c J. B. McNAMARA X r i -m u w '1 -"HI ' - ' i "- I 1911, br Amrton Prm Asaoclaltoa. James B. McNamara. who confessed to dynamiting the Los Angeles Times building, and the jail where he Is Confined. Brief News of the Week. Postoffice clerks are greatly Inter Teacher' Examination. Nolle 1 hereby itlven tlmt the county svliiMi! miertiitetiileiit l Crook county will ttoM tlie rvtilir extinitiiiulnii tor HiilU-Hiit lor StnU imi.'r at rrliu-vllle, commencing Weiliiesilny, IVo. 20, t o'clock a. in., nnj contltiiiliitf until Sntunlity, lVe. 24, Ht S . in., a follow: For Stnte Certltlctite lonc-yeiir, flve-yenr, life): Wcitiu-sility ti. m., arithmetic, civil uowriutieiit, K.njltli literature, Wdliiosiluy t. in., gHi;ritpliy. Kriitmuiir, ilivle. Thursday a. in., orthoitratiy, theory and rtictlc, bookkeeping. Tliiirwtlny ,. in., writing, hy. oloiry. pcohnty. I'rMii.v a. in., V. S. history, ihy. eal p'oj;raiihy, hot any. Kvhlay p. in., svliool law, iisychol 0(iy geometry. Siitunlaya.nl., remllng, nlKchra, Kvneral history. Saturday p. in, composition, American Hteratuiv, history it cil'.i cation. for State rrlmnry Certttleate Weiliiesiluy a. m., method In read- Inc. method In arithmetic. Wednesday p. m., method In lantfUHKC method In geography. Thursday a. in., orthography, theory and practice. I Thursday p. in., writing and phy siology. Friday a. til., Thesl. Subject for thesis: Lemon, by torle. language work In primary grade, number i work In primary (trade, busy work Ul prlmarv grade. polbllltie of ; nature study In primary grade, phonic In primary grades, child stmlv. Applicant choose one sub Ject.' Krldav n. m.. tisveholoirv. Tli subject lor theee for primary sled in an order issued by the post master general calling on all secret or Sanitations of the postal employes to papers are nature study, busy work and disband. reading iu the primary grade. Tile Prohibition national committee! R- Ft ISO. wet in Cbicaso Wednesday to select; County upcrtiucndent the time auJ place for hsildiog the party's convention to noniioate a can didate for president The much-discussed report of the tariff board on the wool schedule of The Clark Hair Dressing Parlors the Payne tariff and the wool iudus Ar located one block wet from the try will be in the hands of President Commercial Club Hall, ruffs, switches, "r.r. .,. i ....... is., i, wis, toupees, hair jewelry, etc. ordered Tafl not later than December 11. ' ' , dlrw', fro(n liie manu- Th Vnited States Senate commit- fm-turers. Send in tour hair combings te? which has been investigating n,l have them made np as you want charges of corruption in the election 1 ,nV . 0. Pure-breil White Wyandott cOA-kerele for sale. Kat V. ConsTabli, Adam son's lrujtore. 