Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 30, 1911, Image 7

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Opium King Is Captured In
San Francisco Alter Long
Bull rrnileo After being trails
lir two and i t)lf yearn, John Ed-
arda. known alirnn th I'ai'Wc Cot
a H i. "Kin, of l!i Opium KHm," HI
Mrr.i,.il at hit home. Klllmor Street,
afn-r a fteri-a alriiwriti hj Inspector of
tha Huia Pharmacy Hoard, alat'd
by imllcrmen, In lh utile of hla
flat the oltw-nr lecurnd the blgtt
haul of nioriihlna, cocaine nd opium
?ver found here In tha ixstM.Un of
one man. '
Edward, brought to bay,' attempt
ed to ahout Inmiector Bulhnrlanil. r
trolman Graham aprauu on Kdwarda,
dashing tha revolver from lila hand
and overtiowerlnf him. Kdwarda then
admitted that hp had a quantity of
.Ir.m. stored In hla attic and to pre
vent tha breaking up of hla house la
a mlnuia i-arih ha led the officer
lu tha cache. Many pounda of crudo
milmii. other smuggled, unatampwi
opium, a quantity of tamped opium,
1115 tinner of morphine, foul' ounce
of rocalnn and an opium layout r
found by the officer ecretd In
big crate In a corner of the attic.
The Happy TheugM Thai Came te the
Timid Money kenaer.
a crnnil,ir nf Till Can borrowed
aum from money lender, and when
the me fell flu He aia lie coma nn
act lie.
"Yi rotiat aettle!" ahmiled the mon
ey lender. "If you don't aoltlo I'll'
Hut Iho gamhler, taking revolver
from hla loot, pointed It at the money
louder and aahl;
Kiit thnt note or I II let tiayucnt
through your
Anil the money lender, arier a mo
hi.m'1 limit ihiiuulit. enimnled the
noli. Inlo a ball, put It In hla mouth,
rluwiil and then, with
gulp, awnllowed the pulpy wrael.
"Thnt done aavwt your urn.
the gambler lu iuoIIIII.kI tone, and
In tha County Court of the Mat of
Oregon, lor toe louoi ui ,,i..
In Ilia mailer 01 mm eaiaia ui . .
I. W. W. Plea la Denied.
Aberdieii. Witith. Admitting defeat
committee- of the Industrial Work
era of the Vo!d askid permlmlon to
return, along with the expelled mem
ber, but the cliUen. at a man meet
ing, refuned nfter heated argument,
to grunt tho reipieat, and even do
cllned to meet the commllle.
I uijrM mi ii n r i
To W. I.. McOungill, C. Mc'innigill,
V. It. Mi-UonagiU and llurch MHtona
gill heir ol 3. W. Mctlonaglll, de
ceased, ami all unknown heira, If any
there le of i. W. MiHionagll, deeeaeeil.
tireeting: in me name ui uw pw
II.. .. una. AM V. ru I . V i 1 ... I fid !
yiH"iii 7 't. m - - --
quired to apiear In the County Court of
State of Oregon, for the ( ounty ol
t'rook at tha Oonrt Room thereof, at
I'rlneviue, in me .-ouiuy ui v.iuu "
Tueeday, the 2nd day of January, 1012,
at 10 o'clock lu tha forenoon of that
i ii I it.... ., mi.nm it
any there be. why an onlor ahnuM not
tie ml and granmi, hi w. . jiain
ey, ailmlniiitraUir of tli eatat of J.
W Wctionaglll, deceased, to tell all
of the real property be'onglng to eaid
deceased and owned by lilin at tha
time ol in ueatii, wnicn re' prupm-tT
I ....,t....l.lH .Uiu.itu..l fill.
! liiortj himiibiij ....
Iowa to-wit: The weet half I ') of the
I .11 I . M mlim. M 121 I 111
r.i 1 1 a 1 1 -g i v - . - .
Inwnship fifteen IJ'i) eoiitii of range
twelve (1'.') eant, of the Willamette
Meridian in i rooa 10111117, uri-aou, wu
tainmgoi.e hundrwl aiaty (HW) acre
more or 1m. in one parcel and of the
eppraiae value of live hundred dollars.
Witness, the Hon. H. C. Kill, Judge
of the t'ounly Court of the Bute of Ore-
gun, for tlie county 01 trmi im mo
.1 .. ..1.1 I'..,... .Hi. u.l !lrd ila
'll I III ,!, V-'' " I . " '
of November, It'll, A. I. Attest:
iseali vt ni n
llil Clerk.
Will Trade.
tl t ssa. 1 ittttrntttiuuir 1 ( tt limnhllil
to trwJe (or rattlf, work born or ihiiflp.
. . . u 1.1 11 in 'it
Hotic of Ontvitt
To rtft Htly of Puwvll Halt, Oregon,
Rotic of (intent.
l)iinrtiitt.t oftb Ihltriur,
'Illtf'H runt" l-imi um v.
Bombardment In Agen.
pari. Notwlthlandlii8 the strict
(tnrorshlu In Italy over war news,
dlnpatch has come through from the
Secolo. of Mlhin, tnyliiK reports are
current In Home that an action ha
commenced In tht Aegean 8c and
that a bombardment Is actually In
Lo Angsle Good Oovmmnl Fore
Hop to Defeat Socialists.
Ijis Anele.-Wlth the last full
week of the political campaign that
has torn thli city Into bitter faction,
both aide have given over the at
tempt to convince anybody of thd
merit of their claims, and are now
concentrating upon getting out the
In thl. the Good Government
Leasue and Its allies are easily '.he
best equipped, but the leader of that
imri anv Hint "all depend on tht
weather." A rnlny day. It I believed,
will ruin Alu.entlor'g chance and glv
the Soclnllst l.ahor element the op
portunity It ! ceklng. On tho other
.mnd. the coming of a clear and plea
ant election day may mean nn over
whelming victory for Alexander.
th iii-it dnv he bud a Ktrciik of lucit
ami pnld the moiiev lender lu full.
The money lender wna nmch pleneil
with this honesty, mid when the g'lm
bler a few weeks Inter called and Hked
for a new loan bu reauny ac-om-
Tl,.. enmliler. baring ixicUeled tno
i.ur tiuni ut down, dipped a pen In
She Ink mid sehvliit a sheet of paper
viheriHin to write tne iiiii nckiioni
idgmetit. Hut thu money Under hasti
ly Interposed,
iii.iii .m mv friend." he a-dd, nnd
be run to a cupboard, "Wult a niln-
Hie, my friend. Would you uiliid writ
ing It on this smlii cracki-r?"
Ilf-U rmiiT" ,.-i... v....-.....
.. ... I...11... V I,T 1111.
I lir I'BIII'., w,.r,i ..
To Julian Hmk of I'ruieviilr. Uregou.
l!olileti ... v
Vou ire hereby notified tnst Oeorirs K.
I'hiiio who gives lloiieru, tregon. ss his
iKistoltiis su.res. dul 011 fii-iUimlier a.
I'll I. tile in thu office til duly corrolier-
. . ( il tttl.l
j ttlVII Biilll ln.. w v"..v-.
I cure the cancellation of your liouiBStea.l .
i , v.. Vi or:eiA mnit"
i .'i.i.-nitr Ii, lUl'l, for lou I. 3, fee. T
! 17 t. K. IS. K. KK'ifcK',.H.-e. ai. HW
; I ml.-. 'I'l ...HI,.!, I.. 1,1 H rtttiL'H 1H K..
Vt'lllaiiiFlle Meridian, sod as grounds lor
lilseonui-l Iwalleaes that said Johan 1'link
has wliolly alisii'lonril snlit tract ol land
fur over i nioiillis lat past; tlial tic has
wholly tailed l improve ami cultivate
aid triiet s rmiilre. by law or st sll.
Yuu are, therefore, lurtlur nnlihsd that
Hie taul allegations will l tskeu by this
iollli-B ss hsving bei-n coiiltrieri ny yuu.
....1 ....... KMl Niilrs- will Ih ckiicelsil there-
i .1.1...... u.... fiiriliur ru.lit t., tlfl
: uiturr smi'iut --r--- -
j heard therein, either twlore this oIBee or
ton aipesl, it yuu lull 10 uie V. r,J
1.1.-. .. .1 -! tt fMf I imW l( ll i H I H
wiinin 1 fm
t ......ii. -(ion f tin. niiltcu. Rnrhown IhtIhw
; . ,i..ii.s-iii tadttihriill v niet't
T . .. 1 ...l...r I.. I ItUidt Illll-L'Ul llltlM UI
1 lti( iiu risi"'"i"n w . "
itiUMt. ur Hyow ttt.i wmiiu iu ww
1 .. . I i.-s a,l ti,il I. as VMmmt. Wkfltt t
Itm Il"rri.y !""" ..
hogflv4 Hrt"vll, Ort on, m h-r ilof
nrnvMrvm, rtl-1 .m tkUrtmr IA, 1111, HI In
UiUoflK iwrilulT tvirniml1 miptwtliin
IIOIIIr'RIVt'l. r-IH-'F isais s-.r, - -
w-ftlon 1, Mwnttlt Ut -mill, rnrum t,
V I MHIIST V tr s-i is. mm t .
Minu-fH mis-s. ihttt Hid ryi HHni-r
. ...l.-.h -1 S....,l .. satu.H rfMSU'rllfefs-l
I IK W IIHJ isiiiinir T
tnuttirf Innt1 for or "U monUrt lt t"1
thHtMiKt oi'M.Htit hu wholly fMilffl to r
. . ...lllvuU III. laid
Xtmrlmmhy Ihw rwiulrtxl M ll; thai wild
cIhIhihUI l n'H now riiin uv"
. . i.... rri i,.s n.,ilnd thnt lht)
Mitt iVhIUih will I l',o 'f Ui wis'
B DM I lift WFIPWfgsrtl 17
Mid try will i miitvlwl thi-nun-li-r with
uul your furllwr ilt''t lo bs lioMfd Iberem.
Klllinf llflUII llllf " i;r .hi api!!
retlllonio In ihli'ilOw wllltln iw.nty 4r
... n.. Irgil'tf i'.li..ii.lliatlsintirihtH DilllW.
ut tiiown iriow. your iiwtr. undtr
twritlrally m' i.tft4 rtlondliiB Ui tliw
Hll'KrtUtHIHOI 1iil(fU W II u mil
Ltit UtiM lo tit Ill lliUoffl.dupnKf tl.Hl
i. . .i its ny . ip t.iiiWfr on
fiMldm:"."--l elilir In penun or by
rtuusn-d pish if ibU wrvim U md by
. j u. ..f e..llr answer tAt Ihe
r'nU--tinnt I1 i . rmu, proof f wb utrvloe
inut bHhi r lb ull ntMlant' wrlti-o
u kiiowlffiKiiifUt or oi wwijH oi iii" w'r
...i ,.... I i m n..wln isr Lh ufll
WHS ni0- SUSIINV Wr KMU Wl.. .-
ww ir ioimI ut regii-rd mull.
tirOOl Ol men sirriw mu, v, .- -.
.i. ... .i... mi...... iliu mtiis was
nialirn suiiiiib stim w.-"....
wt.U li It wa mailed, and this altldavUmus'
Is- aeniiiiimuled hy Hie posunasler'l reixllil
fur the IH U-r,
Vuu shimhl stale In your answer the name
of the pusmrnm lo which you desire further
n"U"-s to he scut to yuu.
ll.ip ... n,wiiunrivT(iirr.
Pali, ul first pulillrHtlon November .
llaK.ufs-.sHKl pul.lhnlion Deu-mlier i, l'l.
Halnnf llilrit publication la-cemlier 14. ii.
llatcuf fuurtli publtnttlon lieis-mlxr il. W
Sacrifice Sale
Hats at Your Own Price
Must Have Room for Spring Goods.
Nothing Reserved.
Mrs. Estes
Millinery Parlors. Prineville, Or.
Ntic (or Publication.
I grpttrt infill of thr Inirrtor.
