Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 27, 1911, Image 6

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Aid of Democrats Acknowledg
ed and Refusal to "Play
Politics" Commended.
Beverly, Mass. In the first state
ment made since the passage of the
reciprocity bill by the Senate. Presi
dent Taft at the summer White House
Treely -Acknowledge that his long
campaign in behalf of that measure
would have proved unavailing if the
Democrats had not helped him.
"The Democrats did not play poli
tic In the colloquial sense in which
those words are used." said the Pres
ident, "but they followed the dictate
of a higher policy."
These Republicans, he said, who
fought for reciprocity, "and some of
those votes were necessary to the
passage of the bill properly, may en
Joy mutual felicitations on a work
well done."
In his own judgment, the President
(aid the agreement would mark an
epoch in the re'ations between the
Vni'ted States and Canada, and those
who opposed the bill in Congress
would find their prophecies disap
proved and their fears allayed by
Us actual operation.
Harriman Lines Advertise the Coast.
San Francises. The entire West
will be advertised during the United
States Land and Irrigation Congress
to be held at Chicago, November IS
to December 9. The Southern Pacific
Company and other Harriman lines
have engaged the whole of the Coli
seum Annex for purposes of exhibi
tions ana every town, county or state
tapped by these lines will be given
the opportunity to show what advan
tages It may have to offer to the pros
pective hemesecker.
I vO Gil
I T V , .
E. G. Lewi, promoter of various
enterprises in St. Louis, who has been
Indicted for alleged fraudulent use of
the mails.
Many Disorders in Mexico.
Mexico City That the period of
reconstruction stMn may be succeed
ed by another revolution is the fear
expressed frankly in many quarters
of the capital. Reports of disorders
assuming in a few cases the magni
tude of are not uncommon
and almost dai'.y the authorities are
informed of the frustration of plans
against Madero or the constituted government.
Claus A. Spreckels Says Trust Aided
In Advancing Prices.
New York. Testifying before the
House committee investigating the
sugar trust, Claus A. Spreckels, son
of the late Claus Spreckels, of Cali
fornia, and president of the Federal
6ugar Refining Company, of Yonkers,
declared himself of -the opinion that
the removal of or a b g reduction in
the tariff on sugar would decrease the
price of refined sugar in this country
two cents a pound.
Mr. Spreckels read into the record
official ctatistics showing that since
the sugar trust was formed the price
of refined sugar had materially increased.
Canada Wants Our Coal.
Winnipeg. The Dominion govern
ment has been asked by the Board of
Trade in Alberta to suspend duties
for a period of six months on coal en
tering Canada from the United States.
The Calgary Board of Trade adopted
a resolution to this effect, and the
Calgary Herald has published a let
ter from Spokane coal dealers Eaylng
there were 200,000 tons ava'lable for
export to relieve the shortage in Canada.
After being in session for nearly
seven months, the New York Legisla
ture took a recess until September 6.
The German minister to llayti has
asked the government to send a war
ship to those waters to protect Ger
man interests.
Baltimore will taake a determined
effort to be represented next year by
a baseball club in the National
The government of Pres'dent
Simon is fast falling before the un n
terrupted march of the revolutionary
movement in Hayti.
A -puzzling eye disease which Is
widespread in Connecticut towns this
summer is said by physicians to be
caused by the use of oil on the
An eight-foot, group of statuary,
with all the figures carved from solid
gold, will be erected within the next
year or two in the famous Church of
St. Anne de Beaupre, near Quebec.
Official announcement of the imme
diate construction of a packing plant
in Portland ta cost J600,000 was
made by Lehman Levy, general con
struction engineer for Schwarzchild
& Sulzberger.
There have been so many empty
upper berths- in Pullman sleeping
cars, ever since the law went Into
effect reducing the rate on them, that
the proposal is now under considera
tion to reduce them still further on
the combination plan.
