ITEMS OF INTEREST THROUGHOUT OREGON Chronicle of Important Events of Intorest to Our Roadcrs. NEWS PARAGRAPHS PROM OT1ILK CI l Ih-3 IN UKtUOIl Refers Murphy Include Putjllo. linker An uiicsmm'ImI development In III" lnnrliiK of t It dlvorre raait of H ilnvy C. Uiv, the former million Ira sorlety niitn and mink broker, occurred Hsturdny, whrn t the r ii in i( ion of the liorliiii before lief er Olmrlcs P. Murjihy, nil nwniti per mm Slid llm public were ordered from llm court room liy llm rert! ml tli testimony tnken In secret. Forests Art Burvtyid. Wallnwn. orlU'lnU uf llm loenl tor rut office ii if In ilk I im surveys uiitlinr Inn sliit'slles ntul rliimlfylnit In ml mid timber on llm Wallow mid Mi lium I menu Tim work hns bm-n ciiiniilelcd mirth of I In- lmn line, uml will lii-iiln In I few dnvs on Dm h kIi liitiuntulns to llm coin Ii of Will limn n Hid north unit west boundaries ol Ilia fori-al. HAY CROP IS BUMPER Wiilirn Oregon Vlild It 60 Per Cant Larger Than In 1910. I'orvnllla. "Thu fnwncrs of Oregon are harvest lit a winiilrfiil bay a "p." Kuld Dr. Juiiie Wllliyt'oiiib, director of I lie experiment stntlon at thu Ore linn Agricultural Itilli-Hi), discus US tlm present Imrvrnt. "Tre total bay crop of Orrunn Inst yciir ri primi nii'd (Khi.oiui torn, but tbla year It will niith l.liio.omi ton. Tim western On-kmi crop la f.U per rent In i kt thun it s Inni year, und the nmli ru Oregon crop iilimit 10 per rent larger.- Th d fferciu-n In porri'iiliilt la mostly dim to llm fiu't Unit In east ern Oregon llm crop la grown on IrrU filled or sublrrlgitled land, while that In western On mm la grown under nut- uml cotiillilons, nnil the sciuon tons been fnvoriihl for bay, as well a for olbcr farm crops." Yoder It Not Guilty. Pnlem HiiiiKlim In a verdict of nut guilty, a Jury In Juitgo Kelly'a court acquitted A. It. Voder, formerly su- jmrlnlendi nt of the Woixlliurn school. Yuder wna rharged with aasuulland bnllery, It belnr aliened Ihnt ho bud caressed M year-old I.ydla Slmrabech, The Jury wui out two Uoura. Nino Aorta Bring $10,000. Modford. A n'neacra orchard of pear and applai wss told to H. A 1-alta, of Two Rivera, .Mich., for $10, 000. The land Ii loritlod northeast of Central i'o'nt and la part of a tract of acre that coat Wllllnm Holmei, of Modford, $.1000 In 1910. Two Scora Aore of Wheat Deatroyed Pendleton. Fir, starting from park from t locomltlve, cnuaod the season's moat disastrous grain fire, when 40 acre of wheat running 45 bushels to the acre wan burned on the ranch of O. D. Isnmlngor, near Nyrlck. BLOODED STOCK ARRIVES Carlton Breeder. Import Anlmala for Their Stock Parma In Yamhill, Carlton. The moat valuable shlp- ment of Imported draft atallloni ever brought to thla part of the atnte was landed at Carlton during the week. Tbli shipment wna cona gned to Ed on & Irrown, of thla place, both of whom have been In Europe for the pant three monthi selecting and buy ing tho best they could find from the most noted home breeding forms In England. France and Ik-lglum. TUe shipment consists of nine nelfjluns, six Percherons, and two English Shires, i nch, with one- exception, be lug two yenrs old. These hordes will tie on exhibition at the coming cir cuit of fulls this full. These men ill bo purchased a shipment of regie tnred Shropshire sheep, now on the way hero. Astoria Accepts Plan for Reservoir. Astoria The city water commls Ion, at a special mooting, accepted the plans submitted by the engineer for a dam to be constructed at the head works on Hoar Crock, for the purpose of creating a storage, reser voir of 100,000,000 gallons capacity. i , Last of Quadruplets Dies. 1 Merrill. The last of the four ba bies born to Mrs. Al Bunnell on Julia 28 died hero flaturdny. At birth tho combined weight of the little ones wsb only 12Vi pounda. One lived only a few hours. There were three girls and a boy. i 8lsters Plan New Hospital. I Ontario. A deal has Just been closed by whloh a fine tract of land on the sightly tench west of town was secured for the use of the Sisters of tfl. Domlnlo, who