Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 21, 1911, Image 3

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    County Court,
September Term.
(Continued from last witk.)
Application liy fileldl & Tweet to
blunt In Deschutes river. I'ctltlon
dated Auk. 9. asking fur thirty
dy permit to hlaat and rmov certain
rock for channel fur tliw escape of
water from i turhlne wheel, duly ap
proved by 8, (J, Dorrls, Deputy Stat
tiama Warden; It li hereby directed
that an onlir lie entered nunc pro tunc
aa of August Uth, lillt, granting the
prayer of said petitioner.
Wrongful Ai'tnt'iit of J. W. McCay.
It appearing to tlio rourt by thn all),
davit of J, W. Mi l'ay that ha had betm
wronxfully assessed fur the year 1010
for the tutu of 7. 2A and that the Shcr
I If under the provision of the atatute
ha remitted the aame from the total
amount of liln taxes, to wit: $15.1)5, it
la ordered that the county clerk credit
the herllT on the 11)10 tax roll with
aaid 17.25, the aame being the amount
of aaid wrongful assessment.
Wrongful assessment of I'etrr Mar
riack. It appearing to the court by the
aflldavit of I'eter Marnark that he had
been wrongfully assessed for the year
11)10 for the aum of $'41.06 and that the
ahrrllT, under the provisions of the
atatute, haa remitted the aame from
the total amount of Ida taxea, It la
ordered that the county clerk credit
the aherilT on the 11110 tax roll with
aaid the aame being the amount
of aaid wrongful assessment.
Wrongful asacsanient of John K.
I'owera. It appearing to the court by
the aflldavit of John It. I'owera that he
had been wrongfully assessed for the
the year 1U10 for the aum of $4.50 and
that the aherilf, under the proviaiona
of the atatute, haa remitted the aame
from the total amount of hia taxea, it
la ordered that the county clerk credit
the aherilf on the 1910 tax roll with the
aaid $4.5(1, the aame being the amount
of aaid wrongful assessment.
l'lat of Nvwaom'i Fourth Addition to
the city of I'rineville. Upon the appli
, cation of 8. J. Newaom et ux for the
approval of the plat and tracing there
of, of Nuwaom'a Fourth addition to the
city of I'rineville, laid 8. J. Newaom
et UX being the owner in fee thereof
nd it satisfactorily appearing to the
court that aaid plat and tracing thereof,
together with the dedication of the
street a ahown thereon to the public,
have been died with the county clerk,
that the aame have been duly approved
by the county aurveyor and the county
assessor, and that all the requirement
of law have been complied with; aaid
plat and tracing thereof ii hereby ap
proved by the court and ordered spread
4t record.
Dry-Farming Congress at Colorado
Spring. At this time the county
court apHilnU Tillman Keuter of Mad
ras, Ore., and J. II. Gray of I'rineville,
Ore., aa delegatea to repreaent Crook
County to the Sixth International Dry
Farming Congreaa to be held at Colo
rado Spring, Colorado, October 16-20,
Vacation of Kenyon'i Acreage Plat
Now ia presented to the court the pe-'
tition of S. M. Collina, Cecil Kenyon
and E. G. Sherwood for the vacation of
a certain plul of nwjf tv anc. 9. tp. 10,
S. R. 13 K, which waa platted aa Ken
yon'i Acreage, and it appearing to tho
court that aaid petition haa been tiled
with the county clerk for more than
thirty day prior hereto, and proof
of publication, allowing publication of
of notice of this application aa having
leen published more than thirty days,
and there being no objection Hied to
the granting of this order, and it ap
pearing by the aflldavit of S. M. Collina
that the above named persons are the
aole owners in fee of the whole
tract aought to be vacated as described
in said petition and that no other per
son or persons have an interest or
equity therein. That laid Kenyon'i
Acreage aa platted aforesaid is not
within the corporate limits of any city
or town and that the county court of
Crook county haa exclusive authority
and jurisdiction over the whole of said
plat and the designated streets and
alleys therein, it is therefore ordered
by this court that the plat of record in
the county clerk's ollice of Crook
county, Oregon, known as Kenyon's
Acreage, being a plat of the Northwest
quarter of section 9, township IS south
of range 13 east, Willamette Meridian,
be vacated and the same stand of
record as originally a legal subdivision
of said section, township and range,
Plat of the Collins Addition to Red
mond, Oregon. Upon the application
of Samuel M. Collins, owner of the
land plutted under the name of The
Collins Addition to Redmond, Oregon,
and it satisfactorily appearing to the
court that said pint and tracing thereof,
together with the dedication of the
atreets and alleys as shown thereon,
have been filed with the county clerk;
that the same have been duly approved
by the county surveyor and the county
assessor and that all the requirements
of law have been complied with, said
plat and tracing thereof are hereby
approved by the court and ordered
spr.snd of record.
Vacation of street between blocks 8
and 9, Fourth Addition, Prineville,
Oregon, Now is presented to the
court an ordinance of the city council
of the city of Prineville, Oregon, va
cating a part of a certain street within
the Fourth Addition to the town of
Prineville, Oregon, as shown by the
plat and tracing thereof and It ap
pearing that all tha requirement of
law have been complied with; It ia
ordered that laid plat and tracings
thereof be approved and ordered filed
and the county clerk ia hereby directed
to make note of, and reference to, thia
plat on the original plat of the Fourth
Addition to the town of Prineville,
County Physician appointment. Pur
suant to published notice, there ia sub
mitted to the court the bids of Cha.
8, Kd wards and H. P. Ilelknap for the
appointment of county physician of
Crook county until July 1, 1913, and
upon due consideration of bids, it is
nerehy ordered that Dr. II. P. Ilelknap
be and he Is hereby awarded the con
tract for such county physician. Said
application and contract being in words
and figure following, to-wit:
"Prineville, Oregon, Sept. 2nd, 1911.
County Court of Crook County,
I'rineville, Oregon.
Gentlemen: I hereby submit my
bid fur the medical work of the county
of Crook aa follows:
All visit in the city of Prineville,
two dollar each. Viiit in the country,
seventy-five cents a mils one way.
Ollice visit, on dollar each. All
obstetrical, gynecological and surgical
cases, I will care for at the minimum
prices aa adopted for such work in the
Fee Hill of the Crook County Medical
Very truly yours,
(Signed) II. P. Belknap."
Viewera report on J. W. Lewie, et al
road presented and aaid report ia read
for the first time In open court
Viewer report on W. Glenn Loucks
et al road, presented and aaid reKrt ia
read for the first time in oin court
Viewer report on W, II. Ramsey et
at road read second time In open court
and approved. Road declared a public
highway and county clerk is directed to j
notify local supervisor or supervisor to
request petitioner to donate at least :
one day'a labor in opening (aid road
and fence across the ssme, If any, I
and that the aaid euperviaor or super- j
visors complete the. work of opening'
said road a soon aa he or they shall j
have sufficient funds. j
Viewers report on Oscar Cox et al
road read second time in open court
and approved. Road declared a public
highway and county clerk is directed to
1 notify local supervisor, or supervisors,
to request petitioner to donate at least
1 one day' labor in opening said road
and fence across the same, if any, and
: that the aaid aupervisor or supervisor
complete the work of opening laid road
aa soon as he, or they, shall have suf
ficient funds.
Viewer report on Mecca road. Re
port read second time in open court
and approved. Road declared a public
highway and county clerk is directed to
notify local aupervisor, or suiervisors,
to request petitioners to donate one
day's labor in opening said road and
fences across the same, if any, and
that the aaid supervisor, or supervisors,
complete the work of opening said road
as soon aa he or they shall have suf
ficient funds.
Viewera report on G. R. Butt et al
road. Reort read aecond time in open
court and approved. Road declared a
public highway and county clerk ia di-
1 recteti to notity local supervisor or
i supervisors, to request petitioners to
donate at least one day's labor in open
j ing aaid road and fences across the
same, if any, and that the said super
visor or supervisors complete the work
, of opening said road as soon as he or
they shall have sufficient funds, and
i that portion of the old road aa
shown on the surveyor's report be
Re. order payment of taxes of John
Bain. Upon the application of John
Bain, together with the statement of
the iherilT and upon examination of the
records of the county, it appear to the
court that the said John Baii is a non
resident of the county of Crook; that he
is taxed with certain real estate to
gether with household furniture, horses
and other personal property 'and that
the amount of taxes so erroneously
paid by the said Bain amounts to the
sum of $5.75. It is therefore ordered
that the county clerk draw a warrant
on the general fund in favor of the
said John Bain for the sum of $5.75 less
$2.92 (amount of special school tax al
ready expended,) the same being the
amount of taxes overpaid by said Bain
upon the tax roll of 1910, to-wit: $3.83,
amount of warrant.
Viewers report on J. W. Lewis et al
road. Report read second time in open
court and approved. Road declared a
public highway and clerk is directed to
notify local supervisor or supervisors
to request petitioners to donate at least
one day's lubor in opening said road
and fences across the .same, if any, and
thut said supervisor or supervisors
complete the work of opening said road
as soon as he, or they, shall have suf
ficient funds.
Viewers report on W. Glenn Loucks,
et al road. Report read second time
in open court and approved, and so
much of said road as therein recom
mended is allowed and ordered opened
and declared a public highway and
clerk Ib directed to notify local super
visor or supervisors to request pe
titioner to donate at least on day'
labor in opening laid road and fence
across the aame, If any, and that aaid
supervisor or supervisor complete th
work of opening laid road as soon as
h or they shall have sufficient funds In
their banda therefor.
Continued next week.
Advertised Letters.
List of letter remaining uncalled for
in th Prineville post office for the
month ending September 8, 1911:
Mis Fannie Russell, Mr. Sarah
Reed, Mr. Lizzie Carter, Mrs. Cha.
Thomas, Miss Kdith Wettle, Mr. II.
11. Waldron, Mr. Garth Young, Mr.
II. E. Heard, Mr. t Curtis, Tho.
F. Dillon, II. Ii. Foster, Mr. J. D.
Gregoire, Ceo. H. (iiiidings 2, E. O.
Gerlier, Mr. Gilbert Garland, Mr. Wil
bur II. Hudson, Mr. Carl C. llutten-
berg, Mr. W. Huiriand, Mr. Walter
Ilufllam, Mr. M. A. Ilagen, Al Hill,
Mr. E. J. Leach, O. Lund, Mr. B.
McCormack, Mr. J. O. Matheny, Mr.
Ralph M rClullan, Mr. I. B.Mullin, Mr.
Friade Rominger, Mr. Joe Stoust, Mr.
G. W. Scott Mr. Siocle Stevena, Mr.
J. B. Terry. In calling for the above,
please y."advertled," giving date of
list WlU, Lkupohd, P. M.
In the county court of the state ot
(Iniroii, for the county of Crook.
In the matter of the estate ol John
B. (iUMliifMoli, defeased.
To Hannah Ouatafson, Anna ('tiro
Hue UiiHtnfHou, Arthur Jowph Huh
tufsoii, KolM-rt Bernard Uustafsoo,
Maliel Ocella (ttiMtafsoii, Henry
Rudolph UuHtafaou, Clarence
Adolpil UiiMtafson, John llernnnl
Lincoln UiiHtafsou, and all heirs
unknown, Urn-ting:
in the iiaiiie of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and required ti
apM'ar la the county court of tin
state ol Oregon, for the county o
( rook at the courtroom thereof, at
I'rineville, In the county ol Crook ot
Monday, the Dili day of Nov., lull, at
10 o'clock In the forenoon of that
day, then and there to show caow,
11 any there lie, why an order ol this
rourt should not be made author
ising M. It. Klllott, the administra
tor of said extate, to svll certain real
estate of said John i). (iustufaon, de
ceased, ihwrrttied as follows: the
southeast quarter ol sectlou twenty
six In township slutii'ii south, of
range ten east of WlllnmetUt meri
dian In Crook county, atate of Ore
gon. Witness, the Hon II. C. Kills, Judge
i,l mr tuiMlljr i-UMIfclfl UIU nisu) III
Oregon, for the county ol Crook,
with the aeal of said court affixed
this Mi day of Sept., lull, A. D.
Attest: Warren Brown, clerk.
Notice of Final Accounting
Notice I hereby given, by the un
dersigned, the administrator of the
estate of Patrick J. Kennedy, de
censed, to all ihtsoiis interested In
said estate that he has made and
tiled with the clerk ol the county
court his ti mil accounting of hie ad
ministration of said estate and the
county court lias set Monday, the
tlth day of Nov., 1911, at 10 o'clock In
the lorenoou at the county court
room In I'rineville, Oregon, as the
time and place ol hearing and set
tling said final accounting. At
which said time and place all iht
soiis Interested In said estate may
appear and object to said Dual ac
counting. Dated this 7tU day of Sept., 1911.
It F. HK( KMA.N,
Administrator of the estate of
Patrick J. Kennedy, deceased.
Notice of Flout Accounting
Notice la hereby given, by the tin
derslgned, the administrator of the
estate ot Oliver C. McDowell, de
fused, that he has made and tiled
with the clerk ol the county court
his final accounting of hie adminis
tration ol said estate, and thut the
county court has set Monday, the
llthduy of Nov., 1911, at 10 o'clock
lu the forenoou at the county court
room In I'rineville, Oregon, aa the
time and place for hearing and set
tling said limit accounting. At
which said time and place any per
son Interested In said estate may ap
pear and object to suld final ucvouut
Ing. Dated this 7th day of Sept., 1911.
D. a. Mcdowell,
Administrator of the estate of
Oliver C. McDowell, deceased.
Published Summons.
In the Circuit Court of the atate of
Oregon, for Crook comity.
Baldwin Sheep company, a corpo
ration, plaintiff, vs. John Hughes
and the unknown heirs of said Johu
Hughes, also all other persons or
parties unknown claiming any right,
title, estate, lieu upon, or Interest In
the real property described in the
complaint herein, defendants.
To John Hughes and to the un
known heirs of said Johu Hughes
and to all persons or parties un
known claiming any right, title,
estate, Hen upon, or Interest in the
renl estate described lu the coin
plaint herein nud also described la
this summons, above named de
fendants: In the name of the state of Oregon:
You a ml each of you are hereby sum
moned ami required to appear in the
above entitled court and answer or
plead to the complaint tiled therein
In this suit against you on or before
October 20, 11)11. which Is the time
prescribed lu the order of the county
Judge of Crook county, Oregon, pur
suant to which this summons Is
published. In which you are required
to so appear, answer or pleud; nud
f you fall to so nppcnr, answer or
plead, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief demanded lu the
complaint, which relief Is that
plnlntlff's title to the following d0'
scribed real property situated In
Crook county, Oregon, to-wit: The
southeast quarter of southeast quar
ter of section ton, and north half of
northwest quarter of section four
teen, and northeastquarter of north
east quarter of section fifteen, all In
and of township eleven, south, of
range sixteen east of the Willamette
meridian, and every part thereof, be
lorever quieted aa-alnst Ton and all
person claiming by, through or
under you, or either of you; and
that plalutlfl tie adjudged to lie the
owner thereof In fee simple; and that
you and all persons claiming:, or to
claim, by, throuicli. or under tou.
he forever burred, enjoined and re
strained irom claiming or setting up
any light, title or Interest In or to
any part of said property and for
siieii ot Iter and further relief a to
the court may weiu equitable In the
The date of the first publication of
this summons I the 7th day of Hep-
leniiier, lull.
This summons Is published pur
suant to an order of Hon. 11. C.
Kills, county Judge of (.'rook county,
Oregon, miide ou the 1st day of Kep-U-mlH-r,
Mai-akkkt, Hkaiiiiook AHtott,
l;. it Healirook,
Attorney for plaintiff.
