Every Roof-leak makes a Pocket-leak Genasco Ready Roofing stops both. It stays waterproof and does away with needless expense-bills. It is made of Trinidad Lake Asphalt Nature's one perfect watcrproofcr; made y oy i ne iiarber Asphalt f avmg Company l the largest producers of asphalt and T largest manufacturers of ready roof- ing in the world. Sv.rl wtiflilt In mineral and mmilh turfee ASK FOR SAMPLKS AND FKINTUD MATTER F The hinged joint, tension curve and heavy material are what dlClUfif maes e AMERICAN fence stand, when other fences go rlnwn A Rnhr-ir rrrnf C!afd crrnnor Hrrr frinrhr. Hnrcf htcrhi fence will add many times the price of the fence to the value of a ranch. r'DriiPCDICC. We carry a complete stock of high-grade groceries. Are you one of the satisfied buyers in jhi UKUlLKlLO. department? IIARIrARE Is our specialty. If we do not have what you want, there is very little chance of finding it this side of Portland. What we want to do, strive to do, and succeed in doing is to make SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. The W. F. King Co. LOCAL MENTION Horn November 22, to the wife ol P. 11. I'ouk, a girt. Mini Ail Mori's ii teaching rliool near Redmond. The ni'W organ for tlm Unplixt cliurch arrived thin week. Mr. Wuuweiler returned from a tiuninniit trip to Portland. John W. lirackeU of Meadow, proved up on hiit liomenteud Mon day. V. II. I'oot and Joe Linter were county el visitor the lirit of the week. Ir. Clinennd wife of Redmond re viwilinK at the home of K. L Jordan. The W. C. T. U. will meet Ieo. M st the home of Mr. 1. I.. Wyldo. John Sohmeer of Held, the breeder of finu stin k, U in town thin week. Alfred R. Foster and William F. 1'ilUter proved up on their home teiuU Tuendiiy. ChHrlcH IliiHtnn and daughter, Mien Ktta, of Hear creek, lire in l'rinevillo this week. Herbert Uideout and family left lust Sunday for I'ortland where they will epend the winter. A marriiige lii-enne won icnued Monday to A!vey W. Honker and Vara Sutton, hotb of Hillman. Lanl Friday a licenoe to wed wa granted to Richard Hryant of CorvalliH and Heseie Morris of Post. Frank Rrosiua left thia morning for The Dal lea to get his daughter, who has been in the hospital there, Mrs. Williams, wife of the pastor of the M. K. church, joined her husband in Prineville the last of the week. Mrs. Summers, who accompanied Mrs. MoCall of Portland on an Eastern trip, returned to l'rine villo Monday. L. M. Itochtell and (leorgo New ell left for Portland last Friday to take in tho Oregon-W asliwgton football game. Mrs. Robert Cram spent the past week in l'rinevillo. Her husband came in the first ol the week to ac company her home. ( ieorge ltrewBter left for the East Tuesday to ace the Wisconsin- Chicago football game and bIbo to attend the National Irrigation Congress. T. 15. J. Duffy returned from his Minneapolis trip the . laat of the week. He encountered some frigid weather in Montana. Thirty be' low zero was all. Ralph 11. Whcaton, the contrac tur 1ft. for Seattle Monday. He completed the Bcbool building in a manner satisfactory to the trustees and Arohtect Burgraff. The "500" party given last Fri day evening by the ladies of the Annex was well attended. There were sixty-five present. A good social time was enjoyed by all. Mr A. 11. Kennedy and infant daughter returned home yester day evening from a three month visit with relatives at Astoria and Portland. H. J. O'Neill, tho general travel ing freight and aiunger agent of the O. W. It. & N. Co., Portland, looking after the interest of hia company in l'rinevillo thin week. Mr. Clauds Wright received atunlay $1000 death benefit from M. W. ol A. . The promptness with hicli these nbligntiona are met by ihe Woodmen apeak well for the society. R. W. Whitis, son of (ieorge Whitis of the Cash, (irocery, ar- ived tlie first of tho week from I'he Dalles to help his father handle the increasing business of the store. Mr. Mcl'heraon, a member of the firm of McPherson liroa., Portland, is in Prineville to readjust the en gine at the school building. It was found to be too light for the work required. It is reHrted that Perry Long was aeriously injured by a street cur in 1 ortiand Miniiay evening lie was getting off one car and was struck bv another. Details are not at hand. Messrs. Schriver and Wheelock gave a stag party last Saturday evening. About 2.r from Prine ville attenJed and report a very injoyable time. Ilabe Matthews contributed largely to the even ing's fun. The friends of Mrs. Ike lilevens will be pleased to know that the operation performed by Dr. Rosen berg last week at The Dalles was very successful and she is rapidly recovering hei health. She will be home soon. T. J. Elliott of Klliott P.ros., Portland, merchandise brokers, hiu charge of the Pouter & Hyde stock of merchandise that is being offered at sacrifice prices. See the big advertisement. It tells all about the sale. A. H. Lippman tv, Co , has been awarded the contract for carpeting tho new Baptist church. This firm not only undersold Portland in price but also in quality of goods. It will take 1200 pounds of ilton velvet carpet to lloor the church. Richard Bryant of Corvallis and Miss Bessie Morris of Camp Creek, were married at the home of the bride, November 20, by Judge Myers. Only immediate relatives of the family were present. Walter Morris gave a big dance in honor of the event. People came for forty miles around. Tho Lyric theater, in order to keep abreast of its increasing patronage, has instituted a three reel show, arrangements to that end having been m ado by Mana ger Morgan wliilo at Portland last week. Down there tho mo tion pictures have caused a grad ual decadence of tho "legitimate" theater, being quicker to seo and cheaper. LOCAL MENTION Oswald Rtmbow of Held, came down for supplies this week. The W. ('. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. Bailey December 1st. Pleas Milliorn has sold nut in Madras and will move to Canyon city. J. W. Howar 1 and G. W. Fuller of Lower Bridge were in town last Tuesday. (iranvilla Nye of Bear Creek made a brief visit to the county seat this week. Mr. and Mrs. Long returned the first of the week from a visit to their son-in-law, Walter Morris, on Camp Creek. The ladies aid the Christian church will give an afternoon tea at the home of Mrs. Belknap Nov. 24. Kveryone invited. A metal purse containing a small sum or money ana a Key, wag picked up on the street and left at this office. . Owner can have same by describing property. The state president of the Chris tian Endeayor will organize a Crook county convention at Red mond Nov. 20. An interesting program has been prepared. Eld. Cimradlon is assisting in the revival services this week iu the Union church aud is giving considerable vim to the meet ings. Gypsy Smith has nothing on him. The services at tho Union Church continue with increas ing interest. Large congrega tions greet the speaker. Rev. Owen is a splondad speaker and a Christian gentleman. Those who miss the sermons miss a treat. There will be no preaching in the Presbyterian church next Sun day, the pastor being called out of the city. It is hoped the Presby terians will unite with the Baptists in all their evangehstio meetings now in progress. J. C. Linint.er, pastor. Dr. Charles MacFadden. osteo path, graduate of the Littlejohn College of Chicago, has located in Prineville, with his office at the Eedby, temporarily. Dr. MacFadden Is recently from Portland. As tho only osteopath in Crook county the doctor will soon have a first-class practice. The Oregon Trunk bridge over Crooked river has become one of the sceuic wonders of the world. This is not so much be cause of its engineering difficul ties as of its height. The bridge will be found pictured cn post cards and front pages of maga zines and other publications all over tho United States and pre sumably ether countries, and yet tho only remarkable feature about it is the fact that the top of the rails is