will erect a M0, COO hospital. , , The Commissioner of Indlnn Affairs turn urrimg d lo send 12 Nes I'erc Ind'ans from one of Hie lending Indlnn schools lo ntieiid the Astoria celebration. One hundred and seventy five Al n- nesoluna now residents of Ijiim comity assembled In Weal Rprlngfleld to relebrulu the annual Minnesota plrnlc. That In addition to a state trout hatchery, Klumath rminly la to have a government hatchery, Is the statement made by Hi ate Oame and Klsh Com mlsaliinir fltnne. K gliteen thousand acres of govern ment lund In the vicinity of Tiller, In soullieastern Douglas rminly, was Ibrown open to entry at llm Cnlled Htnlea Jjind (m- In noaiburg. There are 770:1 children of achool K In I. Inn county, aocordlng to the annual reMirt of County School Buper- Inlendint Juckson. Of thla number Isk:i are boys and HSMI are girls. That $22,000 an acre can be real ised from ginseng In the Itogue River Valley Is the statement of K. F. Ora hum, of l'roieet, who has been exper imenting w'tb the plant for yenrs. Heaolullona have been received by llm governor's office from the Medlord Commercial Club, sukliig that a alm oin! seas'on of the U-g'slnlure be cnl'ed for the purpose of considering gonil ronds b g slati' n. (iovernor Wist appointed Ralph C. Mniaon. of I'ort'nnd, as a delegnln t' ailend Ibe International conference on ii,.. ireiiiim-iii of liilierciilosls. The conference meets In Home from Sep tember 24 lo September 30. The first bulletin to be Issued by the State Hoard of Forestry lias Just come from the prcus and 2n,000 cop ies will be printed for distribution among those who apply for it to the State Hoard of Forestry at Salem. The Navy Department advised Sen ators Chnmberla n and Hourne Hint no bnttl' "hips could be sent to Auto r a. but the torpedo fleet would be sent In time to participate In the opening exercises and remain through out the celebration. Alter checking over the names on tli.. Cnlveralty of Oregon referendum petitions with the aid of experts and copying the entire list on a typewriter. Judge W. T. Sinter said t li 1st alinoft per cent of the names would be culled out because of defects. A dinner to convicts was given by the Wabl Club of Sublimity at the i m-k niinrrv near Sublimity Wednes day. The dinner was planned by the women of the Wohl Club as an ex-t,i-...ic,n of aiuireclntlon of the work the convicts have done on the roads In the vicinity. Working on tTte theory thr.t takes a thief to catch a thief, oov- ernor West hns thought of selecting three men from the penitentiary honor band" upon the escape oi a .rimnor. and tending them out to capture and return the one who vio lates the trust placed In mm oy me ch'ef executive. Organization of the Ontarlo-Nyssa Irrigation Company was perfected when a meeting of the stockholders was held in Ontario. This corpora tlon will handle the details of Install i Dm big pumping plant on the Snake Il'.ver lo water 10,000 acres of Malheur county's dry lands lymg around Nyasa and Ontario. Active steps are now being taken by the State Hoard of Forestry to pre vent Hres as the dry season ap proaches. Just at thla time the most dangerous part of the year as far as forests are concerned la commencing and the forest wardens throughout the state are helng warned by the board to exercise great caution. At a meeting of the commercial club of Springfield with representatives of the Kugene club present, plans for exploiting tho resources of Lane county at tho Omaha Land Show In October were discussed, and the Springfield club offered It nld in or gan slug a distinctive Lane county ex hibit In preference to an all Oregon display. Samuel Hill, who hns gnlned a na tional reputation In connection with hi. mnd work In Washington ,nas ad vised Governor West that, owing to the great Intorest that has developed in m-eiron as to roads, ho stands ready to co-operato in any manner possible with tho Oregon authorities and give Ongon tho benefit of his experience. Senator Chamberlain has notified President Campbell of tho University 'of Oregon that