Published Summons.
In the Circuit Court of the state of
Oregon, for t"- .a county.
. Baldwin Ki p Company, n corpo
ration, plaintiff, vs. Klmer Mullnex
aud the unknown heirs of said Elmer
Mullnex, also all other person or
parties unknown rlitltulng any right,
title, estate, Hen upon, or Interest in
the real prorty descrlls-d In the
complaint herein, defendants.
To Klmer Mullnex and to the un
known heirs ol said Elmer Mullnex
and to all persons or parties un
known claiming any right, title,
estate. Hen upon, or Interest In the
real estate described In thecomplalnt
herein aud also described In this
Numinous, above named defendants.
lu the name of the state of Oregon:
You and each of you are hereby
summoned and required to appear In
the above entitled court and answer
or plead to the complaint tiled there
in In this suit attains! you on or lie
fore Octolier 20, 1011, which Is the
time prescrllK-d In the order of the
couuty Judge of Crook county, Ore
gon, pursuant to which this sum
mons Is published, in which yon are
required to so aps-ar, answer or
plead; ami If you fail to so a linear.
answer or plead, the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief de
manded In the comiilalut. w hich re
lief Is that plaintiff's title to the
following described real property
situated In Crook county, Oreuon,
to-wit: The southeast quarter (sejl
of northwest quarter tnwj) aud
southeast quarter (sej) of south
west quarter (s J) of section nine ID)
In and of township eleven 11) south,
range fifteen 115) east of the Wil
lamette meridian; and every part
thereof, Ihj forever quieted against
you and all person claiming by,
through or under you. or either of
yon; and that plaintiff lie adjudged
to lie the owner thereof In fee simple;
and that you and all ersons claim
ing, or to claim, by, through, or
under you, be forever barred, en
joined, and restrained from claim
ing or setting up any right, title or
Interest in or to any part of said
property and for such other and
further relief as to the court may
seem equitable In the premises.
The date of the Bret publlcutloti of
this summons Is the 7th day of Sep
temlier, lull.
This summons Is published pur
suant to an order of Honorable H.
C. Ellis, county Judge of Crook
county. Oregou, made on the 1st
duy of September, 1011.
Mai.akkky, Skahkook & Stott
E. it. Seabrook,
Attorneys for plaintiff.
Published Summons.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Crook county.
Baldwin Sheep Company, a corpo
ration, plaintiff, vs. Adelia Dodge,
Jay Cartwrlght and Mrs. Jay Cart
wright, his wife, Addle Bridges and
J. it. Bridges, her husband, Ivy
Marshall and W. H. Murshall, her
husband, defendants.
To Jay Cartwrlght, Mrs. Jay
Cartwrlght, Ivy Marshall, and W. H.
.Marshall, above named defendants.
lu the iinme of the state of Oregon:
Y'ou and each ot you are hereby sum
moned and required to appear In the
above entitled court and auswer or
plead to the complaint tiled therein
in this suit ngiilust you on or before
October 20, lull, which Is the time
prescribed In the order of the county
Judge of Crook county, Oregon, pur
suant to which this summons is
published, In which you are required
to so appear, answer or plead, and
if you fall to so apiear, answer or
plead, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief de
manded lu the complaint, which
relief Is that plaintiff's title to
the following described real property
situated In Crook county, Oregon,
to-wit: The northwest quarter
(nw qr) of the northeast quarter
(no qr) and south half ) ol north
east quarter (ne qr) and northwest
quarter (nw qr) of southeast quarter
(se qr) of sectlou thirty (;W) In and
of township eleven (11) south, of
range seventeen (17) east of Wil
lamette meridian; and the east half
(ei) of the northeast quarter (neqr)
of section thirty-three (;t3) aud the
soutnwest quarter (sw qr) of the
northwest quarter (nw qr) and
northwest quarter (nw qr) of south
west quarter (sw qr) of section
thirty-four (II4) in and of township
(10) south, range seventeen (17) east
of the Willamette meridian, aud
every part thereof, be forever quieted
ngalust you and all persons claiming
by, through or under you, or either
of you, nud that plaintiff be adjudged
to be the owner thereof in fee simple;
and that you aud all persons claim
Imr, or to claim, by, through, or
under you, be forever barred, en
joined and restrained from clalmlug
or sotting up any right, title or
Interest in or to auy part of said
property and for such other and
further relief ns to the court may
seem equitable lu the premises.
