Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 16, 1911, Image 6

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Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
Bids Asked for Dam on Slulw.
Florence. Miller Brothers, Joaquin,
Ceorge M. and James, the latter two
f this county, and th former the
famous poet, have advertised for bids
lor construction of a concrete dam,
100 feet long, across the Siuslaw
Eiver at Swiss Home. The purpose Is
to divert water from the canal for the
Ijdro-electric plant the Millers are In
stalling to supply the towns of the
tower Siuslaw.
Pay for Squaw Demanded.
Klamath Falls. While Bige Archie,
fiute Indian, was acquitted recently
at Lakeview on the charge of murder
ing his squaw, a Pitt River Indian, the
woman's tribe is not satisfied with the
outcome of the case and demands a
private settlement from the brave.
The tribesmen think a suitable
amount should be paid for the loss
f the woman.
Telephone Line Near Completion.
Elgin. The farmers of this com-
wiunity are setting poles for the new
Ine of the Farmers' Co-operative Tele
phone Company. It Is their intention
to cover all of this county, as well as
"' allows, and they are sparing neither
effort nor expense in their plan to
give the people the best of serric
when the line Is complete.
Advertising Campaign Will Oppose
La Grande. Northwestern white
pine lumber manufacturers, who are
members of the Northwestern White
Fine Lumber Manufacturers' Associa
tion, will inaugurate a systematic plan
f advertising under the direction of
tile National Lumbermen's Associa
tion. This was decided at the third quar
terly meeting of the association here.
Members were given a rough word
sketch of the proposed advertising
campaign by Leonard Bronson, gen
eral manager of the National Associa
tion. Conceding that much of the substi
tution for lumber is legitimate and a
lesult of the progress of the times,
the lumbermen also aver that much of
the extensive advertising of substitu
tion concerns is "tommyrot" That
cement has outgrown boards for side
walks is admitted, but that lumber
las outgrown its usefulness for many
ther purposes, as asserted,' Is regard
ed by the association as untrue, and
the advertising campaign to be inau
gurated is going to tell the consumer
Baker Postoffice Clerk Arrested.
Eaker. Melvin Alexander, member
ef a prominent family and a local
jostoffice employe, was arrested on
harges brought by a postoffice inspec
tor of misappropriation of money re
eeived for money orders. The charges
xpeclfy numerous offenses but the ag
gregate amount of the alleged defalca
ting is not known.
Action of Oregon Growers Believed
to Be National Forecast.
Pendleton, Action of the National
Voolgrowers' Association, with refer
ence to railroad rates, tariff and other
legislation and all matters pertaining
to the industry was forecast, in the
apinion of sheepmen of this section,
when the 14th annual convention of
the Oregon Woolgrowers' Association
was held at Baker, November 14
and 15.
Addresses were made on the prep
ration of wool for market; the na
tional warehouse; grazing and fores
try, marketing of mutton and the fu
ture of sheep grazing in the state.
Among the men who delivered ad
dresses were Dr. S. W. McClure, sec
retary cf the national association, who
has Just returned from Washington,
D. C, where, he has, been leading the
a'oolmen's fight against schedule K;
Charles Green, one of the best-known
wool buyers in the West, and Fred
W. Gooding, of the National Wool
irowers' Warehouse at Chicago.
Licenses for Insurance Agents.
La Grande. The city council has
fecided to exact a license of $25 a
year on eaci fire insurance company
.maintaining an office here. There are
30 of tliese, and the proceeds from
'lose licenses will be used in improv
es the local fire department.
Limit cf Salmon Eggs Taken.
ia-tcria Two million five hundred
afuusand egss have ben taken from
the Cliir.ok salmon hatchery this sea
s..i hy 5itp-!n!endent Hansen, which
is Ui limit ol pn-Cuction of eggs for
The Yamhill County Holiness Asso
Jlatton closed an Interesting and suc
cessful session at Mr.Mlnnvllle.
The 19th annual convention of the
Yamhill Sunday School Association
rill convene In Amity. November 14.
Two charters embodyli.g features of
commission form of municipal govern
ment were voted on at Eugene Mon
day. The United State Bureau of Fish
eries has delivered to the Oregon
State Fish Commission during the past
week 4.419,000 Chinook salmon eggs.
