Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 26, 1911, Image 5

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See us before buying a heating stove. We have thirty-six
heaters on hand which will be sold at prices ranging from $2.75
up to $25.00.
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The best drill on the market today, is what anyone who hat ever used one of
these drills will tell you.
Have you received a sample of the best roofing made
Cenasco Smooth Surface. A slate-colored,
" tough, leather-like mateiial made from a combination
O of wool felt and Trinidad Lake Asphalt the best
waterproofing known not affected by water, acid.
alkalies, gasses, or sudden changes in temperature; easy to lay, does not dry out, become brittle
and crack.
The W. F. King Company.
Herbert Hideout has told .hit
Mre.Alice McKay left Monday fur
Lakeview to visit her brother.
Mfi. Baldwin spent the week and
at the home of Thomas -itiarp Jr.
Horn Monday, October 23, to
the wise of (ieo. (iiranlo, a girl.
Mrs. I. M. Mi'iU and family of
Paulina have moved tu town for the
Mr. and Mrt. Keely Mt-sHingerol
Lamonta were visiting in Prineville
thia wwk.
Mra. Springer, wife of (!. Sbringor
of Culver, waa buried at Culver, lust
James Pogle, brother of Mrs.llu
gh Lister, came in from Idaho luat
W. J. Pancake has commenced
work on hi new bungalow in No
ble's addition.
J. 11. 8 hi pp ha broken ground
for bia uew bungalow eaat of the
high tchool.
Pig Halloween Dance October 30.
The ladie of the Annex promise a
good time to everybody,
Mrs. L. A. Booth returned the
first of the week from a vinit to her
sister, Mra. Robert Cram, on Willow
Mri. Wuriweilcr was culled to
Portland on account of theaicknena
of her son Nate, lie waa operated
on for appendioitns.
Mra. Uingn of Crearent, who baa
boon viaiting at the homo of J. II.
Haner.bdt for home Tuesday. Mr.
Ilannr took over in bia car.
A. S. Collins will leave for Iiend
today for a two month stay. He
has aome property in that neighbor
hood which he intends to improve.
Hubert and Kaaie Reama celebrat
ed their joint birthdays Monday by
Inviting 25 of their little friunda to
upend the afternoon. It ia some
what unusual to have two children
with the same birthday. Hobert
is 11 years of age and Essie 7.
The Shumia Club met Inst Friday
afternoon at the home of Mra.
Rosenberg. The following program
waa given. Current Events, Mrs.
Elliott: "Ilridge of the Gods," Mra.
Clifton; Art, "Hera and Zeus,"
Mrs. lirink. After the program
dainty refreshments were served
by the hostess. The Club then
adjourned to moot with Mra. lirink,
October 28.
Marriod At the oDlco of Jus
tiro of the Pcaco A. II. Kennedy,
in this city, Saturday evoning,
Goorge J. Larson and MissIIattie
Quinn, the judge officiating. Both
parties aro from Onoil and both
well known to the people of Crook
county. They will make their
homo at Oneil, where the groom
is a member of the firm of Oneil
& Larson. Congratulations.
Word comes from Perry Long
that he Is now engaged In the
chicken business near Portland,
having turned his ten-acre farm
Into a poultry ranch. Ills spe-
clalty Is White Wyandottes, and
he is making good at it.
Mr. Carey and family left this
week for Walls Walls.
The child of James Mc Daniels '.
sick with infantile paralysis.
Miaa Dollie Hodge is visitinq
the Bchults family on Trout Creek.
Andrew Morrow, who has been
very kick with typhoid fever, ii
reported at convalescing.
Mri. Enoch and Mrs. Ilattia
Cyrus of Culver were viaiting Mrs.
Vira Cyrus the firat of the week.
Mra. Collins Elkina gave an
afternoon - luncheon Wtdnesday
for the benefit of the ladies aid of
the Methodist church.
Mrs. George Storkmann left
Monday for Lakeview, the home
of hor parents, for a visit.
C. M. Red fluid, chief engineer
of tho Central Oregon Irrigation
Company, Is in the city this
week, a witness in a case before
the circuit court.
Prof. John Smith, of the Crook
County High School, has been
elected superintendent of the
Methodist Sunday School, by rea
son of the resignation of Mr. Carey,
who moves to Walla Walla.
8. O. Douthit of Paulina, is in
town today. He came down with
a bunch of feeders that he sold to
Dinwiddie fc Lawson. He saya
that grass ia good and will get bet
ter if warm weather continues. It
has a fine start for next spring,
Mr. Douthit says.
John Kelght, who lives near
Powell Outto, mot with an acci
dent Tuesday which resulted in
a fracture of the bones In his left
log about half way between knee
and anklo. His team ran away
and threw him from the waon.
Dr. Belknap attended tho injured
man and left him in tine condition.
C. R. Henry and I. B. Meyers of
Post, srs in town on business.
Hugh Lister has sold 62 head of
beef cattle to George Dixon, who is
buying for Hunt & Lacey of Port
land. Good prions are reported.
Rev. II. 0. Perry, superintendent
of lbs Dalles district of the Metho
dist church, will preach at the M.
E. Church, morning and evening,
next Sunday. Quarterly confer
ence will be held at 7:30 o'clock
Saturday evening.
Culver invites the people of
I'rineviile and vicinity to that
enterprising town on Farming
Demonstration Day, Novembers.
Besides the O. W. It & N Dem
onstration train there will be a
basket dinner, etc. T. M. Baldwin
will deliver the principal address.
Don't forget the date Friday, No
vember 3.
Walt Snoderly brought in from
his dry ranch up McKay the
first of the week two potatoes
that weighed five pounds. They
were of the pink variety and
tasted even tetter than they
looked. Wult says he cant see
where any potato grower has
anything on him if bis ranch is
Jess Harter was up at the cem
etery Tuesday afternoon resting
near the graves, when a stray
spent bullet came along, catching
him on the funny bone and plow
ed its way a few inches along
his left arm. Harter did not
know what to make of it for
awhilo. until investigation dis
closed tho fact that Tom Carney
was hunting jackrabbits in the
neighborhood and didn't know
any one else was in the vicinity.
Song Recital
Methodist Church
. Item ice Halley-Forest of Red
mond, asaiated by local talent, will
give a song recital at the Methodist
church Friday evening, November
For Sale.
Thouroaftlibred Buff Orpington, 8. 8.
Hamburg, 8. C. W. and 8. C. Brown
Iehorn chicken and White Holland
tnrkeyi. Beea, honey, hay arid paature.
Pioneer phone. B. K. Wilhoit,
10-12 Prineville, Or.
Daily Auto Service
From Prineville to Biitera by way of
O'Neil. Redmond and Cline Falls.
Leaves Prineville at 12 o'clock. Ticket
on sale at atage office next door to post
office. J. E. Christian, prop.
The Redmond Spokesman speaks
of her in the following terms:
The lady bas a finely cultivated
voice, with great range and flexi
bility, and the selections she ren
dered at the recital were of a
nature to bring out the full com
pass of her voice. That her sing
ing was appreciated was evidenced
by the hearty and spontaneous en
cores she received during the re
cital. Mrs. Halley-Forest a p Dears
in Prineville under the auspices of
the Ladies' Aid of the M. E.
Church. See program published
elaewhere in thia issue.
Rooms for Rent.
Furnished rooms, single or in suite,
(or rent. Apply at the Clark Hair
Dressing Parlorp, one block west of
Commercial Club Hall. IOLYi
Make Your Selection
We have a full and
complete line of
Prices Ranging
From $6 to $ 1 5.00
All Sizes.
We deliver and set them up in your home
without extra charge.
I E. Stewart & Co.
Cash Grocery
Geo. Whitis, Proprietor
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Season. Fancy and Sfaple
Groceries. Quality considered, prices cannot be beaten in
Call and See What Cash Will Buy
Auction Sale
October 28; 1911.
Commencing at 9:00 o'clock, Saturday, October 28, 1911, I will
sell the following property: Three span large work horses; one
large brood mare aged 3 years weight 1400 lbs.; 2 set heavy team
harness; 4 wagons; 1 McCormick Binder; 1 Oliver Chilled Gang
Plow; about 60 tons bound Rye hay; 1 sagebrush rake; 1 i miles
3 stran barbed wire fence; 1 logging outfit; one carpenters kit;
one incubator; six Jersey milk cows; 2 Jersey heifers; 1 garden
drill; 1 ton rye chop; 20 bushels seed rye; 1 grindstone; 8 cords
16 inch wood; all household goods, and other things too numerous
to mention. All have to go.
TERM: $20.00 or under, cash. Over $20, six months time.
Mrs. Claude E. Wright.
Nine miles from Prineville on Madras road.
How Many of These People
Lewis C. Morgan, Proprietor of the Lyric Theatre
Hugh R. Lakin, of the W. F. King Company:
J. W. Carlson, of the firm of Stewart & Carlson,
J. E. Stewart of the firm of J. W. Stewart & Co.
Wm. J. Pancake, contractor.
Oliver Adams, of R. L Jordan & Co. t
Randolph D. Ketchum, Doctor.
J. W. Crooks, of Clifton & Cornett.
Wm. J. Paine, sawmill operator.
Timothy E. J. Duffy, Attorney at Law.
Wm. H. Porter, lumberman.
Do you think their judgment is worth anything?
you think that they are in a position to know and
... .1 r. i T . .11 n rr-1
preciate land values in the Uty ot rnneviuef these are
a lew ol the people who have secured ideal home sites in
the high dass NOBLE ADDITION. . They expect
to build and make their home there where ihey will have
the benefit ol the graded streets, sidewalks and building
restrictions. A place where their property will not de
preciate and their homes will not be made unpleasant by
the erection ol shacks on the adjoining lots.
Buy your lots where ideal conditions for home sites
are guaranteed. Where street improvements and,
sidewalks are already in; where your property values'
are secure; where it would be a 'pleasure to go and
live yourBelf; where you have the protection ol build
ing restrictions. Noble's Addition is the only sub-division
now on sale that has these modern necessities
for a high class residence soction. It is the only ia
stricted district in Prineville. Prices are low. Terms
to suit the purchaser. We will help you build your
for particulars call on
For Particulars.