The date of the first publication of
this summons is the 7th duy of
September, l'Jll.
This summons Is published pur
suant to nn order of Hon. H. C.
Kills, county Judge of Crook county,
Oregon, made on the 1st day of Sep
tember, 11)11.
Mai.akkky, Skahkook & Stott
E. B. Seabrook, .
Attorneys for plaintiff.
Published Summons.
Ia th Circuit Court of th stat of
Oregon lor Crook county.
Baldwin rlheep Comoao. a coroo
raiton, plaintiff, vs. George A. Rimona
nd th unknown beir of said Ueorge
A. Himons, also all other persons or
parties unxnown claiming any right,
title, estate, lien upon, or interest in
the real property described in th com
plaint herein, defendant.
To (ieorife A. Minions aod to the nn
known heir of said George A. Simons
and to all person or partie unknown
clamiiiiK any right, title, estate, hen up
on, or Interest in the real estate de
scribed in the complaint herein and also
described In this summons, above named
In the name of the stats of Oregon:
You and each of you are hereby sum
moned and required to appear in the
above entitled court and answer or
plead to the complaint filed therein in
this tnit avainst you on or before Oc
tober 20, It'll, which I the time pre
scribed ia the order of the county judge
of ('rook county, Oregon, pursuant to
which this summons is published, in
which you are required to so appear,
answer or plead ; and if yon fail tD to
appear, answer or plead, the plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief de
manded in the complaint which relief
is that plaintiff's title to the following
described real property situated in
Crook county, Oregon, to-wit: Th
northeast quarer (net) of the southwest
quarter Issil of section thirty-five C.ii)
in and ol township ten (10) south of
range seventeen (li I east of the Wil
lamette meridian, and every part there
of, be forever quieted igaiost you and
ail persons claiming by, through or
under vou, or either of you; and that
plaintiff be adjudged to be the owner
thereof in fee simple: and that von and
all persons claiming, or to claim, b.",
through, or under you, be forever
barred, enjoined and restrained from
claiming or letting up any right, title or
interest in or to any part of said property
and for uch other and further relief as
to tha court may seem equitable in the
The date of the first publication of
this summons is the 7th day of fcertem-
oer, mil.
This summons is published pursuant
to an order of Hon. H. C. Kllis, County
Judge of Crook county, Oregon, made
on the 1st day of September, 1011.
9-7 10-19 Attorneys for plaintiff.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior. U. 8.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
beptamber 1st, l'Jll.
Notice is hereby given that Theresa
Cassldy, of Prineville, Oregon, who,
on reeruar.v&th, 1010. made home
stead, No. 05058, for e nej, and e
sei, section 10, township 15 south,
rauge la east, Willamette Meridian,
has tiled notice of Intention to make
final commutation proof, to estab
lish claim to the land above de
scribed, before Warren Drown,
county clerk at his office, at Prine
ville, Oregon, on the 10th day of
Octolier, 1911.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Ellen Brobst, Omar C. Clavpool,
William B. Morse, WHUam Harold,
all of Prineville, Oregon.
-7p C. W. Moobk, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
September 1st. 1911.
Notice Is hereby given that Joseph
A. Kurman, ot Prineville. Oregon,
who, on August 21t, 1905, made
Homestead, No. l-ititH, serial No.
(KHiUO, for w,4 Dei, sej nej, and nej
sej, section 5, township 13 south,
range In east, Willamette meridian,
has tiled notice of intention to make
filial five year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
liefore Warren Brown, county clerk
at his office, at Prineville, Oregon,
ou the 10th day of October, 1911.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Johu Demarls, William H. McCoy,
William H. Loftln, Ueorge Turner,
all of Prineville, Oregon.
