SHANGHAI CAPTURED EY CHINESE REBELS Revolutionists Insist Throne Must Abdicate and Rule of Manchus End. Shanghai. Exwpt fcr the foreign concession. Shanghai is entirely in the hn of the revolutionists. There was virtually no resistance, only a Jew hot being Bred. All the Chinese soldiers hare joined the rebels and the police and firemen apparently are sympathising with them, for they are wearing white beading on their coats. The centra machine of the revolu tionary government does not trust the throne, nor does It agree with the throne's terms. It is, therefore, pro ceeding to arrange to control the na tion's affairs in expectation of the success which It regards as certain. The retirement of the machine dynaa tr will be demanded. The official list drawn up includes Dr. Wu Ting-Fang, at one time Minister at Washington, who has accepted the post of secre tary of foreign affairs. Perfect order was maintained In Shanghai and- the outlying districts the first night after the capitulation of the city to the revolutionists. Pekin. The situation in China is becoming more complex, If not more cericus, every day. A week ago co operation was suspected between Yuan Shi Kai and the national assembly. It Is now evident, however, that all elements have, up to the present, no connection whatever. The whole movement is a spontaneous uprising against old corrupt methods, and the fact that foreigners have not been at tacked indicates that the desire for genuine reform is sincere. OPINION IS FAVORABLE Believed Initiative and Referendum Will Be Held Constitutional. Washington. "The supreme court will declare the initiative and referen dum constitutional," was heard on all aides following the arguments on the Oregon cases. The Justices during the argument obviously favored the contentions of those who are supporting the Oregon laws. Their questions were plainly prompted by a desire to assist the laws' defenders. The customary rule of cautiously refraining from the ex pression of opinion prior to the court's handing down of an opinion has been thrown to the winds. On every side ia heard, and in most newspapers are printed, positive predictions of a vic tory for the popular government laws. Colored Oranges Earred. San Bernardino, Cal. Because the artificial coloring of oranges is no longer permitted, by order of the Bureau of Food and Drug Inspection, Eastern tables this Thanksgiving will be without oranges as far as Southern California is concerned. Prominent orange shippers estimate that this season's crop will be from two to four weeks late because cf the order. Bar Pensioners From Army. Washington. Men receiving pen sions from the government on account of wounds received in action or any other form of disabity cannot be en listed in the regular service, and in the opinion of Brigadier-General Rob ert K. Evans, chief of the division of military affairs, expressed in a formal ruling, should not be enlisted in the national guard. ROBBER SUSPECT ARRESTED 4000 in Bank of Montreal Currency Found In Room. Vancouver, B. C. The police have under arrest a man named John Bo leyk, a native of southern Europe, charged with being one of the men concerned in the robbery of the Bank of Montreal at New Westminster in September last, when the sum of 2'jS, GOO was taken. He had in bis posses sion $4000 in marked bills. Bozeyk was arrested by city detec tives, and on hie person was $700 in ordinary currency. In a search of his rooms the police found the "4000 worth of Bank of Montreal bills of the series stolen. In the room was also found a huge quantity of silks and ether articles believed to have been tolen. Debris Gives Up Three Dead. Auburn, Calif. Three bodies were recovered from the wreckage of the east span of the partially completed Mountain Quarries Company bridge, wbich collapsed. Five injured were talten from the Jumble of steel and concrete, and, as the company ha." not yet accounted for all of the re maining 22 men known to have been on the bridge, it is thought that the clearing of the ruins will yield stll! more bodies. HANDY ROAD TOOL Combination Davie For Whipping Dirt Highway Into 8hapa. W recently visited a model farm, and on of tbo moat attractive fea ture about It waa th condition In which th roads, both on th farm and the adjacent highway, were kept by aw of the split log drag. This t a matter of real economy, a well as of good looks. A visit to another farm showed a modified device which w had never seen used elsewhere and which Is the Invention of the ownet, says a writer to th Kansas Farmer. It Is so effective that a drawing of It Is shown herewith. It Is really a com bination' of barrow and spilt log drag The harrow teeth are attached In such a manner that they can be let down and the linplemeut used as a barrow only, or the teeth can be raised and the Implement used as a drag only. It the teeth are set level with the bottom of th drag It forms an excellent clod FSSTCL IMPLEMENT FOB KAKTB ROADS. crusher, and Its weight Is such that It can be nicely handled with an ordinary farm team. There are certain roads which require a good deal of whipping Into shae before they become good dirt roads. This work can be done by a spilt log drag If time Is taken for It It can be done more readily by the combination Implement herewith Illus trated, as will be shown on a trinL As this Implement has a value Id th field that Is equaled by that on th road. It may be considered a distinct Improvement over both the ordinary split log drag and the harrow. The drawing Is sufficiently plain to show the method of construction, and the cost for the iron attachments for hold ing the teeth need not be great. The teeth, of course, can be set In a wooden frame, though they are less satisfactory so because less readily adjustable. This Implement has been nsed on the farm where It was made for a num ber of years and has been found equal ly effective In the field and on the road. KEEP OUT OF RUTS. In That Way Motorists Will Mak Highways Bettor. Few problems wltb which the mo torist bas to cope have proved more refractory than that of Improving the roads. It Is so nnwieldly a situation to handle and Its ramifications extend Into snch a multitude of tangles In the field of legislation and of public sen timent that progress has now been slow indeed. None the less It Is pos sible for each automobile owner here and now to give practical assistance to the movement If be only will. Those who have carefully studied the road maintenance problem find that one of their cblef difficulties arises from the fact that traffic Inevi tably finds Its way Into a pair of rata. Each succeeding vehicle digs deeper, and so the operation contiuues until there Is only one part of the road which can be traveled with comfort. Suppose that each vehicle should seek a new path. What would be the result? A smooth, firmly packed sur face, in practically as good condition as if a steam roller were In constant operation. Now Is the time when a policy of avoiding the ruts can best be made effective. Procrastination. One great criticism of our road im provement policy here in Pennsylva nia is that It is too long in accomplish ing its object, says the National Stock man and Farmer. We know of one road on which Improvements were be gun last year. The grading was com pleted far ahead of the paving, which, of course, left the unpaved portion a big mudhole when winter came. This year the grading on this three mile stretch has been completed, but no more paving is being done. Another winter will find the public struggling in the mud on this new grading, while the road will have to be reshaped when the paving is finally reached. There should be some plan of improvement whereby a road need not be torn up three years In the making. The public is ready to suffer inconveniences for the sake of better roads, but It should not have to suffer them for so long a time. Danger In Unexpected Road Funds. A Florida good roads enthusiast who appears to favor the actual construc tion of ronds rather than paper or vo cal road building puts it ns follows: we 1)02 to assure the bond tmstnun enwrapped and enveloped and accom panied by our most distinguished con sideration, that good roads bonds are vain and worthless until they are cash ed and the cash expended for the most estimable and excellent purpose originally intended. A million dollar road fund unexpended is a most worthless and dangerous possession." Money Goes Abroad. The $50,000,000 a year American tourists are said to spend in Europe on automobile trips would largely be spent at home If we had good roads for touring. Collins Auto Go. H. ROHN, Agent Daily Auto Service Between Prineville and Redmond. Connects with all trains. Cars leave Hotel Oregon for Redmond at 5:30 a. m. and 4:30 p. m. First-Class Service Guaranteed I I Furniture! $ Trade off your Second We Buy, Sell Now is your chance to get wide awake people STORDAHL & CONDART. We Buy and Sell Furniture for CASH. ; t Masonic Building. n L J ri LJ C.I t J CI C J ra ta ti L J ra CJ C3 CJ C3 CJ -e C3 C J r.a CJ r.a CJ r.a 1 3 r.a CJ ri LJ r.n Seneral Elacksmithing Horseshoeing, Wood Wore, etc., NlATLT AND PROMPTLY DoNI When it n Dons Bt : : : Siobert TTfoore Satisfaction Will Prinevillk, CJ CJ c jl jc:i:jl jL.jb.ui.jL.ui.jL:ji.uf LJCL;,jLJCJ Culver Warehouse Co. Forwarding Agents for all Interior Points. Grain, Hides and Wool stored and shipped Have your goods shipped in care of Culver Warehouse Co. CULVER, ORE. H. C. TOPPING, Long Diatance Phone Manager Uty Meat Market Horigan & Reinke, Props Beef, Pork, Mutton, Wholesale and Retail All Kinds of Sausage Nice and Fresh Home Cured Bacon and Lard. Fish and Poultry in Season. Butter and Eggs. Finest Made, 5 lb. . t Furniture! ! Hand Furniture for New t and Exchange I busy, The world admires Pioneer Phone. r.3 cj CJ r.a CJ M CJ r..i c J ca CJ ca CJ ra CJ ca CJ Ra c j ca CJ ca CJ r.a CJ ra CJ r.a CJ r.a Be Guaranteed Oregon, in Office l Home Cured Lard j 90c; 10 lb. $1.75. f !ofessfo,iai Cards, Dr. Howard Gove Dentiit . Roam. 14 and 18 Adamaoa Building. T. E. J. DUFFY A t forney.f- Law (Hucowor to w, A. Uoll) l'KINKVIIXi ... Okkoon 4 mm WPmmi Jfw.Ofc N. W. Sanborn Attorncy-utlJiw AJiiuiHun block rrlnvvlllv C. 3 rim jftmrnj-mt-Xmm Ormfmm V. 1 MYERS O. C. YOUNG jCamytrt Prm-Tlro n .11 rmirui.HHwMl"a'ltntion to w.tvr ngitu, miauua euu uriiuluai Uvtcucve. Cmlmmr fnttim, Onfm Dr. John lluback, lAte Vetrrtntry Mart ran l H. Army, iHarimt'iit 01 utp rmuppinra. All rtiirnU'.l Work at Kvaaouabt Hamilton Stable. Prineville, Or. V. A. HELL FRANK MENEFEE I-awycra Th Dalles Oregon Cam. S. CjmmrJ, JT, ff. 33,iJmr OCCUMHTM Belknap dc Cdwards (County Physician.) tPrm,mJllm, Cr.j.m S?. CllUlt, jftHrmtf-mt-jCmm Prm . Ormt,n. Fwl A. Rico, C. K. J. R. Ntrlll., Jr.. K. M, t'ouuty Burvuyur. IX'puty Co. Hurvvyur. Rice & Neville Civil Engineer , Ucneri.1 KnKlimorlnx. t'mxicvii.t.K, orkuom. J5 . SSrink Call. Akiwiiid f noMrn-T lur oa Nioht Orriri Omh 1)ook houth or auahnom'i Iau Htohr. Both nftlt!. au rwj o.uos Wl.pbonva, Ortftm Dr. J.Tregelles Fox M. R. C. 8. Eng; and I B. A. London) Licencw Ort-Kon KUti) Meilicnl Hoard. SjieclHllst in Burneryj llyKlnn ; Ali mentary Canal; women and childroii'i diwavvH. AtUtndancx at ofllnr, Main Bt., Prlno vl lo, dully 11 to 3. To!, l'ionoer l.'7. Consultation Frog Hour. 8 lo 5 R. D. Ketchum, M. T. D., D. C. Acute arid chronic (llHtratvni treated BueceHHfuIly by purely riruguwH methods Roods 16-17 Adamson Bldf. Calls made G. A. Me FAR LANE Lawyer Practice in all court and U, H. Land Office. Redmond, Oregon Willard II. Wirtz Attorncy-utJjaw. Olllco In M. It. UIkkb' olllco. l'ltlN'UVH.I.H, OldCflON, Huntington & Wilson Attorneys Of The Dalliw, lhavo opimcd (ifflm In Portland, Oregon, Room. 805-807 Lewis Building. niiHtnoRH wnt to thfm froTii Crook Ootintv tliroiiifli fhHr oltl w in Tlio Dalles or cllruet lo t.h.tlr I'nrl Itirni mldrc'KN will riMutlvn nrmiinl U. II. Ilrwalr,C. K. K. I,. Ilnwai.r City Kniilif l'mievllW, Or, Brewster Engineering Co., PriiMvlll, Oregoa. Surveying, Maping, Estimates. I'lioiio, Pioneer 291. D. H. PEOPLES Gvil and Irrigation Engineer. Irrigation, Subdivision, Land Surveying, Mapping, Estimating. Office next door to Lyric Therter Nolle (or ruhllcutloii. lwmrtmeiit f tlt tjttrlop. 17. M. jki OftU Mt lluru. tirriin, ttotutwr 14. ttfll. Nutttw U hrrly tflvcn I lml Jumna J. Allyn, of pMtillnft. Orvami, wham Novvntlwr 1, mnt lifwrt I Mild Knlrv Sit, MJ.MtriMl. N. "7M. fr N"W, Mvtinn H. !i.wtthi MM, rnititX4 K,,WlMmftt Mr.rt.1Un, nlr. ti.i llornf ltiUnlltiit ti rnnkf (lii trf, Ut iMltlUh flu Hit to the Iftml Imv it M'rttMMl, i ftirv lltr n'tJlntrr ml rwivor, n( Hurt,, Orv n. on lit' HiU ty uf KowimInt, ltMl. I mI mutt t name wltmt! John f'hrt- (nrimii, W. iVntwmiU, W. II l.ytlo, tt, U, tNitttll llof 1110111)11. latup Wm, PAItttK, Relator. Nutlet of Appointment "f AdmlaUir trU And to Ci tdlltu s, Kotlit tt itfrvby clwn Ittut th oiulr tlKttttl t ttofit hy Iha ntutitv rurl of tit 8t ir (r ort-gon, r nmk nut uty, duly ) tMillttrd HilmlitUtrntrU of Mitt iMtr of t'lHiiitf K tWtiiitt. Ihmmi1, Mint nil Ittrwum ttnvliitf 111 tit m(uliil Niihl tMtnlv n hrrrhy nniuln it In prt''iil the MUttv. ttnly vnrlilrtf, t hmUI HdiittnutrHtriK nI l lit lw ntltnf uf M. K. Hrttik, lit I'im III. i'rfitiii, whliln ix iiuiiitltM rmtti thddnU' uftlto 0nil iutilU tlott of (hi mitit, li. l Hitil Bml lltit iVtUr 13tti !. Ml til V HIWMT, AditilitUltitlrtx tit the KUl of t imid K. Kotictof Appintmnt at Admluiitnttor nd tu Crwdituri. Nutlrw lit htrvlty lvftt Hint Mil undrr flltftird Un Imu, ly the mitly wuft uf tho MiUfitf rri(iiii. tir t ihI( iitntlv, dn!y p- SMthttxl mtintitiitrutor or th) vti ir hiImm 1. AiImiiim, iHtMrd mid (tit rit ImvihV rlulniB Mfiliit tut Id vvtnti urn hrnhy n iltilrt'd ! im-riit llw kittitt. duly vorittrd. In w1d Mdmlntlrttr, at tli law tiffl'r uf t, R Itrlnk. lit I'rliH'Vlllf. tinitmi, within mi ititnilliM friim the dalr uf lht llml uhlKtlou of Mil mitiw. Dutrd and publMtrd 11 ml lltnr (Volr tSlli tVU. St. A l Ha, AdtitlnUtrntor uf th mIaIo uf HiU K Adam, dwvaMHl. UH.'-Tt AiltuinUtrttttir'i Notice. In llii mimlT mwit of the Ktalit ortrrun fir th t'mtiity u( Crmtk. In thf iualt r uf Iha ralalruf Harriot Ninllh, dtovaM-d. Nollor U hfriiV tflvrn that tht urjdrrincd hna lorti duly M,Jiittt(d ad mliiUtratitr irihi flnfr of llarrlft Hiitlttt, drnaMd, wild any and all H'rua hvtt( rlaltna ni ahtl mid naiad- tuut rtwnl them t WHMhih H, (Atokti at tltr nrtttw uflhtt 'it iwf AiMtrart t untMityl prlitrtvlllf. I'ntoii, within ilx tuontliK f mm llw data of lhin utf thw. Dulrd OcUjImt 12,11)11. V H MAM H. CtMikK. AdintnUtrntor of the iiU uf llarilft Mnllh, diwitwj, lum Rotlcof Appointmvnt of Administrator and U Credllnri. Noltre In htrrhy tlvtn (hat thit undtr lirtM'd haa In-h. hy thrcmiulv mmrt uf th Htalfor (inffini, fur t'naik roiinlv, duly ai tH.ltih-d udtittitlmrnUir ut iU tut ufiilivn KlotttK. tM'aHd. mid all iwmini ttavlntf rhihiiM mtiiliiMt nid miiiim arn tirridtv r iiitrd lo prciH'ttt IIir itu, duly virin d, to uld aitittlnlatrnior, Mt th luw if1tiv of M. K. Hrlrtk, In l'rliiivlltf, (iiii, within U it Mint Im fr.irn lh dato of I ho Ural )UblUtttl(ili of ihU null.-, . It"l and puhluti'd flntt llmn Vtolwr l.'ih. rU ii.i.m II. Mil Adn.lnUirrttor ofllipclto ufoilv UMttK, IU-W-71 Notlr of Appointment of Administrator ad to Creditors. Nollr la ht'rfhy given that tha undiT Mlifird haa tat'ii, hy th rotiuy court nflho Mnttf linunn, fitrt'rook county, duly a bntutt'd adinliilalriiiur of the lai' of 1-rwln Mi't alilNttT, d-wuiifd, and all ptrwiitH havlni olaltiiN nualntt auMl Htat nrr ht'n-hy r fiilnd t4i prt'Mrnt thn nam, duly vrlftrd,1ti tut Id adiululMtrrtor, at thn law oitlii uf M, K. lirluk, In t'rlntivllle, )rifin, within 1 k mount" from tho diilpof the find publlomthm of thin rtotlut. 1 Uttcd and pUhlUlird flrwt tint OctolMr Kltl, lll. (J1TJIU..K W, MtH'A I.I.IHTKH, A ImtnlNtrMUtr of thu ttiUor uf Uwl- Mu :itlllUir. dixfmwd. luJ'V7L Notlcs for Publication. mnnrtinrnt of th Interior, V-H. I Mud omcu til Tito Iulla, On-von. tK tolx-r lih. I'JIi, Notice In heppbv f Ivpn thai Alfrt'd It. Kontur. of Prlncyllle, Ort'iion, who, on Novtinlmr lot h r'ln. mttdii Hoiin-Klrad, No. 0741. for Ki NKl-4, und KS HK'-, wHIon 20, towimhlp 1 nouth. riuisn lb eiutt, Wlllitiutdlu Morldlan, ItHN filed notlit of liiUtutlou Ut inn kit fluid doinmuUillfMi proof, tofNinhlH) rtlulin (o thn land hImivd demirllM-d. tH-forw Wurrt'i) Itrown. uotinty tih'rk ttthlHofTliH, at 1'flncvlllu, Oru Kn,on thn 21 hi day of Nnvtmtlwr, lull, ( liilmant iuihm uh wllinitMH: JamnR A, Momtt, Wlllluiti M.Clultauich, KdwHid HIiHf.T, of 1'rliHwlllo. Uri'tfon; John KtUght of Mat H'M'k.Ort'gon. c. W, M(H)I(K, 1W ltKlNUr. Notice (or I'ublicallon. npnrlin.Mt oflho Intnrlnr, U. H. Luiil l ifthHi in The DiUIi'h, (inwon OololMir Wth, lull, Notlco U hori'tiv Klvcn tluit NMlllHIll V. I'lllKtlT, of I'rlni'vllli", OriKon, who, on Mamh Srd, mutui iioiiicNieHo, no, uuiirr. ror kk1,, Mellon 21. tiwnthlp Hoiith, riutitfl 1 fiiMt, Willamette Mnrlillun, Iihn nii?l notiMMni) Umtlou to make flnnl commutation prtMir, to (HluMUh flalin tolhelaml aliove UimurtlHul, twfore Warri'ii Hrown. nounty nlnrk at. hU of. nn,at I'rltiovllla, Onvon, on th. 2lni Uuy of NovioiiIht, IUM. I'httmant nainrii an wllniHimt Krnoit O. Klintnell, Alrnul K. Kolr. of J'rlne villi'. Oro- Son; HoliiTt ;. HundH, John F.'IkIiI, ot Hut to.'k, Ongon. C. VV. wookk, '"'''I' Hrglalar. Give us your order for CORDWOOD Juniper or Pine, large or small quantities. DILLON'S YARD Opposite Post Office. atUintlon, 1'orilund f lioui'.;Muln 7a8.