TRIAL OF CHICAGO PACKBHAS BEGUN Ten Face Prosecution In Fed eral Court With Jail Sent ences Possible. Chicago. Aflor inor than nln JcuiV Invrjt'dullon bjr (hi guvera n.ent, llio ttrat orlmlnul ironcutlun or Individual Hunt pucker under 111 Blirriima antitrust act hut bi-Kuii hr tinfur Judga Carpuntur, lu lu Untied 8tt DUtrlct Court. Ten Clilcagu paokur wara placed on trial charged wllb itiuiiopollilng and restraining lutvraiala trad Id fr'h moult. Th ponaliy which may te InrllotcMl If tlivy ba found guilty la a Una of luOO or a auntenca ol on year In th county Jail, or bulb. The defutidanu are Uiuit F. Swift, lircaldent of Swift ft Co., and direc tor of llio National Packing Company; Kdward K. Swift, vlcc-pmldout of Swift Co. and director of tha Na tional lacking Company; Charlva 11. Swift, director of Swift Co ; Kd ward TUdcn, prwldeut of the National 1'acklng C'omiany; J. Ogden Armour, prealdi-nt of Armour ft Co.; Arthur Mocker, general manager for Armour A Co.; Kdward W. Morrla, prvaldcnt of Morrla ft Co.; Francia A. Fowler, director Bwlft ft Co.; Thomaa J. Connor, superintendent of Armour ft Co.; Loul II. Herman, nianagor for Morrla ft Co. Widow Appllea for Cut In Allowanea. Snn Ftanclaco For the flrat time In the hlatnry of th Snn Kranclaco su perior court a widow applied for a reduction luntead of an lucreaae of ber family allownnce. Mra. Anna Meloy Donnhoo, widow of the lata Michael Donatio, appeared before Jmlgo Thomaa F. Qruham and aaked that her monthly allowance be reduced from Mono to 12000 aaylng thut tha money wus mora tlnui aha could apemi. Road Bond Cat Up at Madford. Medford. Ore. The aecond atep In the campaign of opposing the ll.COO, 000 bond Issue for good roada In Jnckaon County was taken when at torneys for Kd Andrewa, the complain lug taxpayer, argued against A. E. Iteamea, the counsel for the county court, regarding tha legality of tha liroposed laaue. Holy War la Imminent Tripoli. Reports here from adja cent states any Hint a Jrhad, or holy war, It Imminent through all North Africa. Advlcea have reached Gen' eral Cnneva, the Italian commander, that Arab delegations are In Tunla In vltlng their fellow Mohammedans there to cross the Tripoli frontier and join In a war of extermination. MUST WAIT SEVEN YEARS Control of Paper Will Not Yet Paaa Into Hands of Pulltier'a Bona New York. Not until Herbert, the 14-year-old son of tha late Joseph l'ulltxer, becomes 21 years of age and has had soma little experience In tho publishing buslncHa, will the actual control of tho Pulltier newspapers, the Now York World and the St, Loul! Globe-Dispatch, pass Into tha rmndn of tho famous odltor'a sons. Mr. Pulltier never saw his youngost son, who was born five years after the publisher was Stricken blind, but the lad had been tha constant com' panlon o-f hi father during his de cllnlng yeara and tha terms of Mr. Fulitfer't will Indicate that he thought Herbert promised to bav great abll ity. The terms of the will provide that all the Pulitzer boys come Into con' trol of the newspaper properties at the same time. Mr. Pulltier evident' ly thought the best way to turn over the guidance to his sons would be when Herbert, the youngest, reached maturity. Suffragists to Win Working Woman, Now York. Following the victory of tho Bast In the national conven tion of the woman suffragists, it Is announcod that a campaign Is to be Inaugurated here that will have for Its chief purpose the spreading of the propaganda of the suffrage among the wnge-enrnlng womon of this part of the country. The campaign will place emphiisls upon the economic phase of the Ihsuo. Garbage Menace New York Streets New York. New York's streets lmvo besome bo littered with piles of garbage as the result of tha street clonnerB1 strike that Street Cleaning CominlHBlonor Edwards lias begun to uso disinfectants, Election Tie In McKlnJey' Town. Canton, 0. The official count com plete for mnyor shows a tie between Tmnbull, Democrat, and Schilling, Socialist. Tho