Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 17, 1911, Image 7

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Scrap Book
Just as Oood.
Th C"iiiiii il in tli'li'tinllon to s
llll illlllllfllll I'UllVl'llll'lll Nl ('tit
rniin lik nlimu n lot iif IiuIk'. rni h
orniiiiiriilitl ulili s wihhIimi nul iik'u.
wiya the K.i I Mliln jf KvpiiIiiii I'imt. Tlif
luiilitra oi ri' vi-rjr u:iilitr. Thw dVItt
littirs fruiii iiilicr Hiiiiin lliiiiiiflu H a
uri-tit J"kf In ni'iir m iii'iiiilhi' Cuiiiiii i
lit wiuhIimi iiiiiiiii'U I'n-Hi'iiliy Hit
Hutu who hml i Iimik" tif tin Itiuttfi-s
Hint) Id Hl'llillnr Ill'illiilt'tft'P Mini kiiIiI;
"Nt'iiitlur, tvf'ie In n tu. All mir
wihiOi'II niiiini'u liitilvi-a nrt initio, mul
1hrv In "llll ii mi ni (li'iiiaiiil for tltiiti
Vluit inn w tin?"
"lii-i smut iimnv"
"Hill Hump mi mi wtmilrn nillnii'S"
111 t'tilfituo Vt hml lu Iinvi tliiif
vapwlnlly lunilt for u limit liuini'."
"All right." itlrtxliMl NiihiIimiiii
Urn nili'H" ' : "fa tluwn tn itnarrjr
aturc unit liny 4m nr Kfl ivnl iitiimt-K
mill stlrk ilM'tii tin tlir Iniilufn. TI117 H
llfHT fcllOW III llllTfl'tllU'B."
A 11 J llit-jr tlliln'l. . .
Words of Strength,
Tlfrtt r thro taamta I wiuilil writ.
Tht-ra wniiU aa with turning pvit.
In tracing of eternal llstit
I'tMin Ui heurt ot mn.
llttvs hrMs' ThniiKh clmiita environ nnw
Ami tllantiaaa iii'leii hfr faca in aiorn,
i'ut thou in ihmitiw from ttty blow.
No night but lino lis morn.
llavs faith! Wtim'n thy bark t drly.
Th culm's itlrt. the tump!' mlrlh
Knnw this: Jo! rules tint busts ul besvsn,
Tin Inhabitants 0t rlli.
Ilav Inv! Nt luv ftlnn fir m.
Hut man s nun thy brnther cull
Anil aialtar Ilk Hi circling tun
Thy chttrliiM on all.
Thua grov the word a upon thy soul
Jlopa. fttltlt and lov nu thou antilt
trangth whan Ufa's surges rtidaat roll, 1
Uglit whan thou la war blitni.
Too Hot to Put on Papr,
Wbnn Mr, Cnmt-cl stnrtml In tit
tw liusluttss h was rrsolvett to re
luc tlis appalling m-cltlmits Incltlviitnl
to tlx work. And ho was vers suc
rouful In viiN'UtlitR this resolve. A
la rt of lila success was due, no doubt
to the blank slip that every foreman
timt to nil up when on of his hands
got burr. A certain workman had on
day tho bad lurk to surfer alight ac
cident. Ills foreman, an lllliermte but
honest chap. Oiled nut promptly the
lip which la now preserved it 8 It I bo.
Tb slip ran:
Iiate-iMan-b 5.
. "Name Jnim Miles.
"Nature of aerltlent-Toe crushed.
"How causwl OxdottUt blow from
"Itumarka These was awful. 1 will
repel to clerk verbal."
Miatsksn In th Book.
A New York lawyer who employs
colored help In his home tells Hill
tory ou himself:
On one orcusloo bis wife was suffer
ing Intensely from a nervous headache,
and. thinking prrhnpe his voice might
ootho her to sleep, ahe asked him tu
read aloud to her, w hich he did as the
colored maid went back and forth
about the room setting thlnga In order
for the night.
I'resviitly the maid quietly withdrew
to the kltiiieu below, whero the old
cook. Aunt Phyllis, was awaiting her.
"Mr. Alex sho' la a good man," suid
tho innld. "lie settlu' up ttitr rendln'
lv lllblo to Miss Alice, an' ahc slrk."
"Go 00, chile." answered Aunt I'liyl
lis; "don' yo' know Mr. Alex ulu' read
lu' no lllble? llo's a lawyurl"
Thirsty and Disgustsd.
On the line of tho Mlisuurl rnclflc
rnllwity. Just over In Oklahoma from
Coffeyvlllc, Kun., Is a small place cull
ed Nowattn. A atnte law In K minus
prohllilta the currying by the rnllronds
-of public drinking cups ou truing. Not
long ugo a fanner from Iowa, on a
MlHttourl Tactile train In Kansas near
i'offeyvlllc, wan led a drink of water.
