. in See Our Christmas Goods Dolls Given Away! With every cash purchase for $5.00, $10.00. $15.00. $20.00. and $25.00 in our Dry Goods, Furnishing, and Shoe Departments. Come in and see the Dolls. High Grade Crockery, Glassware and Silverware, Toilet Sets, Handbags, Purses, Fancy Stationery, Kid Gloves, Neckwear, Silk Waists and Ribbons, Table Linen, Napkins, Tray Cloths, Luncheon Cloths, Buffet Covers, Fancy Bed Blankets, and Bed Spreads. Toys, Dolls, Games, Nuts, Candies, and Christmas Groceries of All Kinds Sale Specials Men's Dress Shirts at 50c. to $1.00 Men's Suits $5.00 and up. Men's Odd Pants $1.00 and up. Boy's Three Piece Suits $1.00 and up. r DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH tSj Collins W. Elkins Paste This In Your Hat We have been requested to publish the national, state, county and city officers for the benefit of teachers and others who are now taking the examinations. They are as follows: NATIONAL. President William H. Taft. Vice-President James S. Sher man. Secretary of State Philander C. Knox. Secretary of Treasury Franklin McVeagh. Secretary of Interior Walter L. Fisher. Secretary of War II. L. Stim son. Secretary of Navy Geo. Von L. Meyer. Secretary of Commerce Charles Xagel. Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson. Postmaster General Frank II. Hitchcock. Attorney General Geo. Wicker-eham. STATE. Governor Oswald West. Secretary of State lien W. 01 cott. Treasurer T. 15. Kay. Attorney General A. M. Craw ford. Supt. of Public Instruction L. A. Alderman. Printer W. S. Duniway. Dairy and Food Commissioner J. W. Bailey. Senators Jonathan Bourne Jr. and G. E. Chamberlain. Congressmen W. C. Ilawley and A. W. Lafferty. Supreme Court Robert Eakin, chief justice; T. A. McB.ide, Gto. H. Burnett, II. J. Bean, F. A. Moore, associate justices. 7th. judicial district. Judge W. L. Bradshaw. Prosecuting Attorney Fred W. Wilson. Joint Senator G. H. Merrjman. Joint Representatives II. P. Belknap and W. L. Thompson. COUNTY OFFICIALS. Judge II. C. Ellis. Clerk Warren Brown. Sheriff T. X. Balfour. Treasurer R. L. Jordan. Assessor J. D. Lafollette. Surveyor F. A. Rice. Coroner Dr. Hyde. PRINEVIt.LE OFFIl'EKSKt.ECT. Mayor Chas. S. Edwards. Councilmen Noble, Ward, Win nek; newly elect, Cooper, Gray and Sbipp. Recorder A. W. Bowman. Treasurer C. E. Smith. Marshal T. L. Coon. School Directors Mrs. R. E. Gray, Dr. Belknap and T. II. La follette. Justice of the Peace A. II. Kennedy. Prineville-Burns Basketball Game Prineville basket ball players will leave for Burns Sunday morn ing eoas to be on hand for the Prineville-Buins games Christmas night and the evening following. Prineville anticipates a tough game. Burns has a strong team and it has had more practice than the Prineville boys. The team from here will wear their new uni- Teachers' Examination Commenced Yesterday Countv Superintendent Ford is holding the regular teachers' ex animations for state papers at the court house this week. The ses sion opened Wednesday with 24 applicants in attendance. They are as follows: Miss ChristaUel Hubbard, ('line Falls. Miss Myrtle E. Prosper, Sisters. Robert A. Kester, Post. Mrs. Glenn H. Slack, Bend. Miss Mary H. Baker, Roberts. Gerald G. Groves, LliMman. Mrs. Alda McMickle, Redmond. Miss Ellen Telfer, Ashwood. Mate E. Forney, Sisters. , Mrs. Madeline Prose, Roberts. Miss Ida P.. Jacques, Prineville. Thomas A Marlowe, Fife. Miss Claire Dunn, Redmond. Ivy B. Davidson, Powell Butte. Miss Ethel M. Holmes, Bend. Miss Jane C. Allen, Prineville. Edgar li. Powell, Prineville. Miss Nona B. Richardson, Prine ville. Miss Ada E. Morse, Prineville. De Witt Williams, Prineville. Victor L. Snawe, Ilaycreek. Miss Mattie E. Gray, Lamonta. Miss Kathryn Breen, Lamonta. J. G. Redmond, La Pine. Long' Home-Made Candies. Our candies are made where fold and forms, consisting of navy blue and ; made fresh each day. Our candies are x : . . ,! made from Uie trait material. We have white shirts with canvas pants. A;aliueo can(iit., ,or yoIlr Christmas blue wingtd ''" on a white back- i wants. Candies for your friends, sweet- I ' i h;arts, wives and children. Baskets, ground makes a neat combination UnttJ ;,a,ke(1 boX(!,. Spw;ial ge Sat. of the Commercial Cluh'a colors ' urdav of I-ionii's Home-made Candies. nl,.., i. ,. .1 : li Coooanut Kisses, retfilar 40o, special -'5c Shorty I-oster, the invincible , ,)er ,KJUUa ,,ext Saturday. It center, cannot get away. His loss j I will materially weaken the team.; Advertised Letters. The line-up is as follows: Brew-; ; M Ai;new ater. riirht forward- T.nnirrltdl left I ! l'eadmond Herman Pawner ( iw-ar Ingram I t'lr.vl an. ... Wm KlllirsUv forward; Ellis, center; Bechtell, ! Mi-s Aiine-s I.vnn it I. Mc.Murty right guard; MtCallister, left ' ;lrfl K'" Kic" V,,,?ArS?l,'"l,"ry , ,, ,. , , i Chas W Tiiorn H H Waldron guaru; v an ursnoven, suo. For Sale or Trade. 