contest was decided tiy the toss of a coin and the Demo crat won. DR. SUN YAT SIN Dr. Sun Yat Bin, who I th lead ing spirit In th Chinas uprising against th Manchu dynasty. RODGERS HAS ACCIDENT Aviator Fall 125 Fast Into Plowed Field, but Escape Injury, Lo Angeles. In an attempted flight from Pasadona to Long Beach to end his Atlantic to-Paclflc Journey officially, C. P. nodger met with th worst mishap of bla career, falling with bla machine 125 feet Into a plowed field on the Orr ranch, half way butween the two cities and with in alght of bis destination. Although no bones were broken, Rodger ws badly shaken. His face was scratched and torn, his bands were burned by hi motor, and, after recovering consciousness,' be com plained of a severe pain In his side. Ills machine was completely wrecked. Mm. Curia Did Not Elopa. Paris. Paris, always ready to be lieve the stories told by scandal's busy tongue, has awakened with a near senna of shame to tha fact that Its gossips have been slandering France's chief woman scientist For It has been established now, even to the saturation of those who make scepticism a rule of life, that Mme. Curie, Joint discoverer with her late husband of radium, did not elope with Profcasor Langevln. The rumor of the elopement was published broad cast In Parts. West May Get Cardinal. Rome. The appointment of a fourth American cardinal, who ahall repre sent the West, Is said to be under con sideration at the Vatic, i, DEATH FOLLOWS IN WAKE OF CYCLONE Chicago. The central West was swept by a terrific wind, rain and sleet storm. Report received tell of death and Injury" and extensive property loss In Southern Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa and near the Greiit Lakes. The storm followed an unusually hot period during which several persons wore prostrated. Southern Wisconsin was the hard est hit. Near Orfordvllle six deaths are reported to have occurred and at Milton, a few miles away, there was a seventh. The dead In Rock County, Wisconsin, alone will number at least 17. In Iowa a BOdegree drop In the temperature turned the pouring rain into driving sleet and a coat of Ice covered the city, stopping entirely eloctrlc and steam traffic. Woman Leads Wlsoonsln Teachers. Milwaukee. For the first time In many years a woman was elected to head the Wisconsin Teachers' Asso ciation. The honor was bestowed upon Mra. Mary D. llradford, superintend' ent of schools of Kenosha. THE MARKETS. Portland. Wheat Track prices: Club, 80c; blueatem, 84c; red Russian, 77c. Barley Feed, $33 per ton, Oats No. 1 white, $22 per ton. liny Timothy, valley, $17; alfalfa, $14. Butter Creamery, 35c. Eggs Ranch, 44c. Hops 1911 crop, 43',!C; 1910, nomt nal. Wool Eastern Oregon, 9ijfl0c; Willamette Valley, 1517c, Mohair Choice, 37c. Seattle. Whent Dlucstem, 83c; club, 80 1; rod Russian, 7So. nnrloy $35 per ton. Ontu- $:!0 per ton. Eggs Ranch, 4!c. J!uttor Creamery, 3Cc. Hay Timothy, $15 per tea; alfalfa, $13. FRANCIS L STETSON Vf.H,.:,. ' .' . 1 -"A J. ? Francis Lynda Stetson, chief coun sel for th "8tel Trust," who will fight ths Government's suit to dissolv' th compsny. Brief News of the Week. Drinking water for the United States army In th future la to be purified by electricity. The first session of Canada's newly elected twelfth parliament opened Wednesday. Almost 1.000,000 women will ba eli gible to vote for president of the United States In the national election next year. From figures Just compiled It ap pears that the citizens of the United Statoa hold the unique record of lick ing 30,000,000 postage stamps every day. The total registration of Los Ange les for tha coming city election reached a total of 191,941. Of these 108,736 are men and 82,205 women voters. The Oreat Northern Steamship Company's liner Minnesota, which was aground off Kurushlma, near Shlkoku, Japan, waa floated safely at high tide and proceeded on her way to Seattle. Between 30,000.000 and 40,000,000 bushels of wheat lie burled