He did not know about the law. Uolng
to the wntor cooler, be begun looking
for the cup. When he fulled to II nil
It he Bought the chair cur porter, a
negro, and asked for It.
"Law donu' 'low no public cups on
dene heitb trains." snld the porter.
The I own 11 whs deeply disgusted. He
returned to his scut nnd grumbled until
the train crossed the Oklahoma Kau
nas line. Shortly after that the uegro
jiorter stuck his bend In the dour.
"Nowntta!" he called.
That IncreiiKed the lownn's disgust.
"Iu Kansas they don't have no drink
In' cups," he Hiilil to the man In the
next sent, "an" lu Oklahoma tio water
on trains. Ihiuged If 1 don't slay In
Iowny for the rest of my life. If I
ever git back there without dryln'
up of thirst." Denver Tltuc.
A Psrsistsnt Office Ssnktr.
Governor Stanley of Kansits was
once ho pestered by ollice seekers that
be found It necessary publicly to make
llio statement that lu view of tho ex
ceedingly numerous applications for
ollice he had received through the
malls he should bo unable tu give any
Attention to them, much less afford
nny hope of .success to the Tiirloun ap
jillcunts. In the course of n few days after
making the statement In question the
governor received the following note:
"My Uenr Governor I understand
that you have said that you were go
ing to tnke a week off to destroy the
lle of letter asking for Jobs. If ev
erything else Is gone, then, my denr
governor. 1 should like the job of tear
ing up tho letters."
Thay Laughed In the Paoe ef Wall
Informsd Englishman.
"Amerltstw are rutle. entremely so
an Id the KiiKllnliiiinn Just four dnjrs
over. 'They don't want to be told
siiyililim; think they know It all. Vm
ti'rilny three un-u who ant In dotiltle
seals Willi me In itu eleviitt'd I nil 11
were Nik'Uliitf nviT lliiiin-r Hint Untie
of thi'iti aiM'iniil to btive drdulta In
f r 11 111 1 1 1 tl uit. It happened to be emtio
tlilnK Hint I bud rend a lontf artlrle
alHiut the nlb'lit In-fore, so I aike up
ami mill t Item wbnt I knew. Now, In
my t'tiiitiiry we would tbnnk a in" 11
who did Hml. but theae Amerli'iiua
tllilu't Hiiink me. They IiiiikIiimI lit my
fiH't': Unit la wluil they dlil."
'"Unit la Kiruni'." an Id bia American
fili'inl. " Anii'iliiiiia are uainilly very
iiinii'fiil for every bit of liifnriiinHoii
orfered llit'iii. What did you tell them,
"Well, they were fiiaaluit about
wlili li t'lty bud the II inn t tllninoud In
be couiiiry. One snld riillndi'llila
I1111I. umiihi-r Chli'itKo: the oilier attu k
out for I'lttxlinrii I snld: i'nrdon m,
tteiiitetiien. you are nil mlatiikeu. I'll
t a hits the lineal tlliimond III the lliiltitl
Klntea. I ri-nil nU.ilt It luxt nltlll. It
welkin I foruet how ninny rnrnta and
wns brouuhl from I.oiitlon by 11 Mrs.
I'Hiteraon ntmiit a yenr ni;o.'
"And then they lunched. Why. they
actually roared. Very rude Auterlcaua
are. 1 think. "-New York Times.
A fatal Brsathtr.
"Murk 'I wnln bitietl a gloomy man."
Snld a New York rill I or. "Once, at a
bnnquet, a gloomy man ant opposite
him. This mini would not smile at the
moat amusing Jokes.
" 'Whnfa the niaiier with youf cried
Murk Twain. The stories are all good.
Why don't you IntiRbr
"'Ah. sir,' anld the gloomy man.
'how ran I laugh when 1 remember
that every time I breathe aoul passes
Into the great beyond?
" 'Oood gracious,' said the humorist,
'did you ever try cloveaf
Hs Told Her.
A young woman stenographer who
does a big buslutw wlih the patrons
of a busy hotel waa talking about the
ptH'Ullnrltle of ber cllettta.
'W tint I call a man lit a hurry.'' ahe
anld. "la a man who wtll hand me a
card with an address on It and a few
nolo of "lint he wanta aald and tell
tue to wrlle the letter and mull It and
hurry away. I have quite a number of
"The uiost Interest lug 11111 11 I ever
hail tvu one who stopped and guve me
a visiting turd. Ills 111 lilies was en
graved In the lower corner. He hand
ed me a dollar with the card and snld.