Clodfelter A Perkins, owners of a
near-beer place at Springfield, plead
guilty to the charge of violating the
local option law and were fined $.i00
The Reclamation Service announces
that 130.000 a mouth la now being ex
pended on the Klamath Irrigation pro
ject, the principal work being on Lost
The Oregon City authorities will In
restigate the mysterious death of
Henry Hennlng, the Warm Springs
Indian, whose body was found in the
Willamette River near Concord.
Substantial prises and Instructive
addresses by dairy experts will be the
features of the 20th annual meeting
of the Oregon Dairymen's Associa
tion in Portland, December T and 8.
Fines aggregating $1600 were col
lected In the justice court at Roseburg
as a result of the recent crusade of
Sheriff (Jjlne against persons suspect
ed of violating the local option law
in Douglas County.
An apple packing box that may rev
olutionize northwest apple shipping
packages is being experimented with
by the Davidson Fruit Company of
Hood River. The material Is heavy
pasteboard Instead of wood.
The beautiful $60,000 Elks' temple
in The Dalles was dedicated by mem
bers of the local lodge, No. 303, and
their visiting brothers of the antlered
order, nearly 1000 strong, who came
from Portland, Vancouver and other
cities of the Pacific Northwest.
Dr. W. A. Merrill, assistant director
of the New York botanical gardens,
Is visiting the Oregon Agricultural
College In search of material for "The
North American Flora," a work on
systematic botany which alms to de
scribe all species of plants in North
Word has been received that An
drew Carnegie will not Increase his
original oiler of 120,000 for a Carnegie
library at Pacific University. Mr. Car
negie offered $20,000 on the terms that
the institution raise an additional
$20,000. Friends of the university se
cured $30,000 and had hoped to get
an additional $10,000 from Mr. Car
negie. State Capital Gleanings
After passing on "5 cases, the parole
board decided to allow 20 paroles
under the indeterminate sentence law.
Working in conjunction with the
state tax commission, Governor West
is collecting extensive data on the
good roads work now being done by
the different counties in Oregon since
According to the predictions of old
pioneers of Salem whb have had occa
sion to observe weather conditions in
the Willamette Valley for the past 40
years, some bad storms are in store
for this section within the next few
What Secretary of State Olcott has
characterized as "gross carelessness"
In the preparation of some of the
vouchers received from state Institu
tions, has resulted In a tip to some
of the superintendents that in future
vouchers must be made out according
to law.
'Reclamation week" Is the title with
which Governor West has dubbed the
seven days beginning November 18,
when important reclamation work will
be gone over and the life or death of
certain Irrigation companies under the
Carey Act will be hung in the balance
before the Desert Land Board.
A new system has been inaugurated
in the state engineer's office to keep
water-right records more nearly down
to date. Instead of each claimant, as
heretofore, applying for the entire
stream flow, or all the water he thinks
he can use, and having an Indefinite
time within which to put it to bene
ficial use, the new law provides for
the limitation of each application as
to the amount of water, and time for
beginning and completing work, and
putting the water to use.
The attitude of the State Board of
Canal Commissioners toward the situ
ation at Oregon City relative to the
Willamette locks, was expressed In a
formal statement issued from the of
fice of Governor West. He declares
that the government and the state
board are of one mind relative to the
construction of the locks and that as
loon as negotiations for equitable val
uation of property rights are settled
to the satisfaction of the government
and the state board and subsequent
recommendations of the engineers
have been approved by the department
the work on the project will be begun.
Turkey Shoot and Dance
Lamonta, Ore.,
A big turkey shooting match in the daytime
and a dance at night. Everybody come
and bring your sweetheart, get a turkey
and have a good time. Good music and
good order.
GEO. EARL, Manager
f Try Us For Prices
I In New and Second Hand Heaters, J
Cookstoves, Cooking Utentiala, Cup-
boards, Chairs, Tables, and in fact any
f thing in the Furniture Line.
We Set Up Your Stoves, f
g Deliver your goods on time and guarantee
I new;and second hand furniture I
j Masonic Building. Pionr Phone, T
4sH-$5-J $--s-$-$--HH-i-$-H-$-$-t-i-4-t-.t
Seneral ffilacksmithing
Horseshoeing, Wood Work, rrc.,
nlatlt amd promptly doni
Whes r is Donb Bt : : :
Robert TJfoore .
