Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 23, 1911, Image 7

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    Special Road Tax
How to Get It
Hliu-e there Ima la-en much Inquiry
n'likllve tn tht inMlioila Unit may !
HilnpUxl miili-r tlio pn-wiit Inwa for
tilt) liiqiruvt-mftit nt tliu county
niiiiU liy dltrh'lM, tlio county court
luia rtjii-tl la-puly IHitlrh't At
torney Wlrta to iirt'pnre a short
lutviiioiit lor tlm Crook county
inn lor tli lutoriimtloii ol tlm tnx
linyera In reaMt't to th atopa twwa
ury to las tn ken to levy a aias-lnl
tnx tor roinl linproviuiii'iilji. Tho
fulluwlim Ima Ihhu aiiliinlltt'il:
"Tlicro n ru 2 uictlioiU liv wliU li
tliu tiixpiiycr ol utiy roml iIImI rlt
inuy tiill Kpit'litl uitY'tliiu tor tin
iurpow oItoIIhk Hpit'lul roml lovloa,
nml It l flrat liiiportnnt to Ih known
tlmt ntiiliT fliluT h.vmIimii Ilic niti'l
tnua tmtat Imj lii'UI Ix-fore Jan. 1 In or
der tlmt tlm aiavlul levy way Im co.
Iccti'il iliirluic I12. It slioiihl lurtlirr
Ik nmclo plulu, nt II rut, tlmt tin
t null Men t li iiim ol voter ut liny roml
district iniTllnif Htt tlio miiun its
tlmw ol school llntrli'ti), any penton,
umlu or (iMimln unit ol 21 you ol into
inny vote at thru sikh-IiiI roml mod-
liiK It lie or alii' linn Ihi'H a lioiia Hilt?
riKliloiit ol tin) illHtrlrt (or IK) tlitya
liuuii'illuti'ly prior to tin simtIiiI
liui-llntf nml Ima n iil property, tlmt
In, roiil ontiilo, In tho illstrlct In lil
oriorowu iiniiiu upon wlilcli Iih or
dim U llnlili to puy n tnx. It In not
mvi'Miiiry that the voter Im a real
tli'iit ol tlm atm (I months prior to
tlio iiiretlnif, It lie or hIh lint tlif
other iiinlllli'iitlou.
"I'mler tlio llritt s.vatem 10 ts-r cent
ol tin- Lnxpnyera olimy ilUtrlot may
t'llll a MHvllll IIIIVtlllK to Vcilo II SIM'.
itlul roml le vy by pouting In il ptilille
plucin In tlm illstrlct nml nt tlio
court liiniao a nut Ire rontiitnliitf Hie
time, pliiov nml olijeot ot mu ll meet
luif. Tin) Uotl e iniiHt ulmi Ih puli.
Ilsheil tor 4 roiimviitlvu weeks In uuy
weekly ncvmpnM'r of K'nernl rltvu.
liittou In l lie count v ami In nil etiaes
Ittlist Ik) uluned by nt lendt 10 ier
cent of tin' taxpayers In tliu district.
All miii tl ineetlnica llilldt lie lielil (lur
ing the iniintli of iHveinlxT nml, If
till nii'tlioil U niloptoil, owing to
tlio ni't'eddlty ol pulilldliliiK tlio notli
In a iit'WdpnHr, ltntneilluto ui'tluu
llilldt li Ukell liy tin taxpayer who
wImIi to take Hilviintngo u( till ell
nrtinelit lor tliu bcut'llt ot tliolr
'Tudor tliu other dydtom nny 3
Ini'liuldiTH. that Id, pemuliM, iiialo or
(initio owning renl proKrty tiunlilo
wlthluthe illdtrlot arretted anil 21
yearn ot nip- may H'tltlon the roml
Mupervlsor ot the illdtrlot In writing,
Netting out tlio object of tllB pro
posed meeting, who, tlioreupon,
mudt podt 4 notice culling a dHiial
mooting containing the tlino, place
iiutl object ot the mooting ten dnya
lictorc the date ftxvd In tliu notice
for the meeting. 8 ot the noticed
nuiHt be podtoil In .'1 public place
within the illstrlct ami the fourth ut
the I'liiirtlmuHO nml nil must be
algtioil by the roml diipervldor.
"At the uiivlluK the diipervldor
llilldt Ilk li 1m dworti iillldavlt with
the divrotary ol the mooting that he
posted the noticed ten day prior to
the meeting and lie iniidt aldo (lie
with the docii'tiiry nt that time the
petition ol the three freeholdcrd up
on which he Issued the call.
"It dlioulil lie known uldo that
taxed voted nt liny tuch inootlUKd
nro to lie collected by the dherlfl at
the Maine time anil a other taxed
are collected. The pcrt'larlea ot the
rodprctlve meetings imidt certify to
the county clerk the minuted of the
meeting and hIm of the levy, which
In no ciiBo can be greater than tou
in'lld, But tliodo taxe are to be
kept In depurate tumU, known a a
dpeolnl road fund' and iided only In
the ilidtrlct which voted them and It
I always advldable, It practicable,
for the district at the special meet
lug to specify the character and
nature of Improvement tlodtred and
where the Improvement 1 to be ap
pllod; then the money collected under
the dpoclal tnx can lie tided for hucIi
apeelllo purpodo nlono and none
other, though of course, all Iniprove-
iiienta go lorward under the dlrec
tlou and Riipervidlon ol the county
Any further Information In regard
to theHB mattura will bo gladly turn
Idhed by Deputy Uldtrlct Attorney
Wlllard II. Whlrtx at Prlnevllle, Ore
Continued from page 1.
railroad fucilltion and In good
railroad than they lmvo Id bI
moit any other projiorty that
they dou't directly own, and
cortainly an much InteroHt as
they have In good county rouda
and highways.
"It IsaUo becoming well known
that you can't have railroads and
i(iod railroads in this ticclion un
less you pour money Into them.
Money for this purpose is not to
be gotten unless it Is properly
"Ilowevor, I am not losing
sleep over this problem . I have
unlimited faith in the common
sense and Justice of the people.
Borne limes they are a little slow
in grasping these different prob
lems, but they'll grasp thorn
sooner or lutor."
Will Trade.
Will trade equity In lata in Portland
for a team nl honed. Kir particulari
iiiiiiira at tin ollicn. 11
For Sale.
Siuulo ton tiiitniv B'i(l liarntwii fill.
Part trade in ttooti. tiood cik dtove
$111 radii.. Painx, cure Dillon' peed
Vard. 11 U
Election Notice.
The annual election ol the I'rinnvillr
Iire iKnpartmvnl lurCliiel ami Aut.
aiitl'liii'l will tie hold at tli t'ity Hall
In Priurville on Monday, iNvmuber 4th,
I'd I. Pulli will he open I ruin 6::W.
in, to 7 :.1U p. m,
(ao. Hl'UMKKd,
Preiidont Itoaid of lirevtora,
Ntrm Quarlori and Jurllsiou Ftadlng
Ar Etiential.
The k Inter niunuoiiioiit of Imiml
mined enilinu ea throe ni Inl pollitd
euro, exereldo nml feed. It l beat to
have n dopinuto lot In which the arnica
inn excn-lae. If they nro allowed to
run ulih the whole herd or niiiotiK rut
tie iiceldeiild lire very liable to incur,
cntidlni; nliortloii. Sutitf iiinrt.'ra ot
ultlit. w lih an nliuiiiliiuee of clean, itry
lieilillui;, mid clone coullnolileiit 'jrlna
devere or oturiiiy went her are mut t e
feiillnl, it they not only roiitrllmlo to
ruiiifort, tint prevent the oveitaxlnu of
the ayatein to uinliitnlii the wnriutli of
the Inidy.
Abaolutn ipilet for the brood mnre I
lull aintlve. Pear or excitement Id lia
ble to ciiime atiortlon. Even when u
diH not occur the fetua inny I -e wpi'.k
cliitl or deformed to am h nil extent na
to render It practically wurthle nt
birth. JerkliiK. wlilpliii;, hnrd pullliik'.
rldliiK and Htriilim of all kluila lire to
be carefully avoided. Till doe not
lmily that I ho inure ahould le allowed
to become lnr.y or Inactive. Quiet, Ron
tie drlvlna or hniilliiR will prove highly
beiiellclnl la kiHtlii nil uiusclca and
Joint In dinooth working order ami
every orpin In ttio Imdy In healthy coil
dltlnn. A to feed, tlio general condition of
the nmro and the fact that moat of the
winter ration nre dry mnke It Impera
tive that something he fed In tlio na
ture of n hixatlvo to offset tlio bind
ing effect of theHO food. No dusty or
moldy fivd of any ort should bo giv
en. Hrlght clover or niriuin win prove
tlio Ideal Muglinge. Clean timothy.
whllo not at all Injurious, should be
fed only In conjunction with ono of
theao other klmla of hay. Fodder If
clean and bright mny bo given occa
sionally na a chnngo In feed, t orn
ahould not form over ono thlrd of the
regular grain rntlou, that amount be
ing qulto dulllcleut to produce ample
warmth and to maintain gooa noun.
Wo do not want tho mare fat, but Just
In good, normal condition.
Tho other two-third of the grnln ra
tion should bo mndo up of oata and
bran. To this s pint of ollmenl mny
bo added twice a week, aa It la an ex
cellent laxative. A generous handful
of sunflower seeds will provo Just as
effective for this purpose. Suit Is also
most essential and should bo kept bo
fore tho brood mares nt all limes not
mixed with their food, but placed
where they will liavo freo access to It
constantly and lick It as their appe
tites demaud.-nreeder's Gaxetto,
In Ilia County Court of the Htate of
Oregon, lor th County ol Crook.
In th nutter of the eatat of J. W.
Md ionaglll, ddraaMtd,
To W. L. McOonagill. C. MKIonagill,
V. H. McUonanill and lliircli MoOnna
gill hell ol J. W. McOnnaglll, de
ceamd, and all unknown lieira, If ny
thnibof 1. W, Wciioiiauil, deeeaiied,
(reeling: In th name ol th Htata of
Oregon, you ar hereby cllwl and re
iiulrad to appear In tha Couiily Court of
Slat ol Oregon, for th County ol
Crook at the Oourt Id mud thereof, at
Prlnvill, in the County ol Crook on
Tuesday, the 2nd day of January, 1111 V,
at 10 o clock in the loreuiHiii of that
day, then and I hero tn ahow cause II
any tliera In, why in order should not
Imi mail and granted, to . VV. Hm
sey, S'linliildt rotor ol the enisle ol J.
W Molionsglll, deceadnl, to tell all
ol the real proerty belonging to said
deceani'd and owned by him at the
time ol his death, which real property
is more particularly drscrilxil aa fol
lows to-wll: Th wool hall I '-, ) of the
went hall C-,1 of iwction 24 ('.'4,) in
township IKleen (1 ') snulli ol range
twelve (IL') east, of the w illametie
Meridian lu Crook County, Oregon, con
taining or.e hundred sixty 1 1U0J acre
more or hws, in on parcel and ol the
apjiraisnl value of live hundred dollars.
Witneaa, th Hon. II. C. KUis, Judge
of the County Court ol the State of Ore
gun, lor the County of Crook with the
seal ol sid Court a Hi led this lrd day
ol November, It'll, A. I. Attest:
1121 Clerk.
Golden Rod Vacuum Cleaner.
A lew (iolden Kod Vacuum carpet
cleaners have been left on sals by John
Morris. 10-12
Botha ol (xmtcHt.
I -mr in i cm of lbs Inttriur,
PlllliHl hlmtNi l.u.l Ullles.
1 lis l)iie. Urrgon No.i-nilwr 7. Hltl.
To Julian Klink of I'rnivvlllt, Oregon,
Yousre lirrohjf lii.lillnl that (Jeorn K.
('hunt whugivoa Itoui'ru. Omxn. as Ins
po.mltl' o suilreat, u nl on doou-iulior 'M,
i n I. Illnlti tlm ultlee hla duly corrobor
ated appileatiuii to contest and ee-t-uri.
the caiu-ellulloli of your liiiiiiesU-sil.
Lnlry No.-(-enl No. 0T3'i4 made
.-rpii inlH-r VI. linn. Ii,r lou I. i, bee. a. 1.
17 H. K. la. K. KK'-i HK4. re. St. H'h
MWi; ii'. :i2. l..wnljip i. S., rsne la K.,
Willami'iU' Mfritlisn. and an srouiuU for
liUeuiitrt he sili-iffB Ilia! uldJolidii Klink
ha-i sholly aiiaiMloned said tract ot land
fur over six iiioiulm U-l psil; that lie liaa
wholly lmli-0 to ilunruve and eulllvale
Mid trRl an reUfrtil i,y Jaw or at ail.
You are. therefore, further nolllied that
the aid lieKall.pii will l taken y tins
ulliee at having been eonle-sl by yuu.
and your intiil entry will be caneeleil there
under without your further nhi be
heard therein, either tielore thlaofheeor
on si peal, if you fail to lile in ttiia ottiee
within teiity ilnyasfter the KoUKI'H
ptihlicslion ol tlila notice, sa hIiowii below
your aniwer, under outh. a.eoitit-all' meet
lug ami renM)iidniK to ibi'Mi allegations of
cuiilet, or if you full within that time to
tile in tliia olhce due proof that you haee
aerved a copy of your anawer un the allt
coiitetanl either in peraonor hy rege.tertKt
mail. If tliu aarvice ta made' ay the de
livery of a copy nf jour snswer Ui the con
teaiaut in penton, proof of aueh aervire
uiuat either the aiiid couteatant's writ
ten acknowledgment of his receit of the
copy, allowing the date of its rn-eipt. or
the smdsvit ol the person by w hom t lis
delivery was made ataling when and where
the copy was delivered; it mails by
reginU'red tnsil, proof ol such service muat
conaist of the attidavit of the ieraon by
whuiii Ills copv waa mailed atating when
and the Kitotllce to whieb it waa mailed,
and tliia ailidavit muat lx accoiiiisuied by
the Hiatinsaier's rH-eipt for the leltr.
You ahoulti state In Tour anawer the
eiiine of the toto!hee to w hich you desire
litture notices lo ue seni lo yuu,
lu-a:i Kegmwr.
Date of tint pulilicallon Nov. :'.).
' " eefiuid " Nov. :w.
" " thml " Deo. 7.
" " fourth " Dec. 14.
Slivrlfl' ShIc.
On Execution In Forei-lodure.
In the Circuit Court of the Htnte of
Oregon for the County of Crook.
Kitatern Oregon Banking CompNiiy,
1st corporation,) plaintiff, v John
10. IOvohII nml Mlamourl l.ovoall, de
lendttnta. To the sheriff of Crook county,
greeting: liy virtue of mi execution,
decree and order of sale duly Issued
out ol the above entitled court and
raiiac on the :11th day ol Octolier,
l'.lll, a Judgment wa rendered In the
above limned court In favor ol the
above named plaintiff am) against
the above named ilefendHUta, lor the
aiim of two hundred (l;''M)) dollnra
with lutereat thereon from the 21th
day of August, I'.KJ", at the rate ol
10 mt cent per annum, and fifty dol
lnra attorney' bed, and the further
at il ill of eleven dollar coats, which
lodgment wad enrolled and docketed
lu the clerk's Itlce of d.ild court lu
said count v on the third day :t No
vemlier, PHI, nml when-HS It waa
further onl- n d and ilwreed by the
court that t h i.ortli ball ol lot num
ber eleven ill) In block ntimliered
twenty (2U it the then town ol
Minima (now City of Madras, Ore
gonl formerly known a the town ol
Palmntn, In Crook county, Oregon,
according to the plat or plats, there
of Bled or recorded In said Crook
county, Oregon, be sold by the
sheriff ol thl county according to
law and the proceed of sueli sale.
after paying the coat, dldburite-
uienta, attorney' fee and expend
herein stated, shall la- applied upon
said judgment, and II the proceed
of such sale lie Inatilliclent, the plain
tiff shall have Judgment ami execu
tion ngalnst the defetiditnta John K.