Hop prices are already soaring, and
dealers declare they expect to see
hops reach the 35-cent mark this sea
son. The highest offer last year was
25 cents and the average was 17
cents. This year some of the growers
have already refused offers of 25
That's worth your while. We can only mention a few lines
Child'i White Canvas Oxfords, regular $1.25 . 70c
Men'a White Can va Oxfords, regular 1.50 . 75c
Lad-tea White Canvat Oxfords, reg. 2.00 . $1,00
Ladiea' White Canvaa Oxford, reg. $2.50 . J2S
Men'. White Canvaa Oxford, regular $2.50 1 ,50
Men White Canvaa Shoe, regular 2.25 J 5
Best of Canvas, Best of Leather, guaranteed
to be first cla. Sold at one-half their real
value. Ladie, Children' and Men' Oxford,
Pump, Tie, all reduced in price to clean up.
Ladies' Summer Dresses of Gingham,
Duck, etc. Every garment first
class and marked for slaughter
Regular $2 Dress $1.35
Regular $6.50 Dress 4.50
Reg. $6 2 piece Suit 4.00
Reg. $6.50 " " 4.50
Reg. $8.00 " " 6.00
at almost Half Price
$6.00 Skirt at $3.50
$6.50 Skirts at $4.00
$8.50 Skirts at $6.00
$12.00 Skirt at 8 50
White Duck $. and up
The celebrated Reed Waist -- Best Tailored
and fancy -- sold at one-fourth less than
regular price. This is the finest waist ever
shown here, and this is your opportunity
Ladles' Silk Gloves, regular $1.50 grades,
in white, black and colors now on sale
at 95c
See this special lot of Extraordinary Bargains
Wide and fancy Ribbons at ONE-THIRD OFF
Ladies' and Child's White Hose
25 and 35c grades, now
10c pair
All Straw Hats at a fraction
of Actual Value
Remember the Store
Property Not Included in Court Order
Against Lewis.
St. Louis. Supplementary orders,
placed on the records of the United
States circuit -court, require E. G.
Lewis, whose properties were placed
In receivership, and his wife to deed
to the receiver all their property
which hr.s connection with the Lewis
enterprises, capitalized at more than
According to attorneys for the
creditors the orders include the Lewis
home in University City, the suburb
In which mcst of the Lewis concerns
are located. It has been definitely de
c'ded the property of the American
Woman's League, which has chapter
houses scattered from Ohio to Colo
rado, is not included in the court's
North Beach
Is the pleasure haunt In thin pnrt of
the country this summer. Its tlevo
tee rejoice to learn that they can
now go and come on a regular sched
ule, Independend ol tides. The popu
lar excursion steamer,
A. H.
Overman Aggression Not Tolerated.
' London. War between Great. Brit
ain and France on the one side and
Germany and Spain on the other, Is
helieved here to be not far from im-
fiossible as a result of the Moroccan
mbroglio. The statement of Chan
cellor of the Exchequer Lloyd George
at the lord mayor's banquet is pointed
to as a sign of alarm. He practically
served a notice -of "hands off" on
Germany. .
Nat Gooawin, actor, has announced
his Intention of deserting the legiti
mate stage for the film drama.
That William K. Vanderbilt, Jr.,
and his wife, formerly Miss Virginia
Fair of San Francisco, will effect a
reconciliation shortly, Is the report.
More than 5000 begging letters, ask
ing for sums aggregating $110,000 000,
it is announced, have been received
by Mrs. E. H. Harriman during the
last year.
Five to one on Johnson is the pre
vailing odds in the betting on the
fight between the negro champion
and Bombardier Wells, which takes
place in London September 30.
James Edward Brltt and Battling
Nelson are to meet in their widely
adveit'sed pugilistic engagement be
fore the Twentieth Century Athletic
Club in New York on Labor Day.
Admiral T030, acccmpan'ed by
Commander Tanigushi of the Imperial
Japanese navy, has sailed from Eng
land for New York on the Lusltania
to spend two weeks as the guest of
the United States.
