Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 31, 1911, Image 6

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Taxa Girl
Paints Her
High Art.
J -ti, ill
1 i J V- i
mi I
I . .a tar
Photo br American Fresa Association.
Miss Madge Claiborne, a pretty Tex
as girt, bas hit upon an odd and un
iBsual way of earning a livelihood. She
paints street signs. Anj fair day she
may be seen gowned in a neat shirt
fwaist, tailored skirt and sailor bat on
Ihe streets of New York city painting
igns for a large advertising firm that
advertises everything from straight
xront corsets to plug cut tobacco.
; Miss Claiborne comes from a noted
southern family. A great-grandfather
of hers, though a Virginian by birth,
jwas a governor of Louisiana. This
sign painti; work was taken np by
Miss Claiborne as a means to an ar
tistic end. Being convinced that she
could paint big billboards as well as a
nan, she applied for the job and got it.
This plucky young woman has done
ome Tery creditable miniature studies
and is ambitions of - making this
.branch of art her life work.
Speaking of sign painting. Miss
Claiborne says It is no more tiresome
than standing all day behind a counter
waiting on customers, and, besides, it
mas the advantage of being an out
door occupation and much more health
ful than shut-in work.
When asked if her work subjected
Jier to annoying notoriety, she replied:
"Once in awhile some 'smarty' comes
along and says something that makes
me want to jump uown and wring his
seek, and maybe I'll do it some day.
nt I try to curb myself and keep my
mind on my work. There is one ad
Tantage I can turn my back on the
crowds while I paint"
Apropos of the suffrage question.
Hiss Claiborne thinks that it has rais
ed the intellectual status of women,
irat she is not sure they need the
i Kuehne Beveridge In
f Miss Kuehne Beveridge,
the talented
American sculptress who created a
ensation at Leipzig not long ago with
ome passionate groups, has completed
t Munich the bust of Prince Ludwig
Terdinand of Bavaria, for which the
prince has been sitting to ber.
In addition she has finished a statue
f Amfortas, the keeper of the Holy
Grail, which Munich critics declare to
e her best work. The model for the
anatoe was Clarence Whitehlll of the
Metropolitan Opera. New York, who
created the role of Amfortas in Wag
sier's "Parsifal" in America and has
also sung the part In Baireuth.
Writing of the statue, a Munich
critic says:
"The conception Is simple and yet
powerful; it Is dramatic and yet ele
eriae the hands alone would make this
(work remarkable. They are the hands
f a strong man and a gentle man:
they are wasted by suffering almost to
emaciation, but their beauty of line
and character remains."
Smart of
Irish and Chantllly.
Mrs. Taft's Favorite Books.
1 Mrs. Taft's favorite book is "Pride
and Prejudice." by Jane Austen, and
this fine old novel is the gift which
the invariably makes to the daughters
I' her friends who are about to make
iheir debut in society. She considers
that a careful reading of this book will
Irtve breadth to a young girl's mind,
ilw. Taft is partial to all the books of
3aoe Austen and she prefers the old
novels to the new. Her table in the
"etly nook at the west end of tin
second floor corridor Is always filled
with books. Some of them are new
raw recommended by friends, but al
ways there nre one or more well worn
volumes which she loved as a girl and
which she delights to reread at odd
awimt-rtts. Among these are "Our Vil
irr." by Miss Mltford. and Mrs. Gas
krtl's charming stories.
t V -,-. -. t t ...1 .' . I-
,..J .'.'4 si ;
Th Clark Hair Dressing Parlors
Ara locate) one block west firm th
Commercial Club Hall. 1'ufla, awltchxa,
wiira, toupve, hair jewelrr, Mo. ordeivd
oo approval dirct from Iba manu
facturer. Send in your hair comlmmn
and hava them made up aa you want
tut-in i
lUinlresaing &V. Iiair drmrl and
curled Ntc, lac mawa bOc, acalp niaa- j
nuiraiKio, aiianiiHH) , Hair sinira S.V, !
almond meal pack Mt, eUv ai k Me, i
bleacliinic and dveing t I.Oti up. mani
curing Site to 50c, tl troatmenu I
I i i 1,1 I . I X)Ti.tii rn
va I1 snurdat nlmi.
Htranct'ni wvhikin, H, V.
Wt.Ul Haruix. V. ).; It. t,
I'. II. IMttwM.Hv.Troaa.
Mora Pasture
Four mile north ol Prlnevilla,
por month. Independent 'phnna.
8-V-t-ltup KAMLlla4.HK.
'nlahli, N. ().; I
llllw, Hm: anil
r- M-- ai - ifTnir 11
OTsaxaass or
An overdress of lace Is a modish and
economical investment, as it may bo
worn on a number of occasions with a
change of silk slip, thus practically
briuglng about an entirely new effect
In one's costume.
Sawing by Systam.
A business girl claims to have solved
the sewing question for business wom
en by a little plan of ber own. Every
body knows how many times one
might put in fifteen or twenty min
utes, or even half an hour, sewing, if
only the work were "bandy." But the
time would be largely spent getting
things together, so no effort is made.
This girl condenses her sewing room
Into two pasteboard boxes. One con
tains materials and patterns and a
smaller box holding thread, needle- j
case, scissors, thimble, etc. A garment '
is cut out and laid in box No. 2. with
the trimmings, etc., to be nsed Id I
making it up. It is but a moment's
work to get out the part of the gar
ment on which one Is working: all the
implements are at band, and it is sur
prising how much headway can be
made In a few spare momenta.
Gvil and Irrigation Engineer, j
Irrigation, Subdivision, Land
Surveying, Mapping,
Estimating. ;
Office next door to Lyric Therter 1
(i. II. Brewster, C. K.
K. I.. Ilrewoirr
ily Kiiiiiiwr
I'niwvme, Or.
Daily Auto Service
From I'rineville to Hiatera by war ol
O'Neil, Klintiid and flute r'alli.
I.eavr I'mievilla at It o'clock. Tu keta
on sal at stage ottire next door to wt
ollice, J. K. CiiMiaTux, prop.
Ordinance No. 189.
An Ordinance vacating F.aat "ti"
trt twtweer. Second and Third trvtn
'in Prineville, Oregon, ami vacating llin
alley between rat '(," street and Ksl
"II" mnvl in block Nine U; I'rineville
Fourth Addition to l'nneville. Crowd
counly, Otegon, j
Whereas, in compliance wilh Ilia pro '
virions ol Nation Thirl y-iuiie (H!i of
Chapter Seven ('! ol llie't'uy Charter I
ol the City of Pniicvillc, t)rek'on, pe-1
litlou CKiilaluihit the nanus of mure
than leu fim'lioldcrs. lias lHen lilcd
villi Ihe City Council of th City n
Princvillc, tirciton, praying that the:
allev in Hlix-k Nine U! l-tnten Kasl ;
"li" st'cet and Fast "II" street, I'rine-1
ville Foutili Addition to rrinevilUi, Ore-1
lfll, and llial Fast "li" street lirlween !
MCond street and Third street, in I'rllic-
ville, CrtKk county, Oregon, be closed 1
and vacated ;
And whereas, the City Council of Ilia
City ol I'rineville, Oregon, det'iiis it ex
IKslisnt and for the host interests of
the said city to grant the prayer of the
said petitioner and vacatu the std
alley in Block Nina li) lelwvn Fast
"li' street and Kasl "II" street Fourth
addition to I'rineville, tliegon, and that
portion of Fast "li" street tietweeit
Second street and Third street in I'rine
ville, Crook 'iiiily, Oregon;
Now tlieretoie, lie it onlaine.1 by the
iHo.ple of the City ol I'rineville as
Section 1. That all that prt and
portion ol FCast "li" street, between
t 'N i 'N. '. s.'x, -v, -, m,v, , cw"B sireej auti i iiiro Hireet in i rine-
-.n-ikrrn?f yilU.. Crook county. Oregon, commeno-
7 U,K souinwesi corner 01
S ,. Kl.-W V,., iui L . .11...... ...
,.,..v IUUIIII MIIMIll.'ll III
neville, Oregon, thence rtintihm
north along th west boundary ol said
I Hock Nine (), two huii.lrci lorty (240)
feet, to the northwest corner ol said
block, thence west eightr (SOI feet to
the northeast corner of liWk Fight I HI
$ in said addition, thence south along the
W east boundary of said Itlock Fight IS)
two hundred forty ('JWi feet to the
soullieast corner of said lllock Fight
W (SI In aaid additiou, thence east Figl.ty
( H) I feel to the nlsce nl luK,inin mh.I
all that part and portion ol lh alley in
vtj I Block Nine () twlwocu Fast "li"
Jj) street and Fast "II" street, Fourth ad
edition to I'rineville. Oreiron. ramtiiAnn.
W 1 at the southeast corner of l.ol one
Brewster Engineering Co.,
Prinsvilla, Oregon.
Surveying, Maping, Estimates.
Phone, Pioneer 211. I
$ UADwree j :t.
lillUlLitJiJ U1U
Selling Out
Big Saving in
A Big Reduction in
Everything Must Go and Go Quick.
The Cash Grocery
George Whiteis, Prop.
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. Bedrock
Prineville, Oregon
3k?KknHrR 'u '"ioville. 4)reKon, thence riinnin.
. one west iwa numiriM lorty (.'-tin leel.
Ideal Outing Hat
Thouch genuine panania hati are
rather expensive, they pay for them
selves many tlmea over, for they are
ao delightfully cool and Utht. thev
jf.J : tBlr.-jlr"ll'j11 ir'i"'1 r
C.R. Henry
Resident Locator of
In Southern Crook Co.
Address : : Paulina, Oregon
may be bent Into any desired shape.
are not injured by dampness and at
the end of the season can be reblocked
to meet any new style requirements.
The pannma hat Illustrated Is ideal
for wear during the early fall days In
tne mountains and Is simply trimmed
with white ribbon-
New Walti Popular In Resorts.
"The Sleepy Love" waltz Is the new
est thing ln the fashionable seashore
resorts. It was originated recently by
the National Academy of Dancing in
Paris and imported quickly for the en
tertainment of the young persons who
crowd the seashore hotels. It Is danc
ed to waltz time, but the music Is slow
a sort of lullaby. It was tried In
Atlantic City and became popular Im
mediately. In Long Branch, Seabrlght
nd on Long Beach It has been taken
up, and the young folk are having
much fun trying to learn the odd
steps. The orchestras find it difficult
to get the time accurate, but once the
dancers get the spirit of the music they
are able to dance the new step without
Duchsss of Roxburghs'a Emeralds.
The Duchess of IloxUairche hns add
ed another great emerald to her won
erful collection. The emerald, which
mounted ln a circle of diamonds.
as carried to London by an oriental
potentate who went there for the coronation.
The duchess has the finest collection
f emeralds known with the excention
of that of the German empress. Includ
ed ln her collection are two necklacea
of cut emeralds and two ropes of cabo
chon emeralds of great size, a tiara of
diamouds and emeralds and a stom
acher ef diamonds and emeralds.
The Oregon Bar
At the Old Stand
G.W. Wiley & Co., Prps
All kinds of Choice Liquors
Wines and Cigars.
Famous Ranier Beer in
Bottles and on Draft
to the southwest corner of Lot sit (H
in aaiit liliK'k nine IM), thence sooth six
teen I 111) feet to the northwert corner
of Lot seven (7), in laid block, tlivm-e
running east two liundrod forty f.'-iiM
feet, to the northeaat corner o( I mi
twelve (12) in said lllock Nine III)
thence due north sixteen (Itll leet to
the place of beginning; lie and the
same are hereby rloaed and vacated,
and Mid Krtion and wrt ol street and
alley herein vacated, is hereby granted
to the owner or owners ol the adjoining
iota, tracts anu parcels ol land as their
several interests may appear on record
in the olllce ol the Countv Clerk ol
Crook county, Oregon, at the lime of
the passage of this ordinance.
Section II. This ordinance shall be
in full force and effect on .and after
September fith, 11)11.
I'assed by the City Council
of the City of PriiicY-illo, Crook
county. State of Uregon, on this 5lh day
of August, A. I)., mil.
Approved by the .Mavor of said citv
on the fifth day of August, A. I)., ltlll".
Attest: K. W. Hreoso,
Cite liecordcr.
Cius. S. Kdwaww,
Mayor of the City of rrineville.
A. H.
Stewart's Hall
Cor. 2nd and C Su.
Now Ready' for Occupancy
by the different lodges.
Furniture and
No Better
In the country than to buy
lots in the
Fourth Addition
To Prineville
$110 and $130
Oregon & Western Colonization Co.
John R. Stinson,
Crook County Agent
W. A. Booth, Pres.
I), r. htxwakt, Vlea-frM.
C. M. Kl.KiNs,C.hU-r
Crook County Bank
Statement of the Crook Counly Bank of Prinoyille, Oregon, aa rendered to the
Superintendent of Banks, June 7th, 1911
AuaU UaUllliss
tinnaand Discounts H2WI7(t.'.H rsnllal paid In full
Overflmfl U.KII.Ha Hiirnliis otmi.uo
Furniture and nxturrs I 'ndlvlili-d profit 'J.HM'.m
Real mUile , .7II.1 IftlHwIla H0,ll,16
Cua sa kua ui das Irsai baakt 147,809.95
Give us your order for
Juniper or Pine, large or
small quantities.
Opposite Post Office.
Notice for Publicution
Department of the Interior
U. 8. Land office at Tlie JMllcn. OrPtfon
July 10,
Notice U hrrflby (flvpn thittJohn Dunnlaln,
! whom porwm! RUurvNK in (irlzxiy, oreK'in,
did, on tlm 141 h dav of Mitrrh, 1HI I. tile In thiH
fttHre Hworn MtuUtmrnt und AppllfMtifin, No.
OHiiiH), to purehmte the 8W4 Nl'M and NW
KK1, Hrrllon 11. Townxhlp lHotith, ltinitf.'
KhmU W illiinH'tle Merldhin. nnd the Hit titer
thereon, under the provl4iinK of the wt of
June a, lH, Bfirt Hottt amendary, known m
the "Timber Hnd HUme Iuw," nt niicIj value hh
might Iw fixed by ftppriitNeiru-nt. and that,
pursuant to ituiih applhiallon, the land and
II in Iter thereon have been appralKed, J2"0, the
i timlier estimated board feet at V mtt
per thouKHiul, and the land Svift.wi; that nahl
1 applicant will olfer final proof In support of
hth luppllcatlon and worn iMUitementon the
! Wth day of H''ternlMr, Ijefore Tl mot hey
! JO. J. I'utfy, U. H. ComnilHHlonor at IiIn ottloe,
j at FiinevHle, Oregon,
Any.perHou In latt ltberty to protest thin
pure haw; before entry, or Initiate a eon tew t at
i any time before patent I shuck, by fllliiir a cor-
1 roborated affidavit In tllttofT)ce,aUe(lni fuetH
I which would defeat the entry.
1-2Q V. W. MOO HE, BegUter
Sutmnt of fUiourcet and Liabilitit of
The First National Bank
Of Prineville, Oregon
At the close of buaiaeaa June 7, 1911
Ixans and TMsoonnU iW,8.16 IM
United Htates Bonds 12.M0 00
Bank rremliws,eto 12.M0 12
Caan Iue from backs Wt.VH 04
B. F. Allan, Pr.ild.nt
Will WurawsUsr, Vk. Prs.IJ.ot
oapltal Htook, paid In 1 10,01)0 00
Hurplus limit, earned Wi.ffO 00
Undivided pronia, earned. m,TU M
Olraulallon ,Bd0 00
Deposit SWi.llWI (13
tli91,42t 19
T. M. Baldwia, Ca.hlsr
H. Baldwia, Au't Cukisr
T I I IV If t V I I I 1
ShlngleB, Mouldings, Windows,
Doora, GlasseB, Etc. Etc., Etc