JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER John D. Rockefeller, the Standard OH magnate, who recently celebrated hie seventy fifth birthday. ALLEN BILL CONSTITUTIONAL Supreme Court Upholdt Commlaelon Form of Government. Olymiila, Waah. AINn's romma- Ion form of govnrnmi'iil bill isetd toy the last !- alnture for mtinlcliuill- live having a population of from l.'.oO to 10,000 la constitutional. The Supreme Court ftO hold In a 4csln handed down In the rase o( the itRto tt rel. Gllbort Hunt and other, against KuKrim Tnuelrk, May' or of Wall Walla, and auetalns the Walla Walla Superior Court In re fusing to quanh the proceedings In' ttltiitod to fore him to rail a special election for the snbmleelon of the queetion to the voter of Walla Walla MoNamara Muet Stand Trial. J.os AiiK"l JuiIrp Hot-dwell hnnd i down a derision holding tl'nt hla court hnd Jurlaillrt on and the rlttht to try John J. MiNiimara on tin cbnrg of having munlered 19 per- ona In I ho dynutnlta explosion which wrt'ckml the Tltnea lunt October 1 1910. 1 1 u overruled the. plea of n Jurlndlct on entered on behalf of the labor lender and suatnlned the objec tion of the district attorney. NO ADDRESS TO KING NEWS PARAGRAPHS FROM Oil ILK Cli lt8 IN OKEGON A poetofflce has been enlulillsli'd at ftowena, Wnici county, with frank W. lkiurblll a postniaHter. W. J. Wllaon, an Orng.m City livery mnn, wna appointed coroner eiHc'knniua county to suc.cood Dr. Thoinaa J. Kox, r"'lrcn?d. Huperlntendent Alderman env 410 Orriion teacher are In attendance at the Nutlonul Kducallonnl Aeamiat on now merlin In Ban Franc sro. Decision hue been reached by the Hltito Hoard of Agriculture to place hiudaurtaco )iavinent at the elulc fair grounds from the depot to the innln entrance. Four club, InrludlitR all tun rrwml Import wit town In the vl!ey, are orgiuilidrig a luianlmll IttiKun In tl.e Rukiio Diver Valley and will pluy a lain enitnon till yenr. Itecelii of the lCuene poatomrr for the Ureal year ending June were $:!(! C.',t 12, a compnred . w!t $:t",0i.1 05 for the prevlou year, an Increnne of M S per cent. Faculty member are icreittly en couriiKid by the rapid advance made In eunimer fcttool reuiitral'on at the t'nlveralty of Oregon, which totnle Ml at the end of the aerond week. The government will held a le ol Rrnndtt Iti.nde reservation land at the B:Um agency, August M. when 2034 acre will he o!d to the highest bid der, BctuiU acttler having prefer uiice right. To entourage the development ol farming and dlverninid crop In Ore gon, the atnte conervatlon commit ion I preparing to conduct an edu ealltiiial rampa'gn the coming year to teach good farming At the apeclal city election held In Hood lllver to vote on the Uaunnce of 42,.'iOO worth of bond with which to purchase the preaent water ay tern, t he hond lue carried by an overwhelming majority. The offer to the city of Albany ot the 44cre tract of lana in nryuni pack for city park purpose. wa for ully withdrawn by the owner. The city council fa'b'd to accept the con dlttona Impoaed by the donor. Farmer around Athena are begin i,. 10 cut the hay arounn ine.i man, thus making ready for the, combine to enter the field. H l freely aerte! by the farmer that th's I a banner year for wheat. The lift of early, cloalng entr'.e for the big puree at the Oregon mate Fair !n September were completed tiy Secretary Frank n. Meredith and how the beat llet of early cloalng cntrle In the history of the fair. Immenal'y of the amount of feee collected In the corporat.on nepan ment of the secretary of states office la Indicated In a statement laaued by Secretary OU-ott, showinV that the fee for 19111912 will run over the 1o,DO0 mark. The county court of Poumas cminiy ha appropriated 1500 with which to Real Estate Transfers. (I'urnlalied lij tint ('rook County AliHtnu t ('(iinpnny.) II. N. Uwrl et al to Fred A. Ful, lot 10 block .'10, Culver, :XX). Contract to eell Frel A. Fulgtiam to O. It. Davenport etal, lot lu block 30, Culver, 91020. Jamea M. Ilaker to Minna L. Itotte miller, 8W.j 8W!4', NWJ, HW and KK., aection 34-11-10, fWO. Hidney D, I'ercival et al to (ieo. Nor tlirup, NF.V4' 8W)i, 20-9-M, :'4X0. Keclmond Towneite Co. to W. K. Dav enport, lot tf and 10 block 46, Ked uiond , (.100. Uldlaw Towneite Co. 1o Myrtle Hal bon, lot 6 block H, Laidlaw, f 125. CrojkCo. Inv. Co. to John l'ettye, lote 1 to 0 and 27 to 32 block 36, lot 1 to 7 ami 2)1 to .'12 block 20, Ilillman. $10. Opal City Land Co. to A. II. F.aUibeii et, lot 17 block 41, Opal City, 2.'i0. Jaa, L. Courtriglil et ux to lien (loi ter, lot 2 block 3T, Iteduiond, f 1. 10 (iotter to Jame L. Courtrigbt, wiMt2ri leetol lot 1, 2; 3 and 4 block 37, Itodmond, f 1. ti. W.McFarlaneetu to .Matt Ku leach, Hi, SW, NW' KW and HK'', tec. 10 1610, and water right, o2(J0. J. W, liorigan et ux to Matilda . Kamatra, tract leginning 36 min. H of Ni: cor. lot 1, block II, I'rineville, thence W 100 min. S 2U min., K 100 N 21 min., 400U. (xinetance Keid to Mra. P. It. Basil, lot 10 block 19, Imperial, t10. John Com lie, truitee, to J. W. II ori gan, N 28 feel tot 1 and N 28 feet of E 20 feet of lot 2, block 7, I'rineville, $4000. John T. Wolff to Frank Bcliuch, lota 7 and 8 block 18, Deechutut, $860. For Sale Cheap 1 down t liorotiKhlired Jlhode In land iU-da, one-yenr-old hen and rooHter. I red A. ICIce, i'rineville, Or. Pertofial Health and Purity. I'p-to-date American Literature, adapted for all eort and condition of fMiple, may be aeen or he) at Dr. Fox' ofhoe, Main atreet. I'rineville, Or. 12-H-tf Ir d 1.1 tIIKJg rrv every Jt J V Hilardir Dlbk Hiront-er welmtii. R. V. Coneielile, ft. U.: WKld Harnn. V. (1,; II. L. HublM, Mac.; and C, M. Lrtnwlddle. Treae. D. H. PEOPLES Civil and Irrigation Engineer. Irrigation, Subdivision, Land Surveying, Mapping, E.;imating. Office next door to Lyric Therter (i. If. lirewnier. C. E. E. I,. Hrewiter I'lty Knineer fruieville, Or. Brewster Engineering Co., Prineville, Oregon. Surveying, Maping, Ettimates. Phone, Pioneer 2&t. Lord Mayor Avolde Conflict by Stay' Ing at Home. Dublin. King ueorge received a loyal welcome to Dublin today, The K ng accompanied by the Queen, the Prince of Wale and the Prlncea Mary, arrived at KltiKaton Harbor on fh.t vui'tit Vletnrltt miH AltiMrt The I.i.r.l Mujor of Imblin. whose nwmble n exhibit for the StHte Fair ttirt ut that hp wnuia prmt nn ad- fcnil to alt n drfraylnt? the exiunse SherlR'i Sale. Ktl ii hrrcbjr Rlvrfi thai by vlrtua of an rifK-iiiion auitoMlvr o(m1 Uaiird out of the otrtmii ourt of the iaie of Ort-min fur Cruok (MHiittr, or the lat '1y of Mar, I VI J, In favor of j. W Prkin, N- H. IVrkina, i). II. Iii, J. A. minmtiu, H l. Hi) tick. K. F. c hnUr. W. U. Hu-Im, W,M. FryT, J. T. ratirraon. Vine W. Ivan ? anil M. Ki'tlfy, itlatimfla, ami aifatttit Kr.l Jack'! Ml til tig Co., a coriMtratioii, loMlieauin uf nyio Wt, with ful.:rvt tln-rwrn Rt the rate ol rUi r rem Hr anntim frra tht? vui tly ti( h.-(iteitU-r, lulO, ami Mwailornev (rvs ailt coatai, wit to b tntttiitnl waa (nrollt-d and iIih kvt-l In tlivclrrk'i tm-e t aht tMiiirt in a)l county on the Vtu day of May, 1V1I, which aald etiition romtitanda mu u wll the following dttKriU'tl rotriy, ntualc, ly tiitf and Uiiif in htM'tlonN "J7, M and OS. Townohlp V Miulh, Hhiik I" of W Ulatiit'lu-Mi-rltltan. In rriHk Cotinty, Hmtrof Or(ton. and known a ihv Hl Ja- kel Uroiip of W"aru Franlimal riiaiief, KttV Jacket. Coiiaolldatcd irKin. kiow , anti uow nirn ionn ur iiiih-prallK-aritiit claim which natd a roup waa iur. vt'vini on liftvnitn-r attti, lw lo January 4thJ iw'i, by Arthur I'liiihrUk. tnltvl Wtau-', Ih'outy Mineral Hurvryor, ald aurvy lafing dt alffoalcil aa Mineral Purvey No. WJ, and av pmvvd ty lloti. iicnry Mi-iurum, men t niieq : Hiatea mirvi-yor Ucnt'ral Ur Orvtjon, on the mh j dny of April, iwri, iha onalnal flcll notei of liu-n in turvry ocing uieti in iup oum-o 01 the aald t nlh d Huita tiurveyur Ueneral taT Oreoii, rt'eVrifnce to which aald Iteld noteaare hr'tiY made lor lot purpose oi iur titer ana t mora particular dcM-riptlon of the aald t prop-4 arty convr,vl; tor th purinwe of aatiniyiiiK ', Mid Judgment, Mow, ther'iorefore In pur nukiicv u( Mid fxecuiion, I will, ou , Satmrday, Ikt I2tk Jay ( A.ait, 1911, I at the hour of i o'clock n. in. at the north door , of the court In nic in Hriueville. in t'rtmdt conn- i ty. Oregon, ai'll to the hli:het)i bidder for cah lii hand, the aUtve dacribd property, or io tnuctt ihcrtHif a may w required to aalily aid judgment, interest, coi ant accrultiK coat. Wnlcd tliia lilii day 01 Jiiiy, r'li. T. S. HAI.FOrR. Hlicriff of Croon County, Orogon, I HARNESS and 1 ISADDLERYl SHOP 1 ijl $ RD. STILL D .;il- f w rrincvuie. viciun w of agricultural premium at the an nual district fair to be held In Rose bun In September. n, dm w 11 he tnKcn to me linen manufacturer oi ircinnu, i.b. Hum and other Important linen manu fncturlng countHe. to uuoresi mem In the lnduxtry In Oregon and to fur ther the development of flnx-ralalng and manufacturing tn the Went The work of gathering evidence aa far as a criminal cnarge aga'nst the alleged forger of tho ref erendum petJtlons, directed against there waa a dlacreet.lntui mingling of approprianona oi u. ...... w hni heen romiuneu nuw drea to 1 1 Ii Mnjiwty, dcapliu the con trary dec.'ilon of the corporation, It win feared would lead to trouble, re mained at homo. The Natlonal!et adopted a passive ly friendly attitude. They did not par t clpnla In the olllo'nl reception, but did not lntcrlere with It. They deco rated their premise, always, how ever, with the lr!h ling. If more than one Hng wa aliown, the second nas tho American emblem, o there was a llhornl display of the Star and Stripes. In the general decoration orange and green. Oregon, turned over to the district attorney a office in Multnomah county Unless approximately 4000 Oregon automobllo owners have tneir ma- ehlnea registered with the secretary of etato during the preaent montn thev will be violating the new Oregon motor vehicle law. The law goes Into THE MARKETS 83c; Alaska Frontleremen Die, Seattle. Two of the most epertacu Jar figures In western borderland his try crossed tho great divide at Ka- tnlla when Hike Duvnl, "the father of Katalla." who at one time was one of the moBt hlgWy valued member erfoct August 1, but" up to the present of General Nelson A. Miles' scouting time lea than 2000 have been reg.s- forces, waa drowned, and "French ,rwi Pete" Bmnfard, a pioneer of Alaska I Penresenlatlve Lafferty has rein alnce five years after Seward' pur- troduced hla bill dividing Oregon Into chaae, and dlncoverer of the famous tnticlal districts. The only ennnges Treadwell mines, died from heart Rre that the marshal and clerk In the trouble. eastern district nvurt severally reside either at Baker or Pendleton, and their demttlee must reside at places holding court other than the resi dence of their chiefs Final balanolng of the asaoc!ated student body accounts for the cur rent collegiate year strikingly mus tratas the timelines of the recent .rtnntlnn of the graduate manager system at the University of Oregon. The book now show a balance of only 115.82, and several large obliga tions have been assumed -which must be carried over on naxt year' budget. To encourage the mining of precious metals In Oregon a law was passed by the Legislature permitting a minimum annual license fee ot J 10, provided the companies got their re- Club, 81o; ports 1n to the secretary oi states ofllce by July 1. Ot the zoo or more m(nlng companies in the state abort 75 fulled to get their reports In by tho first of the month and, as a re sult, will have to pay a fee in pro portion to their capital stock. SherifPa Sale. ON IXIUTTION IK rOHKCLOdl RlC. In the circuit eourtlof the Rtntcof Ortfon for th.-county ofi'rwik. Vnri J iiullirnr. by Jacob N. oultH-rir. uls attorney, in ntci, W.J. Ortrilth and Martha n. ortrnth, IiIh wire, ana rrunK I'huI. ItercnttHtUN. Hy virtue tifHneXfcutlun and order of aale Uuil mil ur tile HlKive enlttlett court nnd chum on the lot li riXv ofjuly. IsU. tn fttvoror die aiMive iiHineil plalultu uuil lisultiKi iite Hlmve nutueft UcrcndHiit, uintn a JuilKtnetit uiitliuit lite mitrt (h-rt-mlant Knink I'huI, for in,- inn or s"o.oo with Interval tliereon from ttte tHti dity of J II. hi the late of S per cent ter tttintuii. Htttl fAte.ttO uttorney'a a-' Hint Itie furttier mitn of ftH.20 cimIa, which iuttgmetitK m-hh enrolled Hint dtH-keled In I he the clerk' otrtiv of wild oourt on the Ut tiny ot July. lull. Hint win-Tie. tt wn lurtlier or dered and deflreed by the court that the NiutliciiM iiunrter 141 of Ns-lton KiKltt .S Towimlilp Fifteen -15- Houth, Knuge Ten -10-Kjt of the Willamette Meridian In Crook county, Oregon. t. M()it hy the sheriff of mild countv. an under exeeiillun, and the pnnwts of said Mlenfivr paylna the nnd dl- bumeuietila. hoieln nnd the ttccruln eusla, tie ntiplled on the Judmtienl herein, nnd In uia-dlenee to snld exei-utton, order of wile, and decree, nolle l hereby given thai I have levied upon the prolwrty ulajve described, and I will on tho Mtad.v ef Anit, 1911, the oitit being Monday of the week, at ! o'clock In the afternoon of said day, at the north doorof the courthouse, tn Hrlnevllle. I rook cnuniv, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder rnr rash all of the right, title and In terest the said Krank I'rul. defendant herein, had In and to the said nal property, on the 1411, .lav of August, lull, to aattsry said Judg ment, costs and disbursements, and accruing eoalM. and attorney's fee. and said sale will be made subject to redtfiupttou In the mauner urovtdeil by law. Dated this loth day of July. Inn. T. N. BALFOUR. Sheriff of Crook county, Oregon, New and Second Hand FURNITURE For Real Bargains See W. S. Cooke Masonic Building, Third and B Street. Prineville, - Oregon OREGON TRUNK RAILWAY DAILY TRAIN SERVICE. To Portland Spokane, Seattle, St. Paul, Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Omaha Kan sas City. Train leave Opal City 8:30 a. m., Culver 8:50 a. m., Metoliua 9:10 a. m., Madra 9:30 a. m., arrive Portland 7:45 p. m. Leave Portland 9:55 a. m., arrive Madra 7:50 p. m., Metoliua 8:05 p. m., Culver 8:23 p. m., Opal City 8:50 p. m. Direct stage connection to and from interior points. R. BUDD, Chief Engineer, R. E. MICHAEL, Portland, Oregon. Agent, Madras, Ore. J. H. CORBETT, T, A. GRAHAM, Agent, Opal City, Ore. Agent, Metolius, Ore. r.t r.3 L"J rs t J r.n ca CJ r.i ca ri L'J r,n tj r,n La M ca r.a ca M ca r.T ca ri ca rn ca Sonera Blacksmith ing hobseshoeinq, wood work, etc, Neatly akd Pbokftlt Dohe Whkh it is Does Bt : : : Robert TIfoore Satisfaction Will Be Guaranteed Prinf.villk, Oregon. ca ca 11 ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca rrnrrnnrnr??iririrfirrnr!iirnicrtr3rrrr3r!rr?'rrtr,rrrirrrnr3r5a ckJi;LJLjcuL,uLUL,ui.ucjkjfkJJLji.iJLijL.ui.Lik,LiLut;ji.LJi.ULUba ca C. R. Henry Resident Locator of HOMESTEADS In Southern Crook Co. Address : : Paulina, Oregon I Warren & Woodward , CIVIL ENGINEERS Irrigation, Subdivision, Land Surveys. Estimates Furnished on Power Plants. MAPS We have had 10 years experience, embracing all branches of Gvil Engineering. Box 187 Redmond, Oregon. Portland. Whaat Track prlcei: Club, blueatem, 96c; red Rualan, 83o. Barley Feed, $26 per ton. Oats No. 1 White, $27 per ton. 1 lay Timothy, Eastern. Oregon, 19; alfalfa, 1 2.60. Butter Creamery, 26c. , Eggs Ranch, 24o. Hops 1910 orep, 23c; 1909, 16c; contracts, 25c, Wool Eastern Oregon, 9 16c Willamette Valley, 1517o. Mohair Choice, 87 Wo. Seattle. Wheat Bluostcm, 95c; red Russian, 83o. Barley $25 per ton. Oats $29 per ton. Eggs 28c. Hay Timothy, $24 per ton; alfalfa, 17 per ton. Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby Riven by the undersljined, tli adminiHtralor wltlt the will annexed of the etttatti of Robert Pennlugton Johnson, de eeatted, toall perftnns bHving claims attains said deceased or his estate to present the same with the proper vonehers, to the undersigned at hlsofheeln rnuevllle, Oreiton, within six months of the first publication of this notice. Dated JMly lHth, lull. Administrator with the will annexed of estate ol Kobert 1'eunlnKton Johnson. The Oregon Bar At the Old Stand G.W.Waey&Co.,PrPs All kinds of Choice Liquors Wines and Cigars. Famous Ranier Beer in Bottles and on Draft Wanted By a woman of long experience, a position in store. Address 11. M.Col vim.k, MetoliiiB, Ore. 7-6-lp Irrigated Land For Sale. 80 acres of imputed land, all in crop, Powell Ittitte district. Call on or ad dress, Titus & Smith, Powell Butte, Ore. 0 8 Imp Stewart's Hall Cor. 2nd and C Sts. Now Ready for Occupancy by the different lodges. Sealed Bids Wanted. Pealed hid wtintert tor the erection or a frame school building for Illtrlct Jo. 8'J. Kor pluni nnd speollleutlims hco .1. B. Hblpp. Kourd reserves rlitlit to reject any nud all bids. Hlds open July V' at 'o. Hup't. otllcc. y 1'UK'K COSlluW, Clct lt. Give us your order for CORDWOOD Juniper or Pine, large or small quantities. DILLON'S YARD Opposite Post Office. Big Horse Sale The Central Oregon Live Stock Sales Ass'n of Redmond, Oregon, announces their first monthly sale on July 17th, 1911. Sale will run until all horses that are listed are sold. We guarantee to have the buyers here. If you have any horses to sell, list them with our secretary. Fee for selling is nominal. For further information apply to , Wm. Phoenix Secretary, Redmond, Oregon.