Lovcall and Mlddouii l.oveiill to re
cover such balance unpaid, and In
oliedletice to said execution, order ol
sale nml di-oroe, notice I hereby
given that I have levied upon the
iiroiM-rty nbove described and l win
on the
16th day f DeceaeW, 1911
the same la-lug Saturday of the
week, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon
of Maid day at the north door of the
courthouse, In J'rlnevllle, crook
county. Oregon, sell to the highoHt
bidder lor cash, all of the light, title
and Interest ol the said John K.
l.ovoall and Missouri Loveall lie-
fondants herein, have In and to the
said real property, on the ltltb day
ol DeecnilHT lllll. to antisty said
Judgment, cost and dlsburscmenta
and accruing cost and attorney'
lee and exH'iiaca herein stated, shall
lie applied upon the Judgment, anil
II the proceeds ol such sale be Insuf
ficient, the plaintiff ahull have judg
ment Hgaliist the defendant John
K. Lovcall and Missouri Loveall and
said aale will be made subject to re
demption In the manner provided by
Duted thl 10th day of November,
1911. T. N. BALFOUR.
Sheriff ot Crook County.
$50,000 tor Farm Loans. See Itren.
ton Jones, Metolius, Oregon. ll-l'3-tf
Curtis Bakery.
Sulla bread at 5 cents per louf or 21
loaves for $1. Whole wheat, Oraham
and nil kinds of brend, cakes and plus
made to order. Opposite Crook County
llHIlk. ll-KI-M
tiold Link Cuff Button, with woman's
lioad and small diamond on it. Howard
See Da. RoBENiiiiiio. 11-23
A Bargain.
A double corner In Nownom's third
auuition. l rice --.) it taKen at once
ttee Cdau. F. Condabt. ll-Ho
Cash Grocery
Geo. Whitis, Proprietor
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Season. Fancy and Staple
Groceries. Qtiality considered, prices cannot be beaten in
Prineville. FRESH BREAD 5c Bum, Snail, Doughnut Etc
Call and See What Cash Will Buy
Alfalfa $15
That' s what a good cow will make it
pay you, and the market is right here
in Prineville. We will buy all the
cream you can produce.
Pioneer Cream Co.
Agents DeLaval Separator.
Notic. of Fisal Svttb
Notice In hereby niven that the under- lias tueti nor mini account as ai
mint!tratru of the estate of James M
llnniilton. ili-ccaniHt. in the ottiee fifths
cuulitv clerk of Ciook county, Htat. nf
lirftiiiu, ami the county i-uurt of snul
county ami Btsts bus tiled Tuetulay, the
'ititl dny ol Jnutiary, lurj. as tlis lime fur
hfti ins siiiil linal account and any ol
joeiioiiM that mny be msile thereto.
Dntid this day of Nov ember, pill.
Ailnilni-tratrlx of the KalaU) of Jamei
M. Hamilton, deceased. 11-23
Express and Passengers.
F.xpri'ss matter from Culver to 1'rino
ville one cent a pound, l'assengera
8 2 Lockard Stack Co
Notice fsr I'liblicatisn.
Iwilslrit Trsct. Public bsnrt Sale,
llepsrtitieilt ot the llilerlnr.
V. 8 1-sinl Oltliw al The ballsa, Onaon.
Navembcr llllh, Mil.
