Several Thousand Hardy Acclimated Prices Dr. Dansmore Writes of His Travels Dr. H. Chas. Dunsmore, for merly pastor of the First Pres byterian church of Prineville.but who is now doing" the Orient writes a very entertaining letter from Alexandria, Egypt, about his travels. The letter is dated August 6 and reads as follows: Thinking that a short sketch of my travels might be interest ing to some of my friends in Prineville, I will talk to them through the medium of your pa per. Leaving Montreal on SS. Lau rentic on June 24, we landed in Liverpool in the afternoon cf July 1 and at once took train for London, reaching there about 2 a. m. next day. Our party is composed of eight people. Prof. J. B. Horner of the O. A. C, Cor vallis, and two daughters; Rev. J. E. Horn, wife and daughter of Baker; Dr. J. It. N. Bell of Cor vallis; and your humble servant. Nine days were spent in "do ing" London, including a day each at Bedford, the scene of the life and labors of John Bunyan, and Stratford-on-Avon, at the home of Shakespeare. The cor onation ceremonies being just over, many celebrities were still in the city, a number of whom we saw. I was fortunate to see the king and queen, with prince, and Princess Mary, while driv ing near Buckingham palace, be ing within 20 feet of them. Leaving London July 9, we crossed the channel to Paris, spending only one day there then continuing on south to Marseil les in the south of France. Here we took ship for Alexandria, and were nearly five days sailing up( the Mediterranean. We passed close to the island of Stromboli, which is a .volcano in continuous activity. Sailing between Italy and Sicily, we had a close view of Messina, not long since over thrown by an earthquake. This pass is noted also in classic lore as being the location of the fa mous Scylla and Charybdis, close by which ve sailed. Arriving in Alexandria we pro ceeded at once to Cairo, about 5 hours' ride by fast train to the south and through the famous Kile delta. Spending a week at Cairo, we visited the pyramids, Ladies! Our Millinery Opening Showings of New Fall Hats Just Received From Eastern Millinery Houses, Friday and Saturday of This Week. Reasonable. Collins W. Elkins sphinx, the old cities of Memphis and Bakkbora, and the tombs of prophets and kings. From Cairo to Port Said at the mouth of the Suez canal and thence shipped to Jaffa, the Joppa of the Bible. Visited there the home of Simon the Farmer, where Peter had his famous vision, and the tomb of Dorcas. From Jaffa to Jerusa lem by train through the Plain of Sharon and the country of the Philistines. Our rooms at Jeru salem at the Olivet House were outside the west wall overlooking the city and the Mount of Olives It is impossible within the lim its of this letter to tell of the many places of interest visited. the most interesting of course being associated with the life and work of our Saviour. I have stood at the spot of His birth, at the manger at Bethlehem, fol lowed Him to Gethsemane, and prayed at the spot where He sweat great drcps of blood; walked to the house of Caiphas and Pilate; followed along the via Dolorosa, where He fainted under His cross, and 6tood at Calvary, and beside the empty tomb of that first Easter morn ing, on the exact spot on Mount Olives from whence it is eaid He ascended on high. A side trip to the Jordan and Jericho of 35 miles took twodays, our party stopping a short time at the Good Samaritan Inn. Altogether we spent eightdays at Jerusalem, the memories and recollections of which become more replete with interest as I dwell upon them. Returning to Jaffa, we again took ship for Port Said in Egypt, and from there a train for this place, where we arrived about 3 p. m. today. Tomorrow we leave Egypt, taking ship to Pineas in Greece, thence to Athens. From Greece we proceed to Italy, visiting Brindisi, Naples, Rome, Venice, Milan, etc., on to Geneva, then to Paris and back to London again about August 23. I have en gaged passage home, London to Montreal, on SS Sicilian, sailing September 7, and it being a slow boat I am due Montreal about September 21. Before sailing I expect to visit Scotland and Ire land, also run down to Devon shire, the home of my mother's people. As I expect to spend ten days or two weeks visiting friends in Ontario, I do not hopo to reach Oregon until October 10 or 15. Our party all sail for home on different dates, I bmng the last to leave London. Excepting Rev. Horn and family we have all been well, and no mishaps have occurred. Our trail by water has been unusually smooth excepting the crossing of the English channel. My kind regards to all my Prineville friends. I hope some time to tell them more minutely of my trip. H. Chas. Dunsmohe. Vuit the Bridge. A party of Prineville men con sisting of Champ Smith, Guy Al lingham. Will Snoderly, George Atwell and John Wigle made a trip down to Trail Crossing in the latter's car Tuesday after noon, to view the construction work on the Crooked river bridge of the Oregon Trunk Line. The principal sensation experienced by the spectator watching men at work upon the structure like (lies, is one of violent nausea. It is not often any one can look the second time on the bridge and canyon beneath without this sen sation. It is all in the day's work with the bridge men, how ever, some of whom swiug hand over hand across the canyon on the cable stretched from bank to bank. The height of the bridge is 340 feet, and it looks 3000. No fatalities have occurred so far. Real Estate Transfers.' Furnished by the Crook County AtiHtract Co. Daniel W. Farthing, et ux to Fred Currey, et al, whfsw qr and w hf nw qr sec. 24-15-10. And water right. $3200. (i. F. Sanborn, et ux to Wisconsin W. Timber Co., w hf Hec. 32 and nw qr sec 13 20-13. f 1. JackHon Keuter to G. Fx Sanborn, lots 1 and 2, b hf ne qrand He qr hcc. 2-20-13, and IntereMt In nw qr nee. 13-20-13. $1. Avery T. Holmes to Ilnldwln Sheep & Land Co., nw qr nw qr, sec. 27, hw qr se qr sec. 15, lot 2 of see. 17-11-1.1, nw qr nw qr sec 11-11-17. H. A. lirown to McGregor Lund & Livestock Co, lots 1, 2, 11, 12, blk. 27, Culver. $7.'3.70. The Bend Co. to Florence W. Drake, 10 acres In nw qr sec. 32-17-12. $.",000. Oregon & Western Col. Co. to Edd. H. Howell, lot 2, block 6. Davidson add., Sisters. $75. Also lot 1, blk 6 for $00. IM.I. II. llowrll, -t tlx In J. J. Wilt, tM 1 iwul i. tlk. , DaVllHlll mltl to SlntiTn. t'-'OO. Orvifou & WintiTii fnl, fn. to Jn S. Smith i-t ui, lot (i, liliN'k l, lliivlilmni mill, to SIhIit. '.. .Itwhilii Kiimit to Jticuli Kohit, m- ir qr, II lit hp i4, ttw qr In- qr, Hit'. S-10 l'.t, in- qr qr, mi?. .TI lU.l'.l. tl.-rfW. Fiinniv Salomon, minor h.v Kunr- iliaiH'to II. V. Hi'tknap, H Inti-tVHt In Iota 4 to 11 Iniiunlve, lilin k 1, I'lrnt niM. to rrliii-vllle. $2i10. Nnoml Salomon Curvy, ft nl to II. I. IVIknap, :l-4 IntiTi-Ht In loU 4 to 9 Inc., block 1, Flint add. to I'rlne- vllle. 7.