U. 8. lJ.nd OlTli ul I bf ImlM. "7'n,
Novt-mbrr HKh.ll-'.
v,.n i iw.tsj.i. wn tliHt Kjtrl Heliux of
PrtNcvilU. Otvutiii, who on iNnml-wr -rd,
1m. tiiHdr ibnm.iud No. 0M;u, fornf1 n 4
Hf'-4 ow't, :nw'- w1. w' tw'si jjun
Mffmrnn, iim ui'u ' V ' i Mi.
rittliitto lite Imid lHve fb-crlltd. before
Timothy ft. J. iwiiy. ... -uniui"""
bl-rtliMlHrUu'viU. (tnton, on the
dr of Jiitiusry. m'L
tllntlimni niHlitMWiitirw; '"
. ... . i. a i ....ii,iij fc'n.rt Htnarl.
I'imnii p.Mniy r . . " -
. n ..t t.l..uvllla. linMrnn.
j, m i rremu, ...... '",::- l.l.e.
A Candid Frlsnd.
Itav. 1'lraaea (I. II I'leree, chnplnln
nt iii, Suites Semite and Pres
ident Tuffs pastor at a Washington
t-iinrliiii i-liunh. to d a group or sen
ators a few dnys ago of a letter he
liutl received the previous morning
from a strong Metlioillst menu ui ms.
The letter read:
'tiKar ItiM-tor-Yenterdny morning
while on the way to service lu my
own church I wn overtaken hy tho
henry rnln we hail. As I did not
have an .tinilirella with me and wus
nenr your church, I went In. nnd fur
tho tlrsl time listened to one of
aermona on the tenets of the I'ultnrlitn
fnllh. Next Hundny I am going to
curry nn umbrell. "-Saturday Even
ing Tost.
Cash Grocery
Geo. Whitis, Proprietor
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Season. Fancy and Staple
Ke beaten in
Prineville. FRESH BREAD 5c Bum, Snail, Doughnut Etc
rnneviue. iixms viiuw v. --i " .
CaU and See What Cash Will Buy
(-tMIUMl- r Ii jww " ------
ttlf in lilin ollio ..ii iiroof tlmt yu lmf
i ........ ,.f..,..if iiiivasnn tbi. 1 Jiaitl
eoinunijiiii eiiue, .v - ;
mail. If this service is made y the dc-
llverv o( a copy I our amer wi toe eon
i i.r.nn uroof of such service
must lw either the said contestant's wriu
ten acknowledgment of his receipt of the
i. .1.. ,.r it. r.llit. (If
copy, soowma muv u
the aflidavil ol the person by whom the
delivery was made stating when and where
the copy was delivered-, it made by
I regisu-n-d mail, proof ot such service must
I consist or the affidavit of the person by
' whom the cop was mailed staling when
i and the lMslolrlce to which it wan mailed.
! and this allldavit must 1st accompanied by
! iliv imslmasuir'e receipt for the letter.
'.. l t.l ...... I.. MUVHr thl.
1 OU SIIOUIU in"' . ;
name of the poslolhce to which you desire
,u.ure..oi. "-OrV.MooRK.
' Hi SI Register,
Uate of llrst puhllcatiou Nov. .
sw-ond " Nov. :J.
" third " Dm. 7.
" " fourth " Uec-
Notice for Publication.
Jsolao-d Trs-t-Public Und Bale.
In-oarlmi-nt of Hie Interior,
tl. a tnd omee lit The Halles. Orrsjon
fliiypiiiiirr ."in, .
.. .. . . . ... ..... ... .41 M...I..4 h
poiliee is iii'rpiiv bivh ' j . i.
Did I'.iiiiiulssluner of Hit. tieiirrai latod I'Blee.
June 'Jt lsjtt H4 H(nls..fil73t wo will offer at
uulillo sale, to lli nianesi iiiuue,. ..
o'clock a. in., on the llh day of January.
IH1X HI H11S urnrs, HIS) mnuwiiis-..-
land: s'-, nw', m-4. awjllon 34 township
. Uiwnslilp is south, range 14 east, .
NO WO'-.. . , ,..,....,..