Satisfaction Will
' Prineville,
Olive and Goldie Telfer
Ladies, we cut, fit and make stylish
We use the only practical method of
cutting garments, everythingbeing done
by the actual inch measurement, on
the same principle as the tailor cuts for
gentlemen--and perfect fitting gar
ments may be cut for all kinds
and sizes of forms.
Dressmaking by the Day Opposite Presbyterian Church
City Meat Market
Horigan & Reinke, Props
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Wholesale and
All Kinds of Sausage Nice and Fresh
Home Cured Bacon and
Lard. Fish and Poultry
in Season.
Butter and Eggs.
- . l r- 11
Hmair iui sriA i r
Nov. 29, 1911
Be Guaranteed
15 a
Home Cured Lard ai
rf . . 1 n u. di "re fi
ir m .-mi n in
iProfessfottal Cards,
Dr. Howard Gove
Room 14 and 18 Adamsoa Building.
T. II. J. DUl'l V
Attorney'-mt- Lavr
(Muoonxir V W. A, IMI)
Pkinyux ... Ohkuon
Cmltt mntwrwrod promptly m mtfmi
N. W. Sanborn
AilttniMon block rrlnrvlllo
C. 33rin
Prritr tn all rotirt. RixvUI aitenttnn 10
water rtihu, ltUiiuu au4 urluiutal 4vIvul-m.
Cminr fmmtHm, On fit
Dr. John Huback,
Ijite YVtrrtn.f jf Huriron r. a. Army,
lh-arunm ul thi ritllllijilnm.
All Kumimi Murk at HHuunall
Hamilton Stablaa.
Prin.Yilla, Or.
Th. Dallra
Belknap & Cdwards
(County 1'liyilclan.)
PrtmtwilU. Onfm
&. CUItH, .
?Wm mH; Orf
Fred A. Rica, C. K. 3. n. Noyllla, Jr., K M
County Burveyur. livjiuty ('o. Hiirvcyor,
Hicc & Neville
Civil Engineer
Gneri.l EnKfiifffrlnn. I'minkvillr, Okicuox.
JJt C. SSrimk
Jfttnti, Prim fill;
!PAjiMan mmd Smrgnn
Calu AHiwiarn Paoam.T i)r on Niaar
Omca oni Dooa Htiin-H or AnAMaoa'i
Daua HToaa. Both nfflt'a an ruaj.
Uuuot lelupauuM.
Dr. J. Trcgclles Fox
M. It. O. S. Eiie; and I.. H. A. London;
Licenced Ori'Kon HUt MimIIchI Htartl.
Hi:iallt in Hungry; llyirlone; Ali
mentary Canal; women and cliiltlron'i
Attendance at offloe. Main Bt., Prlne
rl le, daily II to S. Tel. Pioneer 1.'.7.
Contultatlon Free Hour. I to 6
R. D. Ketchum, M. T. D D. C.
Acute and clirotilc (IIhcuwh treated
succuHHtully by purely
driiKlcHH mutliuds
Reoau 16-17 Adamioa B1J. Calli and.
Practice in all courta and U. 8. Land
Redmond, Oregon
Willard II. Wirtz
Ofllce In M. II. IilgKH1 oillco.
Huntington & Wilson
Of The Tallw, Ihuve oponnd offlrrtR In
Portland. Oregon. Roomi 805-B07
Lewis Builtlinj.
BuRlnPH nnt to thrn frtiFii frook Cmmlv
through tliflrolf'K'O In Tl f It: Urn nr .llivct
to their oi-rl.uHl arid . chh wilt xw,' I v proinpl
Filed your Deed? Of Cou ree.
An Abstract?
Orlnlnly vv.ryon. hm an alwtraet now.
I to v on know lira your ourn.rt nr..
Well, No, Not otlj.
Brewster Engineering Company,
I'rtiiKvllIn, Orihcon, will locale Ihmn lor
you .ml KUMr.iilmt tli. work. Surv.jr
Inii, i'luttlng, Irrigation Kuglntwrlng.
I' hum riontwr IRH.
Gvil and Irrigation Engineer.
Irrigation, Subdivision, Land
Surveying, Mapping,
Office next door to Lyric Therter
Hotic. f.r Publication.
iHarlment nt lh Interliir,
!'. a. U"J uUk. at Th" li, orr,,,ti
Ni.v.uilwr.lll, lull.
Nolloa U hnr.liy lvin lhl
rvtir H, a.!tUvla,
tit Pllncrllta, ttrranu, who, nit AlTll Wnl,
mill, iiixIk Mlnli, Ni uu'.M, lilt K, MWi
hhi, ni.. ami sw. haw. '.iiuti li. niwii.
riillan, h.. nltxt uuiioa el Itituni
I,t t. Bt.d
iigs 10 (.!, n ui.inviiB MP.
lou Ui tnnka
Itil.l Oullimuuiltio liriHit, In Clnllti lu
111 laml abuva tlm-rllM"!, brlur Vt.rrvn
Hnian, county i-tart l lit. nltlt4, al rrltt.yilla,
Oriiftt, tiu Ilia tutti ilay til liw.mtiiir, lull.
rl.lmnttt nmtitHi a. allni-Mr.: Jnhn N.
H'ltiiciu, t uti ilmn, A. ( tin Mullet, Hlrhaul
I'lmilrr, all ol PtUtovlll, (ir-,.n
li mp W. MtxiHK, Kogl.l"!.
Notice for I'uhlicutttin.
tvitartmeitt f lh Inlrrtor
V, H, Imu& vXTttv nt Hunt. (tm(in.
ttriutwr 3, 111.
Nulla li hr-rfby aivn 11ml
Jmttm J, Ailyn,
f Ihiulln. OniMt, wht, tin Novomtwr
in rut rrt Una Kmry Nk WJ. rlnl. N",
"IM, n.r N". w''thn H. tiwnlii 1 H
tltvof htUnlliin to ink Dim) yrttt, M m
tKltlHh fluiut to Hi tnmt aiMivo ilrwrllMnl, !
font lit rviitr mm rrnWiT. l tltintt, (rv
n, on tlit -TTto dy or Nuwiuiwr,
( Uluuitil limits m wlltioarHi: John I'lirU
lrr.Mi. W. rirHi, W. H- Lytic. W. I.
lu-ivp Wtt. FAHHK, l(nfUUr.
Nulic of Appointment of AdmlnUtra
trU and to Creditor.
Ifotlr U hrfv Ivvn Diet lh wmlrfa
lDi'tl tut Nwii ly th rounly iniurl of the
Hti tif iirtfun. for t'rook Hiuiily, Utily hi
iMilnltMl loliitlntitrntrU of Mm itU of
I in u t K MrlKhi. rttHVitJartl. hihI nil rwiti
ImvtitK tlliii Mcatuot wilil cti.ii mtv wrvir
rtiiuln j Ui prwiii llir Mtiiift, Uoly vnrlnra,
t utltl etlmtiiltimtrlv ml lh lw ofTtiw of M.
K. llrluK, in l'rlti.Mlc r...n, wllhlu til
iiitmiht from the du of the Orl ulllun.
linn of till ItOtlr.
imint end iulillhiHl fimt 11m Ortniier Will
ii. Ki'-tii iunr,
AltiitnlltHtrlx of (he KtUle uf t'lmxlr K
rtiiit, UHX-d. Tt
Notictof Appeiatment of AdmlDtetrHtor
od tu Creditor.
Nollre li harwhy Klvvn tht the undrN
lintHl hm Iwn, hy the oounly Murtoflh
Htiiirof I'rrfim. ftir t'rtHik oouniy, duty up.
piilntrd edmttiUlmtor of thi ftnt uf Hll
K. Adm, dtHwMd end mil rrn lmvn
rliiliiit hmkIimI Mtld MtJtlv mm hrrvliy r
quIriMl Ui lrwtil Cite nnititt, duly vertrtrd. to
nld edinlttUtrmtnr. el th lew onV of U tC
Hrliih, m Prlnevlll, t'niitt, within siK
months fnm the diite of the amt puhlicatttou
uf Ihlt iiutltv,
iNited mid publUhed fir I Him Otooer Ultt
twi. wa. AiuH,
Admtntttrntor of the eUte of Hil K.
Ademsi dtwreard. lu-l.7t
Notice of Appeiatment of Admlnlttrttor
nd U Crtdilurt.
Notlw Is herh Rlvnn thnt the nndr
Mtirm'd Iihn tHHu. hy ihnetiuntr wmrt of the
KiHhMif Ort'ioii, for t'rtMik niunty, duly p-
tNilntcd ndmltiUtrttUir of the tnte of Olive
tuing, dcflMiwil, end ell ttpnMmi hnvtng
rlelnm mtttlDnt eid niHie ere lifrt.hv r
iulrrd to prvwnt the SHrue, duly virlfh'd. to
itld HdmtnlHrHtor, el the Ihw uniiv of M. K.
Ilrlnk. tit t'rlioville, Or.-,m, within lx
nioiitht fnitn (he dnte uf the first puhllcMUuti
ofthtH nolhw,
Iit't mid puhllthrtl tlrnt time CVtoU-r
lull W i.i.i a h H mkk.
Admlnittrutor of the eeUte uf olive Hliin,
deti eepd. I U-1 J -71
Notice of Appointment of Administrator
and to Creditor!.
Notice Is ht'rrhr irlven thnt the undrr
nlntu-d hits Ut-n. hy the cMiunly court of the
Mutnof oriKottt for ('rook rminty, dulyeii-
Kiln (fit AdinlnUlrelor of the elaii (f lwte
ti nlllnhT, dHiHMd, end ell poreon hnvlng
rlttlins wtnltiMt nuld v title ere hnly re
itiln'd to pnMMit the MHine, duty verllli'
suld ndmlnliitrrlor, nt the luw oftlre of M. K.
Itrlnk, In I'rlncvllle, Ontfon, within six
month! fnnn the Uute of the drat publication
of this nothw.
liitU-dsnd puhllstted first time October Will,
Almtnlstrntor of thu tislntor of Lewis M
t'nllUUir. tliMt-ai'd. lu-l'J-7l
Notice for Publication.
rtepnrtment of the Interior,
I'. B. iMtid Oftlc-o Ht The tulh-s, On-tft.n,
Notice li hereby given thm
Alfred It. Koster.
of Prlncvltle, On-icon, who, on November lth
lH. innde HomcMti-nd, No. 07441. for b'M
NK', himI KS HK'-4, neet Ion tuwiithtp 1&
south, ruiikn !" ewhi, Wllhimette Meridian,
lifts filed iiotttw uf intention to iiuike flnnf
oommuUtlon proof, Ui ntnlIUIi cIhIiii to the
Und nlMive deicrltMul, tM-fore Wurnm Mniwn,
00 11 nty clork nt hlNofttoe, nt l'flmvlllui Oro
Kon.on the 3U( diiy of NovtMnlier, lull.
i'liilninnt names na wMneMKiis: J times A.
Muftut, William M.ClKhnuifh, Kilwnid Hhufcr,
of Prlnovllle, Un-goii; John Ktiiahl of lUt
H'H k.Oit-KiJii. C. W. MtKtKK,
10-W HcglsUsr.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior,
U.S. Ii d omountThe Unlhs, Onirnn
OcIoIht HUh, lull.
Notice Is hereby given that
William V. rillster,
of Prlnevllle, On'Ron, who. on March 3rd,
lylO, riKidu HomeNUmd. No. (K)l07, for HK'4.
station townNhlp Id south, range 16 etott,
Wllliimetln Mnrldlun, line filed nollnenMn
tentloii to make final commutation proof, to
mtiahllNh claim to the land above desnrlbed.
Itcfore Warri'ii 11 row n, dim nty clerk at hi of
fice, nt I'rliU'vlllo, Orugoiii on the tflittday of
Novimbir, 1911,
Claimant names as wltnnssi's: Krnent 0.
Klmmnll, Alfred K. Fiwler. of t'rlmwllle. Ore
gon; Kohurt O. HundN, John Kelght, ot Hat
Hock. Oregon. 0. W, MOOUIC,
liuy,, Ih'giNtor.
Give us your order for
Juniper or Pine, large
small quantities.
Opposite Po.:t Office.
! wt maiawi iw ii,atmra