Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 09, 1911, Image 7

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November Term
Concluded (rum page 2. Kirk "
I W lleritMtt "
Mrs. I, K Hiker " "...
Iliiiliiing A in, uiplli't,.
llaea A I'rmlliomiiia, supplies ...
fcthel I'ullur work In aanor's office
1 2)
2 00
2 40
20 Itf.
1)1 1ft
07 fiO
Crook Co. Journal, irlntlii etc . W) M3
1) I' Ailamsmi, etippllwi ... 8 4fi
Kom K Muoiki & Co, supplies... 6 75
J II Wfimnilv, anrvlrea ID &0
II II Clow, supplies, elc 170 00
l-oolianl Stf Co, cxprom vie. . 27 'M
T N lUllour, iKitril lor prlaolinri 1k4 7ft
J W .lllolt, viewer Hoim or j,lcl(s until afler they
II (Irlimn " IWOOI. , i . . . , vi.,...i...,.i hwa Inspected by one of
J II iry, viewer , 4 oo
F I. ltlco, clialmiian
i I) llunltir, aiuian
Kd llimlor "
Andy Hunter, clialnmaii,.
lUy Harrington, "
Vital K t'arrish, uiarkur
Win. A I'dUM'li "
- oo
00 !
2 00
2 00
2 00
II 00
Karl Nulile, rlmliimmi 2 oo that their pedigrees are bogus
H..yJo.lin "u'lind that they will have to be 11-
t"li0i! "u i V ' ,Tv ? I censed as Crudes or Mongrels
IrpJ A Kite, iupplli mill work . 210 aft . , ...
J p Ikil.erty, work iiiaMwr'soiUn 228 oo , of Pure Ureds as repre
Home hospital, rarviues :I9 50 ! SCUteil.
J l I.aroltoltn, (! in Mt eto.., 5 0il
II II Clow, aalary 1M 00
Jolui Kililili, eliaiuinan H 00
llsrney lUxlulile " 4 00
T X llalfottr, pairs lielp 1H 00
lialpll l llutuil, cxpellMM 22 50
W l l.ynian, rxp. institute 55 HO
It A Kurd, kjIii! t'to,., II HO
lUlnli Jordan, clerk lilro 50 00
ft oo 1
K llernUnd, Itorm-v li
Tillman Iteuu-r. ejiwniM i 175 oo j
rrlm-vlllw llcvlew. aiipplli'S i-lc.
8 -')
?, t ,V . . " "riwhohadM.nt the night at the
litilkiiap anil Kilaarda, aorvlios 12J.iO! ,,,,, , , ,
II l Still, supplies 4 50 j rBnch KJ low wn'ed that
W K lldmiimlii, wlimi f,u oo ; it waa his birthday and he wai
( VV Soriiion. dep wur iiiantvr 20 oo going to kill sotut-thiriK. A few
lieo llrew.u-r. water waiter liiil 50 j
IT t L' 1 .. ... . . It ..
W I" KiiiK Co, iipplii-a
10 (K)
r w'
P I, & W Co. water and l!hu
(' 1. Sliatlurk, auto hire
I'". O Hyde, erviena ,.
Lawrence I.Utur, witneat luea ..
2 oo
1H 751
2 50 !
rionrer T T Co aervk-ea
K II Siuitli, repairing jail bedi . .
1' 11 Poiiiduilur, claim (or dam-
l(,- . SO 00 :"""'" "- "'""
1-lri.t Nafl UuV, diaoomit i9 05 not wilh n,y hrother and had not
iieorge llrewator, waUr mauler.. 20 00 Been him for several days.