Suffering from nervous prostration
vid partial paralysis -of the lower
limbs, Mrs. Ortle E. McManigal, wife
of the self-confessed dynamiter, was
taken to the Pacific Hospotal In Los
Angeles for treatment.
Robert V. Hasiam, "Pony Bob," as
he was known in the early days on
the plains, where he earned a repu
tation as a daring pony express rider,
is paralyzed at his home in Chicago,
and it is thought he can never re
cover. .j 1 ...
J. Potter'
Leaves Portland, Ath Street Dock
Daily except Saturday and
Sunday, 8:30 a. m.
Saturday only, 1:00 p.m.
Alao the Steamer "Haaaolo" leaving
Portland daily, except Sunday,
at 8 p. m. Suturduy
at 10:00 p. in.
From all points in the northwest via the
Oregon-Washin gton
Railroad & Navigation Co.
Ideal cottngo and camp life, a mannlflocnt
bea.:h that l not nurpawwd any where, enll
and beneficial climate, and all comforts ol
borne without eostlnic any more than If you
remained at home.
Call on or write to any O.-W. R. & N. ni nt for
complete Information; aUo for copy of our
summer book, ''Outings In Oregon."
Wm. McMurray
General FaBicriirer Agent. O.-W. R, 4 N. Co.
Furniture and
Notice for Publication
Depart men t of the Interior
T;. 8. Land office ftt The DhIIi-h. Oregon
.1 til v 10. i'-m
Notice Is hf-rehy (riven that John DnnnlaK
who tMiKUifflee adilre Ih orlzziv. (Jrciron
did, on the Hlh day of March, lft) I. tile In thtn
..tllce kunrn Htnlerncnt nnri A nnlleatlon. No.
WM, to purchase the HW'4 NKM and N'!j
HK1! Heetton 11 Townnhtp Ki Houth, Kunire 1J
KitMt. Wuijiirietie Merliiian. and the limber
thereon, under the provisions of the art of
Junes, isiK, and acta amendatory. Known aw
the "Tirnlier andHLone l.nw," atmich value an
nilitht he fixed by apprnlwinenl, and that,
pursuant ti Much application, the land and
timber thereon have lieen atiDraiwd. UHf, Hie
timber eKtliriHted 1M,WJI board feet at cenla
ner. thousand, and the land V;n.K umi waio
applicant-will oiler final proof In support of
II I (It ' j ! J ('it I l til HIHl Wttlll flUliriiiriu ,;ii titi;
21 h diiy of Kept ember, 191 1, before 1 limn n
K. J. Duffv, U. H. Comminntloiiur at his offli
ul Princvllle. (ii-eimn.
Any .person h .at! liberty to protewt thin
pure ha e before entry, or Initiate a contest at
any time before patent lsnuen. by flilnte a cor.
roboraied atlidavlt In this office. aliening facts
which would defeat the entry-
(!. W. Mooite, Rlter
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given by the iindersip;ned,
the administrator with the will annexed of the
estate of Robert PeiiniUKton Johnson, de
reused, toall persons having claims attains'
said deceased or his estate to present the same
witli the proper vouchers, to the undersigned
at his office in Frlneviile, Oregon, within six
months of the first publication of thin notice,
J J u ted July lIUli, lyll.
Administrator with the will annexed
of estate of Kobert Penning ton Johnson.
ShcriiV Sulc.
