RAISING DIARY COWS. Profit In Producing Wall Bred Cewe For the Market. Tim blub l' wlili li prevail for tlrxi rlnas dairy " imulil l linluie uinrti farmers lu keen rc;laeeil bulla null lu make iiinriMiiili Dimly f the hllallnws of aUiTeeaful lllf tJ bcirer raising, any Hoard lialryiuau. It l iirrlliiu Imw few fanner Ihero an who ur really iiiI calf ralaer. Tlll Illiul Tllllle of "hI I'OW lli'M'll'l In a iiri-nt ini'Hiirn iiihhi Imw will he linn been ralsinl from colflMMHl lo ma ternity, We have liollcnl Hint four Ullii contribute very greatly In snores In thin articular-firm. KHd rtiilry lilm.il In tli lre; mxiinil, clean, ilry Utirlir. fr.iiirntly dlsttif.stcil; llilril. 'ilonty of aweet akluitntlk fill III I'Mlli kept wt.ll cabled; fourth. uikmI. well cured al falfa liny after t tit rnlf In three In four month olil null from Hint time on. A li.-lfi r kIvi-ii nirnirn liny will make n itiihhslly ImMIit growth miU Ir.c nil thnl ni'i'iiiml. Hitch rnlxliitf. f-l mill rare mt-m to Iiiivh ii mliiiiilniliiK iffii t mi tin " ternnl nriin. iiiul the In-tfi-r uinkin it better cow nil 1 tint nrcntllit. Of course llin iliilrv tit-i'i'illim l Hii' foundation, II In nf no ii-" In lr In lunUe n tro.sl row nut of n heifer llml bus urh t.-ml In her, linl ll l true, "ii'il often liiiin'iiiiilily true, llml tin Imhi liivil heifer In IIm world rnn do utterly ninilliil bv unit. Ill, iui-kllir.il tiniiilllnii nn.l fit1liui In tin- llrst two year of h.T life. Tlii business of nf'Hlii.'liisj well l.r.tl first vln ihtlrjr h 1 b prolttiible . After lo yeur of nj;o tin' r,,vf liim n double llm of profit In tin in Hk she jii-iiN iiiul In ln-r I'MKHiy. All Hint t nixslcil ihi lln purl of tin' flintier ! nn InlelllK' iil iiiiiI.thIiiikIIiil' of what II linuns in produce u paid cow. PRINTS OF CHEESE. THE HOISTEIN COW. the lands Out Conspicuously at Milk Producer. All ll i ik ll II illlTeri'iirii of opinion el lulu on ninny point almut ilnlry breed, on on there I mi dispute, any the American A i ! ullurUt. The bltf lilnek nil white llnlalclii are ILih henvlcat milker. A liitll vltluula tin y bold the record, ami an for herd average they stand lu a clnii by theuiaelre. lu (Ilia aeiiM III breed la fatnuiia aa tuormuua milk producer, llolnlelu milk enjoy a distinction that au fur baa uot been claimed by til enthusi ast of Ilia other breed . Borne tx-llvva that tlila milk ta mora vIiIIkIiik tknn any ullier kind, but whether tliera la any aueli thltil a a vitality peculiar to uillk 1, of roume, Ulapulod quea- Hon. An ttnillaputed point atumt II. .lutein milk I tli -miuhII flit lilotiuli. Koine prefer It thin wny, olliera itlnllka It. Kor lillttei'iniikhitt It In a dniwl.ii.il. but for ahlpplnil or for elieean It la diH lilinl uilviiiilnue. When milk U lilp piil over a It'll i dlatmii'U I lie f lit rle to the lop nf tile cull or other Veaael III whl.il It U tnuw.rteil. With Jemey in- tiiteriniey milk IhU creiiinlutf dike pln.'i) ery ipllrkly. but with llolmelii milk the i reiiui risen very alowly. Kr ahlppluu to innrket Ihla breed pt'odin i-a a milk Hint la p ii'lnily iidupted to (he linnlnlilim of riillrond lriiiiMiiliilloti. Aa f.ir lileeaemilklllli. llolatelii milk la I pupiiliir for the roiianii Hml Hi int Kl.il.iilc nin renillly reliilinil III the Hid. Now n wold nlmut thi cowa. They, Inn, lime their t:ooil l"ilnta. They nru dHlh, eiiNlly iniliinu'ed mid not nt nil fretful or HiiKpl.