Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 13, 1911, Image 4

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Passage of Measure Withcu
Amendment is Indicated by
Senate's Vote.
Washington. The dt-foat In tfce
Senate of one of the Senator Cum
mins amendments to the Canadian
reciprocity bill, made it clear that
the measure is scheduled to emerge
from the Senate without any change
from its original form.
Br a rote or 32 to 34 the Senata
refused to attach to the bills Sena
tor Cummins" proposal to (five Cana
dian fresh meats and meat products
tree access to the American markets.
The vote defeating the amendment
showed three lVniocrat, three regu
lar Republicans, and eight projtres-
ires lined up for a change in the
agreement. This is believed to re
fect accurately the strength of all
proposed amendments. Nearly all
the Democrats and regular Republi
can are opposed to a change in the
bill, while the progressives favor the
Those voting for the amendments
were Bailey, Simmons and Thornton,
Democrats; Sutherland, Nelson and
Clark, regular Republicans; Bourne,
Borah, Bristow, Ciapp, Cummins, Dix
on, Gronna and Kenyon, progressives.
Measures Are Held Up.
Several measure put forward as
the Democratic program in th House
are held up in the Senate, and no
one can tell when they can pass. The
bill for Arizona and New Mexico, the
campaign publicity bill, the reappor
tionment hill and several of less im
portance are now behind the tariff
blockade in the Senate. As there
will be considerable debate on eaeh
of these measures no one can toll
when they will get to a vote.
Why Taft Signed Order Asked.
Published charges that the Presi
dent had been induced by three per
sons his brother. Secretary Baliin-
ger and Richard S. Ryan of New
York, a representative of the Gug
genheim interests to restore to the
public domain lands surrounding Con
troller Bay in Southern Alaska, met
with quick action In Congress.
The House committee on expendi
tures, headed by Representative Gra
ham, of Illinois, summoned Commis
sioner Dennett, cf the land office, to
appear before the committee to ex-
plain what he ' knows about the
charges and Representative Cox, of
Indiana, one of the Democratic lead
en of the House, Introduced a reso
lution calling on President Taft for
all the information he can furnish, the
House on the subject
High Cost of Living No Myth.
The high cost of living Is no myth.
An investigation by the Bureau of
Labor of the prices of 257 commodi
ties during 1910 shows that whole
sale prices then were 4 per cent
higher than in 190$ and 1.6 above
the average of 1907, which was the
year of highest prices since 1890.
In view of the Canadian reciprocity
discussion, an interesting item in the
bureau report shows that the whole
sale prices of farm product were
7.S per cent higher in 1910 than, in
1909. .
Federal Steamers Asked.
A bill appropriating 16,000,000 for
m government-owned and controlled
steamship line along the Pacific
Coast and through the Panama Canal
was introduced by Representative
Btephens of California.
The bUl directs that until the canal
Is completed the Panama Railroad
Company shall operate a freight and
passenger line on the Pacific Coast
In connection with an Atlantic line,
and regular stops be made at Seat
tle, Tacoma, Portland, San Francisco,
Los Angeles, San Diego and other
ports, and that upon completion of
the canal the company shall operate
steamships through the canat.
Peace Pact Marks Advance.
Within a week or ten days the sig
natures of the Secretary of State,
Philander C. Knox, and the British
Ambassador, James Bryce, will be
placed on the treaty between the
Cnlted States and Great Britain to
provide for the arbitration of all ques
tions arising betwen the two coun
tries, even matters of vital importance
and national honor.
Mon;y Combine Is Feared.
la connection with a resolution in
t'oduced by Representative Lindberg
of Minnesota, proposing an investi
gation by a House committee of nine
members to determine whether there
xiats a combination of financiers in
the United States operating in re
straint of trade or violation of other
laws, the, Minnesota insurgent Repub
lican assailed the proposed Cecal sys
tem submitted to the monetary com
mission by ex-Senator Aldrich.
The resolution calls for an investi
gation of the banking, money, ex
change, credit and deposit system of
the country and make recommenda
tions for remedial legislation.
NL i
-v 1
Herbert l Satterlee, son-in-law of
J. P. Morgan, one of the eighty-three
men indicted in the government's
crusade against the alleged wire '
Six hundred horses have died in
harness in New York from the heat
the last six days.
Republicans of Kentucky nominated
a state ticket at a convent.on held in
Louisville, Tuesday.
That the record breaking hot spell
of the past week has undoubtedly in
jured crops in the North and Middle
West was the opinion expressed by
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson.
The prohibition of the manufacture
and sale of absinthe in France has
been approved by the French com
mission appointed by the senate to
consider a proposal to that effect.
The people of Texas vote on the
question of state-wide prohibition
July 22. For three months tte state
has been torn by the campaign,
is growing more bitter as the date
of election approaches.
Europe is again on the verge of
a volcano. The young Turks, long
restless, are advancing on the Bal
kans. King Nicholas of Montenegro
has called out his reserves and will
fight the invaders to the last ditch.
The notable conventions of the week
will include the national reunion of
Elks at Atlantic City, the annual con
vention of the National Educational
Association at San Francisco, the
meeting of the Imperial Council of
the mystic shrine at Rochester, and
the annual meeting of the National
Editorial Association at Detroit
Lots in Noble's Ad
dition Now
On Sale!
J We have made very low prices on these lots
to start them off. Buy now before the prices
advance. We offer special inducements to
J These, together with admiiable location, only
four blocks from the business center, make this
addition the most desirable home site in Prine
ville. For Low Prices and Easy Terms See
To watch for my ad next week
i i iff . mi ,m,.
mt .Pin ' WJ
i ll, I!'
L. KAMSTRA, Prineville
Errors in Titles
Are being constantly found by our examiners. Bfore at
tempting to close a deal for real estate either 'a srantor
or purchaser see ut. We may save you considerable ex
pense and delay,
(Member Oregon Association of Title Men)
Last Saturday was John D. Rocke
feller's seventy-second birthday.
James R. Keene, the American fi
nancier, is seriously 111 in London.
By sending hie monoplane up 10,932
feet the French aviator Loridan
broke the world's altitude record.
The condition of John W. Gates,
the American financier who has been
iil for several days In Paris, shows
no change.
Joseph Chamberlain, the English
statesman, celebrated bis 75th birth
day recently and was the recipient of
world-wide congratulations.
Russell Grlswold Colt husband of
Ethel Barrymore, the adtress. pro
fessed surprise when he wa told that
his wife had made preparations to
sue him for a divorce.
Charles R. Jones, chairman of the
Prohibition National Committee, lon
a visit to the Rocky Mountain and
Pacific Coast states for the purpose
of conferring with party leader.
Cipriano Castro, the eiiled ex-dic
tator of Venezuela, Is said to have
established himself in a stronghold
near the Colombian border and is
gathering an armed force to over
throw the government.
R. A. Long, the Kansas City mil
lionaire and president of the Ameri
can Christian Brotherhood, will give
$1,000,000 for a great non-sectarian
hospital to be built in Kansas City
f the church of the Disciples of
Christ will give another million.
In a speech to the fnternat'onal
Christian Kndeavor convention. Pres
ident Tait declared that negotiations
for the arbitration treaty between
Great. Britain and the United States
ave reached a point where there is
no doubt as to the signing of lie
New Hardware and
Furniture Store
My prices are bedrock. You can
save from 25 to 1 00 per cent on
everything you buy. Come and
see for yourself.
The Supreme Excellence
Among lovers of fine whiikvy waa not achieved in tUy
nor in a year. It is the re.ult of nearly half a century's
partition! effort and honetl xrvica. Durinf all thM
years there has never been a lime whan HARPER waa
not what it claimed to be
Sold By
Silvertooth & Browder
Shaniko, Oregon
Shontses Patch Up Differences.
Paris. Mrs. Harriet Amel a Shunts,
tviio makes her home in this city
with her daughter Theodora, widow
of the Duke of Chauiness, Is to with
draw her suit for a separate main
tenance against her husband, Thoo.
P. Shonts, president of the Interbor-
ough Rapid Transit Company of New
York and ex-chairman of the Isthmian
Canal Commission. Such is the news
here now.
Free Auto Excursion
Prineville Heights
Prinevllle's latest residence district, just platted and now on the market
Buy a lot in Prineville's sanitary residence district on
easy terms. No sloughs, marshes or mosquitoes. Less frost than on
the river bottom. Fresh air, pure water and an excellent view ol the
city. City water will be conveyed to the property at our expense. Lots
40x114; prices range from $80 to $200. Hall cash, balance payable
at $10 per month; 6 per cent on deferred payments', Examine the
maps at our office.
Prineville Hotel Building, Ground Floor
Prineville, Oregon.
Stroud & Stroud, Proprietors
Choice Beef, Veal
Mutton and Pork
Butter and Eggs
Country Produce k
A Fine Line of Sausage
Telephone orders receive
prompt attention
Statement of Resources and Liabilities of
The First National Bank
Of Prineville, Oregon
the close of bnsiness March 7, 1911
Jan and Dtucoonta f.123,412 54
United Htatea Bond 1!JW 00
Bank t remlseatc 12,644 62
-'uh A Doe from banks 266,729 at
Itedemptlon fund 025 "0
SfjOMU 74
B. F. Alias, Pr.ud.nt
Will WorxwaiUr. Vic. Pr..UW
capital Block, paid In ....1 60,000 00
Hurplas fund, earned., G0,0"0 00
Undivided prollta, earned 2Ms 24
Circulation sxiooo
Deposits 46(1,813 SO
T. M. BaMwIa, Caihtar
H. Baldwia, Au't Caihlar
Prineville Green House
, CHAS. W. SPRING, Prop.
Prineville, - - - Oregon
All hinds of vegetable and flower plants ready to transplant to the
open ground at the proper season. All plants transplanted and well
rooted. Pot-grown tomato and cucumber plants. Vegetables out
ol season. We now have help in the work and some one will al
ways be on hand to wait upon you, A good article at a reasonable
price is our aim. No extra charge lor packing and delivery at the
stage office. White us your needs in the plant line,
Chas. W. Spring.