Notice U hereby given that hy virtue of an
execution audoider of sale issued out of the
circuit court of the state of Oregon lor Cnwik
county, on the lt day of May, 1'Jll, in favor id
i. W- I'erktns, r . ii. renting, it. n. i.eecii, .i
A. Himmons, R. D. Hhuck K. F. Hchnehler, W
(i. BiiHbee. W. M. Frver. J. T. Patterson, Vim
W. 1'earce and V.. M. Kppley, plaintiffs, and
against Red Jacket Mining Co., a corporation,
for the sum of $MtoWt with interest thereon
at the rate ol cuht per cent per annum from
the 2'M day of September, HtHl, and $M) attorney
fees and costs, which Judgment was enrolled
and docketed In theeierk's oihce of said court
in said county on the vtn day oi May, mi,
which said execution commands me to sell
the following described property, situate, ly
ing and being in Heetfon '20, 27, W anil 115,
Townnhip ft suuth, Range 17 east of Wilhiuiette
Meridian, hi Crook County, Htateof Orcein,
and known an the Red Jacket Group of Quartz
Claims, which said group consists id the
Fractional Chance, Red Jacket, Consolidated
Virgin. Wldow.audHuow liird lodes or min
eral bearing claims which snid group was sur
vived on lct wither with, l'.tnl to January 4th,
I!nj2, by Arthur Philbrick, United Htaies
Deputy Mineral Hurveyor, said survey being
designated as Mineral Survey No, 4(i'2( and ap
proved by Hon, Henry Meldrum, then United
States surveyor General tor Oregon, on the I'Jth
day of April, IW2, the original field note ol
which said survey being tiled in tha olllee of
the said United States Surveyor General fur
Oregon, reference to which said Held notes are
hereby made for the purpose of further and
more particular description of the said prop
erty conveyed; for the purpose of satisiying
said judgment, Now, then forefore, In pur
suance oi sam execution, i win, on
Saturday, the 12th day of August, 1911,
at the hour of '2 o'clock p. tn. at the north door
of the courthouse in l'rlncville, in Crook coun
ty. Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for cash
In hand, the above described property, or so
much thereof as may be required to satisfy
said Judgment, interest, costs and accruing
Dated this lfltn day oi July, vm.
Sheriff o' Croon County, Oregon.
The Cash Grocery
George Whiteis, Prop.
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. Bedrock
W. A. Booth. I'rea.
C. M.,l'ahlcr
Oeqok County Bank
Statement of the Crook County Bank of Prineville, Oregon, at rendered to the
Superintendent of Banki, June 7th, 1911 U.bllliU,
lxian.anrt PlwounU IIJO.STO.Sn Capital palU In full HWl.Ono.OO
Ov.T.lmfl. V.HII.H8 Hiirnlu. I0,.1
KiiniUurf mid flxturv Il.'.tn 4 I'niilvldMl proBU S,Hl'a
hal ealBle d.TlKl.lH UeiKMlU HU.HO.7J
Cuk ea Uni tad iu treat haalu M7,(H)9.S
IIJ EACH TOWN ami ilstrtn. Uirliloaml ethlhlt.aM(nil ljit-t Mm).
"Renter" hltyffl f urnKliftl hy tin. Our atrt'tiiMuvory wUuru are making
no money REQUIRED unlit you ms lve and nnnrovn of ynttr
hlcvln. Wmtliln tn anyone anjrwhi'm In Hn IT, M . itm Jr-i
In advance, pM,Ai(r, and allow TEN DAYS' REK TRIAL tlnrlnK
ylilch Uuwyuu muyrltl" thi'lili-yrlnand put Ittoauv tiwl. ymi wMt.
If you a then wt rorfivtly atlUi U or ilu nut wUli to k' Um
!,trvi'l"Nhln It. tmrk to us atoiir'xtt-nHi4nitr7M will mi btui tut
FfiCTflRV PR1CFS v" '"nihit tim niuiut kihi hin'i' it is
nw. vni mvu tsli, u mn lo at ono Bitmll pmllt alKivw
arttml f nrttry cost. V'ou mivnlio Ui :.'&mlMli-nipn'a nmllta by Imy
InBillroct'if tuniiflhnvo tint iiiaiMifnctiir.'r' iriiitrniitiHi Iwlilnd your
, t:v'i'l DO NOT BUY, ll.,,.l 11 .
tritt until you ri'ct'lvo our catnloirni' nntl lnrn our uunuaru of lani
ami r.. i,it f,r, io rider acenle.
rOU WILL BE ASTONISHED r."rn..'vu i''t,iitiri,i
fullv t'iw pHift 99 cn nik yna till. ,or. vv wtl ti,s tnirliwit i rmt lly'lm, r,.r
ir i m niT i ft i ?'"ui our l1"11 unitiir jouruwa a.uiu,ii.uitUuutii our prtM
SIcONDHaNDefcvcLaa. W.rjn tint rxnl.rtr ti.nrlloewn.n'1 Imrifl hlrypW. tint timi.117 hT
fnelnBrr,ime3ti,ea'ireiO. Ii,.rliitlv,il,ftri?nllt itlMiIi. ,h rr,,tt.
C 0 A S T C R 0 II A K E S . """ ""."'I'- " "tier nln. .ml iml'i. rU, rtlr anil
19 V
m mi.
A A ' wMiiiiawa.oiaii Kiuaatftui(Ao rtyhtr retail wr ' ,
oo Hedgethorn Puncture-Proof $
1 12
7 hi rtruUrrttMll tritttfthti Urn
tlO lift rr ll. hat M tmlrJi.rm
tmmtliyott iitmfU fair far W,IW tat h tolihonitrtl.33
HAIL, TaoM, or OIm will not lot th r out.
A huiuJri'U Uidusiiml uirHrV)!(lliiHt vcur.
r,T-errtmrtrm. Matin In ail st.i-s. It
.Twintr. vrry ntiraitlo and lined liuidn with
( HHiMMjlal (luuliLy of ruiilwr. whirti never ht-
cofnf;?( poroua and wlilch cUwos m kitmiII
,tmnr. urcii wit limit n 1 1 o win a t, in n.1 r to tiMnann
IVVu huve hundreds of iHlern from BfttlHdrd ciiMtoinern
futiiinuf uuixuieir ureshiivooniy hoeninmuK'U m onco
kr twice tn a wIijIh wayjn. 'J'hfy wi'ltfh no mora I lirm
an ordinary tiro, UmiiunolurfH-slatlna nnnHUt's Ih-Iiu,
iKivcn hy wiveritl Juvi-m of thin. HimmiIuII v iii'i'tmn-i
fahrlcnn ilio tread. Tho rctrulfir price of theno tire-
' i tll).(H) ik r imir. hut furadvei-LUlnir DurnoHeu w( arn
Dfddutf Hpoctul factory nrl.-fl Ui llin rldur of nnly tM.flOlrpnlr. AI! orders shlpnofl m mn
..- . ...j nniM v, w. i,, n nnuiifviit. uu uu nub imy a cent until you
Nntloe tho tlilek rubhortrearj
A" and minr.tiirnKtrm.
and "D" nUo run atrip "H"
to orevent rlmenttinir. Thl&
tire will outlant any other
r,;""--S0'" tUAoTIC ana
bhi tfiuina.
rml t OUR einiiM It for any ru.m tliiy aro net .tlf.i t,,ry on o..nilIu,tlit. w.arn I wrf llr iuZ
moi.ry ,.litt.iiiHl..,..nial,iik. If y.,ii oritur Imir or Oman tlrm. v will Ilu I !i,i il.J V 1 1 11
"J- rn'tr.' l-tlr. laat lon..rnrl l.,k llurtl,i, n,tln. , Imvt."", ,1 or Jn .laiT. rl.jT
know that yon will lie ho wvll uImhikI flint wlmn vmt want a lilnvulu vi, win .iL .1- l...;J r..l Vru,
iHnil Hatrlal nrr!r at onMV hitnimthlu nnarLi.i,, I in. nir... uiuur, new.UK
For Sale.
Bunny with top for sale, or .trade for
hack or cart; good condition. Box 225,
Prineville, Oregon, 6-la
vim t
ilrii JtfnT IAAfVbilt write UMBnofltattralav no mattui.. ........ ..
Itoulroo.taauoirtaltoliwi.veryttilii.. Write It now. w anu woudertuloironi wear, malilui.