9-7p C. W. .Mookk, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Depariment of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
September 2nd 1911.
Notice Is hereby given that John
W. Gilchrist, of Barnes, Oregon, who
ou January 24th, 1SH)8, made home
stead. No. 15804, serial No. 05S1, for
uei nei, sec. :5 and e sei. sei Dei.
section 20, township 20 south, range
22 east, Wlllamete meridian, has filed
notice ot Intention to make final five
year proof, to establish claim to the
laud above described, before Warren
Brown, county clerk at his office, at
Prineville, Oregon, on the 10th day
of October, 11)11.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Oak D. Hall, Henry Pickett, of
Barnes, Oregon, Joseph Street, of
Fife, Oregon, Columbus J. Johnson,
of Prineville, Oregou.
9-7p C. W. Moore, Register.
Stock Farm for Sale. s
280 acre stock farm 4 miles north of
Paulina, Oregon, 250 acres Al bottom
land; all tillable; 160 acres under culti
vation ; 30 acres seeded in al alfa; 70 or
80 acres more ready to seed; under
ditch ; sufficient water for one crop every
year; some years two crops; good place
to reservoir water for later use at low
cost ; land under good fence and cross
fence. Good bafn, granary, machine
elied and comfortable house. Price $30
per acre. Will Include the following if
taken by October 1 : About 100 tons
of hay, mostly Alfalfa, fiom 400 to 700
bushels oats and barley; binder; drill;
mower; rake; plows; harrows; small
tools; all good. Binder and drill al
most new. Household goods except a
lew small pieces. Located in heart of
Oregon's best stock range. Ideal place
far any kind of stock. Three miles
from mountain range; two miles to
school ; telephone connection with place.
Pure water; tree from alkali. Unim
proved land is selling almost as high.
Can have time on part at 8 per cent
interest. AddreBS
8-24-4t H. H. Davis, Paulina, Ore.
Daily Auto Service
From Prineville to Sisters by way of
O'Neil, Redmond and Cline Falls.
Leaves Prineville at 12 o'clock. Tickets
on sale at stage office next door to post
otl'cei J. E. Christian, prop.
The Clark Hair Dressing Parlor
Are located one block west from the
Commercial Club Hall. Puffs, switches,
wigs, toupees, hair Jewelry, etc. ordered
on approval direct from lb manu
facturers. Kend in your hair combing
and have them made op a you want
HairdressinK 25c, hair dressed and
curled 60c, face massage 60c. scalp dim
snge 50c, shampoo 50c, hair singe 25c,
almond meal pack 50c, clay pack 50c,
bleaching and dyeing Jl.Ou np. mani
curing 25c to 50u, 8 treatments 12 50.
1f ( 1.1 I.O!o nwafa ersry
W S 1 siurir Distal.
Htrangv n welcome. R. V. ConxtaMe, I. 04
Wldd Bora, V. H. L. Hubt, Mac.; and
C. B. IHnsrld'll. Trnu.
Civil and Irrigation Engineer. .
Irrigation, Subdivision, Land
Surveying, Mapping,
Office next door to Lyric Therter
O. H. Brewster. C. E.
E. L. Brewner
ily Engineer
Prineville, Or.
Brewster Engineering Co.,
Prineville, Oregon.
Surveying, Maping, Estimates.
Phone, Pioneer 234.
Prineville, Oregon
C.R. Henry
Resident Locator of
In Southern Crook Co.
Address : : Paulina, Oregon
The Oregon Bar
At the Old Stand
G. W. Wiley & Co., Prps
All kinds of Choice Liquors
Wines and Cigars.
Famous Ranier Beer in
Bottles and on Draft.
Stewart's Hall
Cor. 2nd and C Sts.
Now Ready" for Occupancy
by the different lodges.
Give us your order for
Juniper or Pine, large or
small quantities.
Opposite Post Office.