of 0 Eugene Or FREE: Beautiful $400 Piano Given Away by the Crook County Journal for 'New Subscribers Crook County Journal COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, $1.50 YEAR PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 30, 1911. Kntr1 lit the ptt"ffi t Hrlnvlll VOL XVI NO. 1 THANKSGIVING THOUGHTS LAND BOARD'S NEW PLAN Water Users Will Get Representation. COMMUTE OF THREE MANAGE Central Oregon Development Company Will Make Strong Objection!. l'f f4'-' ' i 1 ITALIAN T400r) DlGTiING TRENOHrQ ' V HtNKY 5IFNHirNWICZ ITALIAN T4C)OrjO DlCrriNGJThEfJCHrt)a J '"v 11 1 .Ik or YALE tOl - IKI -i .1 - til l- .1 !...! ' " ' " " ' mill wit-re will oq ooj'ktuuhb from the Central Oregon Devel opment Coin puny to tho Desert Land Iloitrd'u plan to place con trol ii iid management of tho com pany undur a committee of threo, j on tho ground thut it will inter- tho project mid jwpurdl.e chances Semt-Annual Statement of the Treasurer of Crook County, Oregon, from April 1, 1911, to for finishing tho rout of tho proj NtW SnanshofS ("oreroor Maun of Vlnrlnla refused to aid Henry Clay Venule. the youthful wife murderer, and et Nor. 24 aa tho data oo news OllapailUia hlcb be mut be electrocuted. Henry Hlenkleuwk t, the noted author, waa ihot in tho forehead whllo bnnttng pheasants In Of thfi Week Muaala. M" t the Indicted Chicago meat packer aurrendt-red to tho federal authorities and obtained writa of babeaa corpua 11 c c from JiuIko Chiiatlau U. KolilannL Tho Itnllao troop, at Tr1Kll wero forced to Intrench tbemselvea In order to aucceaafuily wlthatand tha attarka of the Arab trtbwtnen, who prexsed them clonely. it enforcementa and ammunition vera landed and preparstlona for a prolonged rampamn atnrted. Th. football teama of Vol. and I'rtucetoa tuet at New Ilaveo In their annual gitma. Arthur Uow captained tha Ella, while Eddie Llart waa tha loadi-r of Hi 1'limr low : tirnm Ainnnnt . (iennral Kun-I 1 tirhmil 1'iiml. ,WK0H. ect, now soeins likoly. The cotnpnny In expoctnd to take tho Kliind th:tt tho brottd, libornl policy of lottini; It go alioail with its work and com pleting the onliro nystom should bo followed. The com puny takes tho attl tudo Unit ono of tho most im ponant factors in tho Curi-y act jj dovi'lopiiliillt is tho fuctor of i (irnrrnl r'uwf, K"i sulesaod thtl noproj.ct can live j Jp ISJrZZ:': without It. It is declared that itv. iuad Fund I... I u.ill lli-n nr Ma . ..!! I I'll of Itwlnillllil ""I""''"" " t'itvol Mdrn October 1, 1911. Receipts ItuUnw llM.H'.'.'.W :',iii(i.o. Clerks (W. . a.onii.tu.. Komi Kund I llinh H.-h.Hil Fund . , I liinlilutn Kllml t Library Fund ., KK-licat Fund l,ti::n iu .. Ii:i:i7. TflXM l0H,07il.SS .. 40.1111121 .. lrt,l'.7 Lll.llll) 5.'i ... 0,1 HO. 11 24V. W Fin. A Ml. SUU . L-I0,047..,l2 $l,17lt08 .. 1,071 Mi l.W.'i.tK). WM.W 4,V4 US . 1.227.M0. . 40,(10 1 Tnnisf-r $11,:HI7.L-.' l'.'.l.N) 2HI4 l:i. 22.4S II 119 3.27H 74 1WI.II2 1.WIS (Ml . 1,20:1 8.1... 1:12.84 5,000 OH 2.IW2 SO :i,5Hl.78 2. a ..... 4... ii ... ... 7.. s ... ( .... 10 .... 12 ... 1 U ... ' 1 4 .... 1 ... HI ... 17.... 1 H.. 1 in... 20 1 21 .... 1 '.'.1 1 24 ..... ' 2" 1 1M.... ' 27 .. 