11 2-lf of Senator Lorimer of Illinois, re turned Its hearings Tuesday in Wash ington. Advices received indicate that t-e jovcrnors' special, now touring the East tor tne purpose of advertising the natural resources of the western dates, is attracting tremendous at tention everywhere. j Officials of the forest service are formulating a plan under which west-1 era cities deriving their water supply from streams that rise in national for U will have in opportunity to co operate with the service. hair dressed and curled 50e, face massage 50c. scalp mas- sa 50c, shampoo ilk", hair (nig . x almond meal pack 50c. clay pack 50c bleaching and dyeing $1.00 up. mani curing 25c to 50c, 6 ireatmenta t'2.50. Citation. In the Countv Court of the State of Oregon, for the Countv ol Crook. In the mailer of the estate of J. W. Mdionagill, deceased. To W. U. McWonagill, C. McOonagill, V. R. Mclionagill and Purch Met tuna gill heus of .1. V. . Mclionagill, de ceased, and all unknown heir, if anr there be of J. W. Mclionagill, deceased, lireeting: In the name of the State of nerebv cum and re- Motlos ol ('ontcst. lVsrimenl uflhe tnttrior, l'nite.1 Males l and Ollli e. Hi llle. OrK.n November 7, l!MI. To Johaa t buk of triu u I. Oregon. Cnie!lee: Vouire herehv notnle.1 tnsl l.eirs r.. rhinn who give lioneru. Oregou. ln fHaoilli-e auare, Oi.t on e'lenll.l '.".i. l:Ut. tile in ihnolrW In. duly corrobor ated sppoeattou lo eonteM and se- ure the eaiu-eilstlon of your lioiniitfini. Knlrv No.--- erml No, IK.fCi ina.te ptemlr I J. IWb'. lor lou I, V. m-c. 1'. IT S. K. I, r.. .-r.j miv. ..H'. ai. MV, ownihin ,l, S., rati)re ! r... Willauu'lle Meridian, and a. imnut.U ur liUconteM hr aiUves tliKl siodJolinn I'link ha wholly almmlonrd sawl lrm- ot Iniul lor over sii nioniim la-i im..i: that Iii 1i. wholly tailed lo improve ano. tu ilvale said Unci a lv.Uired lv law or at all. ou at. ltier'iotre, niriiier uotiitto mai Ih raid alltvalioi" ni laken I'V lilts oltii-e as Iiav mir U-en eonle-set ly you. aiut your nod entry will I cam-eled ilir.-t nn.ler wiliioui your iiuiner rif:iii i. or liCAlvl therein, either hetorv tills eth.-e or oil a; peal, lliou lilll lo Hie III mis on-,-r witlini twenty d atter lli h'l hill iml.liertllon il' tin llotlee. a.lioll U-i.'W vour ati'.wiT, umieriMtli. Mvirn'iilly inert. inland re-iMMi.lun; to theM" so I. cutiou ol ntel. or It you l.ill wiiiiin turn nuirio Hie in tins ollWe .III prot tti.it 'tt liave ,..rv,l a i-oov of vour answer oil lilt Mill! ooiilesUnt ettlierln person or ly rigi-.t,'r..d iu.nl. it this sarvu-e is nis.le ay in ile luerv of a eoty of jo'ir ansivr lo liie con testant in iH-mon, prmf of siu-h si-rvi.-e musi I either liie nid eoiitratniii's wnt leu acknowifdgiiK'lit of his receipt of the isipy. hoivtng the date of its receipt, or llieatttiiavit ot lite ierson by wlioiuidr delivery was made statini; wlieu and where the ivpv was ileliwrtd: t! made hy rsKtstered mail, primt ot such service must consist of Hie attioavlt of Hie person hy wiiom the evinv was ninue.1 taiing when and the postctrir to which it was mailed ul 1 ins Atn.iavu niu.k os ac-viuiii!oii oj the iHislmaster s receipt for Hie letter. You should state tit your answer tin- name of the posioitlee to w inch you d s re future nonces lo te sent to you. C. W. .MIKIKK, lC.;:t Kegisler. late of Srst publication Nov. '.'V ' second " Nov. .. , o third " IKc ;. " fourth " llec. U. Notice for Publication. tV'psrlinettt ot the tiuerlir. t . S, Iaii.H lliv Or. mi, Nov. niiH'r am, mil. Nolle Is hereto- alien thai I'hHrlet S. t omit, ot I'rlnevltle, ores.m. wtui. on February lilh ptil, uia.le tuuii.ilrait, No. 11.4, lor MVi, .. llon 'J-', lounlii 1.1 soulti, range IA ea.l, W lltNlltelte Merl.tlsll, ha, rtle.t tlollesot III li-iinoii to mske tlnsl voitiMttitatliui ro.l, lo e.iwlUli i-lauil lo Hie lan.t almve t ,1 rlls.l. u-iore VI am-11 Droiin, i-oulii elerk atttlBol-it.