he will make two ap polntmonts to the Naval Academy at AnimpollB on or boforo March 12, 1912. Tho preliminary mental and physical examination of tho volunteer fnml dales ' for these appointments will be tic'.d nt the University of Ore gon early no:;t year. Hankers, lumber manufacturers and railroad men believe that the next six months will show marked -lm-provenent In business conditions In the Northwest and that the banner wheat crop and the excellent condi tion of other crops throughout the country insure a revival of the lum ber Industry that means great pros perity for the Northwest generally, Lots in Noble's Ad dition Now On Sale! J We have made very low prices on these lots to start them off. Buy now before the prices advance. We, offer special inducements to homcbuilders. GRADED STREETS. SIDEWALKS, BUILDING RESTRICTIONS, CITY WATER, ELECTRIC LIGHTS, SOIL J These, together with admiiable location, only four blocks from the business center, make this addition the most desirable home site in Prine ville. For Low Prices and Easy Terms See A. R. BOWMAN TO-DAY. Jthaca V.1R Oft BORE -. : s : 1 ?.'VBy, -j Li? J. The hunting season will sewn be here and now is the time to have your guns put in order. We do work of that kind. CROOK COUNTY JEWELRY & SPORTING GOODS HOUSE L KAMSTRA, Prop. How About That Deed You bold? Does it meet all the requirements of law to convey a good title to yon? And those deeds which have gone before, are they legal and complete in every respect. If so, yoa bsve a very exceptional chain of title. Better let us examine it for before it is TO LATE. PIONEER ABSTRACT COMPANY (Member Oregon Association of Title Men) J New Hardware and Furniture Store JOHN MORRIS, Prop. My prices are bedrock. You can save from 25 to 1 00 per cent on everything you buy. Come and see for yourself. ted I'-. . The Supreme Excellence OLD "I. W. HARPER" Among lovers of fine whUkey wss not achievedln a day nor in a year. It is the mult of nearly half a century's pertiitent effort and honest service. Daring all these years there has never been a time when HARPER was not what it claimed to be SIMPLY THE BEST, Sold By SilYertooth & Browder Shaniko, Oregon O. K. MARKET Free Auto Excursion to Prineville Heights Prinevtlle's latest resilience district, just platted and now on the market. Buy a lot in Prineville's sanitary residence district on easy terms. No sloughs, marshes or mosquitoes. Less host than on the river bottom. Fresh air, pure water and an excellent view ol the city. City water will be conveyed to the property at our expense. Lots 40x114; prices range from $80 to $200. Hall cash, balance payable at $10 per month; 6 per cent on delerred payments, Examine the maps al our odice. HENDERSON -INVESTMENT CO. Prineville Hotel Building, Ground Floor Prineville, Oregon. Choice Beef, Veal Mutton and Pork Stroud & Stroud, Proprietors Butter and Eggs Country Produce A Fine Line of Sausage Telephone orders receive prompt attention Statement of Resources and Liabilities of The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon At the close of business March 7, 1911 KKHOUKCKB I.IAHIUTIK8 Loans and Discount IS2SHU M capital Stock, Pt4 In I 60.000 00 United States Bonds 12.600 00 Surplus fund, earned 50,000 00 Bank rreinlMH.uto 12.M4 62 Undivided pronts. earned 28,-198 24 t'asn 4 Due from banks 256,729 68 Circulation 8,500 00 RodompUon fund 625 00 Deposits 468,818 60 . StJ06,8U "4 B. F. AlUa. PtsiMsbI Will Wimwslkr, Vke-PmklsBt 1006,811 74 T. M. Baldwin, CasMsr H. Baldwin, An't Chi.r Prineville Green House CHAS. W. SPRING, Prop. Prineville, - - - Oregon All kinds ol vegetable and flower plants ready to transplant lo the open ground at the proper season. All plants transplanted and well rooted. Pot-grown tomato and cucumber plants. Vegetables out ol season. We now have help in the work and some one will al ways be on hand to wait upon you, A good article at a reasonable price is our aim. No extra charge lor packing and delivery at the stage office. White us your needs in the plant line, Chas. W. Spring.