Genasco Smooth Surface Roofing Retains its life for years, being pliable in cold weather and not affected by rain, cold cr heat. It is made in four weights, half-ply, one-ply, two ply, three-ply. Two-ply is used for all ordinary roofs. Inside of every roll are packed nails and liquid cement for laying, together with full di rections so that any handy man can lay the roof. Don't buy until you see a Genasco Sample. LOCAL MENTION lUtmemhnr the eighth grade ex amination September 7 and 8. Hi J Stearns and (amily have re turned Irom their'ine ranch. Mm. Mctlregor of Moier, mother ol Dr. II. G. Davla. it visiting her ion. I'rof. Ci and bride have re turned from their trip to ( rater Lake. Mr. Carey Fouler ha gone to Walla Walla lor a visit to rela tive. J, N. Williamson linn bought the Iirink lot oioeile the new school building. Professor Coe would like to have a many high school student regintrr Saturday posaihlu, Mr. Ilurgelt nl The Dalles, daughter ol Mr. and Mr. Win. Young, is visiting hi r parent. The first Crook county conven tion of the W. C. T. U. wilt be held at Madras September 15, 10 and 17. Mr. C.J. Johnson and Inuiily have returned from a five week' outing out on the Hear creek ranch. Mr. McBain left thi week for Sunnyside, Wash., where he ha a position ft teacher in the high ichool. J. S. Hardy, freight man lor the North Bank, wai in I'rineville thi week looking alter the interests ol h;s company. Quite a crowd of young people from Prineville and adjoining towne had a picnio at the Boegli grove Sunday. A neat Bchoolhouse at drizzly linn ut been completed by Con tractor Spring. The building i 21x40 and i substantially put up. The Ladle' Annex will hold a meeting on Tuesday, September 6, for the transaction of important business. A full attendance ii re quested. Rev. Samuel Gregg, state mis sionary for the Disciples Church, will hold services at the Union church, both morning and even ing. September 3d. The Grizzly ball team played a pick-up nine at I'rineville last Sun day. The game wasn't spectacular from a bnselyill slant but it fur nished lots of amusement. Grizzly won by a score of 5-4. There will be ft W C T U meet ing at the M. E. church on Septem ber 2 at 3 p. m. Every member l'e requested to be present as arrange ments will be made for a recep tion to the State Superintendent, Mrs. Unruh, on September 9. Sheriff Balfour arrested K. W. Atwater Saturday, charged with the larceny of flour and bedding. He waived examination and was held in 1100 bonds to appear be fore the grand jury. Atwater ad mitted his guilt but claimed dire necessity drove him to it. He furnished the bonds and regained his liberty. He lives in the Sis ter! country. G. W. Kite l-f t yesterday for Stevenson, Wash. Mid llmnie Young ii home from Portland on a visit. " Mr. Holer left the first of the week (or hi home at Portland. V. A. Marlow of Fife was a busi nei visitor the last of the week. Mr. Ueinke, of the firm of Ilori gan & Heinke, 1 a Portland vis itor this week. Prof. K. E. Evan and family got back Tuesday from their old homo in Michigan. W. H. Knox and wife and Wal lace Knox ol 1'okI were in I'rine ville the hut of the week. Max Holer and luther and Lewi Morgan returned the firht ol the week Irom their outing. George Howell and son, Joe and Clyde, ol Linn county, are vihiting relative in I'rineville. J. K. Coate of Tacoma, the Great Northern Express man, is in I'rineville looking after business (or bis company. C. L. V. Marker and family have come hack to I'rineville satis fied that there i no better place to be found anywhere. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton and Miss lfuulah Crooks returned Tuesday evening (rom their trip to Port land and the seashore. Perry Poindexter, Frank Spin ning and John Templetoa have returned (rom their hunting trip. Hunting was good. All of them got the limit. Mrs. C. M. Elkins and Mrs. Jennie King have returned from their trio to the mountains. Mrg. Combs will remain at Metolius fori a month longer. Mrs. Wallace Unruh will lecture at the Methodist church Septem ber 10, at 8 p. m. Presbyterian church at 11 a. m. and Union church at 3 p. m. The Hice boys returned last Thursday evening from their out ing at Marion. Hunting was not very good. What they lacked in game was more than made up in berries. Mrs. H. W. Holman, who has been visiting the (amily o( Carroll Cecil at Riley for the past two months, passed through I'rineville the first of the week: on her way to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Burson Cate, Miss Mary, and Grover and Ferd Cate of Corvallis, who have been visit ing at the home of J. H. Windom, left Sunday on their return trip across the mountains by auto. 11. II. Crozier, F. II. and Wallace Miller, official photog raphers for the Hill lines, are taking views of crops, orchards, etc. in this vicinity (or use at the big Chicago Land Show this (all Prof. Coe wishes the people of Prinevillo to bear in mind that there are a number of high school students who are trying to work their way through school and Bbould have work. Those in need of any kind of help will confer a favor by notifying him. LOCAL MENTION Mis Ad Allen ha returned to Portland. Mi Honda ('lay pool is visiting relatives in I'rineville. Frank Spinning will leave for bis home at Echo tomorrow. W. C. Luckey and son of Hums are visiting relatives in I'rineville. O. D. Hall of Bend was a busi nes visitor the first of the week. Ralph Jordan and family have returned from their trip to Eugene and the seaide. Teachers must register their certificates, county Supt. Ford says. Very few have done to thus far. Miss Dsrl Helat of The Dalles, who has been visiting at the home of M. It. Elliott, left today for The Dalles. Wm. Wigle will leave in the morning for Echo, where he will spend a couple of week visiting hi son, Lee Wigle. Cliff A. Gilliland and Chester ' Gilliland passed through I'rineville the other day on their way to Hot Lake, Union county. Dr. Harold Clark and family returned Sunday afternoon Irom their outing on the Deschutes river near Crescont. Mrs. R. Jiooten cf Post, who has been visiting relatives in the Wil lamette valley for the past two months, passed through I'rineville Tuesday on her way home. R. L. Ilutton and daughter of agonure passea mrougn trine- 11' 1.1. 