Hardware Superior Groceries Canton Plows Osborne Harrows Drills . Tinning The W. F. King Company. Plumbing LOCAL MENTION Circuit court nxt Monday. Horn rVptember 5, to tho wife Win. r'rrnch, boy. Tho Miir(?ri't Ilea Company ia playing to good housea. 0nl Taylor, daughter of John Taylor, ia nick with acurli't fever. Mr. and Mra. J. II. Shipp re turned Monday evening from Port land. Mrs. Rico h it Monday for a two months' visit to friends and rela tives in New York. Frank I.. Waite of the Tum-a-lum Lumber Co., was a comity rat visitor Saturday. The Crook County High School football squad defeated ltend last Friday by a score of 23 to 0. C. L. Cornett, a nephew of (1. M. Cornell, left the lirt of the week for hia home In I'.rock, Ky. W. C. Jacobs ha commenced work on hia new home in Nobl' addition. lie will put up hia barn first and then hia reaidence. !ig dance at Club Hall Friday evening. It la given by Luckey's orchestra. Accommodations will be made for a large attendance. Messrs lhtrke & Heck, general agents for Oregon for tho I'ucific Ituilding it Loan Association, are in Prineville. They will organise a local branch hero. Mra. (iuy Smith of Loa Uatos, Calif., arrived in I'rineville Tues day evening to visit her mother, Mra. Hulknap and brother, Dr. II. 1'. lielknap and family. A. J. Pelhara and wife of Marys- vlllo, Calif., have bought 40 acres of land adjoining the Zell place two milea west of town from the Oregon it Western Coloniiation Co. They will be buck in the spring to improve it. (iet your Ug. K. I. IfouHton of Paulina, was in town Monday. Horn September 10, to the wife of K. Aycock, a girl. School Pay at the fair grounds tomorrow. Tako it in. Tomorrow ia School Day at tho fair. The parade will Mart from the Crook County High School at i):I10 a. in. All district schools are requested to ha there on time. A If It. Ceyer of South lSend, Ind., Iiuk come to make his home in Crook county. Ho bought the Katman place on the McKay and ia going to improve it at once. I!. II. McMickle, a member ol the Redmond Lumber it I'roduce Co., of Redmond, wna in Prineville Saturday making arrangement with our business men to handle the r freight in the Hub city. W. P. Harris of Vale, an expert well-driller, la in I'rineville this week looking over the country with a view to locating. Mr. Harris baa been engaged in the business for many years in Malheu county. J. N. Xoonchester and family, consisting of one eon, a daughter and four grandsons, of south West Virginia, recently arrived in I'rine ville, where they will purchase property and file on nearby home steads, in the event they decide to remain here. F. K. Brosius collected 100 the Inst of the week to be used for athletic purposes by the boys of the public schools. The little fel low ran behind in their expenses last spring And part of the funds will be needed to square up ao- counts. Some of it will be given to the school boya from Grizzly who play Prineville at the fair grounds on School Day Friday, October 13. Knough will be left to buy athletic paraphernalia for the youngsters. LOCAL MENTION Tag! You'r it. Hubert McCoulough of Post, is taking in the fair. W. I). Barnes of Laidlaw, is a (air visitor this week. Tomorrow ia Tag Day. Help the boya and girls build their gym. A marriage license was issued Tuesday to Frank R. Griffin and F.tter Carpenter. I'rineville won the first game of tho aeries today from the fast We onas by a score of 8 4. Don't forget that Friday is school day at the fair. All pupils should be in line at 9:30 tomorrow morning. liays and girls interested in get ting a gym are asked to meet this (Thursday) evening at the Presby terian church. The tag will be given out. Prof. Hetzel of O. A. C, arrived last evening to assist in the Insti tute work. Mr. H'ttzel hag the chair of 'political science in the Agricultural College. J. J. Cunningham, a young con tractor and builder of Portland, is in Prineville. He is so well pleased with the town that he bas decided to locate here. Another case that should have been added to the criminal docket was that of Walt Armedon, charged with killing a steer and selling it to a hotel man. Today (Thursday) ia Redmond Day at the fair and Redmondites are hero in droves. Colonel Pelcher, the father of the town, Mayor Jones and family, F. T. Redmond, Joe Buckley and wife, Ike Buckley and wife, Miss Barton, Mrs. Arthur Templeton and daughter, Ruth and Nellie Covert. Jennie Woods, K. M. Eby and family and H. A. Shank. Cobby Stroud came in Saturday night from Portland. Mrs. John Douthit of The Dalles, U