OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past f Week. Club' Action Approvtd. Fendleton Seeking to discredit the action of the rendleton Commer !al Association In Indarslng ths West VmatlUa project extension, J. N. Bur less, of the I'matlUa County Water- Users' Association, baa been circulat ing petitlooa among the buslnesa men of Pendleton setting forth that the signer do not approre the action o( the club, and demanding that the ad' Judication suits of the government against the water-users be dismissed. Telephone Line for Union County. Elgin. With one crew setting pole on the main line In the direction of Summerrille and another stringing wires on the poles already In place to Minam, work on the lines of the Eastern Oregon Cooperative. Tele phone Association is going ahead with rush. LARGE PROJECT PROPOSED Cascades to Be Cities' Reservoir Is Plan Broached. Portland. A water system having Its source In Clear Lake, In the Cas cade Mountains, and extending through the length of the Willamette Valley on the west side of the Wil lamette River, from Springfield on the south, as far as Salem on the north, and supplying all the intermediate cities and towns, as well as all the state institutions, with pure mountain water, was the plan submitted to the state board of health at its annual meeting by Dr. Calvin S. White. The board authorized the employ ment of an engineer to survey the project, and the appointment was im mediately conferred upon Louis C. Kelsey, civil and hydraulic engineer, of this city, who had interested him self in the project before the meeting of the board. Dr. White, secretary of the board, was instructed to supervise the work, to submit the subject to the cities and towns that would be users of the water and to pave the way for the consummation of the project in other ways. Roseburg Wants Elk Herd. Roseburg. Acting upon the sugges tion of Binger Hermann, the members of the local Elks lodge adopted reso lutions Demoralizing the United States Congress to donate to Douglas, Coos and Curry counties 500 of the elk now under government control In Wyoming. Lawson May Be Promoted. Cottage Grove. In converting the fourth Oregon infantry regiment into the coast artillery, Captain B. K. Lawson, of this city, it is said here may be promoted to lieutenant colonel. CULTIVATED AREA DOUBLED Irrigation Projects Will Open 23,000 Acres in Malheur County. Ontario. The cultivated area of Malheur county will be almost dou bled the coming year and 23,000 acres of new land tributary to Ontario will come under Irrigation as the result of new Irrigation systems being built. The assessor's report for the year 1911 Indicates that the cultivated area of Malheur county is 23,300 acres. The Ontarlo-Nyssa project, now completed, will bring under cultivation 7000 acres of new land. The Klngmap Colony will irrigate about 5000 acres during the coming season. The Snow-Moody pumping system, almost completed, will water STO0 acres of land on Dead Ox Flat. Two small projects the same flat are under way to water 4000 acres. More than 1000 acres abuttisg Ontarib are to be watered by dkches now completed, except the Ins'aJlation of a pipe lins from the pumping plant to the main canal. Nearly all of this land is tributary to Ontario, the dis tance being from abutting the town to five to fifteen miles distant. r Box Men Extend Market. ' Astoria. At a meeting of represen tatives of the box factories In Ore p;n and Washington, held