1 32 ' Itt 1 34. ' :i.",.... ' :1 ..... ' 37 on this ono factor. It is further i srhooi ihatriet No i assortod by reprcsontutives of tho cotnpnny thai tho plan to place tho wliolo prnjoot in the hind of a coiuuiiUuu of thruo and to stop ull now work and consequently all now sales, will moan much harm to tho future welfare of those? regal ion. Representatives of tho sottlers nnd iiiembors of tho board, how ever, say tho company shou d complete Its work up to dale rather than attempt further do Vi'lrpineiit ttlong now linos They take tha stand that at pres ent the system of using money from sales to eomplelo the work has been more or less of a fail ure because lands have been sold and the work not completed, while tit tho samo time many lands on the project have been j sold for which water is not avail able. Tho board is also squarely up against the problem of making a new contract for itself in con nection with taking over the Paisley projoct by the Northwest Townsito Company. Heretofore all tho dittlcultioj of tho prosont board have arisen over contracts made by past boards, und the members have assorted that whenovor a now contract comes up to thom for signing, they will know that it is not full of holes boforo they sign it. Now they have torn to pieces and relegated to the background a contract offered by the North west Townsito Company and have made throo efforts to pre nare a contract of their own without success. The last con tract, prepared under direction of Claude C. McColloch, State Sen ator from Baker, who Vias been here for the board during the consideration of tho reclamation projects, was completed and sub, mittod to the board members. The contract is satisfactory so far us tho board is concerned, al though some of the members consider it too drastic. Treas urer Kay objects to a clause which places tho entire control and management of the project ' at tho discretion of the Desert 1,1121. M..... :io.42 ta.73 1 IS 75 iM.rm 178 3 1(11.50 605,111 . 1IS.07 1 114 ... 15 ... 41.3.1 . 32.13... 820(1... 4 25.... 33 Ull ... 2!l 15.".'. Iltl HI ... 2il H ... 24 H5 .. 51.(18... 1.117".'.". 2tl3.2tl 3(1.12... 272.(!1.. 24 30 ' 3S . 1011.54 ... ' 30 . .... 40 ... 41 .. 43.... 44 45 ' 411 ' 4S ' 50 ' fit ' 52 '. 53 ' 54 ' 55 ' 5(1 ' 57 ' 58 511 ' (W ' (II ' 113... ' 4 ' tio ' (ill t!7 MiS ' (111 70 71 28 02 55 (1!) 51)..5... 1.55.. 1.55. 4.31.. 41.78 31,77 50.40..... 111.40... ltltl.fStl... 18.80 13.71 15.52 ! 73.. 74.. 1 75., 1 70., '"7.. 11.(14..... 23 33.'.'.'.'. 21.25 30.95 1)7.02 5.114.... 10.25 55 20 7,211 3.10 81143 r! no 1, 1 . . t m 1,342 28 17.1 20,02(1.(10 1.00 217.80 215.70 . , 150.04 1 10.04 , 72.(19 ...... i 537.0.1 10 ?H . 4473413 1.07 173.47 . 151. KS. 84 07 210 50 00.81 75 5rt 31(107 ' 104 78. l:!5!l.(!7 .. 2.10 07 USUI 110.80 70 55 31150 132.0(1 10(115 423 34 ItittVZ'.".'. - - 'ZZ 437.11) 1M1.S1 35 2(1 100. 53 1)5.00 - - ... . DM.51 63.20... 241.06 432.35 - - 270.40 103 41 53 34 220.32 1408.72 131.21 111.32 ...... 203.35 232.81 115.12 554.05 18.08 225.74 114.23 220 57 127.20 134.8(1 124 38 . 128.02 38 91 180.04 40.78 250.0(1 1087,8 174.34 73 01 180.8(1 40.45 - - 1122.00 Tula!'1 1183,202.07 . 40,104 21 , 311,038 27 , 21.500.09 7.H50 70 273 22 302.07 37.40 1.803.09 1,20,1 83 2,940.07 . 