ITALIANS IN TRIPOLI ARE LOSING GROUND Holy War fs Successfully Pro claimed and Terrible Revenge by Turks Feared. London. Dispatches from Malta ay that it is reported that the Turks and Arabs have attacked and re-entered Tripoli, inflicting tremendous loss upon the Italians, who for several days have been confined to the inner fortifications, weakened and disheart ened by disease and the fearful stench arising from thousands of unburted corpses. A holy war has been suc cessfully proclaimed Bedouins from Egypt and Arabs from Soudan are Joining the Tripolitan. Delayed dispatches reporting Italian atrocities are coming from all points. English, French and German corre spondents tell the same stories of Ital ian barbarism The Turks are on a better war foot ing than the outside world was per mitted to know and have extended their lines In such a manner and have so disposed their forces of Arab cav alry and native Infantrymen that the Italians are virtually prisoners as far as the land position Is concerned In the city of Tripoli To add to the seriousness, cholera has broken out among the Italian troops and has already caused numer ous fatalities. The exact extent of the scourge, however. Is not known, as all information on this, as on all other subjects, I kept secret Turks Ask That America Step In, Washington. The so-called Italian barbarities In Tripoli have been brought officially to the attention of the American government In such form that some declaration of the position of the State Department In the matter is expected. On an order cabled by his govern ment, the Turkish ambassador ap pealed to the United States to exert its influence to put a stop to prac tices which were In plain violation of the code of warfare and The Hague agreement. RODGERS REACHES OCEAN Big Crowd Welcomes the Triumphant Aerial Navigator. Pasadena. In a flying machine that held together only through the good will of Providence, Calbraith P. Rod gers, the transcontinental aviator, glimpsed the Pacific Ocean Sunday as he soared over the gray top of Sount Wilson and settled down in Tournament Park, amidst a clamorous multitude, waiting to welcome him at what was virtually the finish of bit flight from Sheepshead Bay, N. T. Rodgers' first words after he had been finally rescued from the clamor ous crowd, were: "Well, one thing is certain: you Cannot do a transcontinental flight in 30 days." Rodgers also declared that his own flight, begun September 17 and fin ished forty-nine days later, would not be duplicated for a year or more. Philomath Banker Is Bound Over. Corvallis, Ore. The preliminary ex amination of James Evars, cashier of the First State Bank of Philomath, on the charge of receiving and accepting deposits after he had knowledge that the bank was Insolvent, resulted in the defendant being bound over to the grand jury, which meets November 24. His bondi was fixed at $10,000. WOMEN TO CONTEST League Opposes Suffrage In State of California. San Francisco. The Woman's Ini tiative League, an organization work- j ing for the repeal of the equal suf frage amendment recently passed, and the restoration of the former electoral ' qualification of sex, has opened head- j quarters in San Francisco, where it will begin active work at once. From ' this city as a center the members j will extend their wcrk throughout the ! state. j The initiative league is to work out its plan with the aid of the recently granted power of initiative and refer endum and will begin immediately to secure the signatures of voters nec essary to have the question of re stricted suffrage submitted to the ttate at the presidential election of November next. .sTMi tTvVi t rlps1 1 1 1112T3T4 1213141518 jgrof 222S2425 mnmm r A. 0. EBERHART Gov. A. 0. Eberhart, of Minnesota, who designated November 8 as "Are prevention day" to discus means of curtailing Iocs by tire. GERMANS DISLIKE TREATY Dissatisfaction as Result of Agreement May Result In Chancellor's Fall, Berlin. The downfall of Chancellor Von Bethmann-Hollweg and Foreign Minister Herr Von Klderlin-Waechter is predicted as a result of dissatisfac tion in Germany over the France German Moroccan agreement The agreement includes the recog nition by Germany of a French pro tectorate over Morocco and the ces sion by France of 250,000 square kilo meters of Frenohj territory in the Congo. Though this ceded territory is Inhabited by 1,000,000 negroes and has a commerce valued at 12,400,000 yearly, Germans charge that certain rights in Morocco which are surren dered through the agreement are worth more to the German nation. Labor and Business In Clash. Los Angeles. The most bitter polit ical struggle In the history of an American municipality is In full swing here. The contest is between Mayor George B. Alexander and the entire business forces of this city on the one hand and Job Harriman, a lawyer and candidate of the labor unions and) the Socialists on the other. Special Session Called by Johnson. Sacramento, Cal. Governor Johnson called a special section of the Legis lature to begin December 10, after consulting with leading members of the Senate and Assembly. The work outlined is the enactment of legisla tion carrying into effect the new amendments to the constitution. VERMILYA WOMAN'S CASE REMARKABLE Chicago. "Mrs. Louise Vermilya, who was arrested on charges of having murdered Policeman Blssonette by poisoning bim, made a daring attempt to commit suicide hy taking a mineral poison. "It is my belief that Blssonette was given arsenic day by day, even while I was treating him, and finally he was given enough to overcome all at tempts by myself and consulting phy sicians to stimulate him and killed without our knowledge what the trou ble was," was the statement issued by Dr. F. A. Van Arsdale, the physician who attendedi Mrs. Vermilya during her recent illness and who prescribed for the policeman before he died. For the first time it furnished a direct connection between the widow and the last of the nine deaths that have occurred beneatlj her roof in the past 18 years. If everything which is declared! to have taken place proves to be abso lutely correct, then Mrs. Vermilya's case presents one of the most re markable instances of criminology in the history of crime. THE MARKETS. Portland. Wheat Track prices: Club, 80c; bluestem, 84c; red Russian, 78c. Barley Feed, 131 per ton. Oats No. 1 white, per ton. Hay Timothy, valley, $16; alfalfa, IH. Butter Creamery, 25c. Eggs Ranch, 42c. Hops 1911 crop, 43c; 1910, nomi nal. Wool Eastern Oregon, 916c; Willamette Valley, luff 17c. Mohair Choice, 37c. Seattle. Wheat Bluestem, 83c; Club, 79c; red Russian, 78c. Barley J30 per ton. Oats. $29 per ton. Eggs 36c. Hay Timothy, $15 pe? ton; alfalfa, )16 per ton. Quality Supreme Every mines sf material thai om bit a StaJtkaktr wagon or busty the Siudmbakir Reputatioa behind it Kenrly sixty years' exrUnr has tntight us how to make vehicles that last . F.vcry xle every sHike every huh every tire every bolt li made just right. The result: The finest wagons potxiMe to pro duce ami the largest vehicle factory in the world. The absolute reliability of the StuJebaker line appeals to all care fid buyers those w ho apreciate hon est value. The first time you have chance, come in and let us tell you more alHHit . f Sek w2 tjuinti WAGONS For Sale by The- W. F. King Company For Sale! A Nw Flvft Rnnm Dw!!. ' f ing. Call on 1 A. H. Lippman & Co J Millinery Prices on Fall Hats greatly reduced. Mrs. Estes Millinery Parlors. PRINEVILLE, . - OREGON. FOR Natural Seasoned CLEAR Flooring, Rustic and Finishing Lumber go to A. H. Lipman & Co. Notice for Publication. Department of the interior, V. 8. Land (jilice at The Daliett. OreKon, Novembur 3rd, TJll. Notice i hereby Riven that Chtirlea H. foffin, of PrfnevillA. Oregon, who, on February Kith I'.ilO, made horneaWad, No. (.'4, for NW' section 'J2, townlilp 10 south, range h eant, WlllHtnette Meridian, has filed notice of In tention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above descrlljed, before Warreti Brown, county clerk at h in of flee, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 12th day of LiecernlKT, lifll. Claimant names m wltnonses: Ifenry J. Ed ward, fjalton A YaN Oiimr C. Claypool, Z. T. 'iidcon, all of Priii'-vllle, Oregon. U-'Jp C. W. MOOKE, Register. Tn gi "1,1 liOlJfiB meets every KJm KJ Haturd ay night. Htrangers welctune. R.V. Constable. N. O.: Wldd Barnes. V. O.; If, I Hobbs, Bee; and C. B. Dinwiddle. Treas. Court Reporting Depositions Letter Writing Statements Prepared E. B. Noonchester Public Stenographer Office with Attorney O. 1j. Jiemlcr, Main St Hervlce Unexcelled. Fee. Keavonable. Prineville, - Oregon Horses for Sale. Oil the old ('. Shiii Smith rntn-h, nettr rrltirvllle. U'5 bend ol mnrv hikI peldliiK. Inrjp eiiiMitth tor work horw, will lie old Itinny tniitilier nt rvRotmlile prices, i-'nr further lidortimtlon nddnws O. II. Cuhnkii., I'rlnevUle. Orvtton. r.' liMI The Brosius Bar Finest Brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigar. LAGER BEER ON DRAUGHT F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor . Sheriffs Sale On Kxwutlon tn Fowlotmr. In thrfMrvtiti Vowrt u( tti MU ul Oregon ur lha County of Crook. State Hunk of KtMmontl, f corMimtlan,t Utntiff. v.ThiMxlorw K. Hcrkntir. C. '. AmUr ami, C. K. Niebrti. John Clark, SttMicry Tom iiit ( roriHtrattou,) stmt Marshall lUrttwir ouiav (a. corjKrtiuu,j UtJYiul- nta. Hy Yirttieof n txwntlnn ami order of ! lutitM out of tht above vmitlcd court ami can on th 111 h day of octitxrr, mi. In favor of the ahov namiM plaintiff ami alnaf th Un nftiniM uVr-niatiu iimm a )ultmtni attain. thMM tttinUuu, Ttuxxlur K. lUr nr anil C Nlflavn tor the turn of flgUt humlntl fifty (?oo.W) dollar with Inlerrai tliron from th UHhdayol OctMr.l?Ul ai th ratvof ten ir cent per annuin.atiil tntnty five Uollar attorney' fee ami the further urn of rHtevn and lo-ltv dollar roataanddi burmt'tnettu; which Judgment aa enrolled and docketed In the clerk' office of aald court on the IrtthdayoftVtober. lull. And where It wa further ordered and de- ereed hy the court that the following dewrllwd Cremitea, to- it : The nouth half of lot mi m ered two, a. In block fifty-five, U, of the origi nal ttiwnlte of Ktdtnoud, Oregon, a iliown by the twtmUMl map and plat nf ald towtutte on nieamiot recoru in ttia omce of the county elerk of Crook county, riiaieof tregn, tn uf- ing tne iraAte buihtitig on the atiove de'rilel premtte. together with all and lingular the tenements and hereditament thereto belong ing, or In anywise appertaining, alt u ate and be Ittg within the CountT of c rook autl ritaie of Oregon, be auld by the iherlff of aald county a under exerutlon, and the proceed of aald aale. i after paying tlieconi and dtUuremei)t here- ! in, the accruing rouaml extene of e, be applletl on the Judgment herein, and In oImmM I enctj to ald execution, order of al and de cree, notice 1 hereby given that I have levied , upon tu property auuve deacrlbed and 1 wll . on h 25lk Uy Navtmbar, 1911 the aama being Katurdav of the week, at 1 , o'clock In the afternoon ol aald day, at the front door of tha courthouse In I'rlnevlile, ('r(N)k etiunty, Ortgon, ell to the highest bid- ! iler for caah, all of the right, title ami Interest of the aatd Theodore K. Herkner, defendant herein, in and to said real properly and prem ises to satisfy aald Judgment, coals and dia bursements, artful tig coats, ux-ne of sale and attorney' fees, and aald sale will be mad aithject to redemption In the manner provtavU by law. Dated this 17th day of Octnlier. W I, T. N. HAl.FOI B 10-19 HherlfT of t rook county. HARNESS and SHOP iti it: H H.D. STILL vj Prineville, Oregon C.R. Henry Resident Locator of HOMESTEADS In Southern Crook Co. Address : : Paulina, Oregon The Oregon Bar At the Old Stand G. W.Wiley & Co., Prps All kinds of Choice Liquors Wines and Cigars. Famous Ranier Beer in Bottles and on Draft. Watches! Watches! Watches! Howard, Elgin, Waltham, Hampdon, Illinois, New York, Standard, Ingcr soll, ranging in prices from$l to $50 21 Jewel Movements for $25.00. Ladies' watches from $12 to $45. Gold cases. L. KAMSTRA, Proprietor. Crook County Jewelry & Sporting Goods Store, Prineville, Ore. 0. K. MARKET 1 1 I r I R N Stroud & Stroud, Proprietors Choice Beef, Veal Mutton and Pork A Fine Line of Sausage Telephone orders receive prompt attention lurpaaHcil Medical Bl.ff, Hut Iake Mineral Wator Cure. Hheimiutiiin, Stomach, Kidney, lllooil .ml Skin Diwinlera. HOT LAKE SANATORIUM. - Hot Lake, Oregon WALTER M. PIERCE, Pre., and Mgr. V-'iH Oregon Trunk Ry Service TO Portland, St. Paul, Spokane, Chicago, Direct connection at Fallbridge for Spokane and points east. Arrive Spokane 9:45 p. m. Through tickets sold to Eastern points, Puget Sound and other Western points. Deposits accepted for west-bound tickets to be furnished persons in the East. Details will be furnished on request. N. BANK0L, Agent J. J. H0YDAR, Agent Redmond, Oregon. 11-2 Madras, Oregon m iriiTJTVnBESI, B Butter and Eggs Country Produce Begin Treatment Now Rheumatism Can Be Cured A requiwt will bring you our new booklnt diwcrlblng HOT LAKE SANITARIUM. N'.tu ml Hut Minfrul Il.tliH, N.lur.'. Cure for Our equipment i compluto. I'n- Denver, Kansas City Omaha, and St. Louis t DAILY TRAIN Leaves Redmond 7:21 a. m., Opal City 8:00 a. m Culver 8:13 a. m., Metolius 8:30 a. m., and Madras 8:39 a. m., arriving Portland 6:00 p. m. Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, Glasses, Etc Etc., Eto. SHIPP& PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON I