Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 20, 1911, Image 6

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liEVMcsx cur
Siiips Arriving From Italy Are
Feared; One Amcrcan is
That siiling sound la only th Thermometer Boiling
internally. It's great weather for wearers of straw hats.
Come in and let our Clerks show you some of our styles
.w Yc.-k-W !h !.-! t.i at Its
gi:e-, (. t- ;i n ! .iS o: .V Yoik
a. e t.iii nu'"e eti.ieeic it'ca.
to:l I.. .!. n.-:' lo li u til l!:p iilM.1 i'
i-.i a .oi.i in te ty. A.'.v
fc.i .. s v. a. e :j- ?i on t.if i-ai I ..I
c, ;-'."'ir,: t'-e o:!.t;:i:a ;eie freely
u a : i ml futif ut r.N i us will
b, a.i. ; to lu-eVcr.t cm J es ami - of tie q-.sarant no sMtum
ci.i.; hx with out.ii rs. j
T.n iuii ,.. f As atle i
c'.iu.i ia to develop t.eic lh is season ;
tr.iKil in the dciCi of I'atri. Is I'ush night watchman at t)i j
burn? IslanJ Quarantine nation, j
There hare two veral deaths
among Imm grants detained, and two
.iinc! kept for the required ot.-er-al
on period develop? d ti c d sense
and d ed, but dishing is the first
Amcr can resident to be Infected
"The quarantine department of'
every port in this couuiry is facing
a very serious and onerous task."
said Dr. Ivty, "and it is not Ira-:
j,o-s!!:e that many vessels arriving ;
lrem Italy in the nett few days will
bring cue or more cas of the di
sease." !
A majority of the vessels which
have recently come from Italy have
either brouKht actual case of this
disease, or furnished evidence of Its
having occurred in transit It is with
gnat difficulty that the latter con
dition is established, and it la only
through the most exhaustive bacte
riological exani'nation that I am able
to gecurj the facts.
! , A '
'r,. ','..'7 ,
tw '-i 1 ... I
James Wickersham, Alaska's dele
gate In Congress, who accuses Attorney-General
Wlckersham of permit
ting men who defrauded the govern
ment to ticape prosecution.
Britain Bars Fight With U. S. i
London. The Anglo-Japanese alli
ance has been mwiified to exclude the
I'nited States from Great Detains
possible enemies and the life of the
alliance has been extended nearly
six years by the new version of the
treaty, wfcich S.r Kdward Grey, the
British secretary of foreign affairs, j
and Count Kato, Japanese anibassa-j
dor at London, s!sncd. !
Steel Interests of Seattle, Portland
and San Francisco Consolidated.
San Francisco. An important con
solidation of steel interests was ef
fected In this city, wheti the I'acitic
Coast Steel Company, San Francisco:
I'acitic lion Rollins M ils, of l'ort
land, Ore , and tbe Seattle Steel Com
pany, of Seattle, were minted into
the I'acitic Coast St.-el Company,
with a capital a(Hk of nearly
12,000,000. In tbe transfers tho Se
attle plant is valued at I.O00.0oO, the
San Francisco concern at $7ot.0u0
and the Portland mills at tlaOOOd.
Those interested in the now com
pany declare it is entirely independ
ent of the I'nited States Steel Cor
poration. It is the intent on to con
fine th plant In San Francisco, which
will bigin operations in September, to
the manufacture of steel, bile iron
bars and like products will be turned
out by the works at Portland and
Splendid Line. Best Make
in 1 1-8 and 1 1-4 j
Selling very lovthis
Collins W. Elkins
Better visit our SHOE DEPARTMENT
and see those nifty models
in Black and Tan Oxfords
$3.50 and $4.00
See the new Pug Toe, Flared Soled oxfords;
the new raised toe shapes, and the ninny
other special styels not Freaskish, but very
distinctive. All sizes.
Mrs. I. Michel
Here's great news for you men
who like smart shirts. We've
just received a lot of new effects
in plnin and striped Shirts that
Will certainly make a hit with
the Critical Dresser. Big doings
at $1.25 to $2.50
and a complete line
of work shirts
You can't beat them
Mrs. I. Michel
Coast Lumbermen Form Association.
Taeoma. At a meeting of tbe Pa
cific Coast Lumber Manufacturers'
Association a plan for the consolida
tion of all the lumber manufacturers'
associations of the Pacific Coast was
Rail Promoters Checked.
Spokane. The hope of the backers
of the Spokane and British Columb.a
Railroad known as the "Hot Air
Line," to secure unused rights of way
through the Colvitle Indian Reserva
tion from Republic to the Columbia
River, now held by the Great North
ern, was knocked out by an opinion
handed down by Federal Judge
Frank II. Hurikin.
The Brosius Bar
Finest Brands of Wines,
Liquors and Cigars.
F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor
Monitor Survivor Dies. i
Sawtell, Cal. Michael Mooney, j
aid to be one of the three survivors ,
of the crew which manmd the "Moni-
tor," when it fought and vanquished
the Confederate ram ".Morrimae,"
d:ed here, aged 74, at the National
Soldiers' Home.
Corvallis Dentist Sought for Murder
of Mrs. Griffith, Near Philomath.
Corvallis, Ore. Edward North, a
dentist, is charged by the state with
the murder of Mrs. Eliza Griffith at
Philomath. A warrant for North's ar
rest has been Issued and officers are
searching for him. j
While the sherl ffend deputy prose-
cutmg attorney will not disclose the !
nature of the evidence that Impli- I
cates North, it Is learned that sus-
plclon was first directed toward him
when the minister at whose house
he was staying In Philomath heard I
him walking the floor a few nights j
ago and meaning, "Oh, why did I !
do It!" j
Mrs. Elita J. Griffith, a widow, was
murdered at her home near Philo
math on the night of Friday, June 2. ,
Her body was foundi the following '
day in a shallow pond a quarter of j
a mile from her home. On June 6 '
the coroner's Jury investigating the
crime found that Mrs. Griffith was
killed by stransulation by persons i
unknown to them. !
Disposition of Public Lands to Be
Convention Topic.
Olympla, Wash. In response to tho
call Issued by Governor John F. Shaf
roth, of Colorado, delegates for tho
Public Lands convention to be held
in Denver, September 23-30, are being
selected by Governor Hay of Wash
ington. The con'.entit?n will Includo
delegates from 'those Western
states and territories having 1,000,
000 or more acres of public lands
reserved or unreservid within their
The gathering is celled for the pur
pose of determining the sentiment of
the states most to be affected, as to
what the national policy shall be in
regard to these lands.
D. P. Adamson & Co.
Prineville, - Oregon
Protect lite Complexion. It prevnits injury lo llif larr ami luinls il applied
ln-lore exposure lo lite sun. wiml anil wratltrr. Wltrn not so usnl it promptly
relifvrs all ilislrrvsiny romlitiuns ol the skin il applied on rrttiritliijj ituloorv
Almond and Ctutimlii r Cream is not a greasy preparation, and dors not re
scmlile lltf paste lorm creams and cosmetics. It is a pure antiseptic lotion, pos
sessint) reiuarkalde clcanipy and liealinu properties thai have Iteen used and
tested lor years by the highest society ladies ol the land. Il will give the most
gratifying results in soliciting rough, dry or irritated shin resulting Iroin any
cause I'rire 50 cents.
July Clearance Sale
Prices on all kinds of Millinery j
greatly reduced after July 1st.
Mrs. Estes
Millinery Parlors.
Elk "Goat" Is Abolished.
Atlantic City, N. J. No more will
the intending Elk be compelled to
ride the goat, climb a greased pole
or do other "stunts" In connection
with his initiation. The last import
ant action of th grand lodge of Elks
is to abolish absolutely all horse play
and hazing in the initiatory rites of
the order.
Chemists Stand Back of Wiley. !
Cincinnati. Tbe dSv't!n o" !
the'can fiern ' il Shirty
launched a imirew n here Slosy'-.r !
to have all T'nited Stud's rh-in Ft ! '
oppose bv (.-very me:;ni i o,;H;b!:' the
ousting of Dr. Harvey V.'. Wiley,
chief of the bureau of etiemiistry of i
the department c-f agrl'Mil'ttre. i
All hope of pension legislation at
this session of Congress was dashed,
when Democratic Leader Underwood
served notice that such legislation
would be taken up at the proper time
at the regular sess on in December.
Ballinger Denies "Dick" Letter.
Seattle, Wash. -ltiehar'i A. Ball n- i
jrer, former serretsry of the inter'or.
ilre'Hred that he l.eard of tLat
"Dick to Dick" letter until he saw it i
I Tinted in t!e pap' r. Kali-nxcr w:;:-s
positive in his sttteiwnt th:;t ho iliil I
not renumber reclving ?urh a let- j
tor. !