6,022.48 2,:.4 6,!i0.52 471.05 602.80 28,989 44 110.00 loll 281.50 215.70 150 04 159.fi!) 181.75 710.32 281.70 4978 22 107 17347 153.82 00 82 251.02 02.04 157 2 3.1)2 137.87 1350.(17 209.12 1N8 72 130 44 104 50 3(3 58 132 00 107.22 020.00 113 6!) 430.48 401.49 200.85 35.20 100 63 104 27 081.61 81.22 200 7 5 402 00 270.40 194.90 54.811 230 03 1408 72 172.0!) 143.09 202.75 232 81 . 134.01 001.51 18.08 244.54 127.94 20.09 127.20 134.8(1 130.02 128.02 (12.24 208.10 71.73 317.08 114.72 184 59 120.20 107.15 43.55 1122.00 Diabursments Paid out Hal. on H'd 1103,224.37 $19,977.70 . 39,524.39 9,579 84 24.741.67 6,190 00 20.478.74 1,117 95 7,750.68 100 02 223.35 49.87 36207 37,40 41.05 89.50 . 201.40 070.18 16.38.. 53.00'ZI 3.50 7461 1,702.04 1 114 33 2,0x5 57 4,343.30 2 3H3.ll 6,800.52 41799 4W9 SO 28,P14.83. UU.00 281.50.111 214.20 140.34 140.94 173 70. . fi.i2 12 253.15 4024.47 14H.29 145 87 85.74 234.02 1)2 04 150 43 344 92 133.87. 1322.28 . 260 75 1113.98.. 1:15.30 04.51 302.58 132.06. 105.57 618 35 108.80 430 48 453.84 202.12....... 35.26 199.53 185.52 974.1H) 8122 278.80 402.00 279.40....... 188 79 54 8!) 230.63 1437.54.. 108.09 112.78....... 252.20 . 231 16 ....... 112.56 621.87 14.08 111.13 50 84 2:15.32 . 120.70 134.80 134.72 128.02 51.45 204.51. .... 35.31 840 OS 114.72 177.11 127.20 105.89 40.35 659.73 1.00.. 70 18 75 8 05 24 20 . 28 (11 63.75 . 1.07 25 18 7.05 5 08 17.00 7.19ZI 6 00 4.00 34.30 8.37 24.74 1.14 9.99 1.65.. 8.25 .. 4.83... 7.65. 34.23.. 3.60 8.75 6 61... 17.95.. 6.17.. 31 IS 4.90 30.31 1055 1.65 22.05 39.64. 4.00 133.41 08:10. 77 6.50 '1.30. 10.79... 3.68... 36.42... 7.00... 7.48.... 2.00.... 81 26.... 8 20.... 402.33..., Total 1183,202.07 49,104.23 30.938.27 21,590.69 7,850 70 273.22 302 97 37 40 . 1.803 69 1.203 .83 2,940.97 5.022 48 2,399 49 6,800.52 471.05 502.80 28,989.41 110.06 1.60 281.59 215 76 150.04 159 69 181.75 " 710.33 281.76 4078 22 1.07 173 47 153.82 90.82 251 92 92.94 157.62 350 92 137.87 1356.67 269.12 188.72 136 44 104 50 302.58 132.06 107.22 620.00 113.69 439.48 401.49 296.35 35.20 199.53 194.27 981 51 81.22 296.75 492 00 279.40 194.90 54 89 230.63 1408.72 172 99 143.00 202 75 232 81 13461 661 51 18.08 244.54 127.94 230.09 127.20 134 86 136.02 128 02 62 24 208.19 71.73 347.08 114.72 184 59 129 20 197.15 43.55 1122.06 Land Board and lets that board take such control or management out of tho hands of the develop ment company attvny time that it sees fit and yet allows no writ of review of the board's action. lie says thaUsuch a plan is satisfac tory to the board, but it means that no set of sound-hoaded bus iness men would even attempt to finance such a scheme. "If you want to block the proj ect entirely, you might as well block it right now and refuse to enter into any contract as to put up that one," said Mr. Kay. The contract will be forward ed, however, for consideration of the company and further confer ences are expected. Bazaar. A 35o chicken supper will be served by the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid at their Kazaar in Odd Fel lows' Hall, Dec. 8iru Crook County Journal, county official paper. $1 50 a year. Some History Gathered by Our Side-Kicker. OBSERVED MANY YEARS AGO Jews Quit Work to Make Merry Three Thousand Years Ago. Ilond Intemat STATE OK OKKC.ON, ) 88 1, Italph L, Jordan, ilo hereby certify that the forejroinu; is a true and. correct statement of the amounts received, paid County of Crook. ) out, and remaining on hand, in the County Treasury of said comity, for the six months ending on the 1st day of October, A. I). 