-e, at Prtio-itllo, or.-goii, uii the IJtlt Usy u( lle,-eniU.r, l-ll. ClHliiiaul names a wltne.M.s: It.'liry J. M a sr.t.. I'allon A ale. Omar I'. t'la tiol, , I Ol.t.on, allot t'rlll'-illle. oreson. lisp I". . MliOliK. Kelsler, Nstin at Fissl Ssltlnarat. , Notice la herehv given that the tinder sik'tled lias IIIihI her tlntll aci'ount as ad tutmsirntru ol the ratals of James M. Ilanitltoll, deeenl. III the (file of the county cierk id t'look itniiuy, Stale of llreoii, and lite county court ol said county and State litis lived Turlay, the 'Jn,t day ot January, VMi. as Ihs tuna tor tieaitnit said titinr aN-oiiiit ami any ol 11-,'tioua that nitiy be made thereio. ll.-lled this illsl day ol' November. PHt. Sisrri H Mll.li, Atlliiinisirati-lt of the listate uf James M. Haliilltou, deceased, ip-j:. Notice fr I'liblicatun. Ic1!i-. Trst-t. PiiMIt- I aiut -lalo. 1V ailment ol lite llili-rtor. P.H l-au.l llltl.eal I'll'' tlU... or. Kn NovemlH-r Itiili, l-tlt. Notice Is tierel-y Rlieti llisl. s. ttr. cle.1 tty tlte mtiil.ttoli,-r ol llo-t,e it, rai tiliit Oltire, II u.l.-r pro. i. ions o( scl ot ivitnn-,1 appmiett June lis .4 slsts,. MM we will offer si putt lie ale. to tit." blithest bl.bt.-r. St b' 0YI0, k a. 111., .ill liie liiirtitsi ol lallusrv t-11.. at tblstiltlie, liie loliou him ui-M rils-tt Isud' N t- 1, S l,, Sec, i!. T. Iw , H IS 1 -l tt . M , No e:. Ally l-rsott elsmiltts aitversety Itisatstva ttes. rilte.t tali. I are s.liUe.t to tile illelr elalitis. or otoecltolla, ou ur ta-lort Ills tittle designated lor sale. C- C.. M'tolll:, U.'3 Ki-i.i.r. g 1,1 l.Olmg meets every Vs I1 s Haiurday nlsiit. MlrsiiKorw wetcotiie. R. V. 1'onstable, N. t.: Wldd Karnes. V. U.; It. U Holtbs, Hre.i slid C, B, lilnwIddle.Tnmu. r q 1 A Solid Cold Ring Free Wc wnul to etnphiisise the foci tlmt tins stntr I111 nil iitdiv iilitulity ul' its ow n ftr s, lime ruitiiir Ktmils, unit culling thine by their light iiinnes We II tliitiiiiinils tor ttiiintiiiida, iiml our Ssili-t tinltl King ti tut other jevvvlty lite na liicli-iarut Mil uc lis we any they rue. . Vecmi save you 10 to !i."',t' on t.mlic nud iM iitlcincii's Stdhl Cultl Wtitcliea. enter our VOTING CONTEST FOR THE MOST POPULAR SCHOOL BOY OR GIRL. A Solid Gold Niagara Ring (Valus $10.00) Given Free to th boy or gill wJio gcta the most rrgiatcrml votes from llieir fi ictuls. Get the pniticuluts of (Ilia conlrat iiom this stoic. .V tine line of Toilet Set, Manicure Sol. Slh enviin- of every tti-Hcrlptlon, 1 1 mill pnlntetl t'lilun; line selivtloti of Cut lilas. Jewelry that la right up tii'ilati. Ninety Different Watchei for Your Selection. The Itluirost Stock of Jewelry r.ver Offered In Central Oregon, ijiiality liiiaratitis'd. I'llco iiml Crook County Jewelry & Sporting Goods House L. KAMSTRA, Proprietor. The final heann.ss on the suits ,,,,irsd to anoear in the Countv Court of brought by the government to dissolve the so-called sug.ir and steamship trusts, were held Monday in the Vo ted States circuit ccurt at New Yijrk. As a result cf tlies-e hearings the case will g. direct to tSe supreme Court of the Vnited States. Notable conveniens of the week will inctiil ihe XAtiosal Kivers and Harbors contrress in Washington, the Southern lnirc s'at on cor.fercr.ee in Baltimore, the National Irr. coition cen tres in Oh .-..;. and the annual con Teniicn of the Anterican Public Health Associatica at Havana. Cuba. News of Noted Persons. Mrs. n.chard Kard.rg navis, it is Hid, will sue her author husband for :vcrce. Chsr'.es S, Frr,cis, proprietor of the Troy, N. Y, T.ir.c$ and late am fcassjti.T to Austria H-ajary, is imi Kuga JeBS'Cf?. macjer cf the Dc trvU Amcru-aa fca'.l c'..b, iu serioas- tne State of (.'n-son, for the Countv of t'Tixsk at the Court Koom thereof, at Frineville. in the County of Crook on Tues iay, the 2nd day of January. 1.U2. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause i( any there be, why an order shoust not be made and grante.1, to O. W. Kam ey. admit-. ist ra tor of the esta'e of J. W Mclionagill. d.-ceaesl. to sell all of the teal i't-oier!y Woritu; to said deceased ar. i owntsl by hiai at the time ot his death, which rea1 property i more rarti.-ularly descrtixNi as fol lows to-wit: The west halt iM of Ihe west half - V, i of section 24 U'-M tnlitmnty. township fittrn (l"i eoc.lh of ratine twehe tl-i east, af the Willan.ette Meridian in Crook County, Oreucn, con taining ot.e btindrssd sixty lliv) acre more or ies, in one parvel and of the appraises! value of five hundred dollars. Wimess. ih Hon. H. C. Kllie. Jtnice of the County CsMirt of the State of Ore pun, hr tlie Counly of Crook with the s al of said Conn arhxed this Ziri day ' of November. 1"U. A. P. Attest : Sel W AKKEX BKUW X 11 it Clerk. Hot:cc ol CMntst. h : ;-."Ti. t; Y,rk. lv ir;:: tes.r Go: Scr.it.' will Bs-t r.d w;'l tor. c: Mrs tts-str i his s Tier.:, Cf New V.f.- C.-tg iss. s-. cvtes-.ca w tV.it h.ts ei.r IlltcVe'l sc.: A Sr.! lv c: M: t" : , Wall rt-'-.d" tired Xew Yc,:V P.c-;.r.; M ci.rci wic tie for s; .. k. with : Ur.:r:;r-d. J.,hs C. ? cf t.s. svstem. cf t'.:e Sv week by a an suto. X-ro, Fa. it, M.:x: Tict::; t s ss M. M 0. .ills wrek 1 Col or ad j, re-sf'.tcti. n ;.a expira- .. k... iin it: Ts. afcrro, . Freder.c tt 4 :.i...rr Etcrsber of V..'Nisti: lit-.s: bow e C.'Sf.'fTs- e c ivor : It .1 " c" ;..: -k ; t na a i v? ..r J rvrwrtmsTt of O-s In-rtr. V :v Ui:ij 1 C-v. T:.w t'., e-. ' r-r . N.traM In is.t. T.t I'lT.t' H.-s-y of IVwil rtatv, Oiesn. lvni,;,s-r 1 j nvr.-n-l'T n.n .flej that l"-rs S-tt. ! sr! , en-- 0;v.i: n. a- tr -i-- r.- .i . -i 1 -i, vi. -tv fi t- -n n - - i r .: . . . -:- : t- i -.:i..:. . oi-v.r.N-1 si t tv ',-. .-at- of sxur : ,:,... .- , fnl-sr ,i. vr:.! N i-4 n..',-.i-' J. .. . , . r.- m .w . ,'.' . :i, n i . I. st-.i.r e .;..'.l.. m: a-:. , n i , :: y - : n - er nr.J- -r t-' 1 ti -.. - .' : - t i i t- H- - t. it ,iw.:.!..li'.: Hi. fc"-v ttfs-'1'l 1 1 ,v On i f.-r .ivpr szx CHTt'hs a-r i s- . : i s- : c i : t :. s Aic-.'. -s i: : s .1 c , .-.