visiting relatives in Prineville.' i Mrs. Newt Cobb and daughter of ' Sisters, are visiting relatives in J town. j Orrin Mills and Art Wurzweiler ' are down from Paulina to take in the fair. Mrs. M. C. Stewart and George Noble and wife have returned from Portland. Don't fail to hear the sermon at the Methodist church Sunday! morning. ' ! Miss Belva Templeton of Port-! land, is visiting her parents in Prineville. Mr. ami Mrs Ryan from the' Tules, are visiting at the home of, T. M. Baldwin. Charles Hunter, leader of the Bend band, is helping the Prine ville band during the fair. Karl Laugblin of Paulina passed through Prineville Monday on his way to the Oregon Agricultural College. The basket social of Powell Butte Sunday School was a great success. $26.25 was raised to help pay for the organ. Henry Rae, charged with lar ceny, was last week sentenced by Justice Lawrence of Bend to serve 90 days in the county jail. Among the Hub City visitors in town Wednesday, aside from those brought in by Institute work were M. Covert and Kltner. Dr. Cline and family, J. S. Cook and family, Mrs. Norwood and G. W. Travis. Dr. Penrose of Whitman College, who was to have been one of the In stitute instructors was injured in an automobile accident while on his way to take the train for Mad ras. He sent Dr. Lyman to take his place. F. W. Graham, passenger agent of the Great Northern, io coming to Prineville this week for the ex press purpose of taking out our ex hibits to be used in the big East ern land shows. He will superin tend the removal to a special car provided for it. Horses for Sale. On the olil C. Sura Smith rari 'ri, near I'rineville. 1J5 henil i.f inarvn and ireldlmcK, large enough f-ir wnrk borw-s, will tie hoIiI Id any ii iuilier at reasonable rlceH. For tirtiier Information aildrewj (j. II. r,ii-Kr.(.. I'rineville, Oregon. ; K-tf 1 How Many of These People DO YOU KNOW? Do ap- Lewis C. Morgan, Proprietor of trie Lyric Theatre Hugh R. Lakin, of the W. F. King Company: J. W. Carlson, of the firm of Stewart & Carlson, millers. J. E. Stewart, of the firm of J. W. Stewart & Co. Wra J. Pancake, contractor. Oliver Adams, of R. L. Jordan & Co. Randolph D. Ketchum, Doctor. J. W. Crooks, of Clifton & Cornett W m. J. Paine, sawmill operator. Timothy E. J. Duffy, Attorney at Law. Wm. H. Porter, lumberman. Do you think their judgment is worth anything? you think that they are in a position to know and predate land values in ihe City ol Prineville? These are a lew ol the people who have secured ideal home sites in the high class NOBLE ADDITION. They expect lo build and make their home there where they will have the benefit ol the graded streets, sidewalks and building restrictions. A place where their property will not de preciate and their homes will not be made unpleasant by the erection ol shacks on the adjoining lots. MR. H0ME3UILDER OR INVESTOR Buy your lots where iileitl conditions for hom fi' are guaranteed. Where street improvemm'.s -i ! sidewalks are alrendy in; where your property va'n- are secure; where it would be a pleasure to gn i. I live yourself; where you have the protection of huil l ing restrictions. Noble's Addition is the only suV'ti vision now on sale that has these modern tn-ees-iti-' for a bigh class residence section. It is the only t--' Btricted district io Prineville. Prices are low. TVrri-. to suit the purchaser. We will help you build 'tr home. For particulars call on A. R. BOWMAN For Particulars. J M DULL UMBRELLAS DETACHABLE HANDLES J Why We Are Offering the HULL UMBRELLA With Detachable and Inter changeable Handle in Place of the Old Style. FIRST: Because the HULL detachable idea is so intensely practical thai every one realizes without being told that it is the only vital improvement llial has been made on umbrellas since they were first conceived. SECOND: Because our customers are progressive and quick to adopt a progressive principle like the HULL handle, and resent an attempt to offer any article which has outlived its usefulness. THIRD: Because in place of just offering an umbrella without a name, record or reputation, the people are delighted with the idea that they can came to our store and gel a trade-marked, advertised "HULL" and that no matter what price they may pay for it, they will get the longest lived and bes' umbrella that brains and money can make to sell at that price. When purchasing an umbrella for yourself or for gift purposes, without one additional cent expenditure, you can procure from us this HULL UMBRELLA the worth of which is naturally known. J . Stewart Co