1 "!.. ville lhe fir8t of the week on their way to The Dalles, where the little Miss will be placed in the Sisters' school. . I Miss JeBsie Hartley passed through I'rineville Tuesday on her way to Paulina to open her fall term of school. She spent the summer at her old home in New York state. P. J. Newman of Burns was in I'rineville this week to arrange for auto service between I'rineville and Burns. A weekly service will be established at first and when business justifies more trips will be made. Forest Supervisor Roes says that the dense smoke that has settled in the valleys on this side of the Cascades is caused by the forest fires in the Santiam and Oregon national forests on the wost slope of the Cascades. Forest Rangers Congleton and lion left today for the Clackamas and Bull Run water sheds to take charge of some of the fire fighting crews. The forest service has more fire fighters at work than capable men to direct them, hence the draft on the I'rineville office. ' Walt Armsdon, of Paulina, had a hearing in the justice court at Prinevllle Monday afternoon on charge of killing a heifer "by proxy." He was bound over to the grand jury in the sua of $150. To date he has not se cured bondsmen. The W. F. King Company. The members of the Choral Union are requested to meet at the Presbyterian church next Tuesday evening at 7:30. Old and new members are alike welcome. Everybody invited to join. Special music at the Presby terian church next Sunday even ing. Heginning with Sunday, Sep tember 10th, evening services at the Presbyterian church will com mence at 7:30. C. E. society at 6:30. Prof. H. I). Scudder of Corvallis panted through I'rineville Satur day on hi way to Hums, where he i looking after the machinery for the dry farming experimental sta tion, lie has charge of the exper imental farm work. W. P. Davidson, president of the Orrgon & Western Colonization Co., arrived in I'rineville the last of the week. He was accompanied by Messrs. E. R. Place and II. W. Dormnn, local capitalist of Cald well, Idaho, who are looking for land investments. Mis Agnes Elliott Entertains. Miss Agnes Elliott gave a lawn party Tuesday evening in honor of her guest, Miss Daryl Helat of The Dalles. Games were played until a late hour when refreshments were served on the lawn. Those present were the Misses Daryl Helat, Lorene Winnek, Edith Rice, Mae Knox, Evelyn Boone, Georgia Cleek, Stella and Dolly Hodges, Edna and Ada Moise, Messrs. L. M. Bechtel, H. A. Massey, W. H. Wirtz, Clark Morse, Geo. Newell, Ray Brewster, Chas. Barnes, Hugh Lakin, G. E. Moran, Grant Frear, Horace Belknap and Arthur Bow man. Delightful Surprise. Miss Nora Livingston was de lightfully surprised at her home on Crooked river last Thursday evening, August 24, by twenty four of her young friends from Prineville. The jolly crowd went down in carriages with Miss Edna Estes acting ns chaperon. Numerous games were played after which light refreshments were served. Among those present were Misses Bundy, Bailey, Coffin, O'Neil, McCallister, McDowell, Doak, Estes, Messrs. Dayton, Howell, Christian, Roberts, Mc Dowell, Shultz, Roy, Roland and Fair McCallister. Leland and W'iU ford Belknap, Jolly and Bersch Livingston. Band Boys Dance. The band boys will give a dance at Commercial Hall Monday even ing, September 4 Labor Day. The band needs uniforms and the money raised will be need for that purpose. The people of Prineville owe a great deal to the boys for furnishing the best musio of any previous organization. It has re quired much time and practice to bring themselves up to the present state of efficiency and the public should show its appreciation by purchasing a ticket for the dance, Groceries and Hardware We carry the largest stock of groceries and hardware this side of The Dalles. Monday Morning Fire. The fire department was called out Monday morning at 2 o'clock by the burning of Ada Elliott' building on the north tide, used as a lodging house by C. E. Mc Callieter. Just how the fire started is not known. Mr. McCallister says the fire started in a room on the second floor that was not oc cupied. The building was com pletely gutted. . There was a little insurance on the building hut none on the contents. McCal lister's loss on bedding and furni ture is estimated at 1300. Big Fire on Snow Creek. John F. Dell, who has been in the Cascade mountains all sum mer, returned to Prineville yes terday about noon. He reports a big fire in the vicinity of Snow creek, on the Santiam road a fire three miles in extent on both sides of the road and so dan gerous that all travel over that road has been stopped by the Forest officials in charge. Mr. Dell also heard before leaving for town that a similar fire was raging near the MacKenzie, al though he had no positive knowl edge of it. Wants to Go to School. Boy, fifteen year old, would like to work for hi board this winter and go 10 school Address, Wm. Wilson-, Mad ras, Oregon. Subscribe for The Journal, $1.50 per year. Crook County Journal County Official Paper 81.50 a Year Subscribe Now Girl Want. Work. Girl, 15 year of aire, want to work for her board while attending hllfh school. Inquire at Journal office. Ml -if Binds More Sheaves with Less Twine Plymouth Binder Twine Is made right. It works smoothly, ties properly, and the last of the ball feeds as freely as the first. No knots or breaks. Fifty per cent stronger than the strain of any machine actually requires. j PLYMOUTH Binder Twine Is used more than any other twine because it is known to be the best Made by the oldest cord age establishment in the United Stales, where quality and honesty are spun into every ball of twine. Farmers who insist on seeing the wheat-sheaf tag on every ball of twine save money and avoid harvest delays. For sale by J. L Stewart & Co.