'I'lease write a letter for ute.'
"I said: 'Certainly. To whom?"
" 'To my wife.' he answered. That Is
my untile yuu huve ou the curd.'
" I understand that.' I told him.
'but what shall I write aboul?"
" 'Oh. w rite ttlsiut u page.' he replied
as he smiled and strode awuy." Chi
cago Tribune.
. Rough on Irving.
In the excitement of the moment
public speakers often sny the opposite
of nhnt they menu to convey, ami
when Henry Irving gnve a rending In
tho lister hall In ISTS. guys lira in sto
ker tn "Personal ItemluUcenees of
Henry Irving," one speaker made as
pretty an Irish bull na could be found,
though the bull Is generally supposed
to belong to other provinces than the
hard bended Ulster, lu descanting on
the many virtues of the guest of the
evening be mentioned the excellence of
his morni nature and rectitude of his
private life In these terms: "Mr. Ir
ving, air. is a gentleman wbut leads
life of tiubrokeu blemish."
WanUd Good Odds.
ia tno urst nays or James J. Hill's
wonderful career as railroad builder
and manager be and "Diamond Joo"
Uulllday met 00 the levee lu St Paul
one day when Jim was helping to start
a freight train over the little up grade.
the engine's horsepower requiring more
or less human aid. Uill nnd bis friends
had Just made the purchase of the St
Paul nud Pacific, and "Diamond Joe's'
fleet of Mississippi river stern whcel
ent was then the dominant fnctor In
transportation problems of tho now
"Jim, I'll race one of my boats
kgitlnst your train," "Diamond Joe"
"Don't know about thnt." Jim an
Bwered. "Some of your boats are pret
ty fast."
"Race yon up stream: water high.
current swift," Insisted Ilttllldny.
"What!" exclaimed Iltll in surprise.
"You mean that you would nice your
boat In the water? Huh! Not much
I'm willing to give you odds, but not
that big. Turn her paddles on dry
ground and I'll go you." Success Mag
."tow te tseure Hst With a Minimum
Consumption ef Coal,
The old practice of slinking a fire
down, removing the it she, filling up
with cool sud turning ou all the damp-
era Is one of the most wasteful Imag-
liuibl", writes U. Iv W alsh In the Kiieu
liiic Amt'i'e tut. Hllglit slinking several
tlinin through the day, a few shovels
of coal uppllisl every few hours and
with ilinfta half o; 11, uieittis a Uul-
form, nH'inly lire that will give the
greniest ninoiiiit of lient at a minimum
iiiNiiinplloii of coal,
It I p issllile Willi skillful stoking nr
firing of this mtiiiie to burn Roft coal
lu many of our slovi-g and furnace
without annulling Hie lumlncapo with
soot and aiii'.ke. Get a good bed of
hot coiila nud Hii'ii fid gradually and
shake Huliilv. The result III combus
tion Is uniform ami the beat nulls
utilized greater than by any other
method. If the chimney draft Is gissl
uud the furnace well designed there
hoillil be few ueruslons when all of
the drafts will lie neisli-d If skillful
stoking is uilophsl. There will also lie
g complete risluetloii of Hie coal to
soft ashes, leaving uo half burnt
pieces, Poking will be unnecessary
unless clinkers in ctimulatu In place
to retitnl slinking dow n.
This method of treating the furnuce
bns la-en tried time and itgalti, with
the result of a saving of from two to
live Ions of coiil lu tho sttmu house
lu a single winter. The Interior tem
perature of the house was kept more
uniform also hei-ituse of the more uni
form heat maintained In the furnace.
Try the method once and see tho dif
ference. The chief thing Is alwaya to
kct'P a uniform bed of hot coals In the
furnace ami never wait until the fuel
Is all burnt out In-fore adding new.
fihitke file furnace down lightly every
time fresh coal Is put ou, and keep the
dnmH-r or draft only half or three
qiutrters open. In very cold weather
they tuny bnve to lie opened full, but
Dot Very often or for very long.
Warning Apparatus Dslgnd For Us
on Elsetrio Rsilrosds,
"Automatic flagmen" are being In
stalled on the line of the Pacific
Klecttic Hallway company of I.c An
geles after a series of tests. Tho fea
ture of the apparatus la a disk pen
dulum which swings back and forth
when a car approaches. The other
warning Instruments provided are a
trolley car Im-11 and two electric lights.
About ll feet from the highway
crossing thus protected a number of
six foot sections of contact rails are
bolted to the regular tracks. To tbeso
are connected stinting relays In such a
manner that the trend of tho wheels
makes a contact as the cur passes over,
but there are uo moving parts. The
passing of a cur over the contact mak
ing device simply Btnrts the mechan
ism actuating the pendulum and gong,
which, liolng provided with a timing
element, runs a given length of time
before stopping, thus warning all who
approach. Popular Mechanics.
