiHcr, monthly, bimonthly
quarterly, hnll-yeiirly orannutil
iiuymentM. Theee Iota are the
lieHt In vent meat In city property
today. The only dletrict with
tiullilitiK restriction, and with
street Improvement mid stde
WHlka already In. Make your
selection now. A few dollars
will hold the Iota for you until
you can make further pay
menta. You are entitled to the
beat. Why not net It? Come
In ami let me show tou NOBLES
ADDITION, the center of build
ing activity lu l'riueville.
The breeding of hardier and
more drouth-resistant cereals
has been one of the Important
works carried on by tho United
States Department of Agricult
ure, Discussing this topic, the
Secretary says:
"The superiority of many of
the drouth-resistant cereals was
markedly shown In localities
whore drouth was severe. The
Turkey and Kbarkof varieties
of Winter wheats did especially
woll, while Swedish Select oats
and Ghirka Spring wheat show
ed much superiority over less
resistunt varieties. The total
production of the Kharkof wheat
In tho United States must be at
least 10,000,000 bushels. Durum
wheat continued to be the load
ing grain crop in the dry wheat-
producing sections of the . West
and Northwest, whe?b winter va
rieties are not yet dependable.
Tho uso of durum wheat Hour is
StOllillltf 1 nr runs n ir and Ihn nrn. i ""' county court room in rruu-vlllv. Oregon.
Muiiiuy iiili uahing, ana me pro- j , th), umr ,, ,(,r ,.,. , ,.
duct can now bo purchased in a
number of eastern cities. The
season's work has furnished
sumo good results with proso
millets, particularly uuder irri
gation, but also under dry-land
conditions. Emmer, because of
its butter adaptation, still gives
evidence of being a valuable crop
in localities a little too dry for
other stock food, such as oats
and barley. ,
"For the work in dry land
grain investigations two new ex
periment farms have boen added.
one at Burns, Orjand ouo at Ab
erdeen, Idaho. These farms
will be managed in co-operation
with the experiment stations of
theso states. During the year
for the first time, experiments
with grains under irrigation
have been undertaken. These
experiments arii conducted at
points where it is possible to
Notice of Final Settlement.
Nolleo l liercliy Riven tiy the iinilcrfliriieil.
the Hiliniliistrator ol the t-MHlo of tioorn M.
rum, iim'iwpi, iniu nu tins uiHtie una llh-il
Willi tlu clerk of llu- eoniiiy t-ourl In,, liual
HmmnlliiK of hlx R.hiiiliiNlrnlion of sniit estittt1,
iil llui llominihli) I'onnly court of Crook
county. Ori-Koli. Iihh koI MoihIhv, Iho full litiv
ol : Fell . I'.'U. hi lu oYliH-fc In iho fmviuion hi
Hiilil lliinl mvoiiutuiK. At whli'h tlino nnil
)iliii'i imy (mtkoii liu,'ri'et in sul.l estiiu- nuiy
pM'r n n.t oliji-i'l tohitlil final hi'i-uuuiIhk,
Iwtcil tlilau'lut.itay of Hi'i'.. ll'll.
Aitininl-ilriilor oi ilu- vmmu- ul
lo'orui' M. 1'iiul, iliH'tuist'it.
Notice of Final icttlemunt.
Nutll 1m hwroliy Klvell by llu? liuilerslkTlliil,
the ttilnilulstrator of the eslrtlo of Aliiimll
llHriuoii, ilei-eiist-il. thill he hail liuiile ami liU-il
w llh Ihe i-h-rk of the eoumv i;ourl his tlnnlne
t'ouiilltiK of Ills HilnifnlHtriition of ttnlit esiaie.
'I'lmt the llouomlile II. o. KlllH, Jihle of the
ciiunty conn of tlrnok t'oiuuy, Ori-jrou, himsel
Monthly, Ihii.Mll iltiy of Keh., 1M. Ht lOo'eloi'k
In Ihe forenoon hi the eoiinly court room in
l'riueville, oroKon. HMthe lime Hint place fur
lu-HriliK Hud HeltliUK- Mllil Until Heeoutilinv. At
which time nnil (iIhi'c, tiny pers-u iiilerrsteit
111 Mtiiil esiHle may ohjeet lo naiii lliml accouul-liiK-
DHleit this 'JlnttUy o( Dec,, mil.
Adiniuiiitrfttor of the esiHle of
Abigail Harmon, dcceaxetl.
Notice for Piiblicntion,
Di-iuirtmeut of the Interior,
U. 8. Laud oilloe at The HhIIuh, OreRou.
Nuveiulier -2-n h, 1!U1.
Notice U hereby niven IhHl 1, llaviit Weaver,
riiariliiin of the pi-tsnii anil eslaio o l,arklu
Weaver, (insane) of l'riueville, OreKon, who on
Kebrimn Jml, HKitl. itiaile homealeail No. iCMlii,
for o1 ae'4, inv'se1 see. 3 ami uo4 nel4 sec.
Ul, township 18 soulli, raiiKo 1(1 oast, Willam
ette Meridian, has tllci! notice of Intention to
make final comniuiatiini proof, to establish
claim to the land alaive described, liefore T. K.
J. Duffy, U. H. Commissluuer, at his olliee at
PrinevTUu, Oregon, on Abe 2-Jiut day of January,
fMatmant naincH as wltnessos: tleoruo W.
Junes, iildemi Weaver Charley Weaver, Ed
ward s. Jones, all of rrlnevillc, Oregon.
1-21 C- W. MOORK, Kegister.
Everybody used
t"h for mrA'texnr nnnA
- V i i - Ai- .
i tou iasmonea nome-maac
rcrnediesof roots.hcrbs,
M'and birksPcople were hale
antj hearty then just as thotc
'i arc,now.wnoue
NTlVjE HERBS the old
al remedy
The blood
Kidney trouble'
Liver dtorder
200 uncoatcd tablets 1.00
Money back if not satisfied-
Raymond Calavan, Prineville, Or
Brood Sows for Sale.
(nod stock; hIkh 15 (i.wtt-kn' nltti.
ll-'lt) J. C. Bitiv, Powell lint Uk.
Sacrifice Sale
Hats at Your Own Price
Must Have Room for Spring Goods.
Nothing Reserved.
Mrs. Estes
Millinery Parlors. Prineville, Or.
A Merry Christmas, and A Happy and Prosperous
New Year, my wish to all.
To those who have been my patrons the pant year I desire to extend my heartfelt
thank. In my store during the next year, (as in the past) will be found a good clean
stock of Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes, Furnishings, Notions, Candies and Cigars, and I
will strive to extend all possible courtesies, as has been the custom with me always.
Very Respectfully,
Mrs. I. Michel
A Bird
in the hand is
Two in the
You can't keep waiting if you are going to secure
an overcoat of really clever style. You must re
member this: An overcoat on your back right now,
is worth two that you might expect to own later. It
is the early purchaser who invariably secures the
smartest style and most fascinating fabric When
you purchase early you have a score of shades, colors and patterns to select from
you have many different models to choose from you have everything necessary to
the securing of garments which will prove an excellent purchase. Come while the
season's young.
Our excellent assemblage of BRANDEGEE, KINCAID & CO. MODELS
will delight you. Visit our overcoat department while possibilities for a wide choice
are greatest.
Clifton & Cornett
Lots for Sale.
A bargain, lour lota, (or sale, one or
nil, In most ilesinible building section.
Inquire before purchasing elsewhere, at
this olticc.
Four houses to rent, from 2-room to
7 room. List your house now. Prine
ville Furniture Exchange, Chns. F.
Comlurt, propr. l-'-H
$50,000 tor Farm Loans,
ton Jones, Metolius, Oregon.
See Hren-11-28-W
The Home Bakery Bread
Is now on sale at A
white aud Urahani,
G. F.llefson'e, both
10 L'titf
Muttufucturer of and dealer In
Harness, Saddles, Chaps, Bridles, Silver-Mounted Bits
and Spurs. Reatas, Quirts, Ladies' Stride Saddles.
E. H. Smith, Prop. Prineville, Or.