-lmia, mid no l.reiil ex eeeda litem III couatllntliilinl vlisor. The cnlna nn Inrce nt birth and nre imnnlly amine ami thrifty. They iirovt filal mid fit 1 1 en enally. They lire a Ian See Oregon First Continued from firnt page. The Greatest Treat of the Season ! Neval and Attmeliva Form For Mar koting Dairy Product!. V. II. riinlUKI'.H of tin VIcniialu eMiillllielit atntli.ll Ina ria-etilly n ..itiil realllla i.f cxperllllellta nil the luiiniifioiiire of cluiae In aiimll al.ea. the follll ilmaell Im'IiiiX alllJl.'.-ati'il by Hie .iiiil prima of butter ulili Ii luive .rnve1 an aueeeHHf ill. The ihed.lnr iheeae experluieul'd W illi w iia Hindi by the tistliil pr. c. the null' luiHlllleiitlnii biliitf in Hie invasion mid In the "fnllnner" used i In the prcaa. The curd wna plueed In a id r lesip nf ns iniii;iiliir j ahnpe, the iM.ttoill or "follower" of , w hl' li wn a curved l-mnl dH hb d Into i a number of ais tlona, em h of which rorreHiHiin led to a half aiund print of I rheiste. Two ais-tlona would, nf courae, repreacut n pound. The form of the print la ileteruilniHl by the rnrvlna of the tMiiinl, which may In of any Im lo aull any pnrtlctiliir niurket. The aiH'tloii run la nudity eut npnrt when anhl by the relnller. The cluvaea aveniKcd very tieiirly tlftei'ti pntmdi ! i I 1 Tin rliaiiiln llnlateln tUI pi" luiisi Itctrolili I."' o.'ii a c.ii.alsl eut crlne h inner ("r a. viTi.1 yciua. 'Il.ul l.o la a niiiaiil'lieiil niilnnil la puri.nl. II" l-nn.ea of I.unuua funilly, ninl h.a calv.- ale alan ' ll.u .IK wllinma IM" II" l "io head of lh HUno herd of lVuooily, l an. Intf country than either Ltah, Colorndo. or New Mexioo. It i much thn autne character of only ita altitude It aomewhatl er than thoae other countries "Stockmen are now welcoming ottlert Into the country. They are rapidly awing things from a new light, realizing that farmers with their outputa of hay, feed and other agricultural articles will build up a vat empire. They soy that the hill and mountain will always be good irrazlnir for cattle, and believe that the horticulturint and agh culturitit will not injure their livelihood to any extent. "Oue of the chief attractions of this country n ita wonderful di verslty. Almost any kind of en vironment sought can be found in Central Oregon, there being hills, valleys, prairies; In fact, every nature of climate, altitude and land. There are mineral springs there; there are wonder ful little valleys; tliero urethous anils of acres which may be re claimed by irrigation; there is nlmiiKt evervlhiiikT in that vast territory." Leavinir the Oresron Trunk at Opal City, the automobile party of which Mr. Chapman was o member toured southward to the California line, ending the trip at Klamath Kalis. Interesting side trips were made to nearly every little town In the interior region, "llv all means. Mr. Motorist. ami Ori-L'oii before coing else where. You have tho greatest, grandest land in tho great, won ilerful Northwest." said Mr. Chapman. BROOD SOWS IN WINTER. "Among the Breakers" Phey W will be presented in the Prineville Commercial Club Hall by local talent from Bend, Oregon Thurs. Eve. August 3 TWO HOURS OF FUN This play has met with great approval in the cities of the east when handled by the professionals Every character in this cast has their part well in hand and you will receive the full benefit of your money Performance commences at 8:30 o'clock In thla a, when attrurtlvaneaa awa a lima way toward Itio anlo of any product. II mlKhl be well 'or dairymen lo eimaliler tlio pnaal bllliy of exIcnilliiK II. aula their rheeaa Uy l.rlniin II nefiiro tha putillo In Ilia eoiivaiilaiit mid al truollv form of pound prima. lu welittil and were divided Intn fifteen prlntM. The dlineiiKlona of encli block ..r ..i,.u..i w-i.i-d ill l.v i;t. '.'." by o,.5 Inehea. ciicU print belli 2'4 tiy 24 4 Incliea. At tho WIhcoiihIii alatlon no dllllciilty waa experienced lu cur ing these elieene lu tho aiimo way aa cbcddiir chiH-Hii la rurvd. Tho bottom and aldea ahould bo greuaed and the rlieeae turned oecaalon ally, allliiiiiuh It ahould not rest on tho printed surface for a very long time, lly exercising a lllllo euro lu handling these cheeses during tho cur Jug process, ncoonllng to rrofessor KarrliiKtoa, they etiu be kept cleiin and otlructlve In uppeiiritucc, und If well nuido from good milk will develop uu aeceptublo Ihivor Hint, (ogt'thcr with the trademark branded lnlo each pound, will bo helpful In protecting tho reputullon of a certain niaUo of cheeso. l'rofossor Farrlngton thinks , It very likely thut print cheoso may be satisfactorily cured lu cold storage and thut tho cheese, ho cured will pos sess a minimum of rlml, with au ex cellent flavor and texture. pr'lHtetit. No difference what ertiaa J III breeding ta uiHile, tho llolstelu char acterlailca, ua 11 rule, pruil.nnliittte. The largo alo mill the tendency to lay nu fill If fed ft foi'ining foods are both iHilnta of utility which many furuiera do hot care lo overlook. While diilrymeii aro Iwllevera lu H'lal pur poao cow for tho aKclul purpose of prdiiclng tullk or butter, they do fool that If a good cow iHwaessoa a large earraaa Hint will carry lo market a large iiiuiullty of meat when the anl mill as a milker haa tluiahed her time then they are not averse to an using her, getting III this way an addlllotml profit that would not be Ksslllo were ahu extremely niiKiilnr, with no teud- eucy to llesh up nnd fatten. Paraiitat en Hogs. There aro very few herds of hogs that do not auffer from piirusltes-ex-teruiil or Inleriiiil or tiolh. No one would argue that a bog could do Its beat when botheriil with lice or worms, but comparatively few tliluk thill these la-sta mny seriously affect prollls. They may not affect prollts to an niiprei'tbble exleut wheu they are not preseut In excessive uumbers. The herd may go on for year without iM-lug seriously affected by them, but a tlino fiivoriible to Iho pnraslti-a will come when they will Infest the little pigs to such uu extent that the loss will bo plain. It pay to ne aiwnys on tho wntch for these little "profit ent ers" and do Bomethlng to get rid of them when they are found, l'roventlve measures aro ulways best to control worms or lice. Comfortabia Quartan and Cartful Faading Maka Far Profit. Success lu sirk production Is large ly affected hy the attention glveti In the henllh and comfort of the brood aow. Khe should always, especially lu winter, be boused In a warm, comfort able place. Preferably this will be a cot well annulled with straw and baring a door which swings both ways, alwava closing wheu the aow passes In or out. This .t may well lie located at some distance from the feeding place, ao that she will get the uecessnry exercise In running to and fro. Her food should consist largely of bulkv foods, audi aa milk, roots and TICKETS ON SALE ON AND AFTER Tuesday August 1st at Winnick's Drug Store General admission 50c Reserved seats 75c r r Notice For Publication. IVpartmPnl of the Interior, U. S. Lana Otllw St Ttw DhIIm, Oregon. June mnd, UU. Ni.Hn.la hirelir riven tlmt AniU-ra P. J. U.l.r ,,r Prln.,vtll,.. OrvflOll. wtlO Oil AUKUttt fill. W. made HimiesUam No.UH ror IxilB j 1.1.9. and 4, Hectlon S. Townsnip w swiin. I Itanae 14 Kiutt, Wlllamrtle Mt-rldlan, has Bled liolloeorilltenllon lo muKC nnii ix.iiiiuiuw-i lion proof, lo .".l.a. Illi ehilm to I he land above deaorlbi'd, la-fore Warren Brown, eounlT clerk, at lilaomce at Prineville. Ore gon, on Hie Slh day of August. HU'. luimiinL itHiiiea an w!iMe--a. d. n,,u Rls. KIkiumiu A. IIUBW'tl, of Prineville, Ore gon; mrlHtlau EWlia, nt-ury iwws .wc lluttf, Oregon. U.p J. . awno, IVK law. . Judging nerkahlra famous agricultural Knglund. aowa at tha how, Leeds, ( Milk Room Raquiramanta, The milk house or milk room ahould bo eeparato fnnn tho bum. ao that no odors from the Iinrti will penetrate it. It need not bo expensive, but ahouhl be built ao that sunlight and ventilation sro not obstructed. It should be pro thled Willi plenty of cold water nnd nlso with some method of providing hot water or slenui f.r donning tho utensils. It should have smooth walls mid ceilings, such ns emi easily bo kept clean. Tho tnlllc hnuso should not bo used ns n general storeroom. Paanutt aa a 8wina Fead. , In fattening awlno on peanuts, ns extensively prnctlced In the peanut growlug regions of the south, tho fat au produced la oily. To harden the fat tho hogs should be fed tho corn the final ten days or two weeks before alnUL'hter. This will harden the fat ntlsfuctorlly. Ration For Dairy Cowa. We believe that the following com bination of feed will innlio ns economi cal and as good a ration aa could be BUggested, Buys Hoard's Dairyman. Let each atilnml have dully thirty noiinds Biliigo. eight to ten pountis clover bay and corn stover ml libitum. A uilxltiro consisting or -mo pounus ooru chop. pounds nrnn nun -no pounds glutei! feed will suppiemem tills roughage very well. Eight pounds should bo ButUcleut for tho production of one pound of butter rut or one pound for each three and ouo-Ualf to four pounds of milk. Crossing Sheep Breeds. The cross of any of the down breeds on western Merino ewes will result ex ceedingly well. Tho cross with the Ox ford will give large tiiiulis, well wooled. To go buck ngnln to Itninboiilllet blood will he nil right If the grower cares more for wool nnd mutton than for mutton and wool. Experience shows that tho more (mature there aro the hotter the sheep will thrive. clover hay, which will keep her lu good coudltlon without fattening. As far- rowlnc time approaches the bulk should be cut down, less water should be given and more protclu aud oily feeds should be fed bo aa to keep the sow lu a laxative condition. She should tie disturbed as little as pos sible. If she Is allowed to get nervous or excited the effect may bo seen upon the litter In an excitable temperament, which lessens the rapidity of their growth. Remedy For Splints. Clip off the hnir and paint the en largements with tincture of Iodine three times a week. If there Is any lameness present give the animal absolute rest and wheu Iodine tincture baa dried keep the parts covered with cold wet compresses of cotton batting and band ages. Iu bad cases blistering or even puncture firing aud blistering becomes necessury. Land for Sale. (140 acres of good farming land in the lanious Powell Butte country. Inquiie oi K. A. Hire, county surveyor, Trine ville, Oregon. 4-8 Notice for Publication. peiiartment of the Interior, V. 8. Land Office at The Hallo. Oregon. July Mtb, U". Notice la hereby given that Olenn K. John ami of Prineville, Oregon, who, on February .nth, !'