Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 20, 1911, Image 7

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    $50 for a Slogan to Include the Words
"STttJETTOw--Tools and Cutlery
$20.00 for best submitted
$15.00 for 2d best submilted
$10.00 for 3rd best submitted
$5.00 for 4th best submitted
Contest Closes August 1st
Address your communications to J ! Care of Pacific Hardware and Steel Co.
Portland, Oregon
"STILETTO" Toolt and Cutlery can be purchased from your Hardware Dealer
State Land Board
at Redmond
(iuvornor WuNt, Attorney Cieiv
prul Crawford, Stiito Tri"unurur
Kay, and John II. LowU, Htiito
engineer, all mombera of thu
Htiito di'hcit 1 it ii d board, arrived
lioro Tut-hduy evening and ut
tondi'd a mounter tn'ttiiijf in
Khrt't'i hull to incut incinbcrs of
tho Central Oregon Irrigation
Co. Water Usith' Association and
liHton to (,'rlL'vunci'H the water
visors In this section havu'agtiinst
tho Central Oregon Irrigation
Co. ho an to get an Intelligent
idea of existing conditions with
a view to remedying the sumo,
Mays the Kedmotid Spokesman.
I'. H. l)encer, president of the
association, presided, and a mini
Lur or water user staled their
grievances against thu company.
Hen Cotter stated what the
Neuters considered their rights
in the excess acreage matter. unci
Attorney Oenerul Crawford said
ho would bring a suit In the name
of tho stato against tho irriga
tion company and nave tho cases
threshed out iu court.
Kirk Whited, J. J. Kllinger. J.
A. Thompson ami others explain
ed to the land board tho harmful
conditions of tho present Irriga
tion system as they viewed it.
and the unfair manner in which
tho settlers had been treated on
. their contracts with tho irriga
tion company for years up to the
present time.
At the conclusion of tho re
marks by tho sottlers Governor
West promised tho aid of the land
board in remedying the griev
ances complained of, and said the
board woifld station a man per
manantly in this section to aid
the water users in getting their
rights. In liiu remarks the gov
ernor stated he thought tho con
tracts made by tho original irri
gation company wore fraudulent.
Ho said tho land board would go
tho limit and do whut wus right
to aid tho water users iu getting
what they wero entitled to; that
tho board was going to holp the
sottlers play tho game square all
down tho lino, and ho did not
want the sottlers to imagine
there was a barb wire fonco be
tween them and the board, but
that tho board was their friend
und wanted to got in closer touch
with them and help them in ev
ery possible way that was right,
lie also said ho was of the opin
ion thut it would he a good plan
for the board to hold meetings
here at least twice a yeur. He
congratulated tho pooplo on tbo
nerve they had displayed in mak
ing their complaints, and pre
dicted that much bonelit would
result from tho mooting. The
governor wanted the people to
suspoud judgment ou tho board
until they see what results have
been obtained.
J. J. Ellinger thunkod the gov
ernor for the friendly spirit he
and the board had exhibited to
ward tho settlers.
Mr. Kllinger asked if the board
hud decided on plans for the
north canal, and the governor
suid ho was of thv opinion that
tlio canal should be built at once.
Stale Treasuror Kay stated
that he would do all in his power
to see that the settlers got their
Koscou Howard, manager of
the irrigation company, said the
company was not selling any land
it could not furnish for. He fur
ther slated that it was the inten
tion to build the north canal this
full, and said the company would
do everything to help the set
tlers and would put in systems
this year so that all would get
The result cf the meeting has
been to bring the settlers and
land board Into closer touch and
a moro friendly feeling between
them has been fostered.
Samuel Weihl cf Sisters has
Invented a varmint trap that
'works successfully in trapping
jail kinds of animals thut are
pests and prey on tho farmer und
jolliers. Tho invention is so siin-
! nln thnf. iinv mm emi iiua it. jiml
it is also inexpensive. He has
applied for a patent on his in
vention. Kedmotid Spokesman.
over the dt-sd body of hi nxiHter,
the remains of John Parker, a
; trapper, were found Thursday in
Ilia hut in the Cs.ctde Mountains
52 miles west of I'.end by search"
ing party.
The date of the trapper's death
wus ertnblished by note in his
diary written November 15, 1910.
The note rend: "I'm down and
The dog hid eaten every fcrap
ot leather and iiiece of ruhbirb
J about the place and the flesh from
j the dead raun'ii body, but ttarva
I lion could not lure the animal
i from its post of duty. The search'
mil party lound tbe dog a mere
hulk ol kin and bones,
l'arker went into the mountains
to trap last fall. His absence of
several months occasioned no ap
prehension among bis friend, but
when summer came and he did
not reappear, the searching party
started out.
