REBELS ARE READY TO CAPTURE NANKING Investment of Ancient City by Chinese Revolutionists Now Complete. Nanking. After more than half a poentury of silence, the hills overlook- .lag the walled city of Nanking, the aucent capital of China, swarm with rebellious torero eager for Its occu pation and determined to overthrow the lait HrotjShold of the Manchus south of the Yangtse. Fmai the TiKer Hill fort for oev- ral hours Sunday niornius big guns spoke repeatedly, while farther up along the northeastern range, from the top of Purple Mountain, for a 15-mile oemi-clrcle westward to the Tangtse, smaller forts scattered shells into every section of the city. So far su known the casualty list is not large. General Wong, second In com mand of the defenders, is among those killed. Cabinet Has Deserted Yuan. Pek in. Premier Yuan Shi Kai is probably without a cabinet, only the presidents of the minor boards having aiccepted offices. The finance board is without a min ister. The vice-minister left Pekin after informing a personal friend that be did not intend to return. The mil itary activity on the part of Yuan Sid Kai is considered a forlorn hope. Kansas Tarrero Are Found Guilty. XJncoln Center, Kan. Two of the defendants in the "tar party" case, John Schmidt and Sherrill Clark, were found guilty of assault and battery. A. N. Simons, the third defendant, was ate quitted. Ed Ricord, who decoded Miss Mary Chamberlain to the place where she was tarred and who was sentenced to one year in jail, has already been in Jail 77 days. TRADE BALANCE IS HELD Exports Grow Largely While Imports Fall Off. Washington. That United States trade with foreign countries has grown considerably this year, compared with that of a year ago, is the showing made by statistics of the Department of Commerce and Labor Just issued. In exports, the trade for the ten months ended with October increased 9235,000.000 over the period last year, while the imports decreased $32,000,- 600 In the same time. A balance of trade in favor of the Cnited States amounting to 1401,500,000 existed on Kovember 1. Canada's exports to this country for October decreased J 1,200, 06, as compared with October of last year,, and- $6,300,000 for ten months ended with October. Amer ican exports to Canada Increased $6,- 300,000 for October and $48,600,000 for ten months. Packers' Stay Referred. Washington. Chief Justice White Tefused to grant a stay in the trial of -the Chicago beef packers, but referred the attorneys making the application to the entire bench, with the declara tion that the question was of too much importance for him to pass on individ ually. CHINESE LEAVE COLLEGES Funds Tor Education, Supplied by Manchus, Cut Off Owing to War. San Francisco. One hundred and fifty Chinese students whose means of educational support was recently cut off by the Manchus, will give up their college careers in America and re turn to China on the liner Persia, No vember 29. Forty of the students are from California schools and the others from eastern educational institutions. The collegians, it is reported, will take an active hand in the organiza tion of the revolutionary government. Jury Convicts Editor Axtell. Storkton, Cal. The jury in the case of S. B. Axtell, charged with the mur der of Charles Sollars, returned a verdict