Car Load Superior Drills, Plows, Harrows and Pulverizers will arrive the latter part of this week. The W. F. King Company. LOCAL MENTION Thfio. M. Post, of Post wu a business visitor last week. David llamer ol lloberta was a business visitor Wednesday. T. J. Ferguson of Roberts, wai in town on business Tuntday. Henry (ioroar of Dry crank, was In town tha flrat of the wek. Mr. C. A. Clark of Madras, waa a 1'rinevilla visitor on Wednesday. Deputy HIiorifT Edwards spent Sunday vmitinj; friends in Ilend. Blanche Wilson left Friday morn ing fur Albany where ahe will visit frienda and relatives. Jack Smith, director of the Prineville band, loft for a abort visit to I'ortland Wednesday. Mra. T. N. IOgan, who has been visiting a daughter in Seattle for several weeks, baa returned to Prineville. Tha 1'owell Hutta Sunday School mat last Sunday after ita harvest vacation. There waa a good at tendance. Wm, Morie and Mr. Ileed re turned Friday from a very suc cessful bunting trip up the Ochoco above the minus. J. T. Hardy, traveling freight and passenger agent for the North liana: Road waa in I'rineville the first of the week. Mr. It. F. Allen, president of The First National liank, came in from I'ortland Sunday on a visit with relativea and frienda. Mr. and Mra. C. K. Engle of Mo lalla, Oregon, are the guests of Mr. and Mra. Elmer Kayler. Mra. Kngle is Mr. Kayler'a neioe. With the exception of three dis tricts, and the newly organiied districts, all the schools of the county are supplied with teachers. David Pickett, a former gradu ate of the Crook County High, is visiting in I'rineville and expects to leave soon tor Eugone where he will resume his studies in the University. At a meeting of the Shumias last Saturday, tha following officers were eleoted for the ensuing year: President, Miss Catherine V. Con way; Vice-President, Mrs. II. P. Belknap; Secretary, Mra. Elmer Kayler; Treasurer, Mra. Granville Clifton. The barn and content of Logan McPheraon near Powell Butte was destroyed by fire last Sunday after: noon. A large quantity of hay which wag stacked near the barn was saved by hard work of the members of the Sunday School and several near neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Stewart re turned last Thursday from an auto outing trip to the Willamette valley. They went first to Crater Lake and from there to Eugene by way of Medford and other valley points. They returned by way of the MoKenzie route. They report s most pleasant trip, having seen many new and picturesque sections of Oregon. Mra. Cora Congleton of Paulina and Jeff and Ed Stewart of Post, came In tha first of tha week to help attend their mother, Mra. M. C. Stewart. Mr. J. K. Slinson recently bad a wire from 8t. Paul atating that James J. Hill and L. W. Hill ex pected to attend the league meet ing at Hums. New school districts have been recently organised by the district boundary board at Vanora, the Jordan district, the district aoutb of Itnd, the Dry Creek school and Fields' district. J. O. Whitaker of Hampton, Or , was in I'rineville this week making arrangement with the Crook County Fair Association to enter hia registered Percheron stallion. Mr. Whitaker was on bis way to I orvallis, where hia father has a large slock ranch. The Culver-Opal Springs Water Company has filed artioles of in corporation with tha county clerk. It has a capital stock of 175.000 and will have it principal office at Culver. The company expects to get ita chief water supply from Opal Springs. The Suttlea Lake Improvement Company has filed articlea of in corporation with County Clerk Brown. Thia oompany has a capi tal stock of t4S),8UO and will have ita principal office at llend. It expect to store the waters of Lake creek by means of a reservoir. The Cove Power Company will begin installing their sew ma chinery in about twenty daya. Manager D F. Stewart states that they will have the first unit com pleted in ninety daya. They will then have sufficient power to sup ply Culver Junction, Metolius, Madras and I'rineville should these towns wish their services. C. S. Hudson, chashier of the First National Bank at Bend, has ordered two car loads of good brood sows for the farmers about Bend. The bank is to put up the money and carry each farmer for one year for the amount his hogs will come to. Mr. Hudson and the First National Bank are to be commended for this movement. George II. Russell recently pur chased 5000 acres of land from the Oregon & Western Colonisation Company. This land adjoins his al ready large ranch and will give him an 8000 acre tract which will make him one of the most inde pendent ranchers of Central Ore gon. It is estimated that he will soon be able to cut 2000 tons of hay annually. J. W. McGonagill died Sunday evening in this city from senile decay, at the age of 77 years. Deceased' had a homestead on the Deschutes where he had lived for many years, he being one of Crook county's pioneers. Lately, however, he had been troubled with paralytic attacks and other ailments, which terminated in his demise Sunday. A son, C. McGonagill, came over from On tario to take charge of the fun eral, which took place in this city Monday afternoon. LOCAL MENTION J. F. Hardy waa in town the first of tha week. Z. M. Brown of Portland ia a I'rineville visitor. Mrs. Ollie Ellofson left Moo day for Portland. Albert Wurtweiler of Portland cams in on Tuesday. Mrs. D. O. Vandevert le't on Sunday for Eugene. Father Sheehan of Bend, was in I'rineville Wednesday. E. H. Howells of Sisters was a business visitor on Monday. Mrs. Luelling and daughter of Paulina were city , visitors this week. Miss Edna Long has returned from her visit to Portland and McMinville. Willis W. Brown was up from The Dulles the first of the week on business. Wm. I Ian ley of Burns is ex pected in from Portland the latter part of this week, Thos. Sharp, Jr. left this week for Philadelphia to see his fat her, who is reported very ill. Mrs. M. C. Stewart of Paulina, is very sick at the home of her daugber, Mrs. George Noble. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Robertson of Spokane were visiting friends and relatives in I'rineville recetly. Complete official returns from the Maine election, showed a ma jority of 26 votes in favor of repeal. Mr. A. B. Guyer and daughter of South Bend, Indiana are in Prine vi lie looking tor a suitable location. C. C. Hon of Howard, who haa been looking after forest fires on the Santiam, was in town Wednes day, R. Booton and M. F. Taylor of Post passed through I'rineville Tuesday with stock to ship to Portland. R. S. Dixon of Burns, passed through Prineville Monday with 250 beef cattle for the Portland market. Mr W. A. Booth returned Mon day from a three weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. J. Cyrus Price of Walla Walla. The block recently purcbssed by the Crook County High School, has been put in first-class con dition for an athletic field. Methodist Sunday School ser vices, 10 a. m. Special rally. Strong corps of teachers. Old students and new invited to come. Mrs. Vira Cyrus and Mary El liott returned home Sunday from their trip to Portland, Oregon City, j Salem and Washougal, Wash. Mrs. Cyrus visited her sister at the latter place. Married At the Presbyterian Mance, Monday September 18,1911, James II. Pentland and Miss Mary E. Drew, Rev. Lininger officiating. Mr. and Mrs, Pentland are popular young people of Culver. Mr; Pent land is city drayman of that place. Union church services Sunday 10 a. m., Bible school; 11 a. m., preaching; 6:30 p. m., C. E. So ciety, leader Miss Edna Estes; 7:30 p. m., preaching by tho pas tor. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all. C. P. Bailey, pas tor. Will the subscribers to the Baptist church fund please pay their subscriptions to Rev. C. P. Bailey or to either of the two banks subject to the order of D F. Stewart, treasurer, and oblige the building committee. The funds are needed just now. C. P. Bailey, solicitor. The Northwest Townsite Com pany of Philadelphia have bought 180 acres of land from the Oregon & Western Colonization Company. This tract includes what remains of the Oregon and Western ad dition. Engineers are expected soon to make a complete plat of this land. They have also bought 120 acres of the same company at Vale. It is understood that this company has bought in several other Central Oregon towns, in cluding iiurns. lbe company plans to put these lots on the market in the East after an ex tensive advertising campaign. BREAD MAKER mixes and kneads Bread thoroughly in Three Minutes. Does away with Hand Kneading and makes Better, Bread. SOLD BY J. E. Stewart & Co Culver Warehouse Co. Forwarding Agents for all Interior Points. Grain, Hides and Wool stored and shipped Have your goods shipped in care of Culver Warehouse Co. H. C TOPPING, Manager CULVER, ORE. Long Distance Phone in Office t Jl.JL,Jl.JLjJtJUJL.J.JLdJ.JL,Jl.JTk.Jl.JlJtJtJl.Jl.Jt.Jt.JLJl.Jl.Jl. J r.a ; C3 ra ri LJ r.a ca ca ca r.a LJ ca ca ra ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ea ca ca ea ca ca ca ca ca ca Seneral blacksmith ing Horseshoeing, Wood Wobk, etc., NlATLT AND PbOMPTLT DoNB Wees it is Don Bt : : : Robert 9?oore Satisfaction Will Be Guaranteed Pbdtktille, Orbgoh. CI ca CJ ca ca ca ca ca ca ea ca ca ca ea ca ca ea ea ea ca ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ca E3 ca carnrrarnrnrrrar!r'r!iPSimrrcsr!icnrnrrrsrTicnrr!iriaGa kCCas How Many of These People , DO YOU KNOW? Lewis C Morgan, Proprietor of the Lyric Theatre Hugh R. Lakin, of the W. F. King Company: J. W. Carlson, of the firm of Stewart & Carlson, millers. tE. Stewart, of the firm of J. W. Stewart & Co. m. J. Pancake, contractor. Oliver Adams, of R. L. Jordan & Ca Randolph D. Ketchum, Doctor. I. W. Crooks, of Clifton & Cornett Wm. J. Paine, sawmill operator. Timothy EL J. Duffy, Attorney at Law. Wm. H. Porter, lumberman. Do you think their judgment is worth anything? you think that they are in a position to know and ..It 1 . .1 n. in .11 a rrii preciate land values in trie uty ot rnnevuief these are a few oi the people who have secured ideal home sites in the high class NOBLE ADDITION. They expect to build and make their home there where they will have the benefit ol the graded streets, sidewalks and building restrictions. A place where their properly will not de preciate and their homes will not be made unpleasant by the erection ol shacks on the adjoining lots. MR. HOMEBUILDER OR INVESTOR Buy your lots where ideal conditions for home sites are guaranteed. Where street improvements and sidewalks are already in; where your property values are secure; where it would bea'pleasure to go and live yourself; where you have the protection of build ing restrictions. Noble's Addition ia the only sub-division now on sale that has these modern necessities for a high class residence soction. It is the only re stricted district in Prineville. Prices are low. Terms to suit the purchaser. We will help you build your for particulars call on Do ap honic. A. R. BOWMAN For Particulars. J.