I he searchers found his camp
near Lava Luke. Parker bad died
in his bunk with all bis clothes on.
He was 54 years old and came here
from Auburn, Wash., where he is
said to have had a sister.
Central Oregon
Continual from 11 rut page.
mean greater assistance in get
ting the newcomers properly lo
cated. Professional locators
have in many instances located
people on soil they knew was
worthlesssimply to get the fee
and indifferent as to the damage
the victimized settler would do
the state. The commercial or
ganizations should make it their
work to go into this matter deep
ly, even to the extent of seeing
that people are properly located
on homesteads, without payment
of a fee to individual locators.
This, I believe, would prove a
tremendous drawing card.
"One thing I ascertained on
the trip was that the trade of
Luke view and southern Lake
county is irretrievably lost to
Portland until Lake county get9
direct railroad- connection with
Portland. The new line building
from Nevada will be in Lake view
soon and then San Francisco will
jhave all of that trade. This
trade should come to 'Portland,
but it will be impossible to bring
it hore until we have direct rail
road connection. With a railroad
connecting with tho reads to
Portland, Lakeview should trade
with us, however, because it is
closer to this city than to San
A Gruesome Find.
A ppeoial from Bend to the Ore
gonian says:
(luarded by a starving dog
which for eeven months watched
Els tray Notice.
lllitt'k mare, branded quarter circle 11
on loft flunk, weight 1100; bay mare,
hrnn-ie-i oarlock J on left ttiouUler,
weight 1000. Itroke, oliotl in front. Ho
ward jmiil for their return or notinVa
tiun. AdtlrensC. L. Tallmon, Culver,
Ore. 7-oXit-pd
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby Riven by the underidKned,
the admlnltramr with the will annexed oi the
eiate of Robert IVnoinginn Johnsou, de
feated, to All persona bavin claims trains'
Maid deceased or his estate to present thv smite
wtih tlic proper vouchers, to Hits nnderiKiied
tit hta ottlce In rrlneville, Oregon, within mix
mouth at the firwi publication of this notify.
Dated July l.ith, Ml.
Administrator with the wilt annexed
of ewiate ol Robert Pennington Johuson.
Notice Tor Publication.
lVpartment of the Interior, ,
IT. H. Land Ofttce at The haiku, Oregon.
June !utl, Wi.
Notice l hereby given that Andent P. J.
Miller, of Prlnevllle, Oregon, who on Aumna
ih. ntw, made Homestead No.0.dA for 1au
1.2.3. and 4, Heotlon 8, Township 10 South.
It hi m U -!. Willamette Meridian, haw tiled
notice of Intention to make tinat commuta
tion proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before W arrvn Brown,
county clerk, at his office at Frlnevllle, ure
tton, on tliuMh day of Antrum tall,
Claimant named as witnesses: ,1. Alvln
RltTK- Klanon A. HusseM, f f'rinevUle, Ore
gon; Christian 8elU, Henry Tweet, I'owell
Bulle, Oregon,
tt--h'p C. W. MOOKK, UeUter.
Sheriff Sale.
Notice is hereby Riven that by virtue of an
execution andot'der of 4Hle 1 (tuned out of the
circuit noun of the auto of Oregon lor (.'rook
couny, on the Ui day of May, lull, in favor of
ti. W. I'erkins. N. H. Ferkins, l, H. Leech, J.
A. Simmous. R. l. Shuck K. F. Schneider, W.
(i. liusdieu, W. M. Kryer, J. T. Patterson. Vine
W, IVaree and O. M. Kppley, plaintiffs, mid
Htflust Red Jacket Mining Co., a corporation,
lor Hie sum of f:t!U0 ft, with interest thereon
at the rate ol eht per cent per sunn in from
the 'Aid day of September, lt'10, and f-tw attorney
feet and costs, whieh judgment was enrolled
and docketed in theclcrk': ottice of said court
in said county on the tfth day of May, 1WU,
which said execution commands me to sell
the following described property, stiume, ly
ing and being in Sections i!tt, 27, M ami :to,
Township t south. Range 17 east of Willamette
Meridian, in Crook County, St Ate of Oregon,
and known as the Red Jacket tiroup of tjuartz
Claims, which said group consists of the
Fractional Chance, Red Jacket, Consolidated
Virgin, Willow, and Snow Bird lodes or min
eral bearing claims which said group was sur.
veyed on December ituth, wi to January 4th,
P.Hi-J, by Arthur Phitbriek, I'nited States
Peputy Mineral Surveyor, said survey being
designated as Mineral tturvey No, -KW, and ap
proved by lion, Henry Mcldruui, then t'nitcd
States surveyor (Jeneral tor Oregon, tin the HMh
day of April, UHU, the original field notes of
which said survey being tiled in Hie olticc of
tho said I'nited States Surveyor Oeneral for
Oregon, reference to which said field notes are
hereby made for tho purpose of further and
mure particular description of the said: prop
erty conveyed; for the purpose of satixtying
suid judgment, Now, thereforcforo, in pur
Miance of raid execution, I will, on
Saturday, the 12th day of August, 1911,
at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. at the north door
of the courthouse Ui i'rlnevllle, in Crook coun
ty, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for cash
In hand, the above described property, or so
much thereof as may be required to satisfy
said judgment, interest, cost.t and accruing
Dated thi Uth day of July, Vni,
T. N. llAl.FOril,
, Sheriff of Croon Oountv, Oregon.
Content Notice.
Dfparinirtit of the Interior,
I u lied rtuio.l-.nd oiIke.Ttie iKilt-s Ore.
JutieB, 1MU.
To William H. Bryan of Prlnt-vilie, Orton.
You Htv berebv notified thai Frank H.
Hoftiiuni, who Kive l'rinvllle, OreCirn. as j
hi p4i.niof addntw. did on April it.
nb In Mil omen- hi duly rorniMtrntl "P
pllealtou Uiefiiitfkt and twure the eanoflla
Ibm of vntirUnin-t-tid.H'rlal No- WMi nmde
A prll 7. Will, for M' ? sK1 4, M' 7 ' Nh-Hoii In.
T-iwnhlp IB rv, Kange.lH K., Willamette
MiTldlan, and as grounds f.r hUconW-Ht h aU
bnn that sh id IHtNiu H, Hrvan has wholly
)atidoued Mid ifmi lir ocr six itionihs
last pi; that he h wholly failed U Mule
upon, imprpv and cultivate said tract of land
an required hv law. or At all; that his atwence
IberelriHii a a not due Ui lit employnteni In
the army, uaiy or marine corps ol tbe I uttud
Htatr in lime of war.
You are, therelore. further notified that the
newt allegation will le taken by Hits oflk-e a I
having )een eoiilecd by you, and your said I
entry will I ranceleI thereunder without t
your further right U le heard therein, either!
U lore tliix office or on appeal, if you fail to file i
in th: oUbe ultiiin twenty days alter the j
Kol K t H publiealHin of this liotti v, as show n
Ijelow, yuir answer, uniler oatb. spet'lUcally '
meeting and reponditiK to thestt allegations of j
con ten i. or If you fail within that lime to tile j
iu thin office due proof that you have served a !
copy of )our answer on the said contestant j
ruber in person or by ro(ititered mall. If this j
ftemcu is made by the delivery of a copy of !
your answer to the contestant In person, proof
ofHiieh service must lie either the said von
teiH ui's written acknowledgment of his re
eeipl of the copy, showing the date of iu re-I
eeipt, or the affidavit of the peraon by whom,
the delivery waa made stating when and
where the copy was delivered; if made by regis- j
terud mail, proof ol such service mint eonnUt of 1
thealbdavitof the person by whom the ropy was
mailed staling when and the potttofltce to
w hich it was mailed, and this affidavit must
be accompanied by the postuiauter't receipt
for the letter.
You should state in your answer the nameof
the poBtofhce 10 which you desire future
notices lu be sent to you.
tt-r-ip C. W. MtMJRE, Register.
Dale offlrtt publication June -S, 1911.
Iateofaertnd publication Julv , IWll.
Jtnte of third puldtealion Julv 13. 11 1.
IaU' of fourth publlcuttou July tt, 1U.
Notice for Publication
TVpart menl of I he I nterlor
V. 8. latud om.-e at The itallea. On on
July 10, iyn
Notice Is hereby given that John Danntals,
who pist-omee addivs 1 (irlrxly, Oregon,
did, on the 14th day or March. 1UII. tile In this
orlloe hworn Ktatemenl and Application, No.
oxikt, to purchase the KVl4 NK4 and NW4
HKl4. Section 11. Township li South, Hangp 1j
Khi. Willamette Meridian, and tbe Umber
thereon, under the provisions of the act of
June;, is.s, and acts amendatory, known as
the "Timber and wtone i-aw," at such value aa
might la Dxed by appraisement, and that,
pursuant to such application, the land and
Umber thereon have la-en appraised, fill, Hie
tlmtter ethimfed jyo.msj board feet at -Vi cents
Per thousand, and the land $6 V"U; that said
applicant will oiler rtnal proof In support of
his triplication and wont statement ion the
2Hth day of SepteniU'r, 191 1, la'fore Tlmothey
K. J. OufTy, U. M. Commissioner at his ottoe,
at Prlneviile, Oreson.
Anyiperwm Is tatj liberty to pnvtest this
purchase lie fore entry, or initiate a contest at
any lime iK'fore patent issues, by filing a cor
roborated athdHvtt In thisofnw, alleging; facts
which would defeat the entry-7-0
W. MOORE, Register
Notice for Publication.
Isolated Tract.
Public Ijand Sale,
Depart tnent of the Interior,
l 8. Laud Olht-e at The Dalles. Oregon
May 11, WU.
Not coal land.
Notice Is hereby given, as directed by the
CommlKMoner of the tieneral 1-and Ottite, un
der provisions of Act of Congress approved
June .'7. lWKi, (:U Slats., M7b we will orter at
public sale, to the highest bidder, at 10:15
o'clock a. m.. on the -'tit b day of July, mil, at
this otllce, the following described laud:
HWt- NW Sec. J,T. 16 S., R. 1; K., W. M
Serial No. tftoTl.
Any persons claiming adversely the above
descriU'd land are advised to file their claims.
or objections, on or before the time designated
lor sale.
C. W. MOORE. Register.
Sheriffs Sale.
In the eireuH ciurtof the sluteof tregon for
theeotiutv of CriMik.
Curl J liuiberg. by Jacob N.
ijuliMug, uts auoriiey, in met.
Tin iii tut'.
W. J. irimth nnd Marlha P.
tirltlllh, his wife, and Frank
1'aul. IVfendunts.
Ry virtue of on execution nnd order of sale
issued out of the aoove entitled court and
cause on the 10th day or July, lull. In favor of
the above named plaiultll' and against the
above named defendant, upon a Judgment
against Ihesatd defendant Frank Caul, for
the sum ofJHSotusj with interest thereon from
theMthdayof the late of 6 per
cent per annum, and SiiiHMk) attorney's fees
and the further sum or tMW.2u costs, whieh
judgments w as enrolled and dm-keted In the
the clerk's otlleo of suid court on the 1st day
of July, 1VU, and whcva$ It was Utrther or-
deivd and ucoretMt ny the court mat me
Southeast Quarter H of Section Kight -S
Township en teen - tsoutn, ivang ten -in-Kastoflhe
Willamette Meridian in Cnadi
county, Oivpon, la sold by tbe sheriff of said
county, as under execution, and tbe proceeds
of said siiU after paying the costs nnd dls-
bursemeiils. lieiclu und the acorulng ousts, be
applied on the Judgment herein, and iu
obedience to said execution, order of sale.
and decree, notice Is hereby given that 1 have
levied upon the property above described,
und 1 will on the
14th day of August, 1911,
the same being Monday of the week, at 2
o'clock In the afternoon of said duy, at the
north door of the courthouse, lu i'rlnevllle.
Ci-ook countv, Oregon, sell to the highest
bidder for cash all ofthe right, title Hint In
terest (he said Krnnk 1'rul, defendant herein,
had In and to the said real property, on the
Ulh duy of August. 1U, to smlsfy auld Judg
ment, cost and disbursements, and accruing
costs, and attorney's fee, andsald sule will be
made subject to redemption In the manner
provided hv law.
luted t his iinh day of July. MU.
Sherltf of Crook county, Oregon.
you watched Prine
ville win you saw those fine,
level lots adjoining the Ath
letic Grounds. Price
$110 and $130
Or egon & Western Colonization Co.
John R. Stinson,
Crook County Agent
Shingles, Mouldings, Windows,
Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc.
Fi3 C3
Sonera SSlaocsmithing
Horseshoeing, Wood Work, etc.,
Neatly and Promptly Done
When it is Done By : : :
Robert Ttfoore
Satisfaction Will Be Guaranteed
To Portland Spokane, Seattle, St. Paul,
Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Omaha Kan
sas City.
Trains leave Opal City 8:30 a. m., Culver 8:50 a. m., Metolius
9:10 a. m., Madras 9:30 a. m., arrive Portland 7:45 p. m.
Leave Portland 9:55 a. m., arrive Madras 7:50 p. rn., Metolius
8:05 p. m., Culver 8:23 p. m., Opal City 8:50 p. m. Direct stage
connections to and from interior points.
R. BUDD, Chief Engineer, R. E. MICHAEL,
Portland, Oregon. AgenJ, Madras, Ore.
Agent, Opal City, Ore. Agent, Metolius, Ore.