exactly 820 'feet from the bottom of the canyon be Reuben Boiten was in the city from Post t ie first of the week? Mr. and Mm. Paul Held of Bear Creek are visiting at the home of Mrs. Mary Ilinton. Mrs. E. E. SpauIdiDg returned the first of the week from a six weeks' visit with relatives at Port land, The Dalles and Valley points. Married At the residence of W. F. King, this city. Nov. 20, 191 1, Alvey W. Howser and Vara Sutton were united in marriage, Rev. C. H. Bailey officiating. William 11. Lohuis and W. Den ton MofTutt made final commuta tion proof on their homesteads Tuesday before United States Commissioner T. E.J. Duffy. Walter O'Neil was up from Midras Monday to visit with his family and look after his chicken ranch near this city. He says the firm of O'Neil Bros. Company is prepiring to go out of the wholesale Pquor business at Madras, ithaving become unprof itable since railroad work is fin ished. Mr. O'Neil is getting ready to embark in the poultry business next year on a good big scale, and ho caa hardly fail to ma'ce good at it, as chickens and eggs are always salable. For the daintiest of hand made C iristmas gifts, wait for the Ba zaar December 8. 11-16 We rent houses ; phone ns a descrip tion. F r rent 7-rooin, modem; ii-j room with womlsheil, pump and ! chicken vard. Stouiuhl Condabt. The Home Bakery Bread Is now on stile at A. O. Ellefsnn's, bot'i white and (irnhain, lO-Aitf We buy household goods for cash; best prices, also sell and exchange. 8tohihi, & Conpakt, Furniture. Ma sonic building. I'ioneer phone. 11-10 RUBEROID TMADC HANK UO. U- T. OFT. ROOFING Has None of tin Defects Common to Other Roofing Materials RUBEROID is not affected by changes of temperature. It is weather-proof, water-proof and so highly fire-resistant that sparks or burning brands will not ignite it. The Only Permanent Roofing With Permanent Colors RUBEROID is made in red, brown, green and slate color. These colors are not painted on the roofing they are part of it. They do not wear off or fade. SHIPP & PERRY Prineville,' Oregon n If The Apex Button you have a natural foot, put it in a 'Natural Shape" shoe.' There's a Florsheim in our stock that will fit you fine Step in and try it on any time.' The sooner the better.' , A complete shoving at jf5. Some few styles $6. SHOE J. E. Stewart & Co. How Many of These People DO YOU KNOW? Lewis C. Morgan, Proprietor of the Lyric Theatre Hugh R. Lakin, of the W. F. King Company: J. W. Carlson, of the firm of Stewart & Carlson, millers. J. E. Stewart, of the firm of J. W. Stewart & Co. Wm. J. Pancake, contractor. Oliver Adams, of R. L Jordan & Co. Randolph D. Ketchum, Doctor. J. W. Crooks, of Clifton & Comett. Wm. J. Paine, sawmill operator. Timothy E, J. Duffy, Attorney at Law. Wm. H. Porter, lumberman. Do you think their judgment is worth anything? Do you think that they are in a position to know and ap preciate land values in the City ol Prineville? , . These are a lew ol the people who have secured ideal home sites in ' the high class NOBLE ADDITION. They expect to build and make their home there where they will have the benclit ol the graded streets, sidewalks and building restrictions. A place where their property will not de preciate and their homes will not be made unpleasant by the erection ol shacks on the adjoining lots. MR. HOMEBUILDER OR INVESTOR Buy your lots where ideal conditions for home sites are guaranteed. Where street improvements and sidewalks are already in; where your property values are secure; where it would be a pleasure to go and live yourself; where you have the protection of build ing restrictions. Noble's Addition is the only sub-di-vif ion now on sale that has these modern necessities for a high class residence section. It is the only re stricted district in Prineville. Prices are low. Terms to suit the purchaser. We will help you build your home. For particulars call on A. R. BOWMAN For Particulars. J CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNT