Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 31, 1911, Image 7

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An tprt (! Up tlx RuIm Thai
Art Valuable.
According lo tliorouiilily trained
dairyman, ihnx rulna alitmld ht follow,
J to (iraavrv rUiiiiina In crmiui:
I''lmt,-roltoii of errata arraw. If
tha crvam acrw la turnwl awajr from
Ilia cultr uf IhiwI Ui ctvam will lio
tfiliinrr; If li la turui-il toward Ilia cell
tr uf bowl in crui iii iu rlrlior.
KwoiiiI. Tiiii'i-iilur of milk. If
oilier coiiilliliina nre similar tm crrain
will s rlclii-r ln-u iln milk la aklin
iiutl rolil. hklni ili milk na It roinca
from I Im row lii'foru ll hua hat ilm
niilninl Ikh I. 11 aklimnlhic whllo tlm
Hi M k la w nr hi llm ariuriitir will do
lii'iior work.
Tlilnl. W(MHtl of I'lmruinr. 'i'lia fiint
r thu m'l'iiiuior la run tliv rlihiT llm
rrwiiu will Im. A ai'imriitor alioiild ill
waya Ik ttiriicil nl IIiu hmiI rvcoin
iiikikIihI Iij tlii ai'imriitur fiu tory.
Kuiirth. Tlm Inflow of milk. The
sri'iiior the Inllow llm mure cruniii ami
til lliliuiiT llm r n-n in. If wa want to
irmlui'a rn-nui of uniform thli kuvM It
la !mHirtniil Unit Inllow valvt la al
waya oxiiml Ilia aiiiua. Kvi'U Ihi-n
tlii-ro may I mi a illnVrimca In Ilia Inflow
of milk owing to the amount of milk
III Ilia tank. 'Jim liljtlH'r the milk
almoin lu tlm tnuk I ho icranlor la tlia
(riniint anil llm faator I ha milk will
run (lirutiisu llm sinntir.
r'lftli. A unt of aklmmllk or wa
ter iwnl In dualling out separator bowl.
Tor tluit urHiaa aklmmllk atioulil nl
aya he uwtl and not wntvr. Milk will
rrmova llm rri-ain morn riminli-taly,
anil wnlt-r la Injurloua to llm flavor.
8lxtli.-ltUiiin-aa of milk. t'mliT aim
llitr roiiilllloiia the aiprator will al
waya give Hid an ma amount of crrain
nil aklmmllk frrnii l Im mint amount
of whol milk. It la cvlili-nt that It
ninkoa conalili-rnlila ilHTorpnra In tho
rlrtincaa of rrritin w hoi her tho milk
toata 4 or 3 wr cent fuL
and With Colfaa,
Moat Oalicious.
Tha avoriik-o length of a sont'a Ufa la
ahout toU yt-iirw. Klglit gonta will
aulialat Uan Ilia amntiiit of ford
qtilrvtl for one cow, Koina goata glva
from tlitf. to four tjunrta of milk dul
ly. Tim proporiion of hnuarlmlila In
Onnnnj that kwp gonta la 73 prr
J 4 - ' - ' V - , w
Vsungatara (hauld Ba Dlppad Bafara
Thay Art Waanad.
W'f alwaya lima mora Ilea on full
pigs than on tlm aprliig III lira. Tha
aowa giMit-riillr ha i t thv run of tha
wimmI lot lu auiumt-r and furrow tin-re
dining Augtiat, wi Hint we are llki-ly
In IH'iiliH't llm (K'l'iialoiiHl apriiylng of
the aowa t tin t would kci-u the lire In
In- k. wrllca mi Ohio hog growi-r. Iti'-
routly the wrlli-r innuht a ilg only
ilm' iliiyaohl mill found m-w ly hairhi'd
Hi on lila tin k mid In th rnra nl
rivoly. Thoan ili:a were 1 1 j x-1 In a
(til lit ai. union of oonl inr dip and
grciiaial lii-lilinl the enra. Ijiat yrar
we iIIimhI the lga thn-e timet In-fore
At we uanl only a amnll pall.
hitor a hnrri'l cart. We never dip plga
ln-foro I hey nre ton dnya old. The tlrat
dipping la nltvnya done on a wnrm dny,
the aoluilou la mmle mild, nnd the plga
are left lu the vn only a abort time.
IM-Init held III the liniida. These pre
rautloiia tuny aoom uniipreaanry, but
we like to do the work with enre nt
flmt. Tho lire iiinke thiir liPiidqunr
tora around the li'k and enra. to we
rub tlu-ae pnrta well by bnnd. Mnny
hog rnlaera lualat that tliiir plga aro
never louay. The l-at way to be aura
(but the plga are not louay la not to
look too tioaely.
Want of a dipping tnnk alioiild never
he allowed to exruae a fiirmer from
dipping the plga. We know of a few
dipping tnnka Hint nre not uard often.
The tnnk la a flue thing In caae the
hoga aro alnnya kept not fnr away,
hut no have our plga all over the fiirni.
now In one Held, then In another. Wa
find a bnrrel rnrt very convenient for
uae till viemilng time; then wa depend
Ukiii aprnylng.
Bread to Type.
rminlacnoiia croaabreedlng nevr
lendn lo dealrnble reaulla. It la only
by pernlatcnt clinking to the chnrne-ti-rlatlm
of any of the dairy breeda
nnd by careful breeding to fix thone
chnrneterlatlca that tho herd la mate
rially built up.
Ball Came Addendum.
The following offloeri have been
added to the big ball game that la to Im
pulled off oo I-abor Day: Official bat
carrier! Joe (jerardo and Chat. Hhat
tuck. Olliclal plate duator Warren
Drown. Olllcial ball cliaaeta Wlatar
Koeenlierg and I.ui key llonney. Harare
ienallla are to le Im noted for non-sp-pearauce
or refnaal to perform dutiea.
Kor dutalla of tha game tee front page.
Stock Farm for Sale.
20 acre Hock farm 4 nillit north of
raiiliua, (liegon, iWO acn-a Al botuim
laud; all tillable; 1UU acre under culti
vation ; -W acrea ateded in al alfa ; 70 or
HO ai riw more ready to anvil; under
dltiii ; tiilllcieut water for one crop every
year ; tome yean two cropa ; good place
to rueervolr water lor later uae at low
coat; laud undor a-ooil fence and croae
liuiee. (iiaal barn, granary, machine
lied and comfortable lioute. I'm e $:)
H-r acra. Will Include the following if
taken by Octolier I : About KM) tone
ol hay, moatly Alfalfa, doiii im to 700
buahela omaand birley; binder; drill;
mower; rake; plowa: harrowt; ainall
toolt; all giaal. Iliniinr and drill al
moat new. HouHelnild gooda except a
lew email niece, lxx aled In heart of
Oregou'a beat tlork range. Ideal place
far any kind ol ttock. Three unlet
from moiinuiu range; two milea to
m:bool ; telephone counoction with place.
I'ure water; tree from alkali, I'nim-
iiroved land la aelllng almoat aa high.
Jan have time on part at 8 per cent,
internet. Addreaa
8-J4-41 II. II. Davii, Paulina, Ore.
For Sale.
One thoroughbred grav I'ercheron
atallioli, weight almut 20UI) wunda,
height 1H handa, aged 10 yeara; Una
Alao one Hpaniah Mammoth Jack,
Jorden, No. 1073, black with white
point a, height 15 handa; aged 10 yeara;
long laxly. Hue bead and eara, Hat bone
and big feet. Inquire of
Ki la C. Fill,
8 24tl Kedioond, Ore., (ion. Delivery.
Cut Your Weeda.
I'roierty ownera and othera are here
by notillnd to cut all weedt on property
and etreett and nlleya adjoining. Own
era ol vacant lota mutt alao cut the
weedt on tame. The citv ordinance in
thia reaped will be rigidly enforced.
A. J. Wmrrow,
8-18-31 City Marahal.
Horae LotL
Gray work mare,' about 1100 lba,
branded 1H1 on left atifle. Reward lor
Information or return to Jonx HimsKTr,
I'rineville, Ore., liux 4711. 8-17-lmp
Ranch for Rent
120 arret; IK) in cultivation; honae,
barn. Apply to " Kkkhn, 1 rin
ville, Oregon. 8 17-t(
Splendid Line. Best Make
in 1 1-8 and 1 1-4
pi irt
Selling very low thia
Collins W. Elkins
The Brosius Bar
a-eiit. Their keeping la not routined to
the poorer i i but esienda to the
tirmiwroua lulddltf ehiaaea.
(inula nre very fond of nnlt, which
nervca lla purMiae beat when given
. jiruprrly. While aome feedera prefer
to niipply liaiae anil nt regillnr Inter
vnla. the ubiiiiI prnrtlce la to place, a
lump of rock nnlt where the goiiln ran
help Iheuiaelvea whenever they dealre
to do nt. If gonta nre iiocuatomcd to
the uae of anlt they will not tuke loo
much of It. but liiatnncex urt related
where Angorii goiita liuve been killed
tiy n too llhernl mipply or nnlt nfler
linvlng been deprived of It fur noma
time, ;
Hulled nnd lined with coffee, gont'a
milk la ihiltiniiK, giving the hitter a
rlrli crenmy npi'iirniwe. A few dropa
In a cup of ten nre more thun equiva
lent to teiiniHioiiful uf the uillk of
Rape, Rye orttohaa Fop 8http.
It la a Hue plnu to now aonio rape,
rye or votchen for tho aheep after the
ttuah of pnnture hna gotio by.
Pointer on Milking Cowa.
A cow with a big bng preaaed full
of milk cannot be very comfortable.
Milk aucb cowa three tlmoa a dny.
01 vt the Calf Pure Water.
Give every calf a chance to drink
liuro, freah wutcr every dny. It tuny
-take only a few awallowa, but It needs
Value of Aeration.
Tho aenaon of new, lunh grnaa la try
ing to the dnlrymim. However, moat
rf ilm trouhla from "cow'a breath"
mny bo cured by aeration,
Sorlna Ctlvtt In Box 8tallt.
Tho aprlug cnlvea ahould be kept In
roomy box alalia tho first aummcr, so
they can be protected rrom tue arum'
lug aun and bothering diet.
Put tha Cowa on Paatura Early.
Thia la tho time when cowa go to
pasture through a large port of the
country. Olve them a good atart
Keep thorn In good heart till they have
really mndo tho change from hay to
grass. It will pay.
Ettantiala to Dairy Suooaia.
There aro two Important easantlnla
to aucccsa Id the dairy bushiest. One
la to make aura you are not feeding
nn unprofitable cow, and the other is
to nee to It that you get all that
coming to you when you tell her prod
Indigtttion of Hortt.
llnvo niilninl clipped nnd Ita teeth
ailendetl to by h veterlmirlnii. Then
give Konier'a aoluilou uf nrscnlo lu
half ounce doacn twice a dny for a
week nnd then three I lines a dny until
In good ahnpe, when the medicine niny
be gradually discontinued, but not
atoiH'd nilddeuly.
Fittula ef Milk Duct.
Sometimes the tent of a cow devel
ops a h inn 1 1 oioniiiR noovo tne niu-
urnl orlllre, through which milk Cowa
when she In milked. This false duct
may tm obliterated by cnuteriJitlon
when the cow in dry. Meanwhile palm
It with flexible collodion twice daily
If milk (Iowa from It.
- Eeitma of Horn.
Keep the parts saturated with a
creamy mixture of nweet oil and flow
ers of sulphur, to each pint of which
add half nn ouuee of coat tar dip and
thru shake well before uslug. Ueduce
the grain ration. Do uot feed coru.
Make the nuliiuil work or tuke abun
dant exercise every dny.
Herat Diittmptr.
For distemper of a horse give three
or four times a dny a tennpoonful of
oil of tar on the tongue nnd In feed
twice a dny the following prescription;
Fowler'a .aolutlon of arsenic, eight
ounces; tincture lobelia, four ounces.
and water to mnke one pint. Dose,
one ounce In feed twice a duy.
Craokad Hoof a of Cow.