1911. Witness my hand this 1st day of October, 1911. RALPH L. JORDAN, County Treasurer Crook County. Wanted to Buy. Span of mares from 1200 to 1000 lbs. Must be sound. Address this ollice. U 30 2t-pd For Sale. The Thanksgiving thought i not a new one nor is it peculiar to our own country. Three thousand years ago millions of people gathered in and around Jerusalem to observe the Jewish feast of the tabernacle. For eight days these people ceased their work to "eat, drink, and be er, erry." We find also that the Greeks held the grandest feast of all the year in honor of Demeter, the goddess of the harvest. The Ro mans, who borrowed most of their customs from the Greeks, also held a grand celebration in honor of the same goddess, ' whose name they changed to Ceres. They went in ' long pro cessions to the fields, where they engaged in rustic sports, and crowned all of their house hold gods with flowers. Both of these feasts were held in Sep tember. The ffrst Thanksgiving in our own country was kept by the Pilgrim Fathers at Plymouth in 1621 for the purpose of thank ing Almighty God 'or their abund- ant harvest. During the Revo lution the Continental Congress recommended days of Thanks giving annually. The first Na tional Thanksgiving was ordered by this same congress when in, the fall of 1777 General Bur goyne surrendered to General Gates. Thursday, December 18,. was designated, and, in compli ance with this order, the army at Valley Forge duly observed the day. Washington, as President of the United States, issued his first Thanksgiving Prclamation in the c'ty of New York on Octo ber 3rd, 1789, jetting apart Thursday, November 6tb, for Thanksgiving. Since 1863 the Presidents have alwi ys issued proclamations appointing the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day, but it was not until 1S65 that this day became in any sense a national one. In the New Eng land States this day ranks as the great annual family festival, taking the place which in Eng land is accorded to Christmas.. While the early New Englanders introduced Thanksgiving Day in to this country and while their descendants deserve admiration for their careful observance of the day, we all observe it as the one national festival whiett turns, on house life. It is a day of na ture, a day of Thanksgiving for ine year s mstory. it ts tne one great festival of our American, life that pivots on the household. Ou this day the children, the grandchildren, the friends and the strangers gather about the hearthstones to enjoy the hospi tality of other loved ones and are made a bit better, more thought ful and thankful to the All Wise Father who has bestowed these blessings in abundance. White Leghorn cockerels, $2.50 eiu-h. White Wyondott cockerels, 3.00 each. S. L, Vandkveht, Bend, Oregon. 11 30-linp Call for Packages. A couple of packages unclaimed at Stroud & Stroud's. Parties please call aud get same. 11-30