OFFICERS BLsKED BY RESCUED PASSEKGERS Chance to Save All on Board Santa Rosa Refused, While Sea Was Yet Calm. S.n FranotscM. anger waxinj rat er than diaiin'sVus, the rescued I-s ng.T8 of ' ti steamer Santa Ho.a who wore brought here, after the ves-sel went to ilw on on the tovka at IHuM Arguello, declared that a r gid investigation of the il.sastr sould be demanding They held the Santa Rosa's otTk-er responsible for the grounding of the learner and many declared they would testify before the I'niied Stai marine aut-'orltie that it was negligence that forced them into a life and death battle with the break ers. The ship's officer and t:'e Pacific Cosst Steamship Company are harsh ly censured for delay .u rescuing pa t ngirs. While three vessels stood by from dawn until dark, ready to take the passengers off the steamer, nothing was done until it was too late. The Pacific Coast Steamship Company, It is alleged, could not make up Its com mercial mind as to how much it would tie worth to save the two hundred persons. The ses. had risen and the other teasels could not stand In close enough to make quick transfer of passenger in the boats. So the pas sengers had to take the dangerous alternative o( trying to make a land ing In the surf on a shore barbed with cocks, hemmed by breakers. So far as has yet been ascertained, nly four member of the crew the second officer, Heuson and three sail ers were lost. Central Oregon Is j "Dipping" Cattle Good Hog Country! Is Now the Thing That central Oregon will soon j I-akoview, Or. Tho unusual become as famous (or its hog 'sight of thousands of head of raising as it has been in the past cattle being dipped iu the lurge for its cattle and sheep, is the ' vats erected at Silver Lake for opinion of F. A. Freeman, cash-; the purpose, was the attraction ier of the Lumbermen's National - that called uiauy people hun bank, who has returned from a'dreds of miles last week. Tho trip to that section. Mr. Free- cattle had beeu mildly infected man was one of the Portland ; with the mange and the dipping part? who assisted in the oriran-! was intended to eliminate this izution of the central Oregon post before it had reached all development league last week, the stock iu tho county. He returned to Portland enthusi-! As a precautionary measure astic over the resources of the the cattle will again bo dipped central Oregon empire, predict- in the fall when they como oil ing rapid development of the. the summer range iu the Fre j country. j mont forest, after which it is bo-, "While the opening and sale of ; lieved that there will bo no more ! the central Oregon wagon road mange in this section of the' grant lands is taking money out state. j i of the banks at present and is j Someof the thoroughbred bulls I i working to their temporary dis-j belonging to tho 'ZX' cattle com j j advantage, the central Oregon pany presented tne appearance bankers realize that tho effect , of not caring to tako the neces will be to their great future ad sary bath in tho vats and rem on vantage," said Mr. Freeman, stratod strongly. With much "These lands have been with-j labor, considerable danger and held from settlement, thereby ; some strategy tho unimals wore retarding the development iu a 'dually combelled to take to the great many ways. It has proved j immunity bath. a bar Pedagogues Meet In San Francisco. San Francisco. San Francisco it filled with delegates and visitors to the forty-ninth annual convention of the National Educational convention f the National Educational Associa tion, some 30,000 of whom, represent ing all branches of educational work from the kindergarten to the univer sity, will make this city their mecca luring the week. PETITIONS POURING IN Ottawa Is Besieged in Effort to Save Mrs. Napolitano. Ottawa, Ont. Three more sacks full of petition praying for executive clemency In the case of Mrs. Ange lina Napolitano under sentence to be aanged at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, next month for the murder of her husband, were received by the Justice depart sienL The petitioners now number tens of thousands, representing all farts of the continent Because of the peculiarly distress tug condition, th case has aroused peclal interest in the United States. Petitions have been received by hun dreds from Chicago and other Ameri can cities. In only one instance has capital punishment ever been Imposed on a woman in Canada, it appears to he thought here that the sentence will le commuted to life imprisonment Postmen Get Salary Lift Washington. The 40,000 odd rural free delivery carriers In the United States are to receive ealary increases as a result of a decision reached to day by Postmaster General Hitchcock. The order will provide for the dis bursement during the current fiscal year of 14,000,000, which will mean an increase of J100 a year over the present salary of $9000 for all car eers on standard routes. CROPS MAY BE SAVED Xain in Nebraska, Kansas and South west Brings Relief. Chicago Chicago and the Middle "West continued to broil under the pitiless heat during the past week. The crop situation Is challenging the serious attention of the public. There was rain Sunday In Nebraska, Kansas, and tbe Southwest that seemed to presage the breaking up ef the drought in those regions, and It Is believed crops will be saved. But crops in sections of South Dakota are hopeless. Private advices from various points admit this. Hun dreds of settlers who took up govern ment claim a year ago, counting on their first crop to tide them over, will ask the government for an ex tension of time, as they are almost destitute. There Is Etill hope for tiie Wheat crops of North Dikota, Minne sota and the Canadian Nortnwest. Court Approvts Hound as SleutK ' Topeka, Kans. TLie Kansas Su yreme Court upheld the bloodhound as an agent of jns'iio . If the hound had been proved uc-urcue In fuilov. Uig the trail of human footsteps, that evidence wag enorg':, ta'd t!:e .ojrt, to convict. to irrigation projects as u. n..t u.:. n.-.:.. p..u. - j . uw a toil is i ,mm ,1 , n wiuif wen as to general settlement ana cultivation. "There is a tendency towards The Brosius Bar Finest Brands of Wines, Liquor and Cigars. LAGER BEER ON DRAUGHT F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor Are located on Ooiirthnuw street, one block east of Main, ruffs, switches, wiirs, toupee, hair jewelry, etc. ordered on BDiiroval direct from tha inanu- revolution of the livestock indus-: faeturers. Send in your hair combings try; instead of conducting it in thf"V h" UP " yU W,nt tho old way by using wide open ' Hairdrsiiig &5c, hair dressed and , i , :..: ,l. i. I curled 50c, face massage 60c, Hoalp mss- ranges and driving the stock j shampoo .Mie, hair tinge 25c, many miles to market, the busi-' almond meal pick &oc, risy pack Wr, ,. , 1 I bleaching and dyeing $1.00 up. maul- ness is being put on a modern lcuring to50r 6 )lltmenU,,2 .50. and entirely different basis, j Railroad shipping facilities now provided will make the industry even more substantial, and every influence is in favor of a greater livestock development. It means better livestock and greater dev elopment. It means better live stock and greater profit. 'The great wealth of water available for irrigation as it is applied to the land increases the production of crops in a remark able way. Much land which can not be irrigated is being made highly profitable by dry farming methods and large areas are be ing broken to the plow. Alfalfa and wheat raised on irrigated lands and field peas and wheat on dry farming sections afford a great profit in hog raising. 'This industry is now being developed commercially and its possibilities are enormous. Hogs raised on alfalfa or field peas andhardened on wheat make a quality of pork second to none. "One of the impressive things about the trip to central Oregon 1 was the evidence of the cordial! relations between the people and the transportation companies. That the people appreciate the magnitude of the railroad pro jects which have involved the ex penditure of over 23,000,000 is evidenced. A 'pull together' spirit resulted from the organ ization of the central Oregon de velopment league among the rep resentatives of towns that had hitherto shown evidences of jeal ousy. It was made evident that all central Oregon towns in the future will work for a common subject, and that whatever riv alry exists will be of a friendly sort. "Central Oregon scenery will become famous the world over when the country is better known. It embraces all the beauties of mountains and plains with can yons, gorges, valleys and for ests. Ten -snow capped peaks are visible from the train on the trip into central Oregon." Port land Journal. STRAWS STRAWS That sizzling sound is only the Thermometer Boiling internally. It's great weather for wearers of straw hats. Come in and let our Clerks show you some of our styles Better our SHOE DEPARTMENT and see those nifty models in Black and Tan Oxfords $3.50 and $4.00 See the new Pug Toe, Flared Soled oxfords; the new raised toe shapes, and the many other special stye! not Freaskish, but very distinctive. All sizes. THE LEADER Mrs. I. Michel Prineville Mere's great newt for you men who like smart shirts. We've just received a lot of new effects in plain and striped Shirts that Will certainly make a hit with the Critical Dresser. Big doings at $1.25 to $2.50 and a complete line of work shirts 50c You can't beat them THE LEADER Mrs. I. Michel Prineville D. P. Adamson & Co. Druggists Prineville, Oregon ALMOND AND CUCUMBER CREAM. Protect the Complexion. It prevents injury to the fare anJ hands if applied Ulore exposure to the sun, wind and weather. When not so used it promptly relieves all distressing conditions ol the skin il applied on returning indoors. Almond and Cucumber Cream is not a greasy preparation, and does not re semble the paste lorm creams and cosmetics. It is a pure antiseptic lotion, pos sessing remarkable cleaning and healing properties that have been used and tested lor years by the highest society ladies ol the land. It will give the most gratifying results in softening rough, dry or irritated skin resulting from any cause Price 50 cents. Horses for Sale. On the old C. Sam Smith ranch, nenr i'rinevllle. 125 bead of mures and ReldliiKH, lurge enough for work liorwH, will tie Hold In tiny number at reasonable prices. For further Information address O. II. IIuhkkm,, I'rinevllle, Oregon. mtt-tf Millinery July Clearance Sale Prices on all kinds of Millinery greatly reduced after July 1st Mrs. Estes Millinery Parlors. PRINEVILLE, - - . OREGON. f 1 " RECEPTION " f Smith & Allingham, Props. Champ Smith's old stand. Old Crow; Hermitage; Red 9 Top Rye; Yellow Stone; f Canadian Club; Cream B Rye; James E. Pepper; Moore's Malt. Imported and Domestic Cigars Famous Whiskies Porter, Ale and Olympia Draft Beer on Tap. For Sale at a Snap A neatly built cottage papered and painted, with 4 rooms and pantry and 2 lute 80x170; will rent for $12 a month. A pleasant ho:ae tor f800 cash. Call or Prite to the owner, Peter Maetenbrook, wriiit'ViHe, Oregon. 5-25-lmp Imported Wines and Liquors. Headquarters for Thoroughbred Hats Summer Exhibit of Peters Shoes for Men and Women Modem Clothes "The Kind Gentlemen Wear." WITH the opening ol our Spring and Summer Season, we wish to express our heartiest thanks to our many customers and friends who have shown us their patronage during the past year. We hope that our methods of doing business have been satisfactory to one and all and once a customer always a customer. Our methods will be the same lor this coming year: Everything Marked in Plain Figures and One Price to One and All. We don't sell you an $10.00 suit lor $15.00; our $18.00 suits are marked $18.00, that's our price; no other. But we are not talking prices. Quality First and Last We are today carrying the Best Clothes to be found in Prineville, Modern Clothes designed and laid out by Brandegee, Kincaid & Company, Utica, New York Clothes welt selected and worn cannot be overlooked by eople of discrimination. Exclamations of great joy are certain to be called forth by our display of "College Chap" Clothes, because of their particularly brink style, and because they fit so perfectly that they cannot but be well worn. , The fabrics are totally different from those ordinarily seen. The manv graceful and characterwtlc features which distinguish the well-dressed man from the multitude ol careless drcHsers will be found in these splen did garments. Knowing how to design and how to develop has-made "College Chap" Cloths what they are, "the clothes you want." Clifton & Cornett AT THE OLD BRICK STORE. DR. R. D. KETC1IUM Drugless Healer Spinal Adjustments and Dietetics a Specialty CONSULTATION FREE Hours 7;30 to 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p. in. Culls anNwercd promptly. Rooms 16-17 Adamson B'dg. PIONEER SADDLER Manufacturer of ami denier Iu Harness, Saddles, Chaps, Bridles, Silver-Mounted Bits and Spurs. Reatas, Quirts, Ladies' Stride Saddles. E. H. Smith, Prop. Prineville, Or.