0 County J roo k OMfnal COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, $1.50 YEAR COUNTY COURT JULY TERM Action Taken on Good Many Roads. TWO NEW VOTING PRECINCTS Culver Towmite Granted Per. minion to Build Water System. County court met Wednesday, July fi, lit regular session. Prcm-nt -II. ('. Kill, judge, pirsldliig; It. II. Hnyley unit James Klri', roiniuls sloncm; Warren llrowu, clerk, ami T. N. Ilnlf.nir, sheriff. Walter I). Aruey ft ul, iH'lltlnii fur county ruin I. It appearing to the court that there I another petition lur n similar road, It I ordered Hint thin petition Ik- continued. I- linker ct nl. petition forrouu - ty roml. It npiM iirliitj to tin. court tlmt there In auoth.-r petition lor a similar rond, ami upon tin. opinion of the district attorney. shov. In certain defects, It l ordered tlmt further lieiirluu upon llilnjM-tltlou lie continued. V. (I. I'ordlmm et nl, petition tor county i roml. Ilnw-d upon Uio opinion nl t no district nttoritey. further action upon till petition in continued for the reiiHon that there! I no nltldiivlt of the pouting of notice tit me coiirinoune. iierg to 1'etltlou of J. . I'M words ct ul, for notify petitioner. j county rond. County clerk In- (I. It. Hutu, et nl, petition for strueted to forwitnl nil paper re. county road. Now I presented to 1 luting; to said roml to Kred W. Wll the court the ietttlon of U. It. Uutt son, district nttorncy, forlilo;ilnloti et nl, nivoinpnnled by a bond of ' as to their validity. The paMra of fJUO with i. II. Hutu and Kd M. ! K. O. I.ognn et nl and K. It. Hher Kv. alley as sureties, and It further' wood et HI were also sent to the appearing: by the opinion of the dls. ! district attorney for his opinion as trlct attorney that nil paper are to their validity. regular and In accordance with the statute