of murder in the first degree with the recommendation that Axtell e eent to prison for life. Insanity -was the defense made. FUGITIVE GREEK KILLS Policeman Slain, Another Dying, and Third Man Wounded. San Francisco Policeman Chas. G. Castor is i;ud in a local hospital and Policeman Thomas Finneily is so bad ly wounded that there ia little hope of his rtc:.v(;ry as the result of an aUJ-mpt to arrest Paulc-s Piandoegos, a Greek. George Concios, a Greek rf stain-ant keeper, -was wounded by Trtudoegos, who, according to Condos, is wanted in Yelley, Greece, for mur Kier. Prandoesos was knockf-d down by George Moss, a chauffeur, when trying ts escape and was captured by Police Sergeant O'Keefe. REV. JOSEPH LAMBERT Rev. Joseph Lambert, who married John Jacob Astor and Miss Madeline Force, has resigned from the ministry owing to adverse criticism and will engage in business. Brief News of the Week. Like a dreadful nightmare, the fear of a new general strike is hovering over England. More than 130 cities of the United States are under the commission form of government. The census report on wage earners shows that the average number of men employed in 1909 to be 6.615,0-16. Nine dead and 177 injured is the toll football has collected from the grid Irons of the country in the 1911 sea son. . Outside intervention between Italy and Turkey seems certain. There is tvery prospect that Italy will be forced to, otter peace terms which Turkey can accept F. K. Lane, who is presidine at the Interstate Commerce Commission in quiry Into the business of express companies, announced that the com mission would make known its deci sion the last week in January. An express package containing $!0.- 000 was stolen from the office of the Canadian Northern Express Company at Regina. Night Clerk Cameron was' absent from the office. When he re turned he found the package gone. The extraordinary decrease in de sertions from the army in the past two years was attributed by General Ainsworth, adjutant-general, in his an nual report, to the vigorous measures that have taught the enlisted men how relentlessly desertion is pun ished. Pursuant to the call of Governor Johnson the California Legislature be gan a special session Monday for the investigation of matters of state con cern, including woman suffrage, the initiative and referendum, weights and measures, and the issuance of irriga tion bends. Frcm many lands the bizh officers of the Roman Catholic church gathered in Rome this week to participate in or witness the great ceremonial of the consistory, when the largest num ber of cardinals named at one time for more than 400 years will receive their insignia of office and honor. News of Noted Persons. President Samuel Gompers, of the American Federation of Labor, was unanimously re-elected. The seventh week of the McNamara murder trial closed with cht jurorB and one talesman passed for cause by both Bides. John F. Dryden, ex-United States senator from New Jersey, and widely known as the founder of the system of industrial life insurance in the United States, is dtad. Lady Constance Lytton and Lady Sybil Smith, both leaders in the Eng lish suffragette movement, were neo- tenced to Jail for smashing windows during recent demonstrations. Henry Clay Beattie, Jr., went to his death at Richmond, Va., the