and worth less under a foot of tipien snow on the prnlTles of Western Canada, ac cording to tho estimate of local grain men. Hostility toward Chancellor Ton Dethmiuin-Hollweg and criticism of the crown prince, Frederick William, were features of the debate over the Morocco-Congo affair In the German Reichstag. The national baseball commission snya the players are not entitled to a share of the money obtained from a moving-picture company for the privi lege of taking pictures during the world's championship series. News of Noted Persons. Andrew Donar Law has been select ed leader of the Unionist party In the British House of Commons, In suc cession to Arthur J. Balfour, who re signed. The National Museum has recently received a large and valuable collec tion of memorials of the late Rear Admiral Wlndeld Scott Schley of the United States navy. King George and Queen Mary, es corted by a squadron of battleships, have sailed from England for India, where they will be the chief figures In the coronation Durbar, December 12th. Andrew Carnegie hrfs announced a gift of $25,000,000 to the Carnegie Cor poration "to promote the advancement and diffusion of knowledge and under standing Among the people of the United States." Champ Clark, Speaker of the Na tional House of Representatives, was Indorsed for the Democratic nomina tion for president by the Democratic convention of the Seventh Kansas Congressional district. The Biidden decision of Pope Pius to hold a consistory this month for the purpose of the creation of 20 car dinals Is believed to be explained by the fact that the pope has been warned by his physicians that his end is near. Henry S. Graves, chief forester of tho government, desires to enter Into agreements with the western states whereby they mny relinquish their scattered school sections In t'aa na tional forests and tnko In exchnngo nu eyual orea of fores!, reset re lands In compact fonn. r.'v. v f Short and Direct and other Western Oregon Points via. the Deschutes branch of the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navi gation Company. Through Car Service Between Bend and Portland. Daily Train Schedule: Lv. Rend 6:30 a. m. " Deschutes 6:63 a.m. " Redmond 7 :21 a. to. " Opal City 8:00 a.m. Metollus 8:30 a.m. " Madra 9:00 a.m. Ar. Deaciiutea Jet. 1:15 p. m. " The Dalle 1 :55 p. m. " Portland 5:45 p. m. Call on nearest O.-W. R. & N. Agent for any information desired, or address 11-2-lm Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Sherman, Clay & Company Morrison Street at Sixth, Portland, Oregon. yy - r - ' ft I- titr4; J Business Integrity A good name to great commercial asset. Confidence ie the basis of the world's business. When confidence is disturbed confusion, panic and dis aster follow. There are great commercial houses, banks and other business concerns in every community, who by long years of fair and honorable business deal ings have become known as reliable; concerns whose word is aa good as a "Gold Bond." Sherman. Oar A Co. are dealers in reliable pianos. For nearly half a century thy have been selling pianos on the Pacific Coast and their selling methods are Bell known. Every piano is juBt ac represented, and fully guaranteed. One prico to every one e?ery where makes certain that you get full value for your money. We make no pretense of giving vou something for nothing, but we as sure you MAn Honest Piano at an Honest Price." Why buy a piano of indifferent quality when you might just as well have one of worth? We sell a new piano as low as 1205.00 and fully guarantee it We sell Steinway, A. B. Chase, Everett, Conover, Packard, Ludwig, Estey, Emerson, Kurtsmann, Cable, Kingburry and Wellington Pianos. Our Mail Order Department is under the supervision of a practical piano builder who knows tone. If you are thinking of buying a piano write for catalogue, prices and terms. We deal direct with you. The "business integrity" of Sherman, Clay & Co.. make it certain you will be satisfied