Wheat Track prices: Club, 81c;
bluestem, 9"c; redl Russian, 80c.
Barley Feed, $26 per ton.
Oats No. 1 White, $27 per ton.
Hay Timothy, new, $19; alfalfa,
Butter Creamery, 2Cc.
Eggs Ranch, 2Cc.
Hops 1910 crop, 25c; 1903, 19c;
tontraets, 2."c.
Wool Eastern Oregon, 9Q16C;
Willamette Valley, 15frl7c.
Jlohair Choice, 37 ic.
! .
I i
Smith & Allingham, Props
Champ Smith's old stand.
Imported and Domestic
Famous Whiskiei
Old Crow; Hermitage; Red
Top Rye; Yellow Stone;
Canadian Club; Cream
Rye; James E. Pepper;
Moore's Malt.
Porter, Ale and Olympia
Draft Beer on Tap.
Headquarters for
Thoroughbred Hats
Summer Exhibit
Peters Shoes for
Men and Women
odern Clothes
'The Kind Gentlemen Wear
Imported Wines and
Explosion KiMst 21 in Coal Mine.
Dubois, Pa. Tw li'in'ts
were killed In an cxploi-ton In the
Eh-aft of the Cascade Coal &"
Co.'s mine at Sykesvllle, nine miles
f.-oin here.
Wheal Bluestomi, 95c; Club, S4c;
red Russian, 82c.
Barley $24.50 per ton.
Oats- $28.o0 per ton.
Eggs 30c.
Hay Timothy, $15 per ton; aUalfa,
$16 per ton.
Notice to Creditors.
J('li(,'i I hfTfby nivi'ii tfnt tho nn'lril(rri(l
Iihm ti:Mt. hy the (finmy cotirt of rrook foutily,
Hinte fit irfgf)ii, duly HiiiMiiit:l A'iininliitrftior
of tin; eKtHic of titntrv. VV. Htirni-c, Uwtiw,
Hti'l ail i-(;rHm htiviiiK lims HKli'Mt tai' t
ttile arr h'-rcby rMiiiri;l to preuuiit lh Hin;,
tliilv v(:ritUil, to jall a'lininif trntor at. tint law
o(H' e of ('. (',. Itrix, in I'rincvilU". OP'Koh, wltli
i n hx montliM from tlic dale oi the htni jiubll
entlon of ihU noiii;.
I'utf'-l and piibiiHlied flrnt time July ?tt),
A. i. Wll.
ArfmiiifatrHtor i tht ehtntt- of
WITH llie opening ol our Spring and Summer Season, we wish lo express our heartiest
thanks to our many customers and Iriends who have shown us their patronage during the
past year. We hope that our methods ol doing business have been satisfactory lo one and
all and once a customer always a customer. Our methods will be the same lor this coming year
Everything Marked in Plain Figures and One Price to One and AIL We don't
sell you an $10.00 suit lor $15.00; our $18.00 suits are marked $18.00, that's our price; no
other. But we are not talking prices. Quality First and Last. We are today carrying the
Best Clothes to be lound in Prineville. Modern Clothes designed and laid out by
Brandegee, Kincaid & Company, Utica, New York
lotlx well neleete l anil worn rannot lie overlooked by iip!n of ilinerimlimtlon. I'.xetaniatloiu of Kreat
joy are. certain to t callH forth by our ilinplay of "Coiled" Chap" I'lolhm, becaiine of their particularly
hrink Ktyle, ami lmaue they lit wi perfeetly that they cannot hut be well worn.
The fabric are totally lilferent from those onliiiarily peon. The iiianv urueeful anil eharnctermtlc fenlures
which iiiHiii((uih the well-tlreweil man from the! of careles ilreerii will lie found in the.o ien
iliil jraroieiitH. K nowiiiK how to ilei((n anil how to iluvulop has miulo "t'ulleKO Chap" Cloths what they
are, "the clothed you want."
Clifton & Cornett
Druglcss Healer
Hpinal A'ljuHtnierilH anil DieteticH a
Jlourit 7;M to 12 n. rn. 1 lo 6 p. m.
Calif ariHwortd nromiitiy.
Rooms 16-17 Adamson B'dg.
Miinufiictiiri'r uf mil ileiiler in
Harness, Saddles, Chaps, Bridles, Silver-Mounted Bits
and Spurs. Reatas, Quirts, Ladies' Stride Saddles.
E. H. Smith, Prop. Prineville, Or.