con fessed murderer of his young wife, al though the confession was not made public until four hours after he had paid the toil exacted by the law. Miss Mildred Sherman, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Watts Sherman, of New York, heires3 to meny millions, was married to Lord Camoys, a young nobleman cf aristocratic lineage, but slender acres Dr. Simon Kiexner, of the Kockefel er Institute for Medical Research, ol New York City, was recently appoint ed by Emperor William of Germany j to honorary membership in the Royal j nstitute for Experimental Therapcu ics. President Taft has directed the war den of the Atlanta penitentiary to transfer Charles W. Morse, the New York banker, to the United States army hospital at Fort MsPherson, near Atlanta, where he will be under medi cal observation. In the Olden Days they eprtnlnly used to enjoy their Trankaittvlnir Dnjm, but tliey ImiJ not nil the Itu'llttlea enjoyed liy tin to day . What were luxurtea In thom times rt coiihIiIoiviI mveHnltUn mnviviliiyit. Hut the ilrlt of ThntikxKivluff remain the annie, ami you will fevl thankful Indeed If you are a customer of uuro, uud enjoy the luirKiilim we arc offering. City Meat Market Sale of Mattresses We are offering you in new and second-hand, about forty mattresses almost at your own price. Give us a call and we will convince you our prices are right. 3 City orders given prompt attention. We set up all stoves and guarantee satisfaction. j STORDAHL & CONDART. NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE Masonic Building. Pioneer Phone. ?n Li r.-t L j CJ tj L J ri tj rt ej r.a ca ci t j ei t j ra LJ r.-i t j r.i LJ r.s Seneral ffilacksmithing Horseshoeing, Wood Work, ktc., Neatly and Promptly Donb Whes it is Done By : : : Siobert TTfoore Satisfaction Will Prlneville, t, J "I. W. HARPER" WHISKEY HERD THERE! EVERYWHERE! Ask your traveling friends if that's not true. HARPER is on sale in practically every town, city and village where whiskey can be lawfully sold. You can taste the reason. Sold By Silvertooth & Browder Shaniko and BenrL Oregon nl mi C ft V 'JL-iilJ-Sj" - yj ! Statement of Reiourcet and Liabilities of The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon At the clot of butineaa June 7, 1911 UKHOtJIM.'Kt! IJAfllLITIKI Ian and Illnonunta fM,tXt OS capital Htoek, paid in 150,000 00 Unlttd Btatea B)nd ViJUiO 00 Burplua fund, earned 60,000 00 Hank r.rerolnei!,etc 12.M0 12 Undivided proflta, earned ;r7,72-l 66 Oasu A Dae from banka 210,'JM 04 Circulation , 8,ft0o 00 Uepoalhl SM.OW 3 B. F. Allen, T. M. Baldwin, Cathier Will Wuriweiler, Vice Pre.ideul H. Baldwin, A..'t Cathier CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY r.a L.J r.a r.a LJ E.I LJ ra LJ r,a tj r.s LJ K3 LJ r.a LJ r,3 LJ K3 LJ PI L J E3 LJ E3 L'J r.a t j r.a LJ m LJ Be Guaranteed Okkoon. !tofufctal Cards! Dr. Howard Gove Dentist Rooms 14 and IS Adamaoa Building. T. li. J. 1)U1 1 V Attorntj?-Mt-Law (Mucouor to W. A. Itoll) I'KINtVlt.lH ... OKKOON N. W. Sanborn Attirtuv-at-I.w AdtutiHon blix-k l'rlnovllle Q C. SSrM SPf Cue Orfm w. v. m um o. c. YOUNG jOamytrt Prt-tlre tn nit rmiru. Stw-inl kttpntlnn to ur tutliu, luij.luu sua vniulu.l Jiluiax. Dr. John Iluback, Ijity wirltmry HurKtin I', a. Army, lvrlmriit ul Ihe t'hlltfiinm. All HiirgUki Hurk t Hamilton Stable. Prinevilla. Or. W. A. UI-LL FRANK MUNUFEE Ijtwycrs The Dalles Orfiron Ot'CDUHTM Belknap dt Cdwards (County I'liysklan.) 5P. iiitt, i Pn mill; Onttm. rml A. Bice. C. K. J. B. Novlllo, Jr.. K M County Surveyor. Dtyuly (.'. Surveyor, Rice & Neville Civil Engineers, UoncrU KnsEticerlnff. 1'mftEviM.R, uhkuom. C. SSrink Caayr Jt ttrttt, !PrlntilU, Ortjom, Cilu Axawsain Fniirn,r Dv o Nieai urrii.-i (ins uooa hcth or Adhom'i uaue bToas. Hnili omoe au rcaj deaoe ttilephuuea. Primtmilt,. Ortffcm Dr. J. Tregelles Fox M. K. 0. 8. Knje; ami I,. H. A. London; Liincec ()r-)?oii State Medical Hoard. Siiecialint in Sunrnrv: llvitiene: All- mmitarv Canal: women and cliildren'a dlneoaea. A tiemlRtice at olBi e. Main 8t., I'rlno vi in, (iiiily 11 to 3. Tel. l'ioneor 157. Comultatlon Free Houri8to6 R. D. Ketchum, M. T. D., D. C. Acute and chronic tliftcuHi'a trcatt'd Httt'ceHHfiilly by purely (lrti)li'HH mi'tlioilH Roomi 16-17 Adaauon Bldg. Galls made G. A. MeFAULANF Lawyer Practice in all courts and U. 8. Land Ollice. Redmond, Oregon Willard .II. Wirtz Attorncy-ut-Iiaw. Olllco In M. It. IJIbkm' olllco. I'UI.N'KVILl.i:, OltKOON, Huntington & Wilson Attorneys Of The Pulled, Ihnve opened oftlnea In Portland, Oregon, Rooms 805-807 Lewis Building. , BuKlneHH sent to them from Crook County thrmiKh Ihelrotnee In The Uulles or dlree.t In their Portland uddroHn Will reeelve nrumut attention, l'ortluud I'hout, Main "ii1. Dr. Charles MacFadden Oiteopathte Phyticlan It vavnlt., lplitle and Nnttiml Tttrttutlca kiupioyiMl. t'hrulilo lHMiiMa Hptl(ir. Office Over Morrt Furniture Store. Crwk County jfottrttt C Abalrwu nl till to nil land and luoa lU 111 Cruut euuitiy. X. F. WrUt, SKnttry, PrlatiilU, 0rta 1Z. l'reinoiit Arahitect ami Desifmr. Late mpatiiMlM lit hniltliig rnn.trnt linn. Iiturlnr arraiiseiuvnu ami ilm-ufaliuii. HidiiiarLra ai Urfgon Hutt'l, PriiMville, . . Orefon. HAVE YOU Fild your Deed? Of Course. HAVE YOU An Abstract) (Vrliilnly weryoiia has an alxtract now. Ikt yon know where yoor corunri lire. Well, Ho, Not enactly. Brcwiter Engineerinj Company, I'rinovillo, Oregon, will Iwata IIikiu lur you anl iiuriite tlm work. Surviv ing, flatting, Irrigation Kngiiieeriug. i'liont I'lonwr 'Mi. D. H. PEOPLES Civil and Irrigation Engineer. Irrigation, Subdivision, Land Surveying, Mapping, Estimating. Office next door to Lyric Therter Road Warrant Call. Kegifttenxl roail warrant upt" anil Including No, .Nnveiiilwr 111, lull. Daily Auto Service Kroiti I'rinm-ille to Hitttini by tray of O'.Nell, UiHliiitml an. I t'linn I ll, I.t.avtw l'riliHvilln at 19aVlnt-b- Tii-ltMla on hale at nllli-o unit tluor to xl olllen. J. K, t'liiiiMUM, proii. Notice far PuHllcati.n. Iw(artltiellt t( Ihe tnlertitr, I'. N. lii.l Ultiie al Tlii' llli-. ur. ..ti Ni.vemlier sin. mil. NllUl- U tlerelv rIvmi thai IV.I. t H. Hamlvlil. of I'lhu-viiie, iirismi, wl. iu Avrll r.'tt.t, lylti, ttta.lo ttilii(-.l ..I. Inr hl. NW1,, ', ami MV, H ij, a- ll..n i.t,loii. thiols miuiIi. raiivn lii ea.t, tllamvile M-. rttlian, ha ltlrl imllre ul llili-nliub to make Altai etmmtilallin r.Mil, In elabtult i-Ulln It, Ihe tern! alKive iteat'rllie.1 u-ture Wam-n llruwii, eolllily rlrrk al hi. ime. al I'rllievllle, Oreioii, mi Hie laid il Im-etnlmr, lull. rlalfualH name aa ltli-r: Julin N, Mitrnelt, i nn tt ll.n, A . Curl