with your dealings here. A Gross Fraud Is alleged in the suit filed in Crook Count; Circuit Court . Aug. 14. A widow sells ber arm as unincumbered Our Ab stract reveals acts which develop the recording of an alleged fraudulent Mortgage Suit to cancel follows Result: Sale delayed and possibly lost. Better have your title looked after, before you are ready to sell, by the Company that pro tects your interests. PIONEER ABSTRACT COMPANY (Member Oregon Association of Title Men) f i1 eU 3JJ itWSEaU CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY Route to Portland FROM BEND, REDMOND AND CENTRAL OREGON, Lv. Portland 7:50 and 10:00 a. m. " Tha Dalles 12:40 p.m. " Deschutes Jet 1 :30 p. m. Ar. Madras .5:45 p. m. " Metolius 6:00 p.m. " Opal City 7:06 p. m. " Redmond 7:45 p.m. " Deschutes 8:13 p.m. " Bend 8:35 p. m. "I. We HARPER" WHISKEY HERE! THERE! EVERYWHERE! Ask your traveling friends il that's not true. HARPER is on sale in practically every town, city and village where whiskey can be lawfully sold. You can taste the reason. Sold By Silvertooth & Browser Shaniko and Bend, Oregon SSsI Crook County jfijract Co. Abstract of title lo all Uxt sad tow a Iota la Crook eoaaty. I. F. WU, Secretary, rnMrille. Ore, F. E. Fremont Architect and Deeig Mr. Late meahrKti in building conatructton, Interior erraDajemeDta au4 decoration. Headquarter! at Oregon Hotel. Prinarilla, . Oregon. Notice of Appointment of Administrator and to Creditors. Vntlee l twrebr siren that the nndoe. alcnd haa bern. by tbe oonntv court of the Slal of On-eron for Crook countv, dulraM- rjlnted admintatralor of the eaute of lawli Hlalnf . den-uwd. and all pv-nione bavin elalma aaatnt aald eatte am h-rbr re quired to prewnt the earn, duly TorlnVd, to aald admlntatrator. at Hie law offline of M. K. Brink. In Prlnevtlle. On-con, within alx monthe from the dale of toa flrat publica tion of title notion. Iwtrd and pabllahed Itret time October 12n. lull. iL,,,A, H. tts. Administrator of theeetate ofLewla J. Kle ins, peonteed. 1042-;t Notic to Creditors. Notle is hereby siren, by the nnderelsne4, the administrator ol the estate of Joha V, mx en blast, deceased, to all creditors and others bavins claims against said esute to preawnt the same with the proper vouchers to tb undersigned at the oRKeof U.K. Elliott la Frinevllle, Oreson, within six months Iroat the first publication ol this notice. bated October , 1SU. A. ZELL, Administrator of the estate of John Wageo blast, deceased. lHotlce of Final Settlement. Notice Is hewbT given by the Dnderalrned, the alminitrtor of the ette of Mary McMeekin, dereied, to all persons tntereetea in Mid etttite that he hu male and filed with the elerc of this court hii&Dav. account.!. of hti administration of said estate and the honor able County Court has set Monday, the 4th day of December, mi, at lu o'clock in the forenoon, at the county courtroom in FrineTilie, Ore gon, as the time and place for bearing and sew l ling sad final accounting. At which said time and place, any person interested in said estate may appear and object to said final ao counting. bated this 26th day of October, 1911. William HcMrzkhc. Admlniitratorof the estate ol Mair McMeekin, deceased. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, D. 8. Land Office at The Dallea, Oregon October 19th, 1V1L. Notice is hereby given that Chester N. Johnson, of PrineviHe, Oregon, who, on February 2Mh, 1910. made Homestead, No. OWWK, for NW 8WW, gee. and S &Km NE'-i SWV4, section il, township IS south, ranee 15 east, Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before W arren Brown, county clerk at his office, at Prineville, Oregon, on the JAiti, day of November, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: lake M, Bechtell, Samuel B. Ellis, Glenn Hendrickson, Carl M. Larson, all of Prineville, Oregon. lt-J6p c. W. MOORE, Register. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, V. 8. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon October 19th, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that Andrew S. Thompson, of Prineville. Oregon, who. on March 4th, 1910. made homestead, No. 06136, forSNWi, and V SW'i. section 15 township 16 south, range 16 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final commutation proof, toestablish claim to the land above described, before Warren Brown, county clerk, at his of fice, at Prineville, Oregon, on the28th dayol November, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: Glenn Hen drickson, Lake M. Bechteil, Chester N. John, son, Carl M. Larson, alt of Prineville, Oregon. 10-26p C. W.MOORE, Heglster. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, C. S. Land office at The Dalles. Oregon October 19th. 1911, Notice is hereby given that Simeon 8. Negus, of Lamonta, Oregon, who, on May 18th. 19o8 , made homestead. No. 15156 serial. No. OWtiO, : for SE'i SVVVi, S'j SE, and NE SEi, section 14, township is south, range 14 east, ; Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final five-year proof, to es- i tablish claim to the land above described, be fore Warren Brown, county clerk, at his office, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 29th day of No vember, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: Oscar Cox, Joseph F. Weigand, Charles F. Freeman, Levi Knorr, all of Lamonta, :HW6 C.W.MOORE, Register. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land Ofllce at the Dalles, Oregon, October 18th, 1911. Notice is hereby given that John W. Houston, of Roberts, Oregon, who, on February 23rd, 1910, made homestead, No. 06078, for Sl4 SE'i. Sec. 24 aud NWV4 NE1, NEH NW, section 2o, township 18 south, range 18 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before T. E. J. Duffv, 1. 8. Commissioner at his office, at PrineviUe, Oregon, on the 2nd day of December, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses Henry Car lin, Dick Mulholl&nd, Edmond A. Parker, Elam C. Fought, all of Roberts, Oregon, lu-iGp c. W. MOORE, Register. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. V. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, October 16th, 1911, Notice is hereby given that Elbert I. Houston, of Roberts, Oregon, who, on December 24th. 1904, made homestead, No. 14094 Serial, No. 0A4JS,for 8E4 8KV section 2 and Wi 8W4, KKJSW4, section 1, township 19 south, ranga 18 east, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before T. E. J. Duffy, U. S. Commissioner at hia office, at 1'rineville, Oregon, on the 2nd da of December. 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: HenrvOarlin, Dick Muiholland, Edmund A. Parker, 'Elam C, Fought, all ol Roberts, Oretcon. W-26P C. W. MOORE, Register. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. U. S. Laud office at The Dalles, Oregon October 2oth, 19llv Notice Is hereby given that Joseph T, Kox, of Prineville, Oregon, who, on June 18th, 1910, in atle homestead, No. 07048, for W'-j, NWl-4', sec tion 28, township 16 south, range 16 east, Wil lammette Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land nbove described, before Timothy E. J, Duffy, lT. 8. Commissioner, at his otiice, at Prineville, Oregon, on the olh day of December, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: Louis. Hodges, Charles F. Condart, Charles Dimvid die, Kay V. Constable, all of Prineville, Oro gon. C. W. MOOKK, 11-2 Register. Notice ol? Final Accounting. Notice ts hereby given by the iindfrsipned, tho administrator of the estate of David liituioty, deceased that he bus made and tiled with ttie clerk of the county court his final accountiiiK of his ndmlnlstraiion of sa4d eslwle, and that the Honorable County Court has set Monday, the 4th day of leceuiber, 1911, at 10 o'clock in tne forenoon, at the county court room in Prineville, Oregon, as the time and place lor hearinic and settling stitd final Hwountlng. Dated this 2nd day of November 19H. Kov NKWKLt, Adminl tratnr of Hie estate .of David LiuiK