In case cows develop cracked hoofs
have the loose horn cut away; then
saturate cotton batting or oakum with
full strength conl tar disinfectant and
bind on feet with narrow bandage. It
may be that tho cause la prevalence of
ergot In ripe blue grass pasture. Keep
her off grass until feet are sound.
Fittula In 8houldar of Hortt.
In cases of fistula It will be neces
sary to lay ench pipe and pockot open
to tho bottom to secure perfect drain
age. Diseased tissues should be cut
awnv. The wounds should be swab
bed with tincture of Iodine and after
ward treated dally with antiseptics un
til healed. If pus discharge Is profuso
the veterinarian mny well employ poly
valent bacteiins hypodermatlcally.
Failure of Cowa to Bratd.
No specific has been discovered
which will bfing cows In heat. Nux
vomica sometimes has such an effect
If given In dram doses twice daily,
goiuotlnies a forcible service has been
followed by a nnttlml period of hont.
Such violent measures ns often fnll.
It Is better to give the cows vaginal
Injections, as contagious abortion In
fection mny he present. A gnllon of
Itikewnnn water containing half an
ounce of pm-a phosphate of soda should
be Injected two or three times a week.
Poland-China Hogs
I have a choice lot ol purs-blood piga
of both aexea lor aale now at reasonable
mine old enough for service now
(J. M. hl.Kisa, rnneville, Ore,
Horaea for Sale.
On the old ('. Sam Smith rttnch,
nenr rrlnevllle. l-'5 head of mares
nnd geldlngi, large enough for work
hontea, will lie Hold lu tiny number
nt reiiHoniible prices. Kor further
Infortiiiitlon udiltVHS U. II. Kiihkru.,
rrluevllle, Orvirou. l-'-ltt-tl
Furnished Room
Furnished rooms for rent. Apply to
Mrs, Kile n (iulliford, first house next
Kobt. Moore' t blacksmith shop.
Pasture Open.
My pasture will lie open August 30.
Hornet 1ft cents a day ; cows $3 per
month; cash in advance.
8 18-1 ui Mku Vanukkpool.
Ayerdales For Sale
Thoroughbred A verdule puppies for
sale. O. W. ItOUEltTS at l'rlnevUle
MnchltU! Shop. 7-20-t
Housea and Lots For Sale.
Twa houses and six lots (or sale if
taken at once. Inquire of C. IX nCal-
ukkath. 8-10-linp
Fineat Brand of Wines,
Liquors and Cigar.
F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor
5'AB 20Mk
i" i .' ' . : '
. ' '-'t'
The hunting aeaaon will toon be here and now
is the time to have your guns put in order. We
do work of that kind. '
A Gross Fraud
la alleged in the suit filed in Crook County Circuit Conrt
Aug. 14. A widow sells her farm at unincumbered Our Ab
atract reveala facts which develop the recording of an alleged
fraudulent Mortgage uit to cancel follows Kesult: Sale
delayed and possibly lost. Better hsve yonr title looked
after, before you are ready to sell, By the Company that pro
tects your interests.
(Member Oregon Association of Title Men)
Mrs. Estes
Millinery Parlor.
$750 for Quarter Block.
$750 buys a quarter block one
block south from new public school
grounds; cultivated. Address Itox
U4. 7-13-tf
On road between Bums and Prine
ville, one leather grip containing auto
mobile tools and one double action auto
pump. Finder notify 1ill Diiiblk,
8-17-2t Burns, Ore.
Blazed-face sorrel mare strayed from
FortKock; branded Orose with rings
on the four points; has lump on left
jaw. Address J. F. Walsh, Fort Rock,
Oregon. 8-3-1 nip
i Farm by Steam i
Yon can plow your land for less
than 50 cents an acre if you get an
"Advance Plow Engine" j
and a
"John Deer Engine Gang."
If interested, address
A. Dobkins, Agent,
Culver, Oregon
He can sell you anything from a
Has stood the test of time and won uni
versal popular approval. Oldest and most
famous in the world. Best for all uses.
Sold By
Silvertooth & Browder
Shaniko and Bend, Oregon
Smith & Allingham, Props.
Champ Smith's old stand.
Porter, Ale and Olympia h
Draft Beer on Tap. t
1 Imported Wines and j
i Liquors.