-l l-.ss a t f. t.t p- y ! r.l-TV .n pn'.'F ..nJ rur.ji".'f l!; i I : : c a- i .s r-s: 1 --r " a . Ill s: -al ". , .. . . . n I r - : .' C tai-on -a t t..' : i ; kn. ! f. tt. r..rl r.-r Rol sl t la: ' & ) vs .l a'!,sr..::. r.- i tdt'ti v tt.is ..ffis I - r s ' "' si i T s.HS. and s- .r .ul .'Trs ii:ll : ca! I t.-f r-ai .i r wi-,; T.--.:r fiiilr-r rii I u. N- ts: 1 trnf r,. i , . - i- f 1 1 - . v . - -. ..i :s.. : : .lotti in 'I - i-li'.iin Isi.n'.T aT-; f t- li't K'i Ul lv.-.:!.,.. f 'h:- n'.l.- ; - ,'... r. t- a . , . t sii-w-r Vt .. . t nvs, i nui n-r tf i l tv a -S -r.:. :.-a-i ,.T 'f T. 11. i.; 1. ft - -.11 lV..s.,-r i.:-.-.v.f I'uAl i ob.,wsti.1 s . r.-ar -r i re... . - r.- -. : ' ' . r t" l- 1 - . : . .. if ' .- s. i -.-.-..i: 1 s ' ; 1 . -s , s f . , . .' . . r a- 'r !. . : (. i--M : 11. ! r. -n. I ---:i r-S .t i: . . . v-t : 1 f -a 4 r, ,t'-. i srrt . - w- - r : o : - i : ,1 -l - Shcritrs Sale. ' On Kxecntlon In roreeliwiire. In the Un-tilt Court of the State of Oreiron for the County of Crook. Kaatern Htvtron Batiklnu Cotiipany, in corporation, plaintiff, v John K. l.oveall and MIourl Loveall, U- fendnut. To the sheriff "f Crook county, Sreetln! by virtue of an execution, decree and order of mile duly liwiieil out ot the above entitles! court and cauae oo tneiinn nay in is'iuis-r. 1!U, a JtulKuieiit wa rvndered In the atniv named court In lavor ot the above named plaintiff ami aualnst the above iinmed defetitlant. for the etttti of two liunilreil tLMil dollar with Intervet thereon from the 21th day ot Auiiut. HI'". t the rate ol 10 crc,'nt t'r auniitn. and fifty dol lar attorney' fee, and the further sum of eleven dollar cot, which iudiMiient waaenrollisl and diK-ketwl in the clerk' otlice of .ild court In said county on the third day :f Xo-vetnlH-r. lull, nud wher-ii It wn further onlereil and decreed by the court that the north half of lot num la?r eleven till In block uumtiercd twenty 1 30 1 In the then town of Mndra mow City of Mad ra. Ore Son I formerly kuown a the town of l'nluintii. In Crook county. Urccon. aecordlntt to the plat or plate, there of filed or recorded in eald Crook county, Orvsoii. be olil ty tne sheriff of this county aerordiuit to law ami the proceed of uoh sale, after paying the cit. illbure ntent. attorney' ftv and expense hervln tated, shall be atplled upon said JudeiiHMit. and If Ihe prtweed of uch ale In- lnsitrtieMnt, the plain tiff ahull have Judgment an'' exei-u-tion acainst the defendant John K. l.oveall and Mii-oouri lxiveall to re cover such balance unpaid, nntl In oliedietioe to snil extvittinti. ortler of stile and iltvnr, notice 1 hereby civen that 1 have levied upon the proerty above desn-rilictl and I will on t lit is.!, asy f Denxlstr, 1911 the same Kinir Saturday of the week, nt 2 o'chak hi the afternnon of said day at the north door id the ourthoitse. In Frlnrvtlle. I rook tin-jton, sell to the flintiest bitlder for enah. all of the rltht. title and Interot of the Raid John K. Uivs-all nud Missouri Lovenll de feniiant hen-!n. hare In ami to the aid real prortv, on Ihe 11th day of lin-enilier l'-Ul. to atlsfy e-nld judament. cot and llburement and ai-crulnc cost and attorney' fee and expeunr