Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 09, 1911, Image 2

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    County Court
November Term
Continued from page 1.
Viewers' report on J. A. Peck etal.
road. Viewer report read second
time In open court and approved.
Said petition I hereby disallowed
and county clerk I hereby directed to
aotlfy the bondtmien of cost to date
and request Immediate payment
Viewers' report on K O Logan et
al road. Viewers' report rend second
time In open court and approved.
Koad declared a public highway and
county clerk Is directed to notify
local supervisor or supervisors to re
quest petitioners to donate at least
one day's labor lu opening said
road and fencing across the same If
any and sall supervisor or super
visors complete the work of opening
said road as soon as he or they shall
have sufficient fuuds therefor.
Viewers' reports on Pearl N. Fru
ett et al, H. P. Wilson et al, and F.
H. Sherwood et nl. These reports
read In open court and approved
said roads declared public highways
and county clerk Is directed to notify
local supervisors to request petition
ers to donate at least one day's
labor in opening said roads and
feuclng across roads If any and that'
said supervisors complete the work
of opening said roads as soon as
they shall have sufficient fuuds there
for. Now Is presented to the court the
petition of Geo. Larkee et al, asking
tor a County road and the same Is
hereby continued because of defective
notice. County clerk to notify said
Larkee of such defect.
Now Is presented to the county
court the petition of C. P. Becker et
al, asking for a county road and
the same is hereby continued for a
new notice. Couuty clerk to notify
aid Becker of said order.
Now Is presented to the court the
the petition of Vim. D. Barnes
et al, asking for a county road and
the same Is hereby continued for a
new notice. County clerk to notify
Barnes of said order.
Now Is presented to the court the
petitions of II. E. Melton et al, and
R. A. Merchant et al each tor a
county road, and upon due consider
ation It Is ordered that the county
clerk forward all papers relative to
said roads to Fred W. Wilson, dis
trict attorney, tor his opinion as to
their validity.
Vacation of ten-foot strip on each
side of First street between A and D
streets, Prineville, Ore. Now is pre
ented to the court a plat and trac
ing of the town of Prineville, Ore
gon, showing a part of First street
to be vacated and It appearing that
nil the requirements of law have
been complied with, it Is ordered
that said plat and tracing be ap
proved and ordered tiled and the
elerk Is directed to make note of and
reference to this plat on the original
plat of the town of Prineville.
Now Is presented to the court the
petition of M. J. McGrath et al, for
a county road, and upon due con
sideration It Is ordered that the
county clerk forward all papers rela
tive to eald road to Fred W. Wilson,
district attorney, for bis opinion as
to their validity.
Now Is presented to the court the
petition of Charles Thompson et al,
lor a county road, and the same Is
hereby continued because of defective
notice. County clerk is directed to
notify said Thomson of such defect.
Now is presented to the court the
petition of Albert Moore et al for a
county road, and the same is here
by continued because there Is no
petition or bond and the notice Is
defective. County clerk to notify
aid Moore of such defects.
Now Is presented to the court the
petition of R. G. Sturgeon et al for a
eounty road, and the same Is hereby
continued because there Is no notice
of posting. County clerk Is directed
to notify said Sturgeon of such de
fect. Now Is presented to the court the
petition of Nels Koppang for a
liquor license and it appearing to
the court that said petition, bond,
publication of notice, affidavit and
receipt of the county treasurer for
for $400.00 have been properly filed
and that said bond for (1000.00 with
Samuel Wlehl and Jno. W. Dennis
as sureties, has been approved. It
Is ordered that the county clerk is
sue license to said Xels Koppang
of the Black Butte Precinct,
Crook County, Oregon, for a period
of one year, beginning November
1st, 1311.
Fees in criminal cases for county
Justices of the peace. The couuty
clerk Is hereby requested to forward
a circular letter to each Justice In
Crook county, which shall contain
section 3204 of Lord's Oregon Laws.
Vacation of Myers' acreage. Now
te presented to tlie court the petition
ef W. S. Itodman and Cecil Kenyon
for the vacation of a certain plat of
part of the north half of the south
east quarter of section 9, T. 13 8., U.
13 east Willamette Meridian which
was platted as Myers' Acreage and ,
It appearing to the court that the
said petition has with all
the requirements of law It la there
fore ordered by this court that the
plat of record In the county clerk's
ollloe of Crook County, Oregon,
known as the Myers Acreage be
vacated and the same stand of
record as originally, a legal subdi
vision of said section, township ami
Now Is presented the petition of
certain cltliens of the townsite of
Hlllman, asking that the name there
of be ordered changed by this court
to Terrebonne; after n careful ex
amination of the statute, this court
finds no law covering this subject
and said petition Is therefore dis
missed without prejudice.
Cpon the application of 11. F.
Nichols, together with the state
ment of the sheriff and upon an ex
amination -of the records of the
county. It appears to the court that
the said B. F. Nichols Is taxed with
more real estate than he owns and
that the amount of taxes so errone
ously paid by said Nichols amounts
to flOOS. It Is therefore ordered
that the couuty clerk draw a war
rant on the general fund In favor of
the said B. F. Nichols for the sum of
tlO.OSlcss $4.48 the same being the
amount of taxes overpaid by said
Nichols upon the tax roll of l'.tlt), to
wit: $o.t0 amount of warrant.
I'pou the application of H. F..
Beach, together with the statement
of the sheriff aud upon an examina
tion of the records of the county It
appears to the court that the said
11. E. Beach has overpaid to the
amount of $.".,"(. It Is ordered that
the county clerk draw a wnrraut on
the the general fund In favor of 11.
E. Beach for the sum of ?.".5t! less
11.25. This belug the amount of
taxes overpaid by said Beach upon
the tax roll of $1!U0, to-wit: 4 31
amount of warrant.
Application for liquor license by
(ico. Raper. The foregoing matter
is hereby continued for the reason
that applicant has failed to tile the
necessary affidavit relative to: 1st
Selling liquor to minors, etc. 2d
That the printed notice does not
show when application will be pre
sented. 3d That there Is no certifi
cate of the publisher. 4th There Is
no affidavit of posting notices In
public places made by applicant aud
two resident householders. 5th
There Is no petition as provided by
District may levy road taxes.
Whereas mauy people are not aware
of the law relative to special road
taxes; It is therefore suggested by
the court that the county clerk act
ing with the deputy district attor
ney, prepare a circular of general in
formation and forward the same to
each newspaper published In Crook
County and to any one who may re
quest such Information; showing In
a general way the following: 1st
The taxpayers of any road district
may vote an additional tax upon
property within their district to be
used for general road purposes, upon
a petition signed by at least ten per
cent of the taxpayers of said district;
such meeting to be held In the
month of December upon publication
of notice etc., four times In a weekly
newspaper. All In accordance with
Section C321 L. O.L. 2d That when
ever three freeholders in any roud
district shall petition the local road
supervisor to call a district road
meeting, the same shall be called
and at such meeting It shall be
specifically decided what particular
Improvement, If any, Is to be done
and the amount of taxes levied
therefor upon property In their dis
trict, and the money shall be spent
for such specific purpose and none
other. Said meeting should be held
in December and requires ten days'
notice. All In accordance with Sec
tion 633 L. O. L, et seg.
The following bills were ordered paid :
M P Kycraft, grand juror 17 00
E B Knox " " 18 00
B A Kendall " " 16 40
C W Hunter " ' 17 20
F H Woode " " 16 30
C H Foster " " 15 20
R C Immele " " 16 00
F A Hunnell juror 10 00
J N Hunter " 22 00
Tom Stroud " 2 00
J E Warner " 2 00
J T Robinson " 4 40
AEUillam " 2 00
W II VV Hamilton juror 12 00
Chae. Condart " 12 00
LGRelnke " 12 00
CJSandquist " 13 10
0 U Claypool " 12 00
Geo H Osborn " 14 50
W H Keehn " 12 00
LBBaird " 10 00
HAScoggin " 34 50
R E Sherwood " 8 40
Archie Pattie " 34 00
J A McCoy " 32 60
1 F Slmtt " 13 20
J L Ma.ldron " 10 20
F D Scamruon " 41 00
Dan McCarty " 8 00
C A Newbiil " 9 20
A Fogle " 9 CO
A J Harter " 35 80
WSFuilerton " 36 20
John liioss " 14 30 j
W C Barber " 7 001
I W ru " 5 (Hi
F S lkft nan " 29 00
T J leteh " 12 00
John Tuck So 0
W C Jacobs " M 00
Dan Callow ' 40 80 j
Oscar Cox " 21 40 1
II 11 lMviei 2J 00;
JLWonderly " 6 00!
HCHolman " 6 00.
J (J Sothmaa " 4:1 00 ,
J Floyd HomtOQ 46 80
John W Jenkins " 38 80 j
W A McFarland " IS 00 1
W H Harney " SI t
D J Evans " 38 80 i
Fred K Wallaes ' 85 00
J E Adamaon 30 30
P Luelling ' 27 40
Carey W Foster " IS 00
William Joslin 43 00
A L Templston " 23 00
L L Nichols " 41 00
Robt E Galloway " 25 20
B E Bennett " 47 40
R S Dixon " 48 40
Tom Nakaymea wltueaa feet...... 6 10
F H Walker " 1 00
J D lomba " 14 00
John Meier " 14 00
Mate Forney ' 10 00
W N Cobb " 60
Mrs. Ilattie Butts " 11 00
John B Curl ' 17 00
Jas L Benton ' 17 60
Frank Wood " 11 tiO
Mrs. J A Morris " 11 00
Donglaa D Gardner " 10 00
Geo A Jones " 11 00
W T Rogera " 11 00
11 E Robinson " 11 OH
James Boland " 11 00
J N Quiberg " 24 00
Robt E Jordan " 16 00
L P Wade " 16 00
J W Elliott " 6 00
J W New " Ill 00
0 L Morgan " 18 00
S G Doulhit " 18 (K)
II Grimes " 7 20
Mrs H Grimes " 7 20
H E Ranuells " 18 00
Joe Post " 7 40
C M RednVld " 15 00
G I- Moore " .'. 15 00
L P Ball " 15 00
A G Scostiin " 16 00
L A Rowell " 2 00
E O Hyde " 2 00
W E Edmonds " 2100
Alex Hiuton " 5 60
Mrs J L Riley " 10 00
Lenna Fennell " 16 00
James Wood " 16 00
M E Bates " 16 00
Elmer Clark " 2 00
D I. Miller " 12 00
Jennie Fuller " 8 CO
Carl McGhee " 21 00
Jay Saltiman " 21 00
H F Kipple " 21 00
0 E Gafley " 21 00
Marvin Wood " 21 00
Mona Adams " 21 00
Chas S EJwards " 4 00
E O Hyde " 2 00
W J Schmidt " 14 00
Jim Fuller " 9 40
Tom O'Kelley " 25 60
V H Foster "... 17 20
H Grimes " 5 20
Geo Zechary " 30 20
Clyde Hon " 14 00
R E Jones " 28 40
Mrs Henry Koch " 25 00
A Nichols " .10 00
H Koch " 17 00
Arthur Champion " 28 40
Cliffard Banard " 28 40
J W Ritter " 28 40
J C Goldback " 26 40
R C Immele " 18 00
May Horning, witness fees 29 00
Henry Speck " " 34 40
Sophy Speck " " 34 40
J H Rosenberg " " 4 00
T F McCallister " " 12 1)0
Wm. Morse " " 2 00
B Robison " " .10 00
Ruth Robison " 30 00
N W Sanborn " 4 00
G H Brewster " " 4 00
J A Moore, auto fare 25 00
A G Markel " .. 25 00
C L Gist " ' 7 80
L D Fox, trip for special jurors. 7 00
Lee Zumwalt, " " ".. 80
G A Collins, services 2 40
John Edwards, auto hire 14 00
John McTaggart, deputy ahrf etc 12 75
John Ritter, serving subpri:nas.. 11 00
H II Clow, expenses 84 90
R L Price, expressman 17 20
Pilot Butte Tel. services 5 75
Pacific Sand P. Co. supplies 16 55
Prineville machine shop work,
supplies 16 20
Wm. P Treichel, auto fare 37 00
J M Lawrence, justice fees 2 30
J H Haner, serving warrants etc 1 50
C D Rice, work in assor't office 67 50
Al Yancey, care of H Rea 3 00
A F Cook, assisting co surveyor 4 00
Geo Brewster, state water master 50 00
C W Sorrenson, deputy water , ,
master 56 00
Geo Zachary, services... 20 00
H M Bergland, expenses .. 12 00
Dolly Hodges, work on tax rolls 55 00
WHIard H WirU, expenses 12 50
W W Orcutt, justice fees 8 15
A C Lucas, fees 9 80
John Edwards, auto hire , 5 40
W II Hess " " .: 3 50
John McTaggart, services 14 00
Henry Koch, care L McCallister 10 00
J H Jackson, justice fees 5 20
L E Baker, special constable 5 00
Mrs. Martha Jones, witness fees 5 00
Continued on page
Just Arrived!!
A new line of Trunks and Suit Cases, All sizes. Prices right.
Remember, we have the exclusive sale of "The American Lady Corset." All styles
and sizes.
I leadquarters for Shoes to fit everyone. See some of our new ones "to arrive soon."
Notice our Stockmans boot "It cant be beat." Price right too. Ask for "The
Pride of the Roundup."
For the best in latest Merchandise, see ,
Tlie Leader
D. P. Adamson & Co.
Our new line of Holiday Statery has just arrived, also part
of the dolls, games, books, toilet sets, bears and lions.
' 0 V
A Bird in the Hand is
Wortth Two in the
You can't keep waiting if you are going to secure
an overcoat of really clever style. You must re
member this: An overcoat on your back right now,
is worth two that you might expect to own later. It
is the early purchaser who invariably secures the
smartest style and most fascinating fabric. When
you purchase early you have a score of shades, colors and patterns to select from
you have many different models to choose from you have everything necessary to
the securing of garments which will prove an excellent purchase. Come while the
season's young.
Our excellent assemblage of BRANDEGEE, KINCAID & CO. MODELS
will delight you. Visit our overcoat department while possibilities for a wide choice
are greatest
Clifton & Cornett
k M N D t C C I ' K I M C A I D A C
School Itond Sale.
imu:v m iM-rmy fjivt'n, oy me iinner
Klifned, tlie county trtiHHurer of the County
it t'.nttilr. Wtiif. nf flnw.m ru.
HtmnttoHn orriVr ofthn Km.rd of dlrt't-torMnf
fx-tux 1 1 district No. HA, of Crok County, Or.
"ill wc-M MM ill"; in-m pi iw (lUMllllllUiM,
Mix pr nt bojulH of Hidd district m or
lu.frin. I ll tat ft.iv ,.e IL,,....,,!.... Kill "... Il. .
(ire of the counly tn-HHiiriT In 1'llitfvtlle, Oro,
fated thU nd day of November Hill,
Ham-ii Ij. .InitllAN,
County trcaHurtfr of Crook County,
Lots for Sale.
A bargain, Jour lots, for Bale, one or
all, in most desirable building eection.
Inquire before purchasing elsewhere, at
this office. 10-19.
Manufacturer of and deuler In
Harness, Saddles, Chaps, Bridles, .Silver-Mounted Bits
and Spurs. Reatas, Quirts, Ladies' Stride Saddles.
E. H. Smith, Prop. Prineville, Or.