8 ncreH of choice K'iroVn land nd jolnlnireity of Centriilln. WmhIi. Ad dresH B. F. Hogard, Centralla, Wunb. 11 3'J-lmp Curtis Bakery. Sells bread at 5 cents per loaf or 21 loaves for $1. Whole wheat, Graham and all kinds of bread, cakes and pies, made to order. Opposite Crook County bank. ll-ajti That Mysterious Prineville Road. Notwithstanding that the pro posed Prineville railroad has been shrouded in mystery, and every avenue of information sealed up tight, the news leaked out this week, and it comes from a reliable source, that Madras will be the terminus of the new road, says the Pioneer. It is also known that the road will use gasoline cars, the same as are used on several of the lfarriman lines throughout the state of Washington. The first of the week three en gineers arrived at Madras and a few hours later they climbed into an awaiting automobile and speed ed off in the direction of Prineville up Willow creek canyon, the natural outlet - for all that vast area of rich farming land that is just now attracting the attention of the world because of the recog nition it received at the Colorado Springs Dry Farming Congress, when Tiilman Reuter and associ ates brought borne 31 prizes in competition against other produc ing sections. The greatest mystery attached to the whole proceeding is the question of who is back of the en terprise. Those who claim to know say that Portland capitalists with the aid of local people will finance the deal, while others are confident that local capital only, with the possible exception of one or two Prineville individuals, will furnish the necessary bank specie to finance the deal. It is also understood that more than half of the right of way haH already been secured and that when one or two obstructions are removed at this end of the line, work will be pushed along at a rapid pace. It i9 hoped that more definite news will be given out by the parties interested in time for publication next week. Pure-bred White Wyandott cockerels for sule. Ray V. CoNSTit.rs, Adam son's Drugstore. 11 I'll Notice of Annual Meeting. Notice is hereby given tint the an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Ontrnl Oregon Livestock and Agricul tural Association will he held in the Commercial Club Hall at I'rineville, Oregon, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon on Monday, the first day of January, 1912. Pec. 7 -lt J. S. Vox, Secy. Notice to My Friend. I am nut to win the Journal TUno. When you suhscritw romciulter ma with your votes. .Mm. Yima Cvhi's. 11 1V Horse for Sale. On the (dd ('. Sum Smith ranch, near I'rlncvlllr: mdd In tiny unrulier lit reasonable prices. For further Information address II, II. Huhmki I., rrlnevllle, Oregon. 12-lil-tf f it XMAS GOODS ? .1 You will look with admiration over Ilia splendid samples of modern Furniture that we have on exhibition in our Showrooms, the most artistic and bout constructed Furniture ever turned out tiy wood crafters. The designs, the workmanship, the beautiful finish will charm you at sight, and we warrant the durability of every piece of Furni ture bought from Its. 1'ortlaml prices. A. H. LIPPMAN & COMPANY f"rjrrr3. ni Statement of Resources and Liabilities of The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon At the close of business June 7, 1911 TT RKHOl.'IICKH I.IAIIIl.tl'irci Loans and Discount fM.HXi 03 capital Mock, paid In,, I 50,0H 00 United Htates Hoods 1!1,5"0 00 Hu reins fund, ennid WWW 00 Bank tn-mlses.sU! 19.IM0 rj Undivided profits, earned in.T.'t M Cash A hue from banks 2M,tfjt 01 circulation K, ceo 00 UeposlH M,m ail VMM t '..ii,jt is B. P. All.n. Pruld.nt T. M. Baldwin. C.hl.r Will Wur.w.ll.r, Vic. Prs.ld.nl H. B.ldwla, Au't CaihLr W. A. Booth. Pres. 1). P. Htkwakt, Vlccl'res, f!. M. El,KIN8,rmhl6r Crook County Bank PRINEVILLE, OREGON Statement of the Crook County Bank of Prineville, Oregon, as rendered to tha Superintendent of Banks, June 7th, 191 1 Aii.tt Liabilities I;onniind Discount Iiail.rai.sn fiipltnr Puldlnrull Overdraft 1F.MII.HH HllipluH KuriilnircHnd fixtures 'i.Wti.n I'nrilvidcd profits . Ileal ohIi ite II.7IW.IKI Jvposlls Caib so bsnil tod dut from bank $47,809.95 ...t!!n,io,m . .. 10.ttee.tio . . . axm ik ,, no,!).: llB8,0tX).08