Notice tl hereby Riven thst, ss illreeleil by
the (Huninlwitoiier ol lh llenersl LsikI Ortlee,
under iirovinloin ot set ot tusrem approved
June 'J7, IWHl 'M hihIk., .117.1 H'e will offer at pub
lic aale. to tho ItlxhcMt bidder, st 111 o'eloek a.
m., on die lUth day ot January 101-2, st t Ills office,
the tollowlliK-deaerlU'd land: NKS wl.4, Sec.
Si, T. Ill S., H t Kat W. M .. No. IWla?.
Any perton clalmius sdveraely the stovo
deaerllied land are advlaed lo nle their claims
or obleilloua, on or before the time denisnau-d
turaalo. O. W. MOOKK.
J1-3S Register.
Tha Movsmsnt In Timber.
nirnniu Wood hud Just removed to
"I niu decidedly In favor of conscrva
tlou," cried Mncheth. Now York Sua
$16.10 to Spokane and Return
via the Oregon Trunk Railway and the
North Hank Road.
i and
Spokane, NovomberJ23-30.
Tickets will be sold Nov. 22d to 28th,
aood fur return until DoO. 2t. A anion
did chance to seo the world's neatest
apple exhibition and enjoy the pageants
oi Hpokane'B annual carnival. Oregon
Trunk train leaving Redmond i :21 a.m
Culvor 8:111 a. m.. Madras 8:,'l()a. m.
arrives at Spokane U :4,r p. m. same day.
details will be furnished on rtMineBi
Airent Orogon Trunk Railway, Red
mond, Ore.
W. K. Oonian, G. F. & P. A. Portland,
Ore. ll-lti-2t
Smith & Allingham, Prop.
Champ Smith'a old stand.
Imported and Domestic
Famous Whiskies
Old Crow; Hermitage; Red
Top Rye; Yellow Stone;
Canadian Club; Cream
Rye; James EL Pepper,
Moore's Malt
Porter, Ale and Olympia
Draft Beer on Tap.
Imported Wines and
1 ifSfllBS
New Furniture and Carpets
A. H. Lippman & Co.
Prineville--Redmond"Sisters Stage Line
Matt Kulesch, Proprietor.
Passenger Fare to Redmond, $1.50. Express from Red
mond to Prineville, one-half cent per pound for over 50
pounds. Small packages of less than 50 pounds, 25c
Leaves Prineville for Redmond Daily. Office beside Post
office. 11-16 ALBERT NOBLE, Agent
O. A. C. Short Courses
Begin Jan. 3, Continue Four Weeks
11-16 E-31
Every citizen of Oregon is cordially invited to
attend the short courses ol the Oregon Agri
cultural College, beginning Jan. 3. Eleven
distinctive courses will be offered in Agri
culture, Mechanic Arts, Domestic Science and
Art, Commerce, Foreetry and Music. Every
course is designed to HELP the student in
his daily work. Make this a pleasant and
profitable winter outing. No tuition. Reason
able accommodatisng. For beautifnl illustrated
bulletin, address
H. M. TENNAXT, Registrar, Corvallls, Or.
Farmer's Business Course by Correspondence.
J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor
Stock boarded by the day, week or month at
Reasonable rates. Remember us when in
Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We - have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
Warren & Woodward
Irrigation, Subdivision, Land Surveys. Estimates Furnished
on Power Plants.
We have had 10 years experience, embracing all branches
of Civil Engineering.
Box 187 Redmond, Oregon.
aS? . i f
W. A. Booth, Pres. D. F. Stewabt, Vice-Pres. C. M. ELKiNS,CasWe
Crook Oounty Bam
Statement of the Crook County Bank of. Prineville, Oregon, as rendered to tha
Superintendent of Banks, June 7th, 1911
Aitets Liabilities
Lonnsand Discounts 12fi,870.2fl Capital paid In full WB 2JM5
Overdrafts 2,!111.33 Surplus 10,000.00
Furniture and fixtures 2,ilM.44 Undivided profits ,50 2?
Real estate 6.70S.IX1 Deposits 140.14ll.73
Cub oa hsad aad doe Iron banks 147,809.95