Any larsons riaiiiniia urwij ---'
descrlla-d land are advised lo Hie their olalins
or olijeeuons. ou Ol lieiom iiw
liaien rtir sale. n
llJSlip nuunr., nniwwi
8uflragiiU to 8how Bibles.
Chicago To prove to ridiculing men
thnt suffragist can ralae children,
member of th Illinois Euunl Suffrage
Association luve planned ft "county
fair" at one of tho leading hotel, at
which the main feature will be a baby
.how. A urlo of will be awarded
lo the prettiest baby.
Man Who Kept Girl Convicted.
San Ilernardlno, Cal. Dr. Arthur W.
SteDavIt, . dentlt on trial for
statutory 'offenie In connection with
th Imprisonment of Mis Jessie Mc
Donald, chool girl, In ft room next
to hi offlce for 18 month, In which
time ft child was born to the captive,
was-found guilty.
Oaxaca Refuse to Recognlx Govern
ment and Denounce President.
Mexico City. The State of Oiixaca
formally declared that It did not rec
ognUo the central government. Thl
ctlon iu taken by the Legislature
and ratified by Governor Bonlto Jau
res, Jr., a a remitt of the refusal of
President Madero to permit tha fed
eral troops to assist the governor In
suppressing local Insurrectionist.'
CrowdB are ald to have marched
through the Btroets of the town, yell
"ncmh to Madero and the central
government," and declaring the people
of Oftxacn would fight to tho last, to
maintain the sovereignty or tno aiate
It Wasn't Fair.
Several years ago Bum Jones, the
Georgia evangelist, was in r.uiorv .
Grove camp and the tiewspaiMT rc-
porta of his sermon caused htm to
complain. At the hist service he looked
down nt tho reiiorter, who silt at
tnblo Just In front of tho pulpit, nnd
suld: ,
"Anil I want to tell you fellows thnt
I like you a lot In spite of your mani
fold faults. You boy don't treat me
right, though. You take my sermons
and pick out a piece hero nnd there
ami n piece somewhere else. Then you
trlng tho pieces together, and nntu
rally they read funny.
"Now, suppose I reporteit tne uiuiej
h,. a man asks me what the
Bible tell him to do. I read in one
place. "And Judas went out aud
hanged himself.' I turn over aud read,
'(Jo thon nnd do likewise.' And In an
other place I find, 'And do It quickly.
"Now, you see, boys, that ort of
thlug won t do. It alu't fulr."
Netice af Fiasl Stltlneeat.
Notice Is hereby given that Ih under-siL-nsd
lias tiled her rinnl account ss ad
v . ..f .i... tt kiii.s M.
minisiraini . '"- ,,"
ii .i,u......ul in iha iiUit- nf the
J1AII1II1UI1, ii.. - .
county clerk of Uiook county, htateoj
tlregon, and the county court of said
eouniy ami aiiue tins n ...v.v,
.. , i ...u mi . .ha tune lor
Jllll Oily "I Jilii"iJ. -
heai ing aiil tinal account and any 00-
) ion v av. . ""VV"":,,, i.,n.
latsu nils -s - ---
, Haskcta Hamilton,
Administratrix of tlie Kstate of James
M. Hamilton, deceased.
Smith & Allingham, Prop.
Champ Smith' old stand.
Express and Passengers.
Express matter from I'ulver to Trine
villa one cent a pound. Passengers
(j.j Ixk-kard Staqk Co
Slnole Bid Made for Mall 8ubldy.
, Washington. Only one bid was ub
mltted In answer to Postmaster-Gen
ctnl Hitchcock' advertisement tor the
establishment of a subsidy mall line
between the two coast. The fact la
being cited In support of tho Indirect
charge being made by Bernard H.
Baker, of Baltimore, that the trans
continental line are thwarting hi ef
fort to establish an independent
eteamshlp company to operate
througlt- the canal.
Division of Labor.
There were point of resemblance)
between Mrs. Hammond and the lilies
of the field. She hnd married a young
man who had a good salary, but abe
earned ft penny In
her life, nor hnd alio boon blessed with
well to do parents.
mv i..i,- inint account In the Na
tional Fountain bank," sho nuuouneed
to one of her friends when sne miu,
been married ft few months. "It Is
such fun to pay bills by check."
"What do yon moan by a Joint ac
count?" asked tho Incredulous friend.
"Do you put In eqiml sums
"Oh, I don't put in any," said Mrs.
nmiimoml. "Will puts it In, and I
draw it out,"
Awed by ft Reporter.
Mr. J. P. Morgan never did have any
toleration for newspaper interviewers.
Ono young reporter did not know this.
Thero had been nn Important business
meeting, nnd when the reporter wuy
lit Id tho banker tho latter wna In an
even more Irritable mood than usual.
"What decision was come to nt tbo
meeting?" asked tho reporter.
Mr. Morgan turned on mm snnrpiy.
"Don't you know I'm never interview
ed?" he roared,
"AVell, this tlmo you'ro going to be,"
was tho culm reply.
Mr. Morgan held his breath In nmase
nient. Then he gnspeil and whispered
softly, "My boy, if somebody doesn't
kill you you'll bo a great man som
day." i
Notii'S fsr Publication.
IselslMt Tract. Public Und Sale.
IVearlnient ol the Interior.
It. m. Unit Ofllce SI The Hslles, regoil.
Nnllrels hereby slven that, Jlwn l by
the Commissioner ot the lieneral Uml Office
...i... , ol act ol iMiniri-ss approved
Juno A, W ia Slats., 5!i, w willolter at pub
lic sle, le. the highest binder, at le o'clock a.
. . ..,... , i.n...... ini-1 .iih .iimmi
Hie lollowlm-descrlbed land: Ms 4 w', See
T.1R ID KaslW. M , Ml. lo.
Any person claiming mr '
descrineil lanu srrsuiiw-i i n .
or obieollous, on or bcloro the time dealgnated
lor sate.
tt file their claims.
n u MIX IKK.
Imported and Domestic
Famous Whiskies
Old Crow; Hermitage; Red
Tor Rve: Yellow Stone;
Canadian Club; cream
Rye; James E. Pepper,
Moore s Malt
Uf alf a $15
That's what a good cow will make it
pay you, and the market is right here
in Prineville. We will buy all the
cream you can produce'.
Pioneer Cream Co.
Agents DeLaval Separator.
Porter, Ale and Olympia
Draft Beer on lap.
Imported Wines and
j Liquors.
Prineville--Redmond--Sisters Stage Line
Matt Kulesch, Proprietor.
Passenger Fare to Redmond. $1.50. Express from Red
mond to Prineville, one-half cent per pound for over 50
pounds. Small packages of less than 50 pounds, 25c
Leaves Prineville for Redmond Daily. Office beside Post
office. H-16 ALBERT NOBLE, Agent
0. A. C. Short Courses
Begin Jan. 3, Continue Four Weeks
1M6 13-31
Every citisen of Oregon ia cordially invited to
attend the short courses of the Oregon Agri
cultural College, beginning Jan. 3. ileven
distinctive course will be offered in Agri
culture, Mechanic Arts, Domestic Science and
Art, Commerce, Forestry and Music. Every
course is designed to HELP the student in
his daily work. Make this s pleasant and
profitable winter outing. No tuition. Keason
able accommodatisns. For beautifnl illustrated
bulletin, address . ,
H. M. TENNANT, Registrar, Corvallls, Or.
Farmer's Business Course by Correspondence.
New Furniture and Carpets
A. H. Lippman & Co.
W. A. Booth, Prea,
D. F. Stewart, Vlce-Frea.
C. M. Elkins, Cashier-
.. booth, rrea, . . .
Crook Qoitnty Bank
Statement of the Crook County Bank of Prineville, Oregon, a rendered to th
.... r n -l- I TU 1Q11
Supenntenaem or oanaa, jn. .
IiiinsniiA Discounts
Furnllun' and fixtures
Csib M iui aaa du from binks $47, 809. 95
J13W0.M Capital paid ill full
2.SII.S.H Burplus
2.'2i.44 linrtlvlded profits
n.nw.isi ut'pusiis....
. ta .noo.oo
. 110,140.75
Get in the Journal Piano Contest