. mada Homestead No. DtJetm. for NW4 8eetlon'ATownahlp 111 South, Knnge 16 Kaat, Willamette Meridian, baa rtled notice of Intention to make nnnl commutation proof to establish claim to the land above described before Warren Brown, county clerk, at his oil lee 1 rruievuie, urefon, on lhe6lll day of September. IM1, Claimant names as witnesses: Frank D. .,. .wll.m. I'irl tArson. Samuel n. Kills, all of Hal Kock, Oregon; nine n. neuiueu oi Prineville, Oregon, '-tf7-p J. , Aiuunc, negisier. Sheep Earn Their Keep, Sheep are not found on farms as frequently as they should be. Many farmers do not know the advantages of keeping a few sheep or thla would not be true. Try a few well bred sheep and you will be convinced of their value as farm anlumt. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, V. 8. Land OMctJ at The lialles, Oregon. July 18th, lull. Nntlno la hereby given thut Robert ' Hliind of Orl.Bly, Oregon, who, on November iji.l,. lli.ll. mmlo Homestead No. 1H97II. Serial No. IMH7H, for NW'i NWi. seollon 52. Town- shin 'i South. Mange n KasL lllninette Meridian, has flled notice of Intention to make ttnat rtve-year proof to establish claim to the lutid above described, before Warren Hrown, county olerk at his otllue, at Prine ville, Oregon on the Hh day or August, "'I. Olnlmutit names as witnesses; Charlea Me Kensle, Antone Fugle, Henry Montgomery; Joseph P. Montgomery, al! of OrliilyJOregon. 7J7-P 0. W. MOORU, Register. Inow for business j Sheriffs Sale. ON RXKCUTIOM IN rOKKCl.OSl'RK. In the circuit courtof the stale ofOregon for thecounty nf Crook. furl J Oulberg, by Jaoob N. Qulhcrg. bis attorney, in net, rtulnl'U'. vs. W. J. firlfflth and MarthR D. I.rinun. tils wue, ana rrana Paul, lteftndants. Uvviriii., of an execution and order of sAle out nf the ataivn entitled court and cause on the loth day of July, ISO. In favor of j the above named planum ana against me alaive named defenduut, upon a Judgment against the said defendant Frank Paul, for the sum of tlSiHI.uo with Interest thereon from the'-lilhdnv of June.llill, nt the lata of per cent per annum, and f JOU.iX) attorney's fees and the further sum of SUVA) costs, which Judgmentawasenmllea ana aocaeieu .....in theclerk'sottlceofsnldconrton the 1st day or.lulv, UUl. and whereas it wua lurther or dered and decreed by the court that the Southeast tjumter S of Section night - Township Fifteen -IS- South, Knnge Ten -111-Fast of tho Willamette .Meridian In l rook coiintv, Oregon, be sold by the sheriff of said county, as under execution, and the proceeds of said sale uner paying the costs and dis bursements, heieln and the accruing costs, be applied ou the Judgment herein, and In obedience lo said execution, order of sale, and decree, notice Is hereby given that I have levied neon the property above described, und I wlllou the 14th day of Aufuit, 1911, the same being Monday of the week, at 3 o'clock In the afternoon of said day, at the north door of the courthouse, In Prineville. fronk county, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for cash all of the right, title and In terest the said frank l'rul, defendant herein, hiiRlln and to the said real property, to satisfy said Judgment, costs and disbursements, and accruing costs, anuauorncy m,uu....v will be made subject to redemption iu the manner provided by law. Dated this 10th day of July. WJ Sheriff of Crook county, Oregon, While you watched Prine ville win you saw those fine, level lots adjoining the Ath letic Grounds. Price $110 and $130 TERMS EASY Oregon & Western Colonization Co. U John R. Stinson, Crook County Agent. y 3 P LUMBER Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Boors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP&PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON