Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 12, 1911, Image 6

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Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
" Investigating Beetle Pest.
Corvallis. H. F. Wilson, assistant
Irofesor of entomology and crop pest
expert t -Oivgon Agricultural Col
lege, returned from Portland, Hills
feoro, Tamhlll and Carlton, where he
has been making a continued InresU
cation into the ravages of a species of
beetle found in these sections. His
object was to discover whether this
particular pest attacks healthy trees.
Professor Wilson did not find as many
of the pests as on his previous trip
last spring and found them only in the
prune and cherry trees.
Douglas Fair Success.
Roseburg. Although somewhat
hampered on account of rainy weath
er during the first three days of the
fair, the 18th annual exhibition of
the Douglas County Agricultural So
ciety proved one of the most success
ful events ever held in this section of
the state.
Douglas County to Pay $1000 to
Families of Men Killed.
Roseburg. Acting upon the advice
of hundreds of taxpayers, -together
with petitions from various granges
of Douglas County, the county court
uthoriied the payment of $1000 to
the legal heirs of the six members of
the county bridge gang who were
killed as a result of the collapse of
the I'mpqua bridge on August 24.
Mrs. Alice McFarlane. of Curry Coun
ty, widow of Peter McFarlane, a vic
tim of the accident, accepted the
compromise and tendered the county
a sufficient release from damages. It
Is believed that a like compromise also
will be effected in the other cases.
According to the order filed by the
court, the county denies all liability
as a result of the accident. This alle
gation, they aver, is based upon court
decisions In parallel cases in which-it
was held that the county was not lia
ble. The commissioners contend that
the money was not authorized with a
view of satisfying the claims, but was
tendered with a view of assisting
those dependent upon the victims.
Loot Is Barrow's Burden.
The Dalles. While seven operators
were at work in the next room, rob
bers entered the business office of
the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph
Company here and carried out a safe.
It was loaded on a wheelbarrow at
the back door and taken to the river
beach, where it was blown open. The
safe contained $22.
Knox and Wilson Hit.
Medford. Characterizing Secretary
Knox as an agent for the brewers and
Secretary Wilson as honorary presi
dent of the beermakers' league, Mrs.
Ada Wallace Unnih, state president
of the Women's Christian Temper
ance Union, delivered an address at
the state convention now being held
in this city.
Marshfield Concern Plans Test of
Clearing Stumps.
Marshfield. Tests of the possibili
ties of logging by electricity have been
started by the Smith-Powers Logging
Company. Machinery has been In
stalled in the timber near the mill and
the Oregon Power Company of this
city is furnishing power. A big log
ging engine is being used. The exper
iment as conducted so far, it appears,
will be a success. Logging by elec
tricity will be continued for some
time and the faults and benefits stud
Jed so that the details can be worked
out. It is thought that the work of
logging on the Pacific Coast will be
revolutionized if the tests prove suc
cessful. When the details of machin
ery have been decided upon it is like
ly that the Smith-Powers Company
will plan to do all its logging by ma
chinery. Drainage District Asked.
Hillsboro A petition is filed with
the county court here asking for a
drainage district in the Louisnont
Lake and Dairy Creek sections, affect
ing more than 50 valuable farms. The
proposed ditch will reclaim several
thousand acres of the richest beaver
dam and bottom lands in. Washington
Sight Loss Value $10,000.
Eugene. Because the cold chisel,
which he was using to sever a piece
of gas pipe, broke, and a chip of the
metal flew iato his eye, causing in
juries which may result in the loss of
Bight, Loj;en P. Harris, a gas fitter,
Is suing the Oregon Power Company
for $10,000 damages. ,
The run of salmon in the Coqullle
River far exceeds that of a year ago
and canneries are running on full
Governor West has Issued a rardon
to Maurice I.derman of Kugene who
was recently fined $'0 for selling an
old deer horn to a deputy game war
Much Interest ts being taken in the
arrangements now under way fur the
first Clatsop County fair, which will
be held at Gearhart Park, October 11.
12 and IS.
The question whether or not Wood
burn will license the sale of Intoxicat
ing liquors during the coming year,
will again be voted on at the next
city election to be held on November
"The hog and field pea special" is
the official name for the farming dem
onstration tralu that the O.W. R.
N. and the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege will send to eastern and central
Oregon next week.
The farmer in Harney Valley are
having trouble to get their grain
threshed, as there are only three ma
chines in the field. The crop is so
large this year that three outfits are
not enough to handle all the grain.
A movement has been started In
Pendleton to secure a commission
form of government and to that end
the Progressive Nonpartisan, Munici
pal League has been formed -with
many of the leading business and pro
fessional men of the city enlisted as
For the purpose of allowing the sale
of the tract of land In Forest Grove
where the Chemawa Indian School
was formerly located, Representative
Hawley will introduce a bill at the
next session of Congress. The land
is owned by the Department of In
dian Affairs.
State Capital Gleanings
Oregon now has a woman convict
at the penitentiary, Elizabeth Vance,
sent up from Astoria on a charge of
Following a visit of Governor West
to the Baby Home in Portland, he has
inaugurated an investigation of the
expenditure of funds of that home,
inasmuch as it is a state-aided institu
tion. There will probably be over a dozen
cases of incendiarism to come before
the grand Jury in various districts
where the fires of last summer raged,
according to reports received at the
state forester's office.
Many eighth grade schools of Ore
gon, especially rural schools, will hold
their graduating exercises next spring
in groups. Recommendations are be
ing sent out to this effect by State
superintendent Alderman.
The state's brief, prepared by the
attorney general In the case of the
State of Oregon versus the Pacific
States Telephone t Telegraph Com
pany, to file with the United States
supreme court in the pending case,
which will decide the validity of the
initiative and referendum, is In the
hands of the printer and contains
about 30,000 words.
Making the Bachelors' Club of
Woodburn immune from prosecution,
at least until such time as the su
preme court passes on the decision of
Judge Galloway In the equity court
here. Judge Kelly held that the grand
Jury could not indict the proprietors
of the club for selling liquor without
a license, as the general license law
exempted cities and towns and placed
them under the Jurisdiction of such
cities and towns.
Portland Notes
The American Contractors' figures
on building in the leading cities for
the past nine months show that Port
land leads on the Pacific Coast, hav
ing gained 13 per cent over last year's
nine months.
The highway bills drafted and ap
proved by the state-wide good roads
committee will be put into form for
submission to the people at the next
election by a special committee called
to meet Tuesday.
By taking advantage of a mere tech
nicality in the indictment, J. W. Bai
ley, state food and dairy inspector,
escaped trial in the circuit court on
a charge of falling and refusing to
publish a monthly bulletin of work
done in his office.
By the terms of a decision of the
United States circuit court of appeals,
which was handed down in the
United States district court here, rail
way companies are made responsible
for all damage dene by forest fires
started by sparks from engines on
forest reserves.
The sale of tags for the Louise Res
cue Home netted a total ef $3000. This
money when added to the $3000 al
ready in the hands of the superintend
ent, W. G. McLaren of the benevolent
institution, . will enable the superin
tendent to commence the construction
of the building which is to house
homeless babies aid usfortuiate
mm v
n rr -ri i tfw i
The Los Angeles courthouse, In
which the trial of the McNamara
brothers for alleged dynamiting wilt
be held.
Brief News of the Week.
Royalists are fighting to put Manuel
back on the throne of Portugal and
several small engagement have tak
en place.
Revolution ha broken out In full
fledged form throughout Mexico, with
a total of live battles and 110 dead
and scores of wounded.
The Senate committee appointed to
Investigate the election of Senator
Lorlmer of Illinois resumed Its ses
sions Monday in Chicago.
Each citizen of the United States,
under an equal division, would have
$34.35, the per capita circulation on
October 2, according to the circula
tion statement of the treasury depart
ment. The International Dairy Show,
one of the greatest exposition of
dairy cattle and dairy products and
machinery ever held In the world,
opened in Milwaukee Tuesday to con
tinue for 10 days.
The retaining by the Independent
tobacco dealers of Louis D. Brandeta
of Boston, famous for his activities In
the Ballinger-Plnchot affair, foreshad
ows a big legal battle between the In
dependent dealer and the tobacco '
trust ,
The first gun of the Woodrow Wll- I
son presidential campaign in the West I
was fired In Sacramento, Cal., with the j
organization of the first Wilson j
League in California at a meeting of ,
some of the most prominent party
leaders of the state.
At a special election Tuesday the
voters of California voted on several
proposed amendments to the state
constitution. Most Interest centered
in the proposed granting of suffrage
to women. Another of the amendments
provides for the Initiative, referendum
and recall.
News of Noted Persons.
United States Circuit Judge Joseph
V. Quarles, formerly United State
senator for Wisconsin, Is dead.
Booth Tarklngton, author, and his
wife have separated. Mrs. Tarklngton
says her husband is too gay to suit
Sir Wilfrid Laurler, the veteran Ca
nadian premier, has relinquished the
reins of government which he held
continuously for 15 years.
Dr. Charles W. Eliot, president
emeritus of Harvard University, Is to
make a tour of the world, leaving the
United States November 7.
William Elery Curtis, of Washing
ton, traveler, Journalist and writer on
political topics, died suddenly In his
room in a Philadelphia hotel.
The engagement of Miss Fnla La
Follette, daughter of United State
Senator La Follotte, to George Mid
dleton, a playwright, of New York, is
Mrs. Lulu Glaser Herz, known to
theatergoers as Lulu Olaser, a
singer, has begun suit for divorce
against Ralph C. Herz, also known in
mustail comedy.
Lieutenant-Governor NH:o's, of !!a
tavla, Ohio, representing Governor
Harmon, has been sounding the senti
mcnt of Democrats in the Pacific
Northwest as to their choke lor
Spokane-Inland Machinists Out.
Spokane. The entire force of rra
chinists In the Spokane & Inland
shops here struck when ihe railroad
officials served an ultirnalnm to t!,e
unions' efn-iiiij to rein
stale Secretary Neil of the locnl ma
chinists' organization, who, they de
clared, wa3 dismissed without came
Original and Standard
Whatever rootiiiR you arc using on any buiklinjr, you are
paying the price of Kuheroid. There are 300 imitations
of RuberoiJ, and all of them cost more in the end than
the genuine. These imitations in some cases even have
names that sound like Ruhcroid. Frequently they arc sold as
Ruberoid. Before they arc laid and exposed to the weather
they look like Ruhcroid.
Twenty Years of Service
Ruhcroid was the first ready roofinrj and is the only one that
has made good. It has made good because it is made of the
best wool felt, impregnated with materials manufactured exclu
sively by the makers of Ruhcroid and which cannot be found
in any ether roofing,
Shipp & Perry, - - Prineville, Or.
Clearance Sale!
To make room for my Holiday
Stock, I will make the following
discounts during
25 per cent discount on all Set Rings. 15 per cent
discount on all Diamond Rings. Plain Rings $1.50
pwt reduced to $1.10 pwt 25 per cent off on all
Silverware, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry.
Come in and Look My Stock Over.
Crook County Jewelry & Sporting
Grrds Store, Prineville, Ore.
L. KAMSTRA, Proprietor.
General Repair Work Civen Prompt Attention.
III i fcn , n.ina.i. iil
urpaaHed Medical Staff, Hot Lake Mineral Water Cures Rlieuiiiatiam,
Stomach, Kidney, Blood and Skin Disorders.
HOT LAKE SANATORIUM, - - Hot Lake, Oregon
WALTER M. PIERCE, Prea. and Mgr. i)-2H
Tickets to and From the
The Oregon Trunk Ry. agents sell through tickets to Spo
kane, Montana Points, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Chicago,
Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and other points.
Deposits are accepted for west-bound tickets to be furnished
persons in the east.
6:00 p. m.
Through fares, train schedules, and other details will be fur
nished on request.
E. W. TWISS, Agt.
Opal City, Oregon.
B. R. NESS, Agent
Culver, Oregon.
Begin Treatment Now
Rheumatism Can Be
A request will bring you our
now booklet (luacriliillg HOT
ml Hot Mineral Until, Natura'a
Cur. for Rheumatism. Our
tmiiiilneut la complete. Un-
Oregon Trunk Railway
Portland train daily leaves Opal City 8:00
a.m. Culver 8:15 a. m. Metolius 8:25
a. m. Madras 8:33 a. m. arrives Portland
T. A. GRAHAM, Agt.,
Metolius, Oregon
J. J. H0YDAR, Agent
Madras, Oregon
The Clark Hair Dressing Parlors
Ara loratad (inn Mock wmt from tilt
('otumircial C'lult Hall, rufln.amltclnwi.
wlua, toupwa, liair jrwwry, t, ordtirnl
on approval direct from ilia niauu
iartuima. Hntid In your hair romtilnga
ami hava tliam niada tip aa you want
llalrdrmialng Sifto, lialr drmand ami
cur 11 otk faca niamag Nk), avalp wiaa
anna MH), aliamptm Mk', lialr alnga 3.V,
almond uival park 61k!, Hay pack Mk,
tiloaclilng and dyeing SI.OU up, mani
curing i'00 to fiOu, U Irmtmanla 'J,6U,
Daily Auto Service
From I'rinavllla to Hiatura by way ol
O'Noil, ltadiiimul and t'lina r'alta.
Uiavna 1'riiipvillK at 11 o'clock. Tickfla
on aala at alaga olllra limit door to poat
utile. J. K. CiimaTUx, prop.
Percheron Stallion For bale.
On IX'tulwr lat I ill hav a linn
black rrgiainrad I'wrvharon atalllnn In
l'rintvillfl. Ho will ba on vahtliilloti
during Kalr amk, Anyona wtalilng
rood young tiorao will do wnll to ami
dm, Laavti your nam at lira Journal
officii. J. O. WiiiTAKaa,
-l!l-4t-p Hampton, Or.
1 g A I.OIHIK inn.tii.ri.pj
. XJt . I1 Ha I u rd mt nil lit.
Mlnmavn wlcMm, K. V. I'miataMe, N. ft. I
Wulil Huron. V.u.i II. U llolilia, Hw, and
H. Miiwlilillo. Tnu
Gvil and Irrigation Engineer.
Irrigation, Subdivision, Land
Surveying, Mapping,
Office next door to Lyric Therter
(I, II, Illl'O.l. T, C. H.
K. I,. Ilrrlir
i lly Kiiitimwr
t'rinvviliv, Hr.
Brewster Engineering Co.,
Prinavilla, Oregon.
Surveying, Maping, Estimates.
I'hotip, I'ioliurr 'J?tt.
Prineville, Oregon
C. R.Henry
Resident Locator of
In Southern Crook Co.
Address : : Paulina, Oregon
The Oregon Bar
At lha Old Stand
G. W. Wiley & Co., Prps
All kinds of Choice Liquors
Wines and Cigars.
Famous Ranier Beer in
Bottles and on Draft.
Give us your order for
Juniper or Pine, large or
small quantities.
Opposite Post Office.