Imported and Domestic
Famous Whiskies
Old Crow, Hermitage; Red
Top Rye; Yellow Stone;
Canadian Club; Cream
Rye; James E. Pepper;
Moore's Malt.
i threshing rig to a saw mill. .
Administrator's Notice.
In the County Court of the State or Oregon
for the County of Crook.
In the nuillur of the estnte of C. . Clark,
Nntlee Is hereby atven that the underslKned
has bei'n duly appointed administrator de
iMinla non of the estate of C. W. CUrk.lde-
eeaHed, and any nnd all persons having ululma
aicalnut said estate must presenl them to C.
0. O'Nell at the oftiee of the Pioneer Abstract
Co., Prlnevllle, Oreaon, within SIX months
from the date of tins notioe.
Dated August 18, tail.
C. 0. O.NEIL,
Administrator de honls non of the
estate of U. W, Clai k, deceased.
Stroud & Stroud, Proprietors
Choice Beef, Veal
Mutton and Pork
Butter and Eggs
Country Produce
A Fine Line of. Sausage
Telephone orders receive
prompt attention
Notice to Creditors.
Notioe Is hereby Btven by the undersigned.
the administratrix of the estate uf John H.
Ream, deceased, to all persons navinst claims
asatnst said deceased and to all creditors of
said estate, to present their claims with the
proper vouchers, to the undersigned at the
office of M. K Elliott In Prinevlile, Oregon,
within six months from the nrst publication
of this notice.
Dated this ith day or Aug., ifiu.
Administratrix of the Estate
of John H. Reams, deoeased.
Notice of Administrator's bale of
Real Estate.
Notice is hereby lven by the undersigned,
the administrator of the estate, of Emily E,
Reynolds, deceased, that In pursuance of en
order of the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Crook county, made and entered on
the 7tii day 01 Aug., nqi, tn tne mutter of the
estate of Emily E- Reynolds, deceased, the
undersigned will sell at private sale, for cash,
subject to continuation by said County Court,
after the 8th day of Sept., lull, In Priueville.
Oregon, at his residence, all the rlKbt, title
and Interest of said Emily E. Reynolds at the
time of her death and all the riirht. title and
Interest of her estate In all the lollowiuir de
scribed real estate, to-wit: The East half of
the Northeast quarter, the Northwest quarter
of the Northeast quarter of Section Eighteen
and the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest
quarter of Section Seventeen In Township
Thirteen South of Range Sixteen East of Wil
lamette Meridian in Crook county, State of
Terms and conditions of sal-t -cash upon
confirmation orsaie ny uoumy l ourt.
Dated this loth day of Auk.,
M. 1). PoWEMi,
Administrator of the estate of
1 Emily E, Reynolds, deceased.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby riven by the undersigned.
the administratrix of the estate of Hensley
Vineyard, deceased, that tbe said adminis
tratrix has made and tiled with the Clerk of
the county court her nnal accounting of her
administration of said estate and the said
county court has set Monday, the 2nd day of
October, 1U, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon ai
the county court room in 1'rlnevllle, Oregon,
as the time and place for hearing and set
tling saia nnai accounting. At wtucn saia
time and place, any person interested in said
estate may appear and object to said final
iated this i"tb day or Aug.. im i.
Administratrix of the estate
of Heusley Vineyard, deceased.
Notice for Publication.
(Isolated Tract)
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
August Uth, 1U11.
Notice Is hereby given that, as directed by
the Commissioner of the General l-and Office.
under provisions of Act of Congress approved
June tf7, l'-HXU-H Stats., 17. we will offer a
public sate, to the highest bidder, at 10:45
o'clock A. M., on the 5th day of October, WU,
at this office, the following-described land:
8WiofNEHofSeciU, Tp. 13 S., K. W E.
W. M.. No. 0802.
Any persons claiming adversely the above
described land are advised to file their claims;
o objections, on or before the time designated
for sale.
C. W. MOORE, Resistor.
N. B. Proof of publication must be in tha
Cuited States Sand Office by date of Bale, or
the sale will not take plaoe. J7
Crook County Journal, county
official paper. II 50 a year.