Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 02, 1911, Image 3

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Chinese Rebels Receive First
Setback and Imperialists'
Hopes Revive.
Tekln Th Cliliieso revolutionists
ravclvud ihvir IHai rilmck In their
successful uprising against h MuU
cliu dynasty wlivn the Imperial troops
recaptured the city of lUnkow rtnr
an Hll da Unlit. Tlia cusuultli'a of (He
Imperialists amounted to alumni 2110
tho rebels lost 4 Ml The Impel
lul!t marched I nlo II. ink',
Tha ri-jnirt of mu 1 in !') IrtllHt victory
In Ilia vicinity of lliiiiknw, ren-lvi'd
(mm lh minister of war, titmeral Yin
ChaiiK, lias revived tlie drnoiiliiK splr
It of llio administration. Aildlilonul
comloll hue bu n found In tlie colli 111
(loll of a loan agreement, which Chi
nese officials uy lius Just be n ar
ranted wllli a llelginn syndicate, hav
liiK French Mid llrlllsli coiiiiiM-tloiii.
Tim loan Is I in- f IH.OOU.UIIU. (Ii price
bolntl W, villi 6 per i ciil Interest. Tlie
Syndicate receives 4 (jit Ci 111 cullllllla
Two distinct (mrtlf k Iiiivo developed
luting His Chinese. OiU' embraces
tlm Nulluiinl Assembly, meet of tlm
government otTtrhils In both iruvlm-liil
and central government mid u!i.o tli
conservative business men Tills party
favors tin- continuance of Hit' Man
chut nn the throne, nlthouuh with a
completely t-inistltutlimal government
Tho oilier party, ltd by Wu Chans"
and oilier ri'licU. alms ni the expul
sion of the Manclms from I'ckln.
Pacific Fleet to China,
l.os Angelea, Ciil. Their stay In
ls Angeles hnrbnr rut to throo scant
days, the Routing fortressca of the
I'arlflc fleet will be rushed from this
(Hirt In Honolulu or (Ilium, where Ad
mlral Cliatniicy Ttmmas will await or
dors for a dash to Chinese waters to
prelect American Interests or to Join
the torrlun fleets In a movement uf
Pnndtnt of W. C. T. U. Attack
Secretary Wllaon.
Milwaukee, Wis Secretary of Agrl
cult urn James C. Wilson cam In for
a bltUT attack by Mrs. Lillian N. M.
Stevens of Portland, Maine, president
of tha national V. C. T. I'., at the 38th
annua! convention of that organlia
tlon. Wlltun'a action In accepting an hon
orary oltli'e of tha Ilrewers' Congress
win the (mint to which tha speaker
objected, and aha denounced bla ex
cine that the farmera were Interested
In the growing of grain tiaed by the
brewers "aa ahabby, and of no merit
or value."
Italians In Peril of Dread Scourge.
London Aa nn echo of the buttle
In whlrh inoo Itallana were killed and
wounded and 3000 Turka and Arab
were killed, tha Italian forcea about
Tripoli face a danger greater than bul
lets. More than 2000 unliurled bodlea
lie In the vicinity of tho troop encamp
nienta and condition are tips for a
cholera acourge.
Arohblshops Farley, O'Connor and
Monalgnor Palconlo 8elacted.
Rome. The Pope will create a
Urge number of cardinal! at the con
alatory to be held November 27. Moat
Rev. John M. Parley, Archblahop of
New York, and Moat Rev. William II.
O'Connoll, Archblahop of Boston, are
among thoae who will receive the red
hat. Monalgnor Dlomede Palconlo,
apoatollc dolegnte at Washington, alao
will be elevated, according to the an
nouncement. The selection of the new cardlnnls
1a the sulijont of Interesting comment,
owing chiefly to the recognition the
United Stales hae received. Three red
hats have been granted to that coun
try. Monalgnor Palconlo la an Ameri
can citizen and with Cardinal Gibbons
and Archbishops Parley and O'Connoll
will bring the number of American
prelates up to four.
Bcrdwell Dlsallowa Challenges Made
by Defenae of J. B. MeNamara.
Loa Angeles. The defense In the
McNumara cane loat an Important
point when Judge Bordwell ruled di
rectly against two challenges Inter
posed by them agulnat oplnlonuted
Tonlromen. Not only were the chal-
nges disallowed by Judge llordwell,
but he pore-mptorlly refused to permit
Iarrow to cither argue against tho
tilling or to furthor question the two
As the result ot the decision of
Judge Bordwell, the defense Is con
sidering renewing Its motion for a
change of Judge and when this Is re
fused, as expected, making a motion
(or a change of venue.
(H I VII. by AnwrMiu Vr AaaocUitlua.
Jacob M. Dickinson, former secre
tary of war, who, as special counsel
(or the Government, prepared petition
to dissolve the "Steal Trust."
Blind Editor of New York World Sud
denly Stricken.
Charleston, 8. C Joseph 1',
proprietor of the New York World
and the Kt. I.ouls I'oat IHapatch, died
H ii ml it y aboard his yncht, the Liberty,
In Cburleaton Harbor.
The Immediate cause of Mr. I'ullt
sera death was heart failure. He
had been In 111 health for several days,
but until a few hours before the end
none of those around him simpected
the gravity of bla condition.
Mrs. I'ullt iter arrived from New
York and reached the yacht ahortly
before her husband died. At bis bed
aide when the end came also waa his
youngest son, Herbert, who has been
cruising with his father.
Lumber Mills to Close Thirty Days.
Seattle. Lumber mills In Oregon
and Washington will close for 30
days, commencing December 15, In an
effort of the manufacturer to cut
down the supply of lumber going Into
the market, and thereby bring about
a rise In prices. Thla was decided by
a resolution adopted by the West
Coast Lumber Manufacturers' Asso
ciation, which met here.
Dam Builders Left Out Bedrock Key.
Olean, N. Y. Alexander McKIm of
New York, who waa sent to Austin,
I'a., to report on the cause of the
breaking ot the dam, haa reported that
tho "bedrock key," specified In the
plans, was not installed when thedum
was built "It was an appalling mis
take," reads the report.
New York. Turning from the writ
ing of real literature, aa he haa done
on occasions, to the writing ot min
ing prospectuses for companies to
which be lent the weight of a great
family name, Julian Hawthorne la be
ing Investigated, together with hla as
sociates, by the Federal authorities.
Millions of sharea of stock In "Haw
thorne" enterprises are aald to have
boon sold to school teachers, clerks,
widows and other persons of moderate
or even small means throughout the
New England Statea, where there la
great power In the name Hawthorne.
The United Statea officers for some
reason are pushing the case with more
than usual vigor. Involved with
Hawthorne In the Inquiry are Jus. B.
Hnnna, nephew of Mark ilanna; Dr.
William J. Morton, son of the discov
erer of ether, and Qulncy, ex
mnyor of Boston.
Wheat Track prices: Club, 80c;
bluestem, 84c; red RiiBsInn, 78c.
Barley Keed, Jill per ton.
OutB No. 1 white, Jill per ton.
Huy Timothy, vslley, $16; alfalfa,
Butter Creamery, 34c.
Kggs Ranch, 87o.
Hops XI) 1 1 crop, 42c; 1910, nomi
nal. Wool Eastern Oregon, 9lGe;
Willamette Valley, Ufy 17c.
Moliulr Choice, 37c.
Wheut Bluestcm, 84c; Club, 80c;
red Russlim, 79c.
Barley $:I0 per ton.
Outs $29 per ton.
Kggs noo.
liny Timothy, $15 per ton; alfalfa
$16 per ton.
If A
Crok County jfbitratt C.
AtotraeU of title lo ell lead end
tuwa lute la Crook enmity.
I. F. WyUe, Secretsry, frleetUU, Orefea
F. Ii. Fremont
Architect and Daeignar.
lAte niecltfxU In buildlnaiMMiatriM-tlon, InUirlur
arreuauiunuu ami uHiureiliiii.
Mred'iueriri at Ori-am llutel.
Prlneville, Oregon.
Notice of Appoiiitmvat of Admlnlatrator
and to Creditors.
NotlOf m heraliy alven thet the undir-taiM-U
he Ikw-ii, hv IIm vunlv iMiurt if Hie
"'"mi , Fri-a"ii inrt tipipi i'uniy, uuiy km-f
UohiU(l MtlmlitUlrHtor of the miIhI of
- . ui'--K-ll, Hllil Hl M'rft"l1 IIHVII
rlnllliN iMCwllll Mid t-NU.1 41 urm hrr-t,r r
iUlrtMl u nM-nt llm tria. duly vt-rlfl'-d. lo
mid i'liitf,l-lfur, pvl the Ihw olHecorM. K.
Ilrlnk. In I'rlnavlllf. Ortvoii, wllhln six
moult! rnMii ilia aute ut the flrnt puljUctv
tlotl or IhU nollrw.
IimU-iI ai,a puhlUhrd flrt tlroe fvtir
t'illl. I'll. Vt II.I.MX H. H(.
ili..lnl.lrl..r of thi'fMtele oriwl J. Kle
ins, imhwhjh-U lM--7t
Notice toCrvJltora.
Nutlets hvrt-hjr xlvn. hy unit rvlane'l,
tliv linllilBlrftlor 111 the UMSle (it Joha Vt MK"u-
imi, iIim t-ftuvd, lo all -r.llturs ami oiIiltk
llNVItia t-lMlma RKiltlil hl fatflte In preavllt
Ihw Minn with His roHr viiurhvri l lh
uii'l'-rvlKiitxl fttlliv nltl' nul M. M. Klll'itl id
l'rin-lile, on-Kim, within nix lnuulhs Irum
tin- flril ptililtt'Mtluti ni thu uiHkf.
lisu-il Oi-luiwr pi, ivll.
A. 7.r.u., ,(ilie eatela of John w' n
llel, ili-f vewil.
otlc of Finul Stttli.iiii.iit.
Nulli-e It h'Ti-hy sivi-ll l.jr the liml-rl(ni-i,
tlm S'tmlinairst'ir ut thf i-iui of Mary
Mi Mi'4'kin, ilrt' hw-'I, to nil i'1-rMiiifl Ititt-n-Hii-il
In vsl'l t'nisltp tlil In- hits ms'lf suit flit-it with
Ho-l-lrrit ill thla l-ullfl Ma filial a rmilllil'g of
111! N'lllllllkHirilti'MI uf Hl'l l-lalt- Bll'l ihf hxiior-sl.l,-
CiMilil)' I'mirt hsa Moli'lM . lh- lih la)
i.l liit i-tiiM-r, iwll, t Itio'i I", k in lli.i luri'tiiioii,
sllhi cuiiiiiy four! rmiiii In I'ritii'vllli-. or,.
Soil. tin- llmr stl'l 'Ui-i' lor bi-irllia Sfl'l avu
ll'IIS it't flllsl S'liMllitllia. At Mhlrh raI'I
II Hit. Sll'l I'lsi-i", any mtoii lllti-rt-ali-it III aal'l
falati' may aj-l'i-ar ana ohjci-l tu aalil flualai -I'tiiintlltS.
Iialtil ihli jiilh day of ih tnl r. fill.
A'liiillllalralorel llH'i-alaU' uf Mary 51. Mi-, kill,
tlm t-aa-il.
Notice (or Puhlicatlon.
Ih-l-artiiu-nt ni tin- IntHrttir.
U. H. Lsiitl ortlic at 1 he lialtt-a. Ilri-siin
tn -mini 1.1111. mil.
Notice fa hi-ri'hy alven thai
Chi-aK-r N. Jiiloiaiiii, of rrlni-vlHi. firi-aon,
Mho. on Ki-hrilarv .i-lh, l'.i)ll. tuailc linni-at,-a'l,
No, isai.iH. fur NW i4 S MM-.-.Malul N 1 4 Hh.
SK1. HIV',, ai-i-llun .'1, lownahlp IS Mililll.
rsnai' l-'i eaat. W lllalimtli- Mt-rlillan. haa tilr.l
I hollre uf liili iilloii In make lltial riiiiimiilallun
I'l-iMif, to i-alalllah claliu In the land alaielM-
, atTll'i-'l, la-lure Warri-n Hrun u, ruullly cli-rk
at hla urhi-e. at I'rliii'ville, (ireai'n.un thejsih
ilay of NiiveiiilH-r, Ivll.
4 lalmalit iiaim-a aa wltm-aat-a: lake II.
' lli-rhli-11. KBiiiiii-1 H. Kllla. (,li-iin Hi-n'trlckHun,
j Carl M. Let-sun, sllut I'riiievllli-. Ort-e"ti.
lu jse t . Mm iKK. Kt-siatcr.
Notice for Publication.
pet'srtiticlit uf the Interior,
I'. S. LenU ofllcv si The Italles. on-iron
ih toher l'.'lh, lull.
Notice Is herehy given thst
All'lrew H. lliuiupenn,
of I'rlnevllle. lirvsuli. who un March tth. 1910.
j niS'le hiinieatea't, No. Oail-el, fortt'aMVi., ami
Vi 'j mm i.. aei-llutl luwiiahll' aontli. reuse
liSeaal, Wtllauielte Herlillan, baa filed milii-v
of Intentloti to make duel commutation proof,
tueatal'llah claim to the Isnit shove di-M-riheil,
ta-lore v arren llruun, i-uunty clerk, sthlsuf
fliu. el t'rlili-vllle, tin-guu, on theJSlh day of
November, lull.
Clalniatil names aa wltneeaea: olenn Hen
drli kaon, UkeM. Herhtell, I'hetler N. John,
aon. Carl 34. Larson, sllut I'rlhi-vllle, Oregon,
ln.l.p J. H . ilclOHli, K'l.ler.
Notice (or Publication.
Iii-pa rtmrnt of the Interior,
I'. S. 1 .ami ( lau-e si The lialh-a. On-a-on
Octohvr mill, ivll,
NutU-e Is beri-ly given that
hlhii-oll M. Ni-gus,
of I .amonts. Orrguti, who, on Msy lsih, l',
maite homi-alea'l, No. I.M'ai aerial, No. Ul',
lor lK'4 HW,, Hi, SK'4. suit NK'4 NKi,,
ati-llun II, lioiualiip 111 aotlth, rsuge M esal,
Willamette Mt-rullall, has llletl liolk-e of
Inli-littoll lit luake final live-year proof, lo ei
lahllah claim to the land atuve ili-acrlU'il. he
lore Warren limit n. euuiily clerk, st hlaolni-i',
at rruu-ville, Oregon, ohlhe 'Altll day of No-vemln-r,
Claiinanl names as w-iineiaesr Oacsr Cm,
Joseph K. Mt'lsan'l. I'hsrU-a K. Kreeiusu, Levi
Knorr, all of Lauiulita,
lU-.ti C. W. MOOKK, Kcglater.
Notice for I'ublicutioii.
Iiepsrtmont of the Interior.
I'. 8, Laud OfUceal the lialli-s. Oregon.
iiiioher leiii, ivll.
Notice Is heretiy given that
John VY. Houaton,
of Roberts, Ori-gun, who, on Kehruary Xlrd,
mill, insile liome.Htisd, .No. IKHrJs, fori1, 8K1,,
8ee. U ami NM4 NKV SK'. NWi-4. aeclion A
towuahtp 1M south, range IK esut, Wlllsmette
Merlitlsn, hss tiled notice of intention to make
final commutation proof, lo ealahllsli claim to
the lend slaive ilescrlbeil. betore T. K. J. Puffy.
t1. H. CommUtloner el hleoftu-e. st I'rlnevllle,
On-gon, on the-Jml day of liecemWr. llill.
Clslmsnt nsmes ss witnesses: Henry Csr
lln. IMck Mulhullsiiil, Kilmond A. I'srser,
KlstnO. Fought, sll uf Roheris, Oregon,
10-.p C VY. MOOKK, Keglstcr.
Notice for Publication.
Pei'artment of the Interior.
11, 8. Leutl OMce st The Hulks. Oregon,
ik lolicr 16Ui, lull.
Notice is horehy given thai
Kltiert I. ilonnton,
of Hotierts, Oreiriiii, who, on liei-emtier -.Mth,
Iwil, insile lioiiu-stesil, No. 1-linM Serial, No.
ISHJS, tor 8K'4 SKi., section 2 end Wi, SW4,
NKSWi., section 1. townnllli 111 south, rsntli'
IS east, Wlllsmelle Merlillan, has Hleil tiottcn
of intention lo make final llve-yesr proof, to
vstahlish claim to 1 tie Isiul shove ilem-rltieil,
iH'furo T. K. J. Uiiffy, II. 8. commissioner st his
ottlee, st rrinevtlle, ori'son, ou the 2nd da 01
Di-oemlHT. lull.
Claimant nsmes as witnesses: Henry Csrlin,
riiek Miilhollanit, Kitmonil A. Parker, Klam C.
Konithl. all of Roberts, tireson.
10-atp C. W. MOOKK, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior.
V. 8. Laud oilluo at The lislies, Oregon
(k-tohcr i'lli, 11)11,
Notice Is hereby given that
Joseph T. Fol,
of Prlneville, Oregon, who, on June lSlh, 11)10,
matte homesteiul, No. 07tns, lor Wi, N1., si'l--tiiiii'Js.
township ISsouth, rsnge 16 esst, Wll
lsmmolte Mi-rliliKti, hss tlli-tl notice of in
tention to make llual ooininutatiiin proof, to
oslahlish elaim to the land above ilesiTiht'tl,
hefnro Timothy K.J. Duffy, U. 8. Commissioner,
al liis olllco, al rrineville, Oregon, ou Ihe Ml)
ilsy of rieeomber, Hill.
Claimant names ss witnesses: l.onis
Hoilges, Charles K. Coiulftrt. Charles Dinwhi
ille. Hay V. Uunstablu, all of I'rinevilli', Oro
giill. C. W. MOOKK,
11-2 lUgisler.
Notice ot Final Accounting.
Nolloe Is heri'liy given by the undersigned,
tile iiiluilulKlmlol' of llu estate of Dnvld
l.lnitstiy, deeensi'd that lie Ims iiiiideund Hied
with tlie clerk of the county court hts Until
Hocountlng or ills nduiliiiMtrallon uf mild
LisUite, nnd Hint the lUmiiruble Oounty Court
has set MonttHy. tin' 4th day or Ix-ceuilier,
lull, lit 10 o'uliick ill tne forenoon, nt the
county court risnn In l'rliicvillc, Oregon, ns
tlie time end phut' for hearing and bottling
said nmil accounting.
Dated tills 2nd day of November 19U.
Hoy Navi'Ki,t,
AdmlnUtriitor of tho estate of David Lind
say, Deceased.
Crook County Journal, county
oflicial paper. 11.50 t year.
iretptu Notice.
Notice Is hereby given to any and all
persona Intruding or treapaeaing on
what la known aa the Mack ay Creek
i'roperty; that they will lie prosecuted
to the full extent of the law, aa 1 am
the sole owner of aalii property.
ZMl-Klp Jon II. VaxoaKmoL.
Hot ice to Creditor.
Notice h liervtiy irlven.'hy the tin
ileralmii'd, the Hiliiiliilatrutnr of the
eelnle of John It. (iuatitfaon, (le.
cenaei), to nil creilltoria of anlil (lo
ceuwtl hihI nil iemoiis huvltiK claims
HKiiluet aalil ea trite to firewnt them
with the proiier votiehera to the tin
(leniluiieU at lifts office In I'rlnevllle,
Oreicnu, within alx montha from the
II rat piii'lli uiliiii of this notice.
IfaU'il ISept. 7, lull.
M. It. Elliott,
Ailllilfilatrnf or of the eel ate of
John li. tiiiatafaou, deceaaed.
Notice t ('rcditora.
Nollr Is hereto i-i "n by the undersigned,
the ailiutrilalrHl"' 1 lie eatete ot I. W. Miy
lioltaa-lll M-raona hHVliiarlalnia
HXitlnat Mid J-a'-!l mill lo All ereillUira tit
aal'l ealsle. to pn-aent their rlallns with the
protier vourhera, to the unilerslaned Mt the
ofjli-e of T. K i. Ilurrr In I'rtlievllle, Oregon,'
wtthlnalx inonlha rnnn th nntl puhllcellon
uf thla not lee.
rlrai puhllcHtlon orthls Notice HepO-moer
2nt l,, Ivll.
Ailinlntalretor ut the elttt or J. W.Me
Uoliuslll, dmieeM-d.
In the county court of the state of
On-tfiiii, for the county of Crook.
In the matter of the estate of John
II. UllBtalMlill, ll)1-eiM-l.
To IIhiiiihIi tiiiHtitfHon, Anna Cnro
11 lie (itiMtiifaon, Arthur Joeeph titia
tnlHon, Itulii-rl Jlernitnl iViihIoIbuii,
MhIh'I CtTellu (oiHtafHoii, Henry
Itiiilulph tiiiNtafxon, Clarence
Ailolph OiiHtiifn.iii, John Bernard
Lincoln i.tiKtafeou, and all belre
link now n . Greeting:
In the inline of the xtnte of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and required t
ain-ar In the countv court of tin
Mtiite of OrcKon, for the county o
Crook at the courtroom thereof, at
I'rlnevllle, In the couuty of Crook ot
.Monday, the tilliilny of Nov., lull, at
1(1 o'clock In the forenoon of that
diiy, then nuil there to allow cnune,
If any there lie, why an order of thla
court hIi m lil not lie made nuthor
Izlnic M. It. Klllntt. the admiiilHtra
tor of eiild fBtiitc, to fell certain real
i-Hlnte of aald John It. (iiietafHon, (le
ceo hoi I, (Uwrllied iih follows: the
Hiiiitlii-iiBt ipmrter of mi-1 Ion twenty
six tu townHhlp Hlxteen smith, of
range ten east of Willamette merl
dliui In Crook couuty, state of Ure
Kui. Wltueae, the Hon H. C. Ellis, JudKe
of the county court of the state of
Oregon, for the county of Crook,
with the Meal of said court affixed
this 5th day of Sept., Hill, A. 1).
Attest: Warren Brown, clerk.
Notice of Final Accounting
Notice la hereby Riven, by the un
diTBlKued, the nilinlnlstrator of the
entale of Patrick J. Kennedy, de
ceased, to all pvrwons lutereeWd In
nld eetate that he haa made and
tiled with the clerk ot the county
court bla final accounting of hla ad
ministration of aald estate and the
countv court haa Het Monday, the
tit li day ot Nov., 1011, at 10 o'clock In
the forenoon at the county court
room In I'rlnevHIe, Otviton, aa the
time and place of hearing and aet
tllnir said tiual ticcountliitf- At
which Bald time and place all per
Hiins lntoresU'd In said entate may
npiM-ar and object to said tinnl ac
count!!! t(.
Dated this "th ty of Sept., 1911.
It. F. Hkckman,
Admliilstrator of the estate of
1'atrlck J. Kenni'ily, deceased.
Notice of Final Accounting
Notice la hereby Riven, by the un
deretKned, the administrator of the
estate of Oliver L McDowell, de
eiiHcil, that he has made and filed
with the clerk of the county court
his tiual accounting of his adminis
tration ot said estate, and that the
county court has set Monday, the
litb day of Nov., 11111, at 10 o'clock
In the forenoon at the county court
room In I'rlnevllle, Oregon, aa the
time and place for hearluii and set
tling said tiual accounting. At
which eald time and place any per
son Interested In said estate may ap
pear and object to eald final account
Intf. Dated this 7th day of Sept., 1911.
d. a. Mcdowell,
Administrator of the estate of
Oliver C. McDowell, deceased.
In the county court of the state of
Oregon, for the couuty of Crook.
In the matter of the estate of John
H. Heams, deceased.
To Margaret Heams, Gertrude Reams,
Grace A. lteaina, William B. Reams,
Beatrice Reams, Earnest F.
Reams, Opal Reams, and all other
heirs of said deceased, If any there
be, Greeting:
In the uiitne of the state of Ore
gon, you are hereby cited and re
quired to appear In the county court
of the state of Oregon, for the coun
tv of Crook at the courtroom there
o'f, at Prlneville, lu the couuty of
Crook, Oregon, on Monday, the 8th
day of Nov., Hill, at 10 o'clock lu the
forenoou of that dny, then nnd there
to show cause, if any there be, why
au order of this court should not be
made, authorlzlmt Margaret Reams,
the administratrix of the estate of
John U. Reams, deceased, to sell
certain real property of said de
ceased, described as follows: lots
one, two, three, In block eight, lu
the First addition to I'rinevllle, Ore
gon, according to the plat thereof
as the same appears of record in the
oltlce of the county clerk of Crook
county, state of Oregon.
Wituess, the Hon. II. 0. Ellis, judge
of the comity court of the state ot
Oregon, for the county of Crook with
the seal of suit! court afllxed this 5th
dav of Sept., 1011, A. D.
Attest: Warren Brown, clerk.
Wanted at Once.
Good oollector and solicitor; good
pay. Give references. Address P. O.
Box IS, Fiineville, Oregon. 10-5-tf
Shortest and Direct Route to Portland
and other Western Oregon Points
chutes branch of the
Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navi
gation Company.
Through Car Service Between Bend and Portland. Dally
Train Schedule:
tv. Bend :30 a. m.
" Redmond :'2l a. m.
" Opal City S:u0a. m.
" Matolius 8:22 a.m.
" Madras 11:00 a. m.
Ar. Deschtitea Jet 1:1" p. m.
" The Dalles 1 :55 p. m.
" Portland 5:-5 p. m
Call on and O.-W. B. die X. Agent
Wm. McMurraj, General
A. B. Chase "Artisano."
a, im W.T-i- -J-Msa i-.usui.u eml
h ' : " r:
"One of the very best," says Sherman, Clay & Co., "of all
Player Pianos Made."
Special--A nearly ner "Artistano" for
Write for Catalogue and Terms. We deal direct with you.
Sherman, Clay & Company
Morrison Street at Sixth, Portland, Oregon.
A Gross Fraud
la alleged in the suit filed in Crook County Circuit Court
Aug. 14. A widow sells her farm as unincumbered Our Ab
stract reveals facta which develop the recording of an alleged
fraudulent Mortgage Suit to cancel follows Result: Sale
delayed and possibly lost. Better have your title looked
after, before you are ready to sell, by the Company that pro
tects your interests.
(Member Oregon Association of Title Men)
GON, via the Des
Lv. Portland 7:50 and 10:00 a. m.
" The Dalles 12:40 p.m.
" Deschutes Jet 1 :30 p. m.
Ar. Madras 5:45 p. m.
" Matolius :00 p.m.
" Opal City 7:06 p. ro.
" Redmond 7 :45 p. ro.
" Bend 8:.'i5 p. m.
for any information desired, or
Pasienger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
Ask your traveling Iriends if that's not true.
HARPER is on sale in practically every town, city
and village where whiskey can be lawfully sold.
You can taste the reason.
Sold By
Silvertooth & Browder
Shaniko and Bend, Oregon