LOCAL MENTION Died. Claud Ellis, first burn son of William Jasper and Annie Laurie Mr. Wm. Wigl left Monday morn-; Wright, was born In linn couu- ing for McMinnville to visit relatives ! ty, Oregon, July 15, 1S79. With and friends. yTeuia he came to Crook The annual convention of the county when a lad and has since Oregon Wool Growers' Associa-! made his home here. After 33 ion will be held in liaker No--days' battling with typhoid fever vember 14 and 15 Problems , he passed away Sunday evening that confront the wooluien will at 6 o'clock iu this city, be taken up and discussed, and I lie was married in 15)03 to Miss Ihe tariff will be one of the lead-j liuthie Taylor, and to the uuion .ng features. ;two sons were born, both of Married At the Ilaptist par-1 whom as well as the wife survive souaire, this city, yesterday, j hi"' t mourn his untimely taking Venies Marston White and Miss off- Uesides these he leaesa Leila Lavell Dillon, Kev. C. P. 1 father, two sisters and one Bailey officiating. The young Teachers' Institute. The annual ttacliera Institute will be held at Prinevills, in the High School building, Octohor 11, 1'2 and 13, beginning on M'edntw day at 9 o'clock a. m. All teacher are mjuired to attend the Annual Institute, couple are well known in Trine-; relatives and friends. vitle, where they will make their: home HUiid congratulations of numerous f riends. ! Citation III t tie county court n( the Htitte uf Or-mn, (r the county of Crook. In tin- uinttcr nl the twtutu o( John II. Kl'rtlllH, iIivciimh). To Mn run n't ItCHiim, irtruli ItcntiiH, (fruit- A. lii'iitim, WIIIIiiiii It. l;,.iun, lti'iitrlco Iti'tiiim, KnrucHt F. Kciiiim. Opnl Iti'iiuiH, hiuI nil other licirn i( naiil ilm-itard, II tiny there Ih', tinvtliia: j In the imiue ot the state of Urv- ir.it, v.iiiur. I,.. p.. I... ..I....I .....I ther und a largo number of other uuiiWl tomnmn lu'tht mmm vrourt Card of Thanks "I the mute ol OtViron. lor the conn , t ' nt Crook at the courtroom thcrv- of, tit IVIuevllle, In the county of i t'rook, tirton. on Monday, thei'th . iliiy ol .Nov., hill, nt 10 o clock In the T- . , .,., forviioon ol tluit dn.v, then nml there ... r , ,i c-Aituu uijr siumi to show cane... If iinv there U, whv ii:e Misses lueresa uundy ana thanks and appreciation for the ' " ,,r,1, r l'",lr' "houM not ! jora Ldvingston. wen Known mmv timiSSlls e)mu-n K id.. ', , " .'"'s'in'i m-mns. , , , . ... . many Kindnesses stiown by tDe the administratrix ol the entitle ol juung r.ou. iiiuewiie, --'ejCitizeusof priuevjllo to my late guests over Sunday at the home j fttlher j. w. MeGouagiU. during f A. C Sanford. The girls jhis kst illuess. C. McGON'AOILL. Ladies' Annex. Joint It. Ivciinm, decvawd, to well certiilu real iroHrty ol salt) de. rvtwetl, dcMv-rllH'tl us follows: Iota one, two, three, lu block elirht. In the Flint addition to I'rlnevllle. Oiv Hon. ncvor.lliitf to the pint tliereof o the same apix-ara of nvortl In the olllceofthe count v clerk of l r.w.k 'colllltv. MtMtif tlr.tir.iti The Ladies' Annex will give a social t Witiiw. the lion. II. I'. Kill. Jiwltfv evening toils members and the mem-1 of the county court of the statu ol came over Saturday afternoon by auto, accompanied by Miss Eula Sanford, the latter a stu dent in the Crook County Uigh ' bers of the Commercial Club on Fridav ' On-iton. for the couiitr of Crook with evening an informal daUCU12? ; evening. Septembers. This affair is i the seal of said t-onrr hiH.I tl.l. .Ml, rartv in their honor was iriven to hIJ iu ,lie '"'U' parlors and the ' day of Sept., It'll, A. 1), V ' ' ' V "'"k', committee promises a royal good time. Atteet: Warreu tlrt at the Sanford hall. Pioneer. j The W. C. T. U. Convention I Y.l .1 M.,l.. 1... ..u ' Madras 'All members of both orguiution am cordially invihd to attend. 9-21-2S llrown, clerk. For Rent was a Tiro bouses. Robest Cuft most intetesting and helpful meet- j doof to City Market. mg. the state president, Mr?.' Unruh was present. The follow-1 Photos! Photos! next Auto Stage Office. T. l - I M il i n ing othcers were elected: I'resi-! a liaffey't Hudelaker '40". Rohhrt dent, .Mrs. Belknap, Prineville; , 1 ARKV. net door to City Tice president, Mrs. Lilly, Cline Jalh Yes, I try to make Photos to PLEASE. 1 .Market. 9-21-11 secretary, Mrs. Cameron,! Tend; corresponding Mrs. iSnook, Madras; secretary, Trespass Notice. Come and see Cabinets $3.50 my work, per dozen. Notice is hereby given to any and all rl : j treasurer, persons intruding or trespassing on i wurcr uc ln cruance. f n i- n.j ; " Known as toe us. vwih, nvuiuuuu. iue preyi Msckst (Wk I Property: that ther will be nrinwi-iiriHl Jent was elected a delegate to the ! to f"'1 extent of the law, as I am oi saiu property. JOH! B. ViSDIKPOOL. - v " ujcrrva m 21-1 l-l";ip Medford, October 5th. The James J. Hill cup has the! following inscription: "Great Northern Railway. Keet Exhibit All mounted work guaranteed F. E LAFTER, Studio on 3rd St, near Court house. Notice pf Diaolution. Prineville, Oregon, Sept. 15, 1911. To whom it may concern lie it (existing between Gilbert laiwson and ; "1" 1 IU We Olnve lo lltase. - C. B. Uinwiddie has been dissolved by I srsins frraaSM vanal.Klu ar.t .-.t ' mntlisl urMmnl All Hrm hiUm ' tron i i"i prwienieu w v. . I'lnwiunie , w sible. Yours very truly. I tilLHKRT I.AWSOX, 9-21 C. B. DtswiDDia Crook County Fair. 1911. Prineville, Oregon." Tbia IB mn .La.nl 1 0 incnes mgn and inches in di ameter. It may be geen in Adam ion's drug store. Tennis Tournament The Kedmond tennis club chal- Wanted. A Rood milch cow Journal oltlce. by nt !)-7 1 " RECEPTION " Report of the Condition i 2 OFTHK DAIDLAW BANKIVI1 TRfT CO, J lenged Prineville for a tennis game nci.of buiues 8, pwnibr ut. imi. ' j j , c j o , . ' Loan and discounts S12.1UH 78 ext unday, SeptemW 24. Overdraft,.! and uuurl 474 l I i Prineville accepted and will meet Ksnktng house i.soo oo i 2 Redmond on the Commercial Club I''"rmll're nd natures i,-,u : j J Hue irom nanus not reserve bankt 3 5d i t( Due from approved reserve banks 3..V-8 54 ! & iutv3 aim uuier casn items.. Smith & Allingham, Props. Champ Smith's old stand. They! tennis court at 10 o'clock, will play again at 2 p. m. The line up is as follows: Red ond, J. V. Brewer, I. l Hewitt, 3Ir. Foote, Mr. Moore. Prineville, Dr. J. II. Rosenberg, X. W. Sanborn, L. M. Bechtell, Hugh Latin. We expect a strong team from Redmond and we all know that Prineville never take? second place tn athletics. This will be a rare treat for tennis enthusiasts eo eeme out and help our team win. Imported and Domestic Cigars r- i ri i i2 8t 1 jt ramoui w msKies rash on hand -u Eipenses jtm 41 i S CJId Crow; Hermitage; Ked f Total ' "rd TP Rye; Yellow Stone; n v-inaaian viud; vream p i Rye James El Pepper; Liabilities, Capital stock paid in 10,OuO 00 9.1-0 ."O Moore's Malt ve-. jj thejj my j At the Marriage Altar. A pretty home wedding was solemnized in Fossil on Tuesday' iptember 12, 1911, at the home of i the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. V. Knox. The contracting parties were Hies Dora Knox and Mr. John R. Luckey of Prineville. The wed ding was a quiet one, witnessed nly by the immediate relatives and a few friends. The house was beautifully decorated with chrys anthemums and ferns. The newly married couple received many beautiful and useful presents. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Knox of Fossil. She is a young woman of many j graces of min J and person, who is tapable of filling the home she will ! adorn with happiness. The groom is from one of I'rine Tille's oldest and best families and ie tonsidered one of the substantial and coming young men of the country, who will make his mark i as a worthy son of honorable par- j tots. The Journal joins the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. John ' Luckey in wishing tbem a pleas ant and prosperous life. In. livid' deposit subject locheck Time certilicates of deposit futai 21.L-75 oo 4 Porter, Ale and Olympia h State of Oreiron, County of Crook, ss: ! Draft Beer On Tap. Is I. Wm. D. liarnes Cishier cif thol.h.,. ! F named bank, do solemnly swear that above statement is true to the best of knowledge and belief. Wm 1). Harku Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this lith day of September, l'JU. A. F.Ramsey Notary Public, Correct Attest: F. E. Dayton, A. F. Rah.say. 3 Imported Wines 4 Liquors. and Warren & Woodward CIVIL ENGINEERS Irrigation, Subdivision, Land Surveys. Estimates Furnished on Power Plants. MAPS We have had 10 years experience, embracing all branches of Civil Engineering. Redmond, Oregon. Box 187 fliliMiMillhllkHB.illl DIQNIrTINQ TH INDUSTRIES r This is ths title of a beautiful 4-pag book, which any ooy or girl Dow to SUCCEED. Drop a postal la ths mall TODAY sad It will bs ssnt FREE. Tna aim of ths College Is to dignify and popularlis ths Industries, and to nrvs ALL ths people. It offers courses In Agriculture, civil Enirlnesrtnj, Electrical Englneerlne. Mechanical Enjineerlnf . attaint En gin. wring. Forestry, Domeatlo.. Sclencs and Art, Com. mere. Pharmacy and Muslo. Ths CsUsgs essns September 22d. Catajog free. Address: EOI8TBA, OBE00I AOBICCLTUEAL 00LLEOE, CorvaUU, Orsgoa. Here We Are Again! School Days Have Commenced. Oh Dear, here it is school time and I cant find my pencil or tablet, is the cry heard from the little ones, most every time school begins, Dont let that worry you! THE LEADER Will at all times be glad to serve you with any article pertaining to school work, as we have just received a full line of supplies. Bring the children in. We always carry a full line of staple und fancy groceries, candies, and fruits in season. Prompt and courteous treatment As Fall Weather is setting in you will perhaps be in nerd of a sweater or sweater coat these cool mornings. Our new fall stock has just arrived. While in town drop in and have a look. Sizes lo fiit every-one and every pot krt-book Dont Overlook The One Best Bet! Regular $12.50 and $15.00 Suits $$6.98. While they Inst. Only a few more left. $3.25 and $30 Work Shoes, Just Think only $2.50. HURRY. The Leader Mrs. I. Michel, Prop. D. P. Adamson & Co. Druggists Prineville, ... Oregon SCHOOL BOOKS-SCHOOL SUPPLIES A new supply of sohool books, tablets, pencils, dictionaries, pens penholders, writing books, and school supplies in general have arrived for the opening of schools. Headquarters for Thoroughbred Hats Summer Exhibit of Peters Shoes for Men and Women Modern Clothes "The Kind Gentlemen Wear." WITH the opening ol our Spring anJ Summer Season, we wish to express our hearties! thanks lo our many customers and Iricnds who have shown us their patronage during the past year. We hope that our methods ol doing business have been salislaitory to one and all and once a customer always a customer. Our methods will be the same lor this coming year Everything Marked in Plain Figures and One Price to One and AH. We don't sell you an $10.00 suit lor $15.00; our $18.00 suits are marked $18.00, that's our price; no other. But we are not talking prices. Quality First and Last We are loday carrying the Best Clothes to be lound in Prineville. Modern Clothes designed and laid out by Brandegee, Kincaid & Company, Utica, New York (lollies well selocte l and worn cannot tie overlooked by HKple ot discrimination, reclamations of ri joy are certain to ba calledlorth by oni 'display of "College Chap" Clothes, because of the.r partLilarly brisk stvle. and because tlmv lit an nnrlm tlv tmt . rli u,t ht w. ...n Mnnimiany i no launcs are miauy iiinerent irom tnose ordinarily seen. which uisunguisn me weu-uressen man irom the multitude i did garments. . Knowing how to design and how to duvelop I arc, ujv ciubiies you waoi. een. The many graceful and characteristic features ide of careless dressors will be found in thrso siilnn lop has made "CoIIuk Chap" Cloths what they Clifton & Cornett AT THE OLD BRICK STORE House and Lots for Sale. Good six-room house and three lots, with barn and outbuildings; on block rom-Main on 2nd street, at reasonable irice. Address T. J. Kergueson, Rob erts, Or. 6-liitf The Home Bakery. Fresh bread baked daily. I'astrv or ders promptly tilled. Hot coffee and I l...:i.. I r,-i: . . , I naudwiriica Bcrveu. LreilYttry II II anu 4 o'clock. 9-1-t' Mm. F. E. Briisii s, Trop. Subscribe for The Journal, $1.50 j per year. I PIONEER SADDLER Manufacturer of and tleuler tu Harness, Saddles, Chapa, Bridles, Silver-Mounted Bits and Spurs. Reatas, Quirts, Ladies' Stride Saddles. E. H. Smith, Prop. Prineville, Or.