Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 21, 1911, Image 3

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We have the largest and best line of Holiday Goods ever shown in Central Oregon. We bring the best goods
from the best shops of Portland, Chicago and other cities, for your inspection. Our Goods and Prices are Right, and
our time is yours to assist in selecting Christmas Gifts. Look through our Show Cases.
Cut Glass.
The lurnest and beat line ever displayed
in Prineville, Complete line lo wire! Irom.
Prices rinije Irom $1 lo $20 per piece.
These pieces cover every design ol cut
glass, Irom the most aVIicile "leather
edge" cuts, lo the. plainer, more eco
nomical designs.
Pie Plates
And Rom Bowls in hand painted de
signs. Rose Bowls in many varied
shapes and designs.
Dolls and Doll Buggies
Duralle Dolls with natural hair. Prices
Irom 4 lor 5c lo $15 each. Solid wire
doll carriages, cheaper and better than
other kinds.
The "Columbia" Graphaphones Irom $25
lo $200. Best in the World. A good
assortment ol records.
Down to the minute copyright liction, by
the best authors. Children ! story books,
and all kinds ol gilt books. A large
line ol novels. Magazines, Postcards
and Postcard Albums.
Hammered Brass.
Strictly new. Sold in die cities this
year lor the first time. Beautiful gilt
Pyrography sets for doing burnt wood
Eieces. Also I large line ol stamped
asswood lor burning. These make
gilts that are appreciated.
A large line ol knives and forks, pearl
handles, and hollow handle community
ware. Many other pieces, all at a price
lo suit.
Handbags and Purses Chafing Dishes.
Bret quality leather. Well -made and And alternoon lea sets. We have a
durable.. Prices Irom 25c lo $14. large and beautilul assortment ol these
useful gilts. Silver and copper finish-
Musical Instruments inthoRy trimmin98-
A complete line ol high grade musical BeiTV Sets
instruments, and carrying cases. Ask lo '
see them. And Berry Dishes. Our holiday line
ol berry sets, and berry dishes, fancy
JewelfV crockery hand painted, offers a big se-
' lection.
Men's and Ladies' gold and gold filled 1
watches, chains, charms, lockets, and Water SetS
emblem-cull links, pins, etc
Our collection ol water sets cover the
Rin&S widest range, and oilers everything from
' individual pitchers in beautilul shapes, lo
Diamond rings, gold band and wedding cut glass sets in eight pieces,
rings, rings ol all kinds. See them.
j " For the Little Folks.
Little work boxes, rubber balls, edu-
One-day, 8-day, 400-day clocks. A cational cut-out pictures and pictures and
line line ol parlor clocks lor the Holiday card sets, toy dishes, rag dolls, celluloid
trade. Look them over. dolls, rings, bracelets and neck chains.
Lowney's Candies.
Fresh and pure Special Holiday Line
from 5c to $5 per box.
Hand painted and Havilnd China fine
goods which make excellent gilts.
Pudding Sets.
Elegant three piece pudding sets in new
patterns. Salt and pepper shakers,
novel and useful.
Other Articles.
Rogers' California Perfumes in gift bot
tles. Water colors and paints, new holiday
stationery in gilt boxes, Christmas mir
rors. Toilet Sets, Military Sets, combs
and brushes, strops, mugs, and supplies,
field glasses. Vases, Gift Pictures, big new
line ol harps, pocket knives, jewel cases,
ink-wells, paper weights, paper cutters,
(ountain and gold pens, games lor the
children, and many other useful articles.
We have made a study of the I loliday Gift Business for years. This line is of better variety and belter quality than has been offered here before,
large stock of gifts, and our best attention are at your disposal. Let us help you settle the Holiday Gift Question. Quality is our watchword.
Our time, our experience, our
D. P. Adamson & Co.
Prineville, Oregon
Congress to Adjourn at End of
Week Owing to Nearnes of
the Holidays.
Washington, D. C The near ap
proach of Christmas wll seo the cus
tomary lull lu political and public af
(ulrs. I.lttlo ri'itl work la expected ol
- Congrcaa, which will adjourn at the
end of the week for the holiday re
cess. President Tuft tent two messages
to Conxri'sa this week, the wool
tariff message and one dealing with
tho government departments. A ape
cm I meantime with the report of the
economy and efficiency commission
will be submitted early lu January.
Other messages planned by the presi
dent after the holiday recess are on
Alaska and the cotton schedule.
Favors Protection for Wool.
The tariff board's report shows that
while substantial reductions may be
made In the wool tariff, the average
reduction cannot be great If the pro
tective principle la to be maintained
The Republicans In the Senate are
old to ham decide that If the Demo
cratic House sonda over a wool bill
disregarding the tariff board report
they will Ignore ft and prepare prac
tically a new oJTI. The Republicans
expect the support of the Insurgents,
but unlese they have nearly sery
momber of this faction with them the
Democrats will pass their wn till.
which means that President Toft, who
has gone on record as unalterably op
miaad to any tariff meaeure which
disregard's the protective principle,
probably vlil veto It.