Mullet, Hit bar.l I'tttiller, all ul I'rltu-vllle. Of-Kini. H l t!. W. MUIIHR, RegUler, Notlc of Pinal AcciumtliiH. Nullea 11 herxhr given l 111 untter.llietl, the adiiitnUlratur of the ealale uf llnvht Mndwy, deeeuai-il that lie ttaa imtde ami llleil Willi the i-letk ut IheemtlUV r.turl Ilia niml aeixmhtlitif ftf hi. atlMtliii.tralliin of anlit eNlale, aiul that the Ihmnrnhle Ciunly Court haaai t Mumlnv, Hie 41 li ll.r uf lieremlier, lull, al 10 n'eliH-k III the f.,r. ii.M.ri. al Ihe eimlilv emirt neim In I'rlnevilip, (Ireaun, aa Ihe tlmeuml plui-e fur hearing and .IUIlig aaht nnal aeitiiunilna. llalril Hill iuU Uuy uf Novell, Ur IBM, Hov NWI.L, uf Ihe ealato uf Iiavhl l.lllil- eny, I ai-etwil . ulku (or I'libllcation. lauletr.l Trm-i. I'ui.Ue Ijin.l sale. I)e)-Aitiiieiiti( the lliu-ilnr. t'. 8. Olll. e at The Iiuunn, (lilulwt SMh, I'M I. Nnllre In heretir given Dial, aa illn-i-li-,1 l,y tin-('iiiiilil..lulier til Die lit.m-tai liitil liini'e, uiith-r inivl.(..n. l Ai-I ul iiuk'''- aji.nnpil June T, Wi(III Mam . .'.17, e will i.fT.-l l .ilh Uc hmU-.Iu llle IhkIii-rI 10: hi ilVm k a. ill, on the IKth'Uvot llm-.-iiil-r I'JII.atthU i, Hie l.ill.m lint t.-.i rlt, Inn. I: N u NK,i ami i W', ski,, Hee. a, T 111 ., K. It eal lUalnettv Mi-ihllau. No. ie-.IU. Any iier.iiii. eUlnilin the ah.ive ilewrlU'il latut are a'lvlm-U to nle'lhelr elalm.. n .iI.j.k U Hln, ull Or U'ii.iu the til, M- li .lgiiattil or ilo, i;, w. MllliKK, " Keeelver. Notice af Adaintilralrii'i Salt f Laad. Nollre U lierehv iriv-en hv Ihe,1 the aihtilnl.ti'atrlx ol the c.tnt ufjuhnlt. ni.aoi", oeit'si'.l, unit ir.uanl in an inl.p f the t-uoiily court ol lite Hia.e of Oregon lor rimik eotllllv. maile on Ihe atli il.v ul lC.,u,.t. Iier, urn, .lie will at the trout ilmir ol the coiiniv cuurU. n.i.o In I'rlneville, Oreaou, on 1 In-Will day ol lliieeliilwr, lull, at III oVIoek III Ihe lorenoon, a.-1 1 al imhlle aale In the hlalieal htil.ler, anhjert to uonitrmatlon by alit eootity court, all the rluhl, tllle and Interim! the John II. Ki aoia bail at Ihe time ol hi. death III the lollouiiiK diiaerllied real nutate, trwll: tin one, Iwo and three In bloek eight In the (1 rat addition to I'rl ii. 'villi,, lir.-n,,n. Termii ol iialu.i'ftnh tiiun eouftrmatlon, llated thllUih day of Noveuile.r, lull , , , , , Mahoaickt llniK, AdinlnlHtratr1! oleaialo oljohu it. Heami, do eeaAed, Kotlca for Publication. Iieiiartment ol the Interior. U. H. Land ollice al'l he l)alle, (iri aun ,, , . , , (ii-tobur j.uli, toil. Nollce Ii hereby lven Uiat T. Km, ol Prlneville, Or.'Kon, who, in June IMh, 1010, made honieatead, No. 07IMH, (or W'4 Ni.,,n. iion2, Imviuibli, 16Hoilth, rilllKO lllea.t, Vtil Iwiiinelte Meridian, h llleil no'lce ol In. 1. , mini loiiiiiiinaiiun Jirooi. 10 (H ibllHh elalm to the lillid aUivo ileaerlia'd, iiuiore 1 lummy k. ,i. Duffy, u, H. CoinmlAnliiiii-r, al III. olllee. at I'l l iii-vtllo, (irenoll, on the iith duy ol 1 let-em liur, bin. rbilninnl uaiiii.A aa wllueMea: T.oilla Hodee., Charlea F. Comlart, (Minrlen Dlllwld die, Kay V. Coimliihlo. all nl I'rlu.-vl lln ll.,,. Son. c. VV. MlKlltk lleilaur. Give us your order for CORDWOOD Juniper or Pine, large or small quantities. DILLON'S YARD Opposite Post Office. The Home Bakei y Bread la now on dale nt A. G. Ellefson'i, both white and Graham, 10-atltf