- 1 7 r SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS We have the largest and best line of Holiday Goods ever shown in Central Oregon. We bring the best goods from the best shops of Portland, Chicago and other cities, for your inspection. Our Goods and Prices are Right, and our time is yours to assist in selecting Christmas Gifts. Look through our Show Cases. Cut Glass. The. largest and best line ever displayed in Prinrville, Complete line to u-lrd Iron. Prices range Irom $1 to S20 per niece. These piece cover every design oi cut glass, Irom the most drlirile "leather edge" cuts, to the plainer, more eco nomical designs. Pie Plates And Rose Bowls in hind painted de signs. Hose Howls in many varied shapes and designs. Dolls and Doll Buggies Durable Dolls with natural hair. Prices Irom 4 lor 5c to $15 each. Solid wire doll carriages, cheaper and better than other kinds. Graphaphones. The "Columbia" Graphaphones Irom $25 to $200. Best in the World. A good assortment ol records. Books. Dowu to the minute copyright fiction, by the best authors. Children's story books, and all kinds ol gilt books, A large line ol novels. Magazines, Postcards and Postcard Albums. Hammered Brass. Strictly new. Sold in the cities this year lor the first time, Beautilul gill pieces. Pyrography. Pyrography sets lor doing burnt wood pieces, Also a large line ol stamped basswood lor burning. These make gifts that are appreciated. Silverware. A large line ol knives and forks, pearl handles, and hollow handle community ware. Many other pieces, all at a price to suit. Handbags and Purses Chafing Dishes. Best quality leather. Well made and And afternoon tea sets. We have a durable. Prices from 25c to $14. large and beautiful assortment of these useful gifts. Silver and copper finish- Musical Instruments ings-cbony trimminflS- A complete line ol high grade musical BeiTV Sets, instruments, and carrying cases. Ask to see them. And Berry Dishes, Our holiday line of berry sets, and berry dishes, fancy ToxatoI wr crockery hand painted, offers a big se- jeweiry. aSolL Men s and Ladies' gold and gold filled watches, chains, charms, lockets, and ater SetS. emblem-culf links, pins, etc - Our collection of water sets cover the R inert widest range, and oilers everything from individdal pitchers in beautilul shapes, to Diamond rings, gold band and wedding " g'4" sets in eight pieces, rings, rings ol all kinds. See them. cioci or oiks. Little work boxes, rubber balls, edu- One-day, 8-day, 400-day clocks. A cational cut-out pictures and pictures and line line ol parlor clocks for the Holiday card sets, toy dishes, rag dolls, celluloid trade. Look them over. dolls, rings, bracelets and neck chains. Lowney's Candies. Fresh and pure Special Holiday Line from 5c to $5 per box. Chinaware. Hand painted and Havolin Chiua fine goods which make excellent gifts. Pudding Sets. Degant three piece pudding sets in new patterns. Salt and pepper shakers, novel and useful Other Articles. Rogers' California Perfumes in gift bot tles. Water colors and paints, new holiday stationery in gilt boxes. Christmas mir rors. Toilet Sets, Military Sets, combs and brushes, shops, mugs, and supplies, held glasses. Vases, Gilt Pictures, big new line of harps, pocket knives, jewel cases, ink-wells, paper weights, paper cutters, fountain and gold pens, games for the children, and many other useful articles. V I We have made a study of the Holiday Gift Business for years. This line is of better variety and belter quality than has been offered here before. Our time, our experience, our large stock of gifts, and our best attention are at your disposal Let us help you settle the Holiday Gift Question. Quality is our watchword, D. P. Adamson & Co. Prineville, Oregon ,8 No More Hangings In State of Oregon Yesterday afternoon governor West announced that "there will be no more hangings in th 1 s cUle us long as I a in Governor," and he commuted to life impris onment tho sentence of Junius W. Ilussing, who murdered his wife in Portland December 21, 11)10. Unsung was convicted of m or der in lha llrst degree for mur doring his wife In Portland. In passing on tho Ilussing case, in tho course of his proclamation the Governor says: "Whereas, It has boon shown by numorous prosentutlous from 0. Moltke, Envoy Extraor dinary and Minister Plenipotenti ary of Denmark, and by P. C. Knox, Secretary of State, and otherwise, that the family histo ry of tho said Jans M. William Massing shows that the majority of his immediate ancestors have been aftlictod with Insanity, thus raising the presumption of re current attacks of mental Irre sponsibility in the case of him, the said Jans M. William lias sing; and Whereas, capital punishment is, In my opinion, is a rolic of the barbarous and mediaeval agos of man and not in consonanco or in keoping with ' the enlightened spirit of the civilization of this, the 20th century, and is not, in my opinion, us great a deterrent of crime as imprisonment for life; "Now, therefore, I. Oswald West, by virtue of the authority in mo vosted as Governor of the Statu of Oregon, do horeby com mute the sentence of tho said Jans W, William Ilussing to that of imprisonment in tho Oregon Stuto Penitentiary for the term of his natural life." In his formal statement today the Governor says: "There will be no hanging in Oregon while I am Govornor of the State. The old rule that bloodshed must be expiated by tho shedding of blood is, In my opinion, a relic of barbarism and ! not in consonunce or in keeping with the civilization or the spirit of the 20th century. It Is an an tiquated and an uneconomic re minder from the dark ages. "I contend that tho spirit and too civilization of this age call for the repeal of capital statutes as tho punishment for first do gree murder. I believe that im prisonment for life should bo tho penalty paid for shedding human blood. "I recommended abolition of capital punishment to the lust legislature. I will again make the same recommendation In 1013, unless tho law hiiB been previously amended at the gen eral eloction of 1912. "I will, and advocate the re peal of the capital statute and the limitation of the pardoning power of tbe Governor In relation to life sentences for first dogreo mur der. I hope to see this reform accomplished before the expira tion of ray term of office and tbe present barbaric law wiped from the statute books of this stuto." Friday dispatch. n Denjamin Franklin's time " Selling Out At Reduced Prices Stock consists of Blankets, Comforts, Pillows, Pillowcases, Sheets, Etc., Trunks, Suitcases, Hand-bags, and House Furnishings of all kinds, sold at prices that will save you money. J. F. MORRIS THE HAMILTON STABLES J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor PRIXEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent V s 5P 5P 3? ($3 (5? s Ss5 Sj35 Short and Direct Route to Portland and other Western Oregon Points FROM BEND, REDMOND Everybody used Mie'rbs for medicinceood old fashioned home-made remedies of roots.hcrba, arid barksPeoplc were hale aAd hear ty then just as those arefnowiwho use iL,Ioc N ATIVlE HERBS the old WW""' If USE IT FOR TV.. Kidney trouble Liver disorder Rheumatism Constipation Indigestion . Catarrh Malaria uncoatcd tablets 1.00 Money back if not satisfied ASK THE BLISS AGENT. Raymond Calavan, Prineville, Or I AND CENTRAL OREGON, via. the Deschutes branch of the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navi gation Company. Through Car Service Between Bend and Portland. Daily Train Schedule: Lv. Portland 7:50 ami 10:00 a. m. " The Hallos , 12 :40 p.m. " Deschutes Jot 1:30 p. ni. Ar. Madras 5 :45 p. " MetoliiiB 0:00 p.m. " Opal City 7:00 p. m. " Redmond 7 :45 p. in. " Deschutes ,...8:13p. ni. " Bond 8:35 p. m. Lv. Bond 6:30 a. tn. " Deschutes 6 :53 a. m. " Redmond 7:21a. ui. " Opal City 8:00,a. m. " Metolins 8:30 a. m. " Madras 0:00 a. m. Ar. DeaelmteH Jet... 1:15 p. m. " The Dalles 1 :55 p. m. " Portland 5:45 p. m. Call on nearest O.AY. R. & N. Agent for any information desired, or address ' 11-2-lm Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Sherman, Clay & Company Morrison Street at Sixth, Portland, Oregon. 1 it- - ; -t'WM,---yl . rTW-W-f 4 111.- '.; . I V II Ml A. J ft I HI 3 4 "-v,Siui a fe4 Business Integrity A good name 1s a great commercial asset. Confidence is the basis of the world's business. When confidence is disturbed confusion, panic and dis aster follow. There arc great commercial houses, hanks and other business concerns in every community, who by long years of fair and honorable business deal ings have become known as reliable; concerns whose word is as good as a "Gold Bond." Shei man, Clay & Co. are dealers in reliable pianos. For nearly half a century thty have been selling pianos on the Pacific Coast and their selling methods are well known. Every piano is just as represented, aud fully guaranteed. One prico to every one everywhere makes certain that you get full value for your money. We make no pretense of giving you something for nothing, but we as sure you '"An Honest Piano at an Honest Price." Why buy a piano of indifferent quality when yon might just as well have one of worth? We sell a new piano as low as (205.00 and fully guarantee it. We sell Steinway, A. B. Chase, Everett, Conover, Packard, Ludwig, Estey, Emerson, KurUmann, Cable, Kingburry and Wellington Pianos. Our Mail Order Department is under tlie supervision of a practical piano builder who knows tone. If yon are thinking of buying a piauo write for catalogue, prices and terms. We deal direct with you. The "business integrity" of Sherman, Clay & Co.. make it ceitain you will be satisfied with your dealings here. & 3