-i0. State o( Oregon to I.iixnticlcr S. I.oKun, ne ir qr tt-lH-20. M). State of Ort-Kn to Win. W. lirowu, nw qr nw qrwcilH.SO 21. liK) I'utoiitH from the I'nlti'U Stati-H to Sophia J. Lafollt'tto, Win. . I'li k ett, Edward l'lilincr, Jed I WiihIi burn, (ieo. T. Itowtn. For Rent Two nli-ely ftirnlHhi'd rootiin, one real large and one Htimll with iimc nf bath, handy to hot and cold water. L't-d Mhh. Hay Baler For Sale. ltrnn new Steel Iteatity liny Baler; capacity 10 or 12 toim dally, for Hale at a bargain. Inquire at J . K. Stewart & L'o.'h. 8-'il-llII) JlKltllKHT IttllKOI'T. If wihi is sNM m THE OHLY PERMANENT ROOFING WITH A PERMANENT COLOR. Contains no tar, rul!er or paper. Will not crack, rot, melt or corrode. Cheaper than shingles or metal, and wears longer. SHIPP & PERRY Prinville, Oregon Notice for Publication, Pi'pirtmfnt orthe Interior, U. . Liinil Olllco Bt Hurnn, OifKini, Auiruotzi. inn. Nollcfl !h horoby given that ThomiiH R. Ttinop of Piiullnii, On-Kon, who. on April IHl'i, iimdn liftinHHt4'tid -nlry No. DIf13 for H1- HW'4 and w'l HKii wmllon H, Towimlilp ID houLIi, KHiive 'Jf uHt, Wllhimittt Mtirlillnn. Imn flier notice of Intimtlon to miiku Until roininiiUitlon proof, toeHluhllHh clulm ti the iHild ahove (lcucrltx-i, tiroro J. E. Hnow, U. H. I'ominlHHlonr, at hU oftliie at Dtiyvllle, Ore gon, on th: lllth day of l;loler, lull. Claimant nainii. a wllnemw!: Georve D. Kuhn.Hain C. Martin, Kred A, Powell, Ed ward H. ijaiiKbllu, all ofPaultnu, On'Kon. B-Hl-P WM. FAHHK, lUgl.Wr. Fruit Trees For Sale Trees are grown on the south side of Powell Butte Ready for full or spring delivery Apples - Pears - Plums - Cherries Alio Current, Gooseberries and Ree Raspberries Are select for hardiness as well as quality Prices Reasonable We have hud thirty yonri rxiwrionce in fruit growing in varioim rl of Central Oregon. Our buyer profit by thin experience. For particular villi the nureary, addroea or phune THE LAFOLLETTE NURSERY CO. PRINEVILLE, OREGON L JL Jli Jk JL Jt.UL JkJ JL JUL, JLi JLjjf r.i rA I J r- k'J n LJ r IJ r i L J r.i ii rrt LJ r.- LJ n LJ ri L J r i L j n LJ ri LJ r.i L j LJ Sonera iBiacksmithing HoRnKMiniciNa, Wood Wohk, rrc., Neatly and Phomiti.y Doni Which it h Don By : t I Robert 77oore Satisfaction Will PHlNrvu.i.K, r,irtrieiriMririrsrw!irijnriirsriP7r"inrsrsrBMriri UJLJLJLJkJkJLJLJI.JLJLJL.jri.JLJLULJI.JLJLJLJI.JLJLJLJkJ Dressmaking Olive and Goldie Telfcr Ladies, we cut, fit and make stylish garments We use the only practical method of cutting garments, everythingbeing done by the actual inch measurement, on the same principle as the tailor cuts for gentlemen and perfect fitting gar ments may be cut for all kinds and sizes of forms. Dressmaking by the Day Opposite Presbyterian Church . . Thli Ii th till of benutirul 4-pir book, which niftMIFYIMR UI ihow jny boy or ilrl how to IUCCKKB. Drop I ll I I I fl 11 pottloth.mH TODAY and It will t ml FREE. UIUIIII I IIIU Tho atm of U Collet la to dlfnlfy and popularlio Mtb Induitrlea, and to urr ALL too peepU. It offer eoursti la Atrloulturo. 0111 EnHmrln(. Electrical Eadneerlni, Mechanical EaclneerlBf . Minlai Sauls. eerlng, Foreetry, Domeetlcv lolence and An, Com mm lr-rrt r-cm Pharmacy and Muaio. The OolKf opeai I Nil lTRIF PWrnber aad. Catajof rre. II 1UUJI lILJ Addresa: SEQIITRAR. ORgOOM AORI0DLTDKAL L J COU.EUI, aorvaUla, Oregoa. Culver Warehouse Co. Forwarding Agents for all Interior Points. Grain, Hides and Wool stored and shipped Have your goods shipped in care fof Culver Warehouse Co. CULVER, ORE. H. C TOPPING, Long Distance Phone Manager 4 THE HAMILTON STABLES J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent 8 L. JL J4. Jkl JU JLUL. JL Jk JL. JW JL, JL J M M i n LJ f r..- H H LJ lie Guaranteed M Omkuo. M LJ LJ in Office is