Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 21, 1911, Image 2

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Closing Out! Going Out of Business!
Our Entire $25,000 STOCK OF GROCERIES, HARDWARE, DRY GOODS and SHOES must go by May 1st,
1912. SALE BEGINS SATURDAY, DEC. 16th, and continues as long as any stock remains. EVERY ARTICLE
CASH ONLY--Absolutely No
Money Savers
Carnation Milk per doi 1.15
Mt. Vernon Milk per doi 1.15
Pkg. MliK-e Meat Xout-Such ..11
Popcorn per lb OS
Plum Pudding ptr pkg 11
Arm & Hammer Soda 07
Best Corn Starch per pkg OS
Cocoa nut Schepps email pkg 08
Schepps Cocoanut medium pkg 16
Schepps Cocoanut large. .'to
t'ottolene medium size pall 67
Cottolene large size pall 1.65
Helui Apple Butter (jars) 55
Helni Mince Meat (Jars) .70
Ball Bluing per box 06
Blue Vitrol lb 09
Wool Blankets
64xS0 Inches dark Brown all wool..4.30
10- 1 North Star gray " "..4.70
11- 4 " " " ..5.40
OOxSO Inches 5 lb Brown " " ..4.45
64xS0 inches 6 lb. Gray " ' ..5.20
(VSxSO in. Calumet Plaids ' " ..4.70
11-4 North Star White " ' ..5.30
Salem Indian Uobes ass't'd deslgn,4.40
11-4 shoddy ( 1.65
10- 4 Kingston gray all wool 3.95
11- 4 North Star gray " " 5.40
Cotton Blankets
64x76 gray Wool Nap double 1.90
72xH4 "
Furnishing Goods.
Furnishing Goods
Plain Canvas gloves, per pair 07
Knit wrist Canvas gloves, perpr 08
Common Gauntlet, per pair 10
Heavy fleeced Gauntlet 19
Heavy fleeced leather palm 27
Cotton Sox, medium weight, pr 00
" " heavy weight, pr 09
"Engineer & Flremnns" black
hose, splendid value, per pair 10
.Medium weight wool hose, gray pr .24
Medium weight white wool, pr 27
Heavy gray or white, pr 43
Good weight blue seamless 24
Boys' blue wool, pr 19
Men's Shirts
Light blue Chambray, G5e value 37
Ass't'd work shirts 39
IViubertoa Fluunel ,s7
We have enroute a large shipment of Dry Goods which we expect by Dec
yard; Percales 12k values 9c.; Handkerchiefs from 1c to 25c; 72 x 90 first
size 17c
This advertisement does not do our sale justice.
others in our stock. Remember, Every Article in
Groceries! Groceries!"
Cloride Lime can 13
Knox Gelatine pkg 11
Plymouth Hock Uelatlue 09
Standard Corn per can 11
Standard Tomatoes 11
Bakers Cocoa per can 23
Hersheys Cocoa per can ...21
Star Chocolate per lb 23
Ground Chocolate 1 lb can 29
Corn Flakes per pkg 09
Violet OaU pkg 11
Cream of Wheat IS
Columbia Oat pkg 32
Corn Meal 10 lb sack , as
Rolled OaU 10 lb sack 48
Grape Nut pkg 13
Puffed Rice pkg 14
Crackers 1 lb pkg 09
Goods, Blankets. Silks, Outings,
Large heavy dark gray " 1.80
Extra large light gray " 1.80
Light gray 5x76 double 1 10
Light tan 58x76 double 1.10
White 5Sx76 double 1.10
Extra large white 72x0 1 60
Cotton Indian Robes I SO
Blanket lined Canvas Uorse Blnkt 1.65
Wool Dress Goods
36 In. Cashmere, 5 shades, per yd. ...63
36 " Mobuir, 4 shades, per yd 57
36 " Black Serge, per yd 67
36 " Brown Serge " " 57
36 " Cream Serge, per yd 77
36 " Amoskeag Panama cloth. ...57
Light blue soft dress..
Blue Flannel, medium weight 1 45
Blue Flannel, single or double
breasted.; 1 90
Heavy blue Flannel, single 2.30
Heavy blue Flannel, double br 2.45
Light wt. Corduroy, fine quality 2 39
Sheep lined fur collar, good 17.00
quality ... . 5.00
Heavy Brown Mackinaw, good
5.50 quality $1.40
Gray Mackinaw Jacket, with belt 2 05
Good Blanket liu d canvas, w ith
cord collar .. 2 .90
Tan Corduroy, cuff bottom
Tan " plain
Tan Whipcord, cuff '
.3 10
Credit Business After
Cracker 2 lb pkg IS
Jello all flavors 09
Ham per lb 19
Breakfast Bacon 19
10 lb. strips medium Baron IS
Golden Syrup gals 39
Golden Syrup 1 gals 6-S
Maple Syrup qts.. 42
Maple Syrup gals.... 69
Maple Syrup 1 gals 1.37
44 " English Shower Proof serge
blue, per yd 1.45
52 Inch One gray Serge, per yd. ..1.30
50 " blue Serge, per yd 05
50" black. Serge, per yd 1.30
43 " Novelty Check black and
white, per yd 57
42 Inch, all wool Check, per yd 95
Navy and red Broadcloth, peryd 1.27
Baby Flannel, peryd 48
Twill Babv Flannel, per yd 37
Yard-wide black Taffeta, per yd... .95
Yard-wide Pongee, per yd 05
Yard-wide MeHaulliie, champagne
color, per yd 95
Solsette, per yd 27
Shoes! Shoes!
Some of our best
values are in our
Shoe Department
These are not to be
Stur Tobacco, pluy 15
Sawlog Tobacco, plug 95
I'iiIoii 1-eader, caus 4S
Dixie Queen, cans 4s
Pedro, can 5"
I'edro, pouch 09
I'nion Leader, pouch 09
Ilxie Queen, pouch 09
Velvet, Hie cans 09
Tuxedo, 10c cans 09
16th but may not arrive until a few days later; this shipment consists of Calicos which we will sell at 5c per
quality Sheets 69c; Pieced Sheets 72x90, 53c; Pillow Cases 45 x 36, first quality 19c; second quality, same
The prices quoted here
Our Stock Reduced in
December 16th CASH ONLY
Candies and Nuts
Plain Mixed Candy per III 13
Broken Mixed Candy per lb 17
Chocolate Creams nsa't'd llnvor...2S
Peanuts per lb 12
Xo. 1 Soft Shell Walnuts lb 20
Fancy budded Walnuts lb 28
Paper shell Almonds lb 21
Braxtls per lb 21
Filberts sr lb 3
Pecans per lb 23
Dried Fruits
Raisins best grade HI oi pkg 12
Currants " ' " " 14
Sulsene, per yd '. 39
27 Inch Messallne, per yd 78
27 Inch Taffeta, per yd 78
Outing Flannels
Light grade, per yd 03
Medium grade, per yd 09
Heavy grade, per yd 11
These Comforters were bought In
large quantities direct from the
factory at a saving of about tweuty.
five per ceut over the usual whole
sale price. At our regular price these
were good values and at our cut
Tinware, Stoves and Ranges.
22 Smokeless Cartridges, short- 13
22 Long Smokeless Curt ridges 17
25-115 Win Smokeless " Ui
30-30 " " " 72
12 gauge Smokeless Shot Gun
Shells, high base chilled shot 4,
B, 6 shot. 72
Food Choppers
No. 1 Universal, reg. 1.50 value... .1.17
No. 2 ' ' 1 75 " ....1.33
No. 3 " " $2.50 " ....1.95
Poultry Netting
3 ft. Meal 10 rod Itolls 21(5
4 ft. Ideal 10 rod Kails :i.W)
5 It. Ideal 10 rod Bolls 4.!K)
6 ft. Ideal 10 rod Itolls 6.90
are no better (if as good) than hundreds of
Prineville, Oregon
Italian Prunes large per lb 10
Cal. While Figs graded per lb 11
Fancy Pried Apples per lb IS
3 Crown Italsln ier lb 10
Fancy Apricots 21
Gal. Canned Fruits
Apples Solid pack per can 39
Pumpkin " ' 39
Prunes ' " 39
Graes " " " " 39
Plums " " " " mi
Apricots " " " W
Black Berries solid pack per can... .54
Gooseberries " ' " .,,,55
Peaches " " " " ....4
Logantiorrles " " " ,,,.,'.7
price are less than the usual whole
sale cost,
Knotted Sllkolene, solid coTor,
saline bonier, pink and light
blue, regular ! value 2.90
Splendid full-size nil mi tine, scroll
stitched with straight stitched
border, silk lloss filling, reg. $5, 3 05
Figured satlne-faced and solid
color satlne back, scroll stitched
and straight stitched border,
pink, light blue, and lavender,
regular l 60 value 3 30
Scroll stitched figured sllkolene,
red satlne border, reg. f. lvalue 2 15
Full slz, plain figure, 2 value.. .1.45
60x72 plain figure 95
Stoves and Ranges
No. 7 Common Cook stove regu
lar value 13.50 11.90
No. N Common Cook stove, reg
ular value, f 15.50 U 70
No. 7 Yellowstone stove regular
value $19 1;, 40
No. 8 Yellowstone, stove, reg $21, 19, 70
No. 21 Economy Heating stove,
regular value f II 50 5,0
No. 22 Cosy Heating stove, reg'.'
ular value s.U0 a. 115
No. 25 Cosy Heating stove", regu
lar value 19(10 7,45
No. 120 Gem Heating stove! regu
lar value 13.50 n 70
No. 25 Princess .Vickie trimmed
regular value $14 00 1J a)
$17.50 Cascade ltunge, no rcser-
- 39.50
Improved Cascade with reservoir
regular $55 value 44.50
Columbia Range 011 legs, Nlckle
base, polished top, $05 value... .53 50