Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 21, 1911, Image 4

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    Hilliman News.
The Oregon Truok Ky. will have
rails laid into Hillman within the
next tew days. The chief carpen
tei lor the Hill system was in Hill
men lc week nd established
water station at that place.
Many new buildings are going
up, and the population haa doubled
within the last month.
O'Neill Larson darted moving
their atom from O'N'eil to thin
place Monday.
V. A. Pickett of Kahlotut, Waah.,
i erecting several business build
ing! which are being rented a
last aa completed. Mr. Tickett it
also putting in a large general
tore at thia writing.
V. E. Thielvoldt is building a
handsome six room modern resi
dence, which will be completed this
The Ladiee' Hillman Pioneer
Club, together with the Commercial
Club are preparing to build club
rooms in the Tery near future.
The monarch Lumber Co. has
established a lumber yard here,
and is doing a big business.
Tom A. Nedder has closed ne
gotiations with Portland lumber
companies to also handle their
product here.
A new road is now being built
directly east from the depot which
will make a saving of three miles
between Hillman and Prineville,
making the total distance 17 miles
the closest point to Priueville on
the Oregon Trunk R. R., with less
than a one per cent grade.
Timbers are now being hauled
by Mr. Winfield for the Townsite
Company to erect a suitable frame
to hold a 20,000 gallon water tank,
which will supply this community
with water for domestic purposes.
The water system will be in within
the next thirty days. Sidewalks
and street lights will also be put
in with the event of the railroad.
The outlook of the community
was never better than at this time;
people are coming in and taking
up land In this vicinity and im
proving it. Speculators buying
land to hold until his neighbor
improves it should be discouraged,
as it retards the growth of any
liig crops have been produced in
this vicinity this year, and all the
farmers are happy.
Sheet Music 5 Cents
Chain o( the following number post
paid: "Black Hawk Walta," "Uo
hemian Utrl." "Connotation," "Ian
ube We." " Evening Star," "Fails,"
"Falling Watere," "Filth Nocturne,"
"1 wish I waa in Dixie," "Listen to the
Mocking Bird." "Marching Through
Georgia," "Merrv Widow Walts.,' "Old
Klark Joe," "Old Folks at Home,"
"Schubert Serenade," "Silvery Wanes"
and 200 other. Sand lor list. Chi
cago Book A Music Co, 6311 Monroe
Ave, Chicago. 9-21 lt-p
VMM MMM Ma. - M. .
Hit Ron of Ihl DlftCtl Coeboi
to Otbir Rooflof klitiriilj
RUBEROID is not affected
by changes of temperature. It
is weather-proof, water-proof
and so highly fire-resistant that
sparks or burning brands will
not ignite it.
The OnI Permanent Roofing
With Permanent Colors
RUBEROID is made in
red, brown, green and slate
color. These colors are not
painted on the roofing they
are part of it. They do not
wear off or fade.
Prinrill, Oregon
We are Showing the Latest in Millinery, Bought of
Leading Eastern Importers. Styles Distinctly New.
Prices Lower than a year ago. In retail trade the best
hats are sold first. We therefore recommend that you
buy early.
First Showings of Ladies, Young Ladies
and Children's Coats in plain and color
combinations. Coats are considerably
heavier than last year. Prices are no
Men's Clothing.
Men's Clothing. For the'man who knows
and who wants style and quality, the New
Brown Shoes. There's Nothing Better.
Collins W. Elkins
For Sale.
10-room furnished house with bath
and cellar, (or sale. Inquire of Mas.
Jasxia D. Pint nr. 9-21 10.13
Ayerdales For Sale
Thoroughbred Ayenlnle puppies tor
sale. O. W. KOBEHTS nt Prineville
Machine Shop. 7-20-tt
Houses and Lots For Sale.
Two houres and six lot lor sale !(
taken at once. Inquire o( C. 1. Cal
bkkatii. K-10-liiip
Express and Passengers.
F.xpres matter Irom Culver lo Prine
ville one cent a pound. Passengers
Hi ill Lowid Stmib Co
For Sale.
One thoroughbred grar Psrclieron
stallion, weight about 2000 Hiund,
height l hands, aged 10 years; line
Also one Spanish Mammoth Jack,
Jonlim, Nil. 107:1, Mark with whilu
points, bright 13 hands; smmI ID years;
Ituitl body, line head and ears, Hat bone
ami big feet. li)i'iirt o(
Kin 0. Ksix,
8 -2UI ltedraond, Ore., den. ltollvery.
Percheron Stallion For Sale.
On Ortoher 1st I will have a Hue
black rrgistsrsd I'prrheron alallinrt in
1'rliif villn. 1 1.i will be on exhibition
during Fair week. Anyone wishing
good young horse will ilo well lo
luin, Leave your name st the Journal
olbi'. J. I). WuiTtisa,
S-ai-tt p Hampton, Or.
Crook County Journal, county
oflicial paper. tl..r0 a year.
Railroad Day Celebration at
Saturday, September 30th, 1911
A cordial invitation is extended to the whole country-side to join in with the people of Redmond and help
celebrate the advent of the railroads to that city. There will be Speaking by Prominent State and Railroad
Officials, Band Concerts, Base Ball, Broncho Busting, and a number of other sports. The citizens of Redmond
have made ample provision to entertain the crowds that will attend that day. Bring the whole family and
come prepared to spend the day and see the
Biggest Celebration Ever Held in Central Oregon
Remember the Date Sat. SepL 30th.