herein elated, ehall be applied upon the )udirnient. and If the proceesl of sih-Ii nle lie Insuf ficient, the plaintiff shall have jti la ment asailiat the defendant John K. l.oveall ami Miourl Loveall and said sale will I made mibjec' re dentption in the manner provided by law. l'ated this l'.th day of Nfvemlier, It'll. T. X. EAI.KOVR. Sher.ff of Crosik County. The Brosius Bar Fined Brandt of Wines, Liquor and Cigars. LAGER BEER ON DRAUGHT F. EL BROSIUS, Proprietor O. K. MARKET Choice Beef, Veal Mutton and Pork Stroud & Stroud, Proprietor Butter and Eggs Country Produce A Fine Line of Sausage Telephone orders receive prompt attention 'v, 'V.S 'Vt ' .'.i ,, m ft i nivTrpp l v:. nAiiNL3 ana a c a n ni rnv SADDLERY I SHOP I H.D. STILL Princvll!et Oregon , w S. Begin Treatment Now Rheumatism Can Be Cured A request will br iiif you our resr Issiklft ilimritiitm HOT LAKE SANITARIUM. Xalu ral Hot Miuersl llnlhs, Nalura's Cur for Rheumatism. "ur esiuipinent is eutiittlete. Vn surpusseil Meitical StalT. II.it I-ake Mineral Water Cures lUieunialiim, Stoinach, Kidney, UIikkI and Skin thsnrdvr. HOT LAKE SANATORIUM. Hot Lake, Oregon WALTER M. PIERCE. Pres. and Mgr. :'! - ' - '- - - - J j tr tf- n, l-.r '.ht v:ta .Ut i .' "3tr ib UrZii-n vi mv t'OT C.R. Henry Resident Locator of HOMESTEADS In Southern Crook Co. Address : : Paulina, Oregon -1 U.t Yi.f -', ,r T: i ;o:tr-: i: r ' ftt t Ltf t.Baf -V t J Ir-aitt. s-s-'.a t. i -t. :n tb. ol rT.s; : , rTTt.y i ..? r j r tC! Oft 'UJ tl Xrt. i:s-1 isi r.t '.t vi (" r.. .a r c t t:' :." ' k- i Si li" T ..t :.-..! s :-Vfr-f i ,i n :rT ; it V .! -r mr- ti i rt.sr a . ST' i '.fB u, --t-a !-T T-'t ,-:'Vi. V,-: . . .rv- -5 ,f :,s.,-, w .v-s- T a st :!.- iff t rtii-' SVW'.njaJ- 1 T ft OKlf.l' CI ... go . t-" vs :'rr.m,ii m : r,n-s- ' , J . r e.i. . T ': :.-n v.- Of rt fi-r". r-rfT , . t"'. l-v ."-Tt' t. Sot r , i y-,i Iws.e is s-- ,i y.,-. ltrvn.mr . . J llati? JvttUJl r-iaUKtkJAv ifOtaUt-f . 1- J y'-T.t TIP'. '." O t ' fc-i 1 I IXi t--. -it'fc 1r- T.:si 7V. Ta'-Wil: ;-.t. V tt-t'a-'-C ! lTfC-a.- aV- ,il liSf-Tt-f-'f ' a T. J- r",f "t , . ' C ''5. :a vvv.trsjkf.'s'B -iff iu .'- ir.i d; (4 -"r?Tr'T. J.-li- irt--aa-l. The Oregon Bar At tl OU Slaad G. W. Wiley & Co, Prpt All kinds of Choice Liquors Wines and Cigars. Famous Ranier Beer in Bottles and on Draft Oregon Trunk Ry Service TO Portland, St. Paul, Denver, Kansas City Spokane, Chicago, Omaha, and St. Louis DAILY TRAIN Leaves Redmond 7:21 a. m.. Opal City 8:00 a. m., Culver 8:13 a m., Metolius 8:30 a. m., and Madras 8:39 a m., arriving Portland G;00 p. m. Direct connection at Fallbridge for Spokane and points east. Arrive Spokane 9:45 p. m. Through tickets sold to Eastern points, Puget Sound and other Western points. Deposits accepted for west-bound tickets to be furnished persons in the East Details will be furnished on request. N. BANK0L, Agent J. J. H0YDAR, Agtnt Redmond, Oregon. 11-2 Madras, Oregon Express and Passenger. Fipre-ss matter froaH'clveT 'o IV, ne Til! oc cenl a pcusd. Paiicgeri i.V. ! LoctiSD Srtcs Co JrSljftlrElrElrEla Sliinple. MouKlinRs, Windcittrs, g Doir?, Glares, Etc. Etc., Etc. S SHIPP Si PERRY t FRINEVILLE, OREGON