Russia Angered y Treaty Abrogation
What In diplomatic language Is In-
tornreted an practically a threat by
RuHsIa to sever all friendly relations
with the United Stales In the event
that Congress went ahead with Its
plan to abrogate the treaty et 1832
with that country, was made lo Presi
dent Tuft nnd Secretary of State
Knox by tho Itusslan ambassador.
That President Tuft regarded as Be
rlous tho situation arising from the
ltusjlun pinlcst that adoption of the
Sulzer resolution would be Inconsist
ent with existing friendly relations
was Indicated when live members of
the Cabinet wore summoned for a
special mooting.
Tru3t Control Live Issue.
Trust control will become important
In U-glslutlon before the close of the
present Congress.. Steps will be taken
1b the direction of enlarging the con;
trol of Congress over trusts-aid mo
nopolies. Drastic legislation will be
proposed and there may be efforts to
modify the present Sherman act so
that It will not have to be largely In
terpreted by the supreme court.
The Investigations which have been
conducted and the reports which will
be made will afford an opportunity
for drafting laws lo further regulate
trade combinations. It will take time
to get any such bills passed, as there
Is a determination on the part of
many members of both houses to
move with caution In regard to such
an Important matter.
Demands on Treasury Hesvy.
The pension bill already passed by
tho House, carrying from 140,000.000
to $75,000,000; the demand of the pub
lic buildings committee for an omni
bus measure to carry between $25,-
000,000 and $30,000,000 and other large
demands on the treasury have com
plicate the situation. Democratic
leader Underwood Insists that the
public buildings bill shall not be put
National Capital Brevities.
Aid from Congress for the protec
tion of W. Morgan Shuster, the
American financial minister of Persia,
Is not required, according to a state
ment made by Secretary of State
An Investigation to determine why
the price of sugar was increased sev
eral aonte a yeknfl last summer was
begun tsy te House committee ap
pal Mod to liuyestlgjito sugar cosdt
tlons. Various attempts to out down the
10 cent a mile that it is avowed each
member of Heuae and Senate for trav
eling expenses were finally detested
in the House by a roll call and vote
of 12 to St.
Ocneral Leonard Wood, chief of
staff of the army, favors the restora
tion of the canteen to army postB.
lie declares In his annual report that
the consensus of oplnon In the army
Is that tho canteen should be re
established. Washington society Is stirred by the
announcement that Captain Qrahame
Johnson, I). S. A., military aid to
President Taft and whoBe name was
connected with that Of the Presi
dent's daughter, Miss Helen Tatt, in
a rumored betrothal recently, has
been suddenly transferred to the
Hunt, prices paid for household gonoV,
Also (ell and exchange. Prineville Fu -
niture Kxuuango. Unas, r. onctan
t .... r
Don't Judge a Roofing
By Its Looks
On the surface most ready roofings look the same, but the weather
finds the hidden weakness. You can't tell by looks which roofing;
will last twenty years and which will go to pieces in a single summer.
lias stood for nearly twenty years as the standard of all ready
roofings. The first buildings ever roofed with Ruberoid nearly
twenty years ago are still water-proof and weather-tight. These
buildings are the oldest roofed with any ready roofing.
Get This Free Book
It tells the advantages and disadvantages of tin, tar, shingle, iron and
ready roofings fairly, frankly, impartially. Learn about aU roofs
before deciding on any.
Shipp & Perry, - Prineville, Or.
O. A. C. Short (Courses
Begin Jan. 3, Continue FourJW eeks
ii-ie 12 si
Every citisen of Oregon is cordially invited to
attend the ehort coarsen of the Oregon Agri
cultural College, beginning Jan. 3. Eleven
distinctive oourses will he offered in- Agri
culture, Mechanic Arte, Domestic Science and
Art, Commerce, Forestry ami Music. Kvery
course is designed to HELP the student in
his daily work. Make this a pleasant and
profitable winter outing. No tuition. Keason
nble aceommodatisus. For beautiful illustrated
bulletin, editress
H. M. TEN N ANT, Registrar, Corvallle, Or.
Farmer's Business Course by Correspondence.
Crook County Journal, county
IT oial pa-er. tl.53 a year.
The records show a clear title to your property? The
records failed to show correct title in a sale made this
week by a lending real estate company. RESULT Long
delay and possible loss. Better lot the Pioneer Abstract
Company look after your Interests.
(Member Oregon Association of Title Men)
Eat Turkey on New Years Day
You will have pleasant feellogs afterwards because It will agree
with you, PICKING A BONE Isn't good form of course, but our
Meats are so good that It is hard to part with even the smallest
portion. Try some of our Fresh Oysters.
City Meat Market
That's what a good cow will make it
pay you, and the market is right here
in Prineville. We will buy all the
cream you can produce.
Pioneer Cream Co.
Agents DeLaval Separator.