It A Ford, premlnmi ou school L This man that found my brother
..,'.,.t"'"; 100 00 was out hunting and had a com
Mia. C r. McDowell, board Jurori l.'ll 05 i .11
,,,,, , , , ,, pamon. They separated and were
H II Itayley, comiuumionur lmt 1ft 00 J 1
Jamoa Dice ' q 00 : to meet near the foot of little C!n-
Cr(xk Co. Journal pub drlln- Uley, When this man that found
cuent tax lmt 375 40 j my brother heard the report of the
koaii rusn. gU j)6 thuun ht it was his partner,
Kolit Moor, repair 34 50
K A Sallier, iuppliea 1ft 70
Anlone Anne, work ou road . 00 00
TlieoCook " " l:i 75
Tom .Murphy " " 30 00
A tiuliliarl " " 30 00
It (irlmi't, fol for horam 21 00
S Nitre, iitpplieH, etc 132 30
II P Thoinpaou, work on roads 12 50
II A llrown, work on road. Ills 20
V, W llicliardiHiu
M K llaftthorn
W J Schmidt
Ily Koch
() linker
P T Monroo
" 217 15
150 (Ml ;
" 20
" 3S 25
" 40 25
" 20 00
" . 220 W
" 97 K0
551 40
M J linon " "
Chaa Paxlon " "
F V Smith, patrol work
mull school rOND,
Crook County Journal supplies..,
10 25
It H Price, exproBi etc 11 00
Short snd Coon, aawliiK wood 22 00
North went school K Co, mdse. 21 05
i A Hiiatalaon, janitor 120 00
Van M Morse, work on grounds 41) 70
KundliiK Hardware Co Muplla.. 1 24
K L Jurduu Co, 12 drafting
tables 5(1 00
H L Jordan Co, supplies H5
C W Klklns Co, 80
Prlncvlllo U & W Co, water 2U 85
Catherine Conway, salary 222 22
K K Kvans ' 222 22
J W Smith 222 22
Alma tlltchel " 200 00
Mrs. Mabel Wood " 200 00
L Coo " 250 00
New Stallion Law.
Attention of the owners of
stallions and jacks is called to
the now stallion law which went
into effect on May 20, 1911.
A numbor of horsemon have
not complied with the provisions
of the law. It is necessary that
till stallions and jacks used for
publio service must be licensed
by the State Stallion Registra
tion Board at Corvallis, and that
thoy must bo inspected by an
oflicial inspector uppointed by
this Board. Attention is also
called to the fact that, according
to this law, stallions which were
in the state at the time when the
law went into effect and licensed
during the first season will be li-
cotiHod evon though utiHound, al
though luch unioundaoHi, If
prcinnt, will be dialed In Iho II
conso. All horses, however,
which aro not usod for public
aorvlce unless they paaa the
propor voterlnary Inspection. - It
la very Imporlunt, thorofore, that
horsemen who are delinquent in
this matter get In their applica
tions at onco. Stallion owners
who have already recolvoJ li
cense (or tholr horsoa will confer
a favor upon their neighbors by
calling thuir attention to this fact.
Horsemon are also urgently
rcciuosted not to txirchasu atal-
our 8tttt8 Inspectors and have re
culvod their state license, for
'otherwise It may prove that such
clnllinMa nr ittrWa funv nrnvn tin.
sound-ami honco not eligible to
bo used for brooding pur pones
in this state, or it may bo found
Concerning Sumner's
Tragic Death
Kurroit JontNAi. I wirih to cor
rod the article Unit win printed in
r,'Kari' t lny brother Tholnal!, trK-
ical death. The txact truth will
On October 22 Thomas Sumner,
years belore lis found croppines of
quarts lodge but could not locate
1'1U l''('e nd this was the obji-ct
more then bunting game, that took
him to the top of Little drizzly.
The man that found my brother
His dogs rsn up to the place and
acted so quecrly that he invrstignt
ed finding the b'nly. He did not
know who it was.
I was at my uncle Fred Stewart's
place when the news came in over
the telephone. This man, known
to me only as Curly, did his duty
and I owe him my lulling grati
The position of my brother's
body when found indicated that he
bad net the gun down and leaned it
againrst a limb and had seated him
self on the ground and leaned
againBt the trunk. The gun must
have tupped and tome way dis
charged. The ball penetrated his
head nearly tearing the top off.
lie was lying in a natural position.
The gun was reveral feet away.
There are come features that I can
not explain. Tbe position of tbe
gun and tbe way the ball penetrat
ed tha limb, but I am condfient
he died by the accidental discharge
of his gun. Guy umnkr.
New Hay Bailer for Sale.
One Whitman Steel Beauty Hay
Bailur for sale. Call on or aililrvue
Kairview Stock Farm, Prineville, Ore
gon. 11-9
Chicken for Sale.
3 Thoroughbred White Wyandotte
RooHtem; nbout 24 Single Comb
White l.eirlioru Clilekeim; 20 Butt
Leghorn Hun. All thorouKhbreilN.
