Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 21, 1911, Image 5

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Merry ('hrlrtnia.
Mr. T. M. lUltlwin ret imed
lnxt night from .'ortliuui.
)ixiia & Hunt urn faMuiiing
minio alt-era (nr tlie I'urtliunl llva
atoik hhow,
Mix Ktlml M, I'.dlur, th trained
lurae, left to lay lor Fjiukaiiu tu
imoticn lu r iitolcimUin.
Father Slifidmn of Item! will
hulil aorvliw in I'rinevilla at
iSti'Worl'n Hull nt U h. m. Sunday.
A uplift Walke, njietl 71, died IftH
Hattirtlay of a cniiiplii uilun of
diiTiini-H. Ho IcKvii a willow nnd
live children. He wus buried Sun
day. Mr. ftndMrt. J. V. ISarWr ol
Willicliiiin and Mr. nnd Mr, lttir
on Cnte ol lirownftvillo uro ipend
Ing tliti holitlayn At the home til J.
II. Window.
Married At the lUptitt i'arnon
K Decemlx'f 20, Stephen O. Wait
nnd Jnlia, W, llratlt'ii o( Liuiioiita,
were united in infringe, C. I'.
Hailey officiating.
The Lincoln Ilitth Kohool ol
Portland diletd The liallea High
School lut Saturday At i'ortltind
by iicore ol 33 to 0, thu w inning
the high nchiiol football champion
Ship ol the lUte.
The dedication ol the new Hap
tint church will take pi tire ihe firitt
Sunday in January, 1912. Ite v.
lUiley my that he anU nil ol
Crook county to know about it and
to come to the ervlct. Emin
ent minixtera from abroad will be
pretient. The city churchea are in
vited to unite at thnt time in mak
ing the occat-ion joyous one, ,
Vernon A Forbes ol Iiend filed
ft petition theuther day with Coun
ty Clerk llrown lor writ of man
datum, which wat ordered by
Judge liraddhaw on the lU-nd elec
tion held I Ver miter 5, compelling
the city council and election board
ol liend to ran vus the vote polled
t the recent election and declare
the rei-ult. Thin cloves the right
between the rival (actions of that
The eighth grade pupils of the
I'rineville l'uhiio School held an
election Tuesday, l'rincipal Myers
believes in giving Ihe boys and
girln practical work in civil gov
ernment, io got some sample bal
lot from the city election and
look vote. The regular election
routine was observed. It was in
civics that the public ellmols of the
state full down hard last year.
Prii e villa got the highest grade in
the slate. livery pupil passed
with grades that were n honor,
not only to Principal Myers, but
to the I'rineville public school.
H. II. Lnckard, the Culver stage
man, whs Sunday vUitor.
Wm. l!N'gli, the Culver booster,
fa buftlneis visitor Monday.
Mis C'inway haves for l'orUsrtd
Saturday toipend the holiday.
Fred Powell and wile and L. K.
Throop were Paulina, vbitors this
There is to be dance, Christ
m.i tree and tuikey shoot at
Paulina Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hunt hit
Tuesday evening lor Portland to
spend the holiday.
Prank Forest of The IUllea is in
Prini'ville thin week looking alter
hi Crook county inli-reela.
Melvin Iticlurdson, ol Portland,
nephew of Mrs. Anna (Unite, i
visiting relatives in I'rineville.
Mr. Mary Hinton sent the
Journal some eggs ol unusual size
lor I'lirintiiius. M iny thank.
Handolph (iibwn has bouuht
ihe Tackman (iresn House at The
l'alles. He is now in possesfion.
Mrs. Will came in
ihe first ol the week from Portland
to spend the holidays in I'rineville.
S S. Hayes ol Portland, repre
sentative of the Wiley H. Alltn
Music House, was In I'rineville the
first ol the week.
U.S. O'Neil, traveling freight
and pasnenger aient for the O-W.
It it N. Co, registered at the
Oregon Mondsy.
Married At the lUptUt parson
age, December 1!), Melvin 1. Gil
lett and Q.i M. Newbill of (iriizly.
Hev. C. P. Hailey performed the
The old Sbaniko Hole! was
burned lo the ground this morning,
together with its contents. Nothing
was saved. Lo tl2,O0. In
sured for f 1,000. The fire started
in ft cold storage plant adjacent to
the hotel. It is thought to be the
work of an incendiary.
Supt. K. A. Ford was in Metoliu
Wednesday to visit the local school,
where he delivered an effective ad
dress before the rising generation,
giving them some splendid pointers
on how to prepare lor the unfath
omed future so as to escape its pit
falls. He also visited the schools
at Round Butte, Methodist Hill
and Madras. Metolius Oregonian.
Mrs. L. 11. Kerwood was a pas
senger on the south bound O. T.
train last night on her way home
to Urineville from a business trip
to Portland. Mrs, Kerwood is the
promoter ol an electric railway
from Metolius to PrineviKe and is
still at work on the proposition.
She is not yet prepared to an
nounce the date of beginning ol
construction operations but seems
confident that the road will be
built. Metolius Oregonian.
R. II. Gould spent Sunday In
lien Taylor ol Anielope wn in
town on business this week,
J. If. Garrett ol Trout Creek was
a county seat visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. Nuro McCoin of Wi'Jow
creek is visiting Mrs. Summers.
A. J. Clark, the contractor, 'eft
for Tucson, Arizona, the last of the
wet k.
J. L MiColley and W. F.
Sweeney were visitors Irora Sisters
Tuesday. .
Miss Agnes KUiott U home from
the University of Oregon for the
Henry Odell left for Portland the
last ol the week, where he will
spend the winter.
M. F. Marston csme in Tuesday
with a gang of men who are work
ing on a telephone line from
Don't forget the Christmas dance
at the Club Hull on the night of
December 25. A big crowd is ,
expected. j
The Ladies' Annexvill hold the ;
usual New Year's reception on the
afternoon ol January 1. Mrs. C.
M. Elkins, chairman of the generul
committee, has appointed Miss;
liertha Baldwin chairman of the
decoration committee, and Mrs.!
Rosenberg chairman ol the lunch j
committee, j
John M. Larsen of Madras ap-J
plied yesterday to the county clerk j
for his second papers. His witnesses '
were Jerry C. Soihraan of Madras
and Lewis K. wilson of Metolius. 1
They must swear that he has lteen
in the United States five years and
in Oregon one year. He must al?o
bear a good reputation.
For Sale.
tVlillo I'ifhorn ewkerels, $2.50
eitrli. While Wymitlott cockerel,
I.I.UO etirli. S. L. Vamikvkiit, Beuil,
Oregon. liao-linp
New Hay Bailer for Sale.- -
One Whitman Sitwl lieauly Hay
Bailer lor ssle. Call on or address
i'airview Stock Farm, I'rineville, Ore
gon. , 11-9
Useful Xmas Presents
For Ladies1 and Girls
Silver Ware.
Water Sets.
Bird Cages.
Carving Sets.
Flower Pots
Walnuts and Almonds
Cream Separators ,
Washing Machines
Rome Kettles and Tea Pots
Heating and Cook Stoves
Universal Food Choppers
Watches and Clocks
Fancy and Plain Dishes
Fancy and Plain Lamp's
Sewing Machines
Combination Flour Sifter and Barrel
For Men and Boys
Pocket Knives
Tools of all Kinds
Indian Clubs
Safety and Standard Razors
Razor Strops
Meerschaum and other Pipes
Silver and Gold Watches
Tool Grinders
Clark's Carriage HesteTS
Boy's Wagons
Lap Robes
22 Rifles and other Guns
Hunting Coats and cartridge belts
We have the Stock
We meet all prices
What more can be asked
Don't Shiver and Freeze
on Cold Days
when you ride in automobile or any other vehicle.
Get one of these genuine comfort makers
Clark Heater
No. 70, thowimt SmU ud tmd VantiUten ..... . ... . .
It fits right in at your feet,
throws out as good, strong heat you can regulate perfectly
and make the finest kind of a foot rest
W. F.
Christmas Ball
Night of December 25th
Commercial Hall
Luckey's Orchestra. Tickets $1
tew mmmmwM&i
HERE Is an oil-beniiiift lamp which produces a tiooa oi
pure, white light more brilliant than Ras or electricity
yet wonderfully mellow ami easy on the eyes. It is simple
and safe, clean and noiseless, does nut fill the room with obnox
ious, unhealtlifulodora. Tohavcabcttcrlightedliome.withan
Aladdin Mantle Lamp
will crtillty co ro nothlnir. It will p.J lot Imll In Iht oil It m.m. I n
Ihe licm lot Iho Msnlll Ump Compur.y ol Alnfrlo nd ,m lUln! you what I
know to be bolu.e ltd!. l'rollot Roier,, ol Uwli Imlllule,, m.dr
K-V-1&r-i-'li coniprllve lrt ol all tn iruini nil '"'"" " , '
ftSLdiiSMjkWMn t louoi lo gtvcltic beat liglil i"l Iho moat economical to o.e. But you
s?ju7, , ., ,1,.,. ., .t on my wo.4 only. All I Is H' opnottunlty to prov.
litem at my own ilik. Iwlllbe glad lo let you
TRY an Aladdin Lamp in Your Home Before You Buy
l ,,.rnl.h Tahlo. Bracket, Hanslnj, Wall and Chandcllet tvpea ol lmp-ln fact Al.tldln Lampl i lot every
..w.iL. lurtdiop" . pn.t cardi.dalmplyaayyoarelnlc.r..ed. l'llbll.,ltab.lnanAl.ddinLampto
IbTIou slid le. ta you" tto". lo n. Uoi 01 two. .li.cly without oblluation. 3I th. c.rd tod.,.
The Great Sacrifice
Will Continue Until After Christmas
Our sales have been extraordinary since the slaughter of
prices began but we have several lines scarcely touched
upon. In order to make a good clean-up, the Slaughter will
continue until after Christmas.
our Christmas Presents a
Prineville, Or.