Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 09, 1911, Image 1

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FREE: Beautiful $400 Piano Given Away by the Crook County Journal for New Subscribers
Crook County journal
Knf wd at tb pont-nffir-w at Prlnvlll
krfroo, Moood-eU mtu--r
VOL. XV-NO. 50
County Court
November Term
of 0
Is Prineville to Get
an Electric Road ?
I Prinovilla to get a railroad?
Mm. L. H. Kerwood think it
should have one and o informed
a tneiitimc of bunii)MM' men 1hI
Friday at tliH Commercial Club
room. She thought tn lctrio
rotd feanihla and tted that he
knew of KanUrn capital that wa
looking for ueh an investment.
What he wanted wa a favorable
cxprenaion of the enliment of our
busine men toward auch a propo
aition and ah would present the
matter to certain Iioitou cap!
taliats of her acquaintance. If
then gentlemen decided to take up
the proposition they would com
here and look the field over lor
themaelve. She wiahed to aure
them in advance, however, of a
favorable reception.
Mr. Kerwiod i the lady who
bought the Gibnon place near
l'rineville, for 120,000. hi aid
be ha extemive buainea intereat
in Alka.
One thing ia certain, l'rineville
roust have rail connection with
the ouUld world.
School Apportionment
for Crook County
The following U the Octobor appor
tionment ol the common ai-hool land for
Crook county s
M.trlct Clerk Amount
I'r.navIliB, M K Elliott at
Ixiwer Ry (irane, U V Mayton... KM 41!
Mill (reek, Mr. Mule Stanton 77 5ft
Howard, C W Starr US 65
I'pner McKay, J D t-ar'ollotte . 94 HI
Lower McKay, Moid J I'owell... 1.11 32
Powell llutte, Ulwnn Hiiudrlck-
on I'M U5
Kilter, D A Bowman. ll2 Hi
llayntat-k, (ieo 11 Oiborn 12:1 (U
tirlwdy, J W Lewi 1A8 22
Bend, L D Welut 4M 13
Mountain View. II W (iard lot) 75
New Culver, Win. Boetjll 114 02
tirade, Mm. E M Stephen Sit 72
Mild Hprlint. W J Htehhtn 1:13 24
Fair View, Jeano Eadea
Crooked River, T F Mct'alliater.. M2 40
Ahwood, Jus Wood 10H 2il
SliutKim, C L Itoam HI :ui
llrwuo, Mr. Ora llrtwse HI lit)
Madra, 8 K Oray 3t(3 82
Meadow, Kd Merritt (K) t)7
Maury, E W Nelson 71 ho
Tout, J K I'ont H." 20
Red Rock, W F Tlionia 100 ,'ift
Heaver, A M 1-ORHti 102 50
Diamond Peak, A (i Klhbee Ml 30
I'amp Creek, Ilnrlo;' Haundert... 5H St)
tiray Butte, T J Leach '. 127 47
Buck Crook, Herman Scbmld 77 57
Lark, J A Holmes 77 62
Sheep Rock, AuHin Kiter 71 HO
Croat Key, John U Bolter 70 82
Hay Creek, W Oarlock 8 04
Bear Creek, Dick Mulholhuid 08 05
Vpper Rye (ira, Price Cos how 100 67
Suoleo, Pete Del-ore 120 42
Alkali Flat, Fret! Merritt HI
Trail Creating, Dwlght Robert.. 68 30
La IMne, (luo T Sly 110 70
Lamonta, Tlieo N Smith 121 71
Cloverdule, John Uotter 114 02
I'pper Mill Creek, W II Barney 70 45
Ocbooo, J V lilanclmrd 110 18
Varona, Geo Irwin 58 110
Cline Fall, I L Ilurader 112 10
Bonny Brook, Dan Crowley , 8:1 30
Methodlm Hill, S K King 100 35
Lalillaw, Fred Wallace 188 00
Shepherd, C M Charleton 137 08
raulina Valley, W C Conttleton.. 81 30
Blizzard Riitgo, Bertha (I niter... 01 00
Paulina, II J Faulkner 133 24
Opal Spring, Karl Noble 02 80
Redmond, W H Anderson S81 11
Vibbort, C F KIkihi 112 10
1'lain View, H A Scomtin H5 20
Opal City, Mr. Ida Van Tamel 150 30
Ixuie Pine, Mr. Millie Lehman 04 HI
l'ine llumt, F V Swisher 117 87
Plenaant Jtiilgn, Alton Thompson 01 00
North Butte, 7. T (iideon 104 42
Round Butte, J S Moehring 114 02
Lylfl Gap, W M Farrell 100 57
Willow Creek, J W Mclilroy... 114 02
llillman, John M Perry 110 18
Bend, W M Ferry 1)4 HI
Butte Valley, J I Jones 117 H7
Ricliarilfon, R E Grimes 110 JO
River Dale, O 1) Miles 83 28
North Lone Pine, C 0 O'Neil... 102 40
Tetberow Butte, Karl Benton... 80 07
Rolyat, Victoria C Schroder 102 40
Hampton, Burr Black.., 58 80
Mudnis, A R Faiihsutt 58 30
Metolius, J W Ramsey 58 30
1 try Creek, II Earl Cross 58 30
Jordan, Ola Larsou 68 30
Bend, C W Ilocch 68 30
llillman, G G Grove 68 30
- I - - :. ....
WMiiifi phulo cupynnht bjr Anwiiuen ITe Auocleuon.
Newt Sflkflltinfa lb rhll"'1llhl Athletic won th world' baaeball cbamplomblp by defeatlnc the New Tork ClanU. Bender, the Phlladel
1 1 Jiiayuul phl ea.ny outpltched ilathewon. on whom tb New York fan bad pinned tbelr hope. General Caneva, In charge of
Of (hC WcCat "' ,tB"nn 1,11(1 furrM 10 Africa, wa attacked by a bind of Arab an) lost nearly 200 men. Tbe Italian government formally
announced tb acqulaltlon of Tripoli. Dr. Sun tat Ben. the lnatlgator and financier of tbe Chinese rebellion, proclaimed a re
public and named Ceneral IJ Uuan Hon aa tbe fimt prealdeut Tb United State government filed a ult to dlaaolv tb iteel corporation. Morgan. Car
argte and It'w-kereller bmidnl the Inn lint of defendant.
Prineville Strong
in Basket Ball
Basketball fan are beginning to
how aigni of life after a long
hibernation. All that la necessary
to make the awakening complete
ia the placing of the new baskets
in the club hall. A tbe boys are
anxious to start workouta to get
into condition tbe baskets should
be put up at once.
Prineville will have a strong
team. All of last year's undefeated
five are onhand.lnculding Ellis and
Urowiter, forwards; Foeter, center;
Ileohtell and McCallister, guard.
In addition we have Old Man
Langdell, forward at Dartmouth,
and Koha, a star man from the
Illinois Athlotic Club of Chicago.
These men will prove valuable
additions to the (quad.
It is planned to have several
good outttide teams play in Prine
ville, including representative 6ves
from Portland. Later in the eea
on the boys may make a tour of
the state, taking ou some of the so
called champions.
TroHpecta are bright for a first
class ladies' team this year. There
is an abundance of good material
to select from. They intend to
help their brother athletes make
Prineville supreme in the realm of
sport in Central Oregon.
Redmond After
a Ball Game
Anxious to wrest some of Prine
villo'n baseball laurels away from
her, liedmond has issued a chal
lenge for a baseball game to be
played at Prineville in the near
future, for 1150 a purse, half to be
put up by each town, and 60 and
40 per cent of the gate receipts.
The liedmond team 1ms been
strengthened by the addition of
EricKeon, Into of Victoria, and ono
of the leading twirlers in tbe
Northwestern League. The locals
are in trim for the game if th
local fans will come to their sup
port and promise to hand the
league pitcher the surprise of bis
The loss to the locals of McCall,
the star left fielder, will be evened
up by the addition of Rohtl, a star
all-round performer from Chicago.
Otherwise the team which defeated
the Weonas will be intact. lioost
the game and see one more good
exhibition of baseball.
Notice to Stockholders of Annual
You are hereby notified that the an
nual meeting of the stockholders of the
Squaw Creek Irrigation Company will
be held at the court house In Prineville,
Oregon, at SS p, m. Saturday, November
11, 1011. Your presence la deBired.
E, T. Slayton, Secretary,
Crook County Journal's
New Piano on Exhibition
The Jot b.nai.'s new piano ha ar
rived and is now on exhibition at
Adamion's drug store. Its a
beauty. This piano will be given
to the individual or organization
securing tbe greatest number of
votes in the Journal Context now
about to begin.
The Journal wants to be found
in the home of every person living
in Crook county and if our al
ready large number of reader will
help put it there they can say who
is to receive a first-class instru
ment absolutely free of cost. The
Send Crook County Journal to
' . whose P. O. Address
i for One Year.
Give 500 votes to
Name of sender
Crook County High School Boys
Slightly Disfigured but Still in the Ring
The Crook County High School
team played a scoreless game
with Hood River last Friday. It
was the hardest game our boys
ever had. The opposing team
was much lighter than the wear
ers of the Orange and Rlue but
they had a much longer acquaint
ance with the p'g skin and were
fust and full of tricks.
From the time Captain Myers
booted the oval far into the ene
my's territory for the first kick
off until near the end of the sec
ond quarter, the game was
fought near the center of the
field, neither side being able to
advance the ball.
The second "half started with a
rush and the play was varied to
such an extent that the opposing
team were swept off their feet.
The ball was carried to Hood
River's 10 yard line, Roy McCal
lister, Robert Lister and Arthur
O'Neil doing most of the work.
At this point the opposition held.
They could not advance the ball
and on second down lost it on a
fumble. Once more the C. C. H.
S. warriors began their march
toward the goal but once more
were held. Hood Rirer tried a
punt but Livingston broke
through and blocked it, C C.
H. S. ball on Hood River's 5-yard
line. The first play failed, the
second resulted in a fumble
which Roland McCallister swept
tel. J smki
manufacturers' guarantee stands
behind it.
You are entitled to 500 rotes for
every new yearly subscriber. For
convenience you may cut out the fol
lowing coupon. Fill in tbe blank
lines aa inrlicatAl mnA hin an.
companied by 11.50 the 500 vote
will be credited as you may direct.
Address the Crook County Jourf
nal Contest Editor, Prineville,
Oregon. You can send tbe paper
any where and to whom you
please. Tbe following is the cou
pon: up and carried over for a touch
down. The referee refused to
allow it. Time ended the play.
It was too dark to finish it so the
game was called at the close of
the third period.. Neither side
making a score.
Next day the C. C. H. S. team
met The Dalles High School boys.
It was a fierce game from the
kick-off. Before the end of the
first quarter The Dalles scored
a touchdown. This was the
first score ever made against the
Prineville boys. However, they
could not overcome the handicap
under which they were laboring.
All were stiff from the game the
day before, and besides the field
was unliko the one at home. JOur
boys were up against a team that
had played the game for years.
As a consequence they were out
played and out-pointed but not
disgraced. The Dalles worked
hard for every inch of ground.
The C. C. H. S. boys are deter
mined to reverse the count when
The Dalles comes here for a re
turn game November 17, .
The Bend High School will play
Prineville nest Saturday, No
vember 11.
The Dalles High School will be
here November 17.
The Hood River Boosters will
play here on Thanksgiving. No
vember 80.
The people of Prineville and
vicinity will have a chance to see
real foot ball and it is to be hoped
they will be out in force to root
for the home team.
Prineville Should Have
Athletic Association
It bas been suggested that Prine
ville organize an athletio associa
tion for tbe purpose of systematiz
ing and encouraging all branches
oi amateur athletics, thus giving
members of such an organization a
personal interest in the various
More teams could be organized
which could play with each other
and develop better material for the
representative teams, and if enough
interest were shown to justify it
classes could be started in wres
tling, boxing and athletics of that
character, which would not only
tend to better . physical develop
ment, but furnish an injoyable
diversion for the long winter
months ahead.
Princeton Athlete
Located Here
Another branch of athletes that
is well represented in Prineville is
that of which Frank Gotch of
Humboldt, Iowa, is the leading ex
ponent, namely, wrestling.
Mr. Gilmour, who is the Prine
ville representative of the North
west Townsite Company of Phila
delphia, which has recently ac
quired a considerable tract of land
adjoining town for platting pur
poses, is a wrestler of note, having
been a member of the Princeton
University team for three years,
He competed in the large Eastern
intercollegiate contests. Prince
ton won the chamionship during
his senior year 1910. Mr. Gil
mour bas been showing some of
the local bovs a few of the fine
points of the art, and is enthusias
tic over the merits of wrestling as
an enjovable and beneficial form
of exercise.
Road Grading Crew
Nearly Through
Commissioner Bailer and bis
road crew, who are encamped at
the Crooked river bridge, have
about two more weeks' work
in this neighborhood before dis
banding for the winter. Lots of
work has been put on tbe grade
west of Prineville and much yet re
mains to be done. It has heen
neglected for a long time and where
tormeriy there was a crown to the
road there is now a gutter. The
craile hag been widened an
dangerous angles have been straight
enea as mucn as possible. The
debris from the blasting is used to
fill up holes. Men and teams are
also at work on the swales between
nere ana liedmond. There are
eighteen men, three teams, a black
smithing outfit, fresnos, Blips, etc.
A regular grading outfit.
Conrt met In regular Reunion Wed
nesday, November 1. Prewnt H, C,
KIIIk, judK', Coniiohmoner R. H.
Bailey mid Jamea Itice; Warren
Urown, county clerk; T. N. Balfour,
Upon written request, leave la here
by granted the forent service to con
struct, maintain and operate a tele
phone line or line along the Uo
Kenzle wagon road described an fol
low: Commencing at a point 610 feet
east of the N W corner of sec 1, T 15 S,
HO E; thence In a Hootbeaaterly direc
tion along tbe ald McKenzte road
to the N E corner ol ec. 8, T 15 S,
R 10 E; permlMion la also granted to
construct, maintain and operate a
telephone line or line along and over
what I known a tbe H. C Thorl-
strey'a road, said telephone Hoe to
join the aald Tborlatrey's road at av
polot In tbe NWJ of sec 25. T. 20 S.
R 10 E., and follow this road Id
southeasterly direction to tbe mala
road near the Vandervert ranch con
necting tbe Big River Ranger station
with tbe main line of tbe Pioneer
Telephone Company; provided, that
(aid line or line are so construct
and operated aa not to aar
way to interfere with tbe rights ef
the public npon ald highway, the-
pole and appliances o erected and
maintained are not In any manner to
Interfere with any electric or tele
phone wire now or hereof tec tabes
erected npon said county roads, awf
further provided that at all places
where said line crosses the eomtrjr
road. they shall be 20 feet k th
clear above said road. The const nao-
tlon and operation of said roads to
be subject to and under tbe direction
of the local road supervisor and tbe
county court, provided further, that
said telephonecompany shall protect
and save harmless Crook county
from all actions and damages arising
from the granting of these franchises.
Wrongful Assessment of Addle B
Wood. It appearing to the court by
the affidavit of Addle B. Wood that
she had been wrongfully assessed for .
the year 1910 for the sum of ffl.-Hantf
that tbe Sheritf has remitted tbe same
from the total amount of her taxes,
to-wlt:$i.58. It Is ordered thattbe
Couty Clerk credit the Sheriff on the?
1910 tax roll with the said $6.44.
It appears to the court by the affi
davit of Loucks Bros, per C. K.
Loucks, that they had been wrong
fully assessed for the year 1910 for the
sum of $ 15.95 and that tbe sheriff has
remitted the same from tbe total
amount of their taxes to-wlt $75.85.
Tbe County Clerk Is ordered to credit
the Sheriff on the 1910 tax roll wlta.
said 1 15-95.
Now Is presented to the court the
petition of J M Elliott et al asking
for a bridge over Craoked river be
tween Prineville and O'Neil and the
same Is hereby continued tor further
Treasurer's Report. Now Is pre
sented to the court the eemi-annuaS
report of the county treasurer, Ralph
E. Jordan, from April 1st, 1911 to
October 1st, 1911, and the same 1
approved as being apparently cor
rect and ordered published la the
regular county newspaper.
Report of county clerk on scnlpi
bounty. Tbe report of the - county
clerk Bhowlng the payment of
bounty on 291 coyote scalps and 40
bob-cat front feet and two timber
wolf front feet, amounting in all to
$479.00 Is presented to the conrt..
Said scalps and front feet were thea
reduced to ashes In accordance with
tbe code.
Petition for county road of Henry
Jensen et al. Now is read In open
court the opinion of District AJi
torney Wilson and it appearing-'
therefore that said petition Is not
legal In that It prescribes no definite
place of beglnulng, therefore etltl
petition Is disallowed.
Petition for ctunty road by Jacob -Hoffman
et al. Now is presented to.
the court tbe oplulon of. District At
torney Wilson aud ltii accordance
therewith said petition is CMiMiiiietli.
Petition for county road by Roy
L. Kidder et al. Also known as the
Walter Ruble road. It Is hereby dV
rected that the county clerk return
all papers and files herein to the Dis
trict attorney for bis opinion as to
their validity.
The county clerk Is requested to
suggest to the district attorney that
It would be more convenient If he
should render bis opinion separately
ln each road in order that sucb
opinion may become a Dart of tl
permanent files thereof.
Continued on page twov