a few days lgo, en organization was formed with (he object of extending the market ol the various plants in the two states. , To Go on Get Acquainted Trip. La Grande. The merchants of La Grande are going to Mi-dlord to at tend the state retailers' convention. They will travel in special cars, mak ing the trip a s'ght sce-inK, set-acquainted, and boosting cxpt-dition. Bonds Voted for City Hall. Huntington. At a meeting of the city council it was decided to bond the city In the sum of $10, 090 for the erection of a city hall and Jail. BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON Preliminary step have been taken tor the Inauguration of a Chautauqua association In Eugene. Milton Hale, on of Oregon's earli est pioneers, died at the St. Mary's Hospital, A.bany. at the axe of 0. Indications are that the grand jury now In session In Coqullle will probe the recent city election In Marshfleld. The centennial of the coming of the first white man to Baker county will be celebrated at Baker December IS. The Coos Bay Horns Telephone Company has completed the equip ment of a fins new exchange at Ban ton. The faculty of Pacific Vnlversity has adopted a plan of graduation hon ors, which wlU take the place of the requirement of undergraduate thesis. According to the school census, which hss Just been completed, Med ford now has a population of 11,000, a gain of nearly 3000 since the census of last year. A general order quarantining all places in Morrow county whence "walking disease," now Kown as by-' drophobta, is reported, has been is-' sued by the state board of health. I F. C. Dorcy has been appointed as sistant commandant of cadets at the Oregon Agricultural College and will serve In the capacity of aide to Lieu tenant Miller, commander of the O. A. C. corps. Mrs. Vlda Johnson, who has been fnited States commissioner for east ern Oregon for two years and said to be the only woman in the United States holding this position, has re signed her office. The fight over the water In Silvles River has been renewed by several of Harney county's substantial farmers and stockmen, who own property along the river, against the Pacifio Livestock Company. To hold an annual poultry fair at Albany the Central Willamette Poul try Association was organised. The association will Include the poultry men of Linn, Benton and Lincoln counties and possibly other adjoining counties. 1 A suit wherein the Southern Pacific Company seeks to condemn right of way through land owned by the Pa cific Oreat Western Railway, Its rival I for the possession of the Sluslaw can yon to the coast, was begun In the cir cuit court at Eugene. W. D. McKinley, of Hansen, Idaho, was instantly killed while Freight Conductor B. T. Hancock and Brake- man Jack Perrine were fatally in jured when O.-W. R. ft N. helper en gine No. 382 was blown up at Glover siding, seven miles east of Kamela. The foUowlng fourth-class postof flees In Oregon will become presiden tial offices on January 1, the salary ol the postmasters being fixed as Indi cated: Carlton, 11200; Creswell, 11000; Harrlsburg, $1000; Nyssa, 11100; Stayton, $1000; Yamhill, $1100. A bulletin recently Issued by the Oregon state board of health, ad dressed more particularly to the phy sicians of the state, calls attention to the lack of observance of the law re-'f quiring physicians to make proper re-j-jp ports to the state board of all deaths , 2 and births. That the disease which for the last one and one half years has been kill ing hundreds of horses, cattle and other stock in eastern Oregon and has been the dread and scourge of farmers and ranchers In that section is nothing more than hydrophobia of a malignant type, is the finding of State Bacteriologist E-. F. Pernot. State Capital Gleanings State Treasurer Kay contemplates leaving for California bifsre t&e re turn of Governor West. ' Tbe total assessed valuatlrm of the state of Oregon will probably be 1900,000.000, as compared with JS44, 000,000 at last year. Extradition papers were granted by Acting GeVernor Oloott for William Nagel. alias "Cbuckle," trho Is want, ed in Chicago on a charge of murder. The railway commission has decid ed not to sllow tie Central Railway of Oregon to abandon a mile of track from Union Junction to Valley Junc tion in Union county. According to a compilation that has Just been completed by State En gineer Lewis, Powder River and Its tributaries irrigate 167,066 acres, the land being watered by 791 ditches having a length of 880 miles. Baker county, according to this (showing, embraces cne-slxth of the 686,129 inres of Irrigated land in the state. Planning to inaugurate an entirely new system of road construction by doing away with the plan of ruad dis trict taxation In vogue throughout the slate and building roada through county funds entirely. County Judge William S. Worden snd Commission ers C. G. Merrill and S. T. Summers, Kiamath county, waited on Acting Governor Olcott and asked for an as signment of CO convicts for next year to Klamath county. Mm 5! IPC PrinevilIe--RedmondSister$ Stage .Line Matt Kulesch, Proprietor. Passenger Fare to Redmond, $1.50. Express from Red mond to Prineville, one-half cent per pound for over 50 pounds. Small packages of less than 50 pounds, 25c Leaves Prineville for Redmond Daily. Office at the Pioneer Cream Company. 1H6 S. R. COOPER, Agent Selling Out At Reduced Prices Stock consists of Blankets, Comforts, Pillows, Pillowcases, Sheets, Etc., Trunks, Suitcases, Hand-bags, and House Furnishings of all kinds, sold at prices that will save you money. J. F. MORRIS I While Looking for Xmas Presents I Call in and look our stock over. We can supply you with anything in our line. A good many customers have left our store satisfied. City orders given prompt Prineville Furniture Exchange Charles F. Condart, Prop. SUCCESSOR TO STORDAHL & CONDART. ? Ma tonic Building. r.3 L J rs.i L'J r.3 tj r.a ca La r.3 ca r.3 ca r.n t J Seneral SSlaccsmithing horseshoeinq, wood work, etc., Neatly and Promptly Doni When it is Done By : : : r1 CJ C3 L'J r.3 ca r,3 LJ T3 ca n ca Robert Satisfaction Will Prineville, C3 CJuJLJlJJU'JLJLJJLULJtLilJLILjf UUCatUL'ULlUULiLiIJLjatiJULlLIULltikJUCJ 1 fT" mm Provide yourself with a little ol the true essence ol Holiday Good Cheer Royalty itsell enjoys no belter liquor than is offered in a good old bottle of genuine "I. W. HARPER" Sold By Silvcrtocth & Browder Shaniko and Bend, Oregon mm Gifts of Groceries At Christina would be practical and appreciated. But o Groceries are always acceptable because of their high quality, and reasonable price. The Cash Grocery Ueo. Whitcia, rrop. attention. rioneer rhone. r.3 L'j r.3 L'J ra C3 tj B3 ra L'J eci ra LU B3 V'J uu ra tij ra ca ta L'J ca LIU 7foore He Guaranteed Oreuon. ifrofiMfcial Cards. Dr. Howard Gove Dentist Rooms 14 and IS Adamtoa Building, T. E. J. DUFFY A ffor ney at-Law tHUNKMor t W. A. IMI) Priksvilui ... Ohkoox Jf. &natrj " MM li.i S Cmum.' Vrtw'e, Ortfm. N. W. Sanborn Attorney-nt-I-aw Atlrimsou blink . Prineville C. Xr SPtmt Ciimtt W. 1 MYERS O. C. YOUNG jCmmjftrt Pwtle n all eonrta. H.-Il aitentloa to lot rttUu, Uils.uun and uriinliial d.lout'M. Dr. John lluback, !.at V.trrlnary Nuriinn c. R. Army, lvpartm.nl ol the riilllilna. All Surgical Murk at tuaaottatda I'flcaa, Hamilton Subles. Prioeville, Or. W. A. 1JLLL FRANK 31 UN LIKE lawyers Tbe Dalits OrgiD Ot'CUl.tHTM tRolknap c Cdwards PAjfitmmt mmtt Jmrfum. (County rhyiiclsn.) fr. mill,. Orfn. rrerl A. Rice. C. K. Cuunly ffurvpyur. . R. Nrvlllc, Jr., T. U licituty (o. Surveyor. Kicc & Neville Civil Engineers. Genorkl Ktudnwrinit. Iinevilh, okkuok. Orfnt 0. J(yJ, fAwitimn mm 4 Jmrfttm Calls Akihd Pnrri.T dt ob Kisst Vrril.UFl IMH ntJIlTH OF AllAMtlON I UsvaHToss. Hib oBli-e an roij. dvuos talpboues. Dr. J. TreRelles Fox M. R. C. 8. Kiib; snd I,. H. A. I-onilnni LiriKrp On-frnn Piatt- Mi-dloal Hoard. Hpeeialiiit in rjurnry; Hyuiemj All nieiitarr Canal: women and cliililrnii'i ditwaara. Attendance at oflflrp, Maltl Bt.. l'rlne ri If, dally 11 to 3. 'iol. I'lourer lf7. (NmiiiUallon Frco Ilouri s to h R. D. Ketchum, M. T. D., D. C. Acute and chronic (1Ih-iihpr trenU-d nuiWMHrtilly by pun-ly (IniK'ltKK mclliods Romh 16-17 AUam Bid.. Call. mit G. A. McFAKLANE Lawyer all courts and U. K. Land Practice Oince. Redmond, Oregon Willard H. Wirtz Attdrncy-iit.Lnw. Olllce In M. U. HIkbh' olllco. PltlNKVIl.1.10, OlIKddN, Huntington & Wilson Attorneys Of Tho Pnlli's, llmvo opi'iii'd ortliya In Portland, Oregon, Rooms 805-807 Lewia Building. rtiislnma wnt In tlii'in from Onok rnnnly Ihlouifh Hi. -Ir mil,-" In Tho Unllcs or illici'i lo their I'm Man, I addrraa will roradvi- iironipl HlliiiClon. 1'oi'llnnd i'honc. Main 7fail, Dr. Charles MacFaddcn Osteopathia Physician llyffnla. IHllle snd Natnrml Tharapeullaa kuiloy4. throttle IHmw Bowuitjr Offce Oyer Morris Furniture Store. TsUphonei PIobmc, No. 126. AtoirkcU ol llilo to oil land sad lows lou Is Crouk oouutr I. F. Vila. Sxfettry, MsatllU, 0im F. E. Fremont Architect and Designer. t.at maahnd. tn tMiililiitgotitt.irtictlttn, Interior arralig.titimta and dworalluli. Headquarter, si or,. id lluwl, Prineville, ... Orofoo. HAVE YOU Filed your Deed? Of Course. HAVE YOU An Abstract? Certainly vveryona has sn abstract now, lo you know where your corners are. Well, No, Not eiat'tly, Brewster Engineering Company, I'rinevllle, Oretfnn, will locate lliera lor you and guarantee tlia wurk. Survey. Ing, Malting, Irrigation Kiigliieerlng. I'tione Pioneer 2W. D. H. PEOPLES Gvil and Irrigation Engineer. Irrigation, Subdivision, Land Surveying, Mapping, Estimating. Office next door to Lyric Therter Nutlrt Ur rtiblicAtUo. iM'Uitx! Trwl. piiWlr Uml Mo. trriutttl t tlit Inivrktir V.M LuJ offirt l l U luttM. orcgnti Nitvrmlxir Irtili, I'Jtl, Notion tt hortlr Btv-KU thi. tlif.f t. lite tiuttilut"itor tit llio itritcral (aim I lmi iittilasr tirtivuii.tit. ntt-( ill (tMKriHi iravt4 June '?, IWM H Ntaiti , M7, h Mill at .ttb 110 o 111 hltfho.l I..l.lrr,l lUuVliMkl, m., n II to lltiUv ul Jiiurr IwlJ, t lliUtm o, llio tttltiwirii itr-ritf Uml Nf u Mt.iwo 3U. T. W.. K W, M Sn fc5?. Any rrtn riatmiit 4vrrl)r th kImiv tlt'w ritri Uiul IUril In thi-tr rUlmi or ulictluuas on ur b(uro llir ilmn ltiiitr4 "tl. f Mi m lit k, Hctilrr. Notice Kur I'tibltcution. latittttod Trmt'U Pttl.llo Und llrtniciit of Dip hiirrtor, V. K- Irfiittl (iflldr ul Tho lir, Oregon, Nfivciniwr r-'ili, luTt, Nnlliw U hoMr flvpu Uml, aw illrrrtcl ht iho (uiuiititjii.tiirr ur iiio tffiivrHl ltnt urrirw ytlUi-r tmivtilmta tit Act nr fainMrfM n'lVtMt tino iT. tww, MmU..M7). wo will t.rtVr nl pittilli Mltt In Mm hlKhoat hid.irr, nt m ti'ottM'k n. Mi.i uti ih awih tly tt Jnuury. -'. l Ui titrtnit, (ho nlt.hit .ilfM'rltwtl lTn'!. J HK',K.. Jt. Tp.ju H.. H. 1ft Km, M. N. 0n1. An uMh nlalntliiK mlvanHily tltonttovo dM'r1lMt Inittl r tlvtwi Ui tile lli-lr rlntni or otiisM'iloum oq ur lirforv tit time diuttifttrd Rotictof Appolntmaiit of AdiultiU triitor Had to Creditor. KUri t horrliy Wcn ttmt Iho unIrrlt nrd hiu Iwii, tty Itioamimy rnurlol llto HIaUmiI tt rtun fur ('riMik mtiuiy. tluly siiiMlttlril n. tiiiiinittr uf Hi (HiitiU of Mrin I', Ity. Onitt. dixHtMHl. mill nil nomin ltnviit cuiiim ngnlnsit UHltt oiir mrr Urmhr mitilrvd U prrwiit lltv Mttno.tliilY vrin d. t m11 d mliiUtrt.r t tlio lw ortirv uf K. Hrlnk, hi I'rltH'Vltlo, Dr.ion, within lit niuiiih from the 1uU uf Uw Unit pulillimu 'it uf IhU rmtli-fi 1'utr.l J putjlUhed rint tlma iWiulwr Tlh, lyll. OKonoR W. Nottl.K, Adinlnutrutor of tho onImIo uf XurlH t:. Itrytioltli. doriuHHt. Notics for Publiciitioo. IVrmrltnftnt of Inn Interior, t. H. l-uiiil umon at Til" ImIIi-., ()rnn, NilVPIlllar Mlh, Isll. NiiMm I. lnrMt.v bIv.ii 1 1 ... i tu... u of I'rliM.vlll... tlnion who on April .ith, IW. inaiin rioitti.tHil No. ul.i, lr v1, .w1,, anu ',. mh iIiiii lown.lniUT Kiuth, ranao 18 ru.t. iiIkiiii.ii tAcrlillnn, ha. nifd noltrn or InlfMillon lo miikti final oomiimlMllort imiof. lo r..lultllMh rtli.ltn 1.. fl,H I..... I .1.... di-u'rtlirfl, iH.forfl Warrrn Hronn, routilr dem, at Ida om at I'rln'-yll:., (inou, on the 'ind tiny of Jiuiuarv, Iwli, I'lalnmnt namtHN wIIiicm: UrOrte Craw ford, ticonin A. l.ltllr. Alvln h'lrn hllx won h T. curlla, all ol I'rliirvllli., I )r' on. ( W. MUUHK, Hrgialiir. Natica (or Publicntloa. IVpartinrnt of til Intrrlor, U. H. iMlid urtlur at I hr ln.-, (Won, .. . . NnwtnlxT IHtli.lsTl, Notlm la hemhr flven that Karl ilidina of I'rlnovllla, Onvon, who on Ih.ivnilK.r nl, lbw, made lloniralpad No, Q6T7U, form'1, nw'i B' ". nwi aw'i ut-'-t arriiun S, lownnhlp 1 aouth, ransx U t, W iiaiiutt Mi'rldlnn, haa niid notlm of Inlt'titlon t, inakt final minmuuitlon proof, to iNiialilUli rliilin to llm land ahovv (Ic-wtIIkiI, l.rnm Tlmollijr K.J. Hurry, U. H ConinilwHomr, at hla olDiiai, Ht Prliifvlllu. Oraioll, oil the Dili liny or Junuary. 1 U1J. IMuliniml nanuwa. wltniMi.a: Klohard M I'n we'll. Kdwiinl a. P. iriiiintui Kriv Htuark John French, all or I'rlni-vlllK. Ilrrgon. "u U W. MOOHH, Ikttl.tor, Ntitlcs for Puhilcutlon. iNolatud Trnct I'nlillp Ind Hulo. I.'l'urliii.'nt or ihn lnu rlor, U, H.' ijind oriloii at !' I mil'. Orivon. NoVHnilK'r I'Hh, lull. Noll.liiirplivlv,Mi tlml. na dlni'li-d l.y till' uminlol.miT or lh lliwral Ijllnl lifni.', undi'r provKlonn or Aol of Ci.iign' aiiprovnd .Into' tl. lmn :n HiutA Knl u. ...to ... imhllti al.', lo Hi" hlihrt 1, 1,1, i. -r. at Bin ','V'K "1 ''"V of January, I I'J. Ht tilt, om.wt. I ,a r..ll...u J land: s -, nw! an!,, awiion JU. town.hin ii' wiiiiii, riinKo i. ,'iiHi, anil uw'. nw1, h( 4, Uiwnnhlp m aoulli, riu!K l ta.l, W M. Anv Iwriuin. i-lulmltiv B,t.,..Hd..i it...i - - ....., 1 , II' 1,1111 Yl, diwrlOi-d land am iiilvln.., to nio llii'lr nliilina u' j oi ui'iom inn tl mo iUhIs imtcd ror aiilo. O, W, MOOItK, Ki'ulHtor. Give us your order for CORDWOOD Juniper or Pine, large or small quantities. DILLON'S YARD Opposite Post Office.