Origin of Oion.
Ozone, which Is an allotroplc form
of oxygen, has long beeu recognlxed
as nn active purifying agent In the
atmosphere owing to Its powerful oxi
dizing qualities, but the question of Its
origin hits beeu much disputed. The
Investigations of Ileurlet, In France,
navo led him to the conclusion that
ozone forms In the upper regions of
tho nir, probably under the Influence
of tho ultra-violet radiations from the
aim, nnd that It Is brought downward
toward the surface of tho earth both
by descending nlr currents and by
drops of, rain. After a shower of ruin
tho quantity of ozone In the nlr Is al
ways found to have been Increased.
An Ancient Ironmaster.
Hogge's House nt Ituxted, Sussex,
England, lu tho center of the old Iron
district, was formerly the residence of
nnlph Hogga, nn Ironmaster. He Is
celebrated as having been tho first to
cast a cannon lu one piece. This oc
curred in 1543. Originally big guns
were hooped nnd dangerous to manage.
The worthy merchant's discovery revo
lutionized the trade nnd brought him
wealth nnd fame. Ills ancient home,
embowered In trees. Is still In good
condition, well worth seeing nnd quite
closo to the church. Ou its facade is a
hog In bas-relief.
Work of th Waves.
In twenty-live years the sea has
washed away 419 acres of land from
the Biitlsii Isles, but nt tho samo tlmo
It has added 30,000 acres. The land
taken, however, was much more valu
able than that added.
e., , 0
Splendid Line. Best Make
in 1 1-8 and 1 1-4
Selling very lowthii
Collins W. Elkins
The Brosius Bar
Finest Brands of Wines,
Liquors and Cigar.
F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor
July Clearance Sale
Prices on all kinds of Millinery
greatly reduced after July 1st
Mrs. Estes
Millinery Parlors.
Smith & Allingham, Props, f
j Champ Smith's old stand.
j Imported and Domestic l
j Cigars
Famous Whiskies f
i Old Crow; Hermitage; Red
3 Top Rye; Yellow Stone; f
i Canadian Club; Cream
i Rye; James E. Pepper,
i Moore's Malt.
i Porter, Ale and Olympia
4 Draft Beer on Tap. i
j Imported Wines and
Liquors. i
4 I
Administrator's Notice
In tlie County Court of the State of Oregon
(or the County of Crook,
In the lUKttorof the estate of C. W. Clark,
Notice la hereby given thnt the undersigned
has been duty appointed administrator de
bonis non of thf estate of 0, W. OUrK,!de
eeusod.nnd any mul all persons having i l lni8
against said estate must present them to C,
O'Nell at the cffl,of tho Pioneer Abstract
Co., Frlni'VtlK Ortgon, within six months
fi-om the dato of this 110U00,
Dated August 18, lU.
0. C. O.NEIL,
Administrator de bonis non of the
eh ink' of U. W, Claik, deceased.
1 -
tl:t'C-;'?:- it '!.
1 i- A:
. . , s---.. ,;, 1
The hunting season will soon be here and now
is the time to have your guns put in order. We
do work of that kind.
A Gross Fraud
Is alleged in the suit filed in Crook County Circuit Conrt
Aug. 14. A widow sells ber farm a unincumbered Cur Ab
stract reveals facte which develop the recordirg of an alleged
fraudulent Mortgage Suit to cancel follows Result: hale
delayed and poesioly lost. Better have yonr title looked
after, before you are ready to sell, by tbe Company that pro
tects your interest.
(Member Oregon Association of Title Men)
Stroud & Stroud, Proprietors
Choice Beef, Veal
Mutton and Pork
A Fine Line of Sausage
Telephone orders receive
prompt attention
Prineville Green House
Prineville, - Oregon
All kinds of vegetable and flower plants ready to transplant to the
open ground at the proper season. All plants transplanted and well
rooted. Pot-grown tomato and cucumber plants. Vegetables out
ol season. We now have help in the work and some one will al
ways be on hand to wait upon you, A good article at a reasonable
price is our aim. No extra charge for packing and delivery at the
stage office. While us your needs in the plant line.
' Tthaea
The Supreme Excellence
Among lovers of fin whiskey was not achieve! in a Amy
nor in a jear. It is the result of nearly half a century's
persistent effort and honest service. During all these
years there has never been a time when HARPER wa
not what ii claimed to he
Sold By
Silvertooth & Browder
Shaniko, Oregon
Butter and Eggs
Country Produce
Chas. W. Spring.