Mhh. Fiinn Gkimkm,
11-10 2t I'rlnevllle, Or.
Dissolution of Partnership.
The ilrm of Barney liroa., conducting
a sawmill on Mill Creek, ltJ miles from
Prineville. la hereby dissolved by mutiinl
consent, W, 11. Barney having bought
out the interent of his brother, K. L.
Harney. W. H. Baruey will continue
the liiisinoss iu the future. '
W. H, Barnky.
10-l!)-4t K. L. Barnky.
Notice af AdmiaUtrator't Sale af Laad.
Notico In hereby given, by the unilerelKneil,
the RilmiuUtrittor of the etUHtc tit John H.
(iiiKtiilMon, ileiMHHtil, tli At purimHnt tn an enter
ot the ununty court o( the Htate of ori'Kon, for
Urook eotlllty, umile on the litll day of Novem
ber, Itlll, lie will, on the tl h ilny ot Ik-ember,
hill, alio o'clot-k In the forenoon at the front
iloor of tho county courthouse In I'rlnevllle,
OroKtm, Bell At public Hale to the lichen! hhl
tier, mthject to uonllrumtton by hiiUI eoutity
court, nil the rlKht. title anil Intercut the hkIiI
JobnH tlUNtafNon hail at Hie time of bin ilealh
In the followtnu lenerlliil real estate, tti-wil:
The southeast tiuarter of section twenty-six in
township sixteen south, of ratiRC tci east,
Willamette Meridian In Orook Oouuty, f rcKu.
'rcrins of sale live per cent on day ol sale,
balance on date of continuation.
Dated thlstlth day ol November, 1911.
M. R. Elliott,
Administrator ol the estate of John 11. Uustat
aon, deceased.
It Stands Alone
In a Class By Itself
No other roofing Is like
Ruberoid. It is made of
the best wool felt, impreg
nated with materials man
ufactured exclusively by the
makers and which cannot be
found in any other roofing.
has made good for 20 years.
It will prolong the life of
every building on your
farm. It protects them
from all weather condi
tions, and is fire-resisting.
PrinevilU, ' - - Oregon
Lost or Stolen.
From my auto Nuuday night, a I-'old-Ins
I'M-ket Camera in leather cane.
Hew ard fur Its return to J. It. Ktinsoo,
Prinuvitle, Ore((oii. 10 20
Noli f A4wailrttrii'i Sl ( Laaj.
Nuilm 111 hiTi'lir slvi-ti ly the tin'1-mlaTiHl,
the N'ltnllil.lrairlK 111 Ilia .uut ttt Klrli'li'-r J.
i.ily, il.'t-cNiH-il, ltit puriimtll M !! ol
lln- county i-ourl ul lliw HUie ol urvifun, Ut
CriMili uuiiiy, iiiriIi-iii th'4ih iInv ul hnvi-ni-
iwr. 11m will, oil 111' viii "mjr ul ut-cvtnMT,
lull, ul lUo'i'Uh'k ill lilt- (itrrn.H.n lit lh front
liMir ul Hi l oiiuty luiirttiiitiM. in I'mirvlllu,
1 iri-aiin. M.-II t iuiH' ! to tli liiKlit-sl bi.
lor, iiii,lM i 10 itinliriuaiiun ny mi.i ruiiuiv
.nirt. nil Hi rlKlit. llllt Mit.l Itiu-ri-st th il
Kli-li h-r J. I.lvi-iy hftil l lliv ttitiful Iiir dtli
11 tin- itiiiowiiia !i-M-riiM-4i r-i tMt, iiHtt:
lUi-lt-vi-ti aiil tuitlvr In llM-k tlilrly-Hw In
li (irlKtiiBl Inun.ili. uf kf-liiHin.l, Oresntl.
'urillini to tlic ill ItivriH.t iu tin- Mineaii-
x-ni of rM-4in1 In tliti nrfl'-ti of tlm uuiioty
l.-rv 01 frooK 1011111), (Jn-jcoii,
Ti-rmi of "!, t-Mli uiMin confirmation of vale
by tun my t'onri.
1'au-a 111m vi 11 uay 01 .-tovi-niNr, i-'ii.
A nir a. I.ivat.v.
A1mlntlrtrlx of iMtale of Klcli-her J. Uvvly,
Notica ol AsDueittratni'a Salt af Laad.
Nollt In ht-n-l.y slvi-n tf the umlt-rttxneil,
tlio ailiiiiulilrBtrix of the entula ut John H.
Iti-aiim. ilwMuii-il, thai lur"nalit to an oriler of
lim t'oimtv eouri ol the euieof Orciion for
Crook roullty, nimle on the nth Uy ol Nov-m-
imt, lull. hn will at the front otMtr 01 ti
rounly coorthooM lu frlnevllie. Ort-uoit, on
thcttth dny ol lhH-tnlNir, lyll, al lu 0'1-hM-k In
the foreniMin, ivll at .utiltr Mle to tht- hlRhi-t
bliltlvr, itihjvrt to confirmation hy Mid entinty
i-oiirt. all lh rlKht, tltlv anil Inierenl the John
II. Ki-Mtnt Iim.I Ml the lime ol hi death to the
followlna duw-rlU-d real uie, lo-wlt: lxiu
one. two and three In l.lork eight In theflm
addition to 1'rllievllle. llrraotl.
TtirniR of ale,cM.h tiion i-onrlrmttlon.
ilalril thli Dlh day of Novi-tnlier. Ill,
MAitoAarr kkank,
Admlntmratrla of eatato of John H. Keami, lie-i-eeu4.
Notice for I'ubllcttion.
laulitttMl Tract. PnblU Iau (le,
llnrtititnt of Hit Ititeriiir.
t'. 8. UnU Otliio l Tli lull.-, oreRun.
Ortoticr if-llt, hill.
Notice U h err by given dial, ai tllrtM-iiM by
tlu-(VttniniM.oiicr ol Oi tirtiral Laixl ortice,
tinlir i.rt'vlnitniii of Ad of (ViiKrciw aj"rovnl
Juiir 27, IWHli.ti Hiatat., -17i wtj will ufftT Hi pub
lic a If, to I he hiKln'Ht hi-LLT, al 10:1 n'vUn k a.
in., ou tin ltith ily o( IhHi'iiitr at ihl
tittct, tin follow ln(t-tlrMTiU't) la ltd : Ni,
NK' ami HW, NK4. Sw, . T 18 tf R. 16 vt
H'UUmvtitf MtTi'lian. No. iihJW.
Anv tKTNOin t'laiiiHUK advornfly the a hove-1.'-ritHM(
land an adum-d to Nit Uieirt lHims.
or ob)it:tiouh, ou or be tore tin1 ilim d-lKUied
for aa.v, t W. MO'HtK,
Trinidad Lake Asphalt
In street pavements has with
stood heat, cold, air, rain, snow,
sun, acids, and heavy traffic Jot
twenty-five years.
made of Trinidad Lake Asphalt. No wonder
lasts longer than any other roofing.
The Barber Asphalt Paving Company, who
have used asphalt for more than a quarter
century, make GENASCO and they are the
largest makers of ready roofing in the
Mineral and smooth surface In aeveral weights.
Ask us for samples and full information.
The W. F. King Company.
W. A. Booth, l'ros
1). F. Btkwart, Vloe-Pres.
Crook County Bank
Statement of the Crook County Bank of
Superintendent of
Uutnsand Discounts 129.S70.2R
Overdrafts 2.SU.88
Furniture and fixtures 2,203.44
Keal estnte 0,70.(l
Calk OB head and due from banlu 147.809.95
Trespass Notice.
Notice la hereby given to sny and all
persons intruding or treapaaaina on
what Is known aa the Mat-key Creek
Property; that they will be prosecuted
to the lull extent of the law. aa I am
the sole owner ol said proiierty,
21-11-23 Jona li. Yaxiia
Public Ijinle to Settlement and
Kntry. I epartmant of the Interior,
f.en"rl I .a ml Oflie, Wanbiiiton, D. C,
O lolwr 11, 1011. Notice is hereby
f liven that the unappropriateil public
alitla io the following- described areas,
which were excluded from the Llts
chtites National Kore-t, Oregon, snd
withdrawn for rlaeiHcation under the
act of June 25, 1010 CCI Stat., H47,) by
prradamalion of the President, effective
July 1, 1011, will by authority of the
Hecroiar ol the Interior be reatored to
th public domain and become subject
to settlement on and after 9 o'clock a.
m. January 2. 1012, but not to entry,
tiling, or telei'tion until on and after
February 1, 1012, at the I'. 8. land of
fice at The 1'al -a, Oregon, except that
on the same it ite that such lands Ire
come subject t -ettlt-ment, the Ktate of
Oregon may. it Hie lands are subject to
such aelecti- r, lect as Indemnity in
the satinfac.i ..of Ita common acl ckjI
grant, not to er. red one section in each
W-tional portion of s township where
the restored area thereof exceeds 6,000
acrea: In T. 14 8 . K. 1H E , Sees. 1, 2,
3,4, in T. UH., K. Ill K., Seca. 4 to U.
inclusive, 10 to 23, iin-liiaive, 20 to 33,
inclusive. N.Si. W'n' KWJ, HKJ Bee. 34,
Kecs, 36 snd 30; in T. 15 H., K. 19 K.,
Sees. 1 to 24. inclusive, N,4 of Sees. 25
and 20 Warning is hereby expressly
given that no person will be permitted
to gain or exo ciae any right whatever
under any settlement of occupation be
gun after withdrawal and prior U 9
o'clock a. tn. January 2. 1012, snd all
audi settlement or ot-enpancy is forbid
den, and tlioae settling in vio'ation
hereof are liable to be ejected. Jons
MiiPiiAdi.. Acting Aiaislant Com
missioner of the (ieneral Land Otlice.
Approved October 11, 1011. Canni A.
Thompson, Acting Secretary of the In
terior. 10-20-4t
Smith & Allingham, Props.
CI j amp Smith's old stand.
Imported and Domestic
Famous Whiskies
j Old Crow, Hermitage; Red 9
4 Top Rye; Yellow Stone; I
4 Canadian Club; Cream t
4 Rye; James EL Pepper, 9
4 Moore's Malt 9
Porter, Ale and Olympia
Draft Beer on Tap.
5 Imported Wines and f
4 Liquors. 9
C. M. ET.KiNS.Cushle
Prineville, Oregon, ai rendered to the
Banks, June 7th, 1911
Capital paid lit rull 86,000.00
Surplus 10,1)00.00
t'ndlvlded proflU ii?!
Deposits 140,140.7o
"Quick Meal"
hay led all others for years, bacause
they glveuch universal aatlafactlon.
Users of Quick Meal" Steel Range
re our very best advertiaera. ...
QUICK MEAL" STEEL RANGES are made almost entirely
ol steel, consequently cannot crack and are stronger.
For Sale by
The W. F. King Company.
J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor
Stock boarded by the day, week or month at
Reasonable rates. Remember us when in
Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
Olive and Goldie Telfer
Ladies, we cut, fit and. make stylish
We use the only practical method of
cutting garments, everythingbeing done
by the actual inch measurement, on
the same principle as the tailor cuts for
gentlemen and perfect fitting gar
ments may be cut for all kinds
and sizes of forms.
Dressmaking by the Day Opposite Presbyterian Church
Warren & Woodward
Irrigation, Subdivision, Land Surveys. Estimates Furnished
on Power Plants.
We have had 10 years experience, embracing all branches
of Civil Engineering.
Box 187 Redmond, Oregon.
Statement of Reaourcea and Liabilitiea of
The First National Bank
Of Prineville, Oregon
At the cloaa of buaineaa June 7, 1911
Loans and Dlsronnta 1.S4.S35 03 capital Btook, paid In t 50,000 00
United States Bonds 12.800 00 Surplus fund, earned 60,000 00
Bankr.remlses.eto 12.540 12 Undivided proflta, earned S7,T.'4 56
Cash 4 lue from banka 210,.1 0 circulation S.60 00
Deposlta 885,099 63
J531.424 19 t531.U 19
B. F. Alien. Pr.iid.nt T. M. Baldwin. Cabiar
Wilt WiiraweUer, Vic. Pr.aid.nt H. Baldwin, Aa'l CaJiiar
Steel Rahces
RANGES are con
structed ou scien
tific principles and
their materials are
distributed in such
a way as to do the
most good.
RANGES are just
heavy enough to be
good, durable and
lasting. The parts
strengthened are
the parts where
the most wear is
The walls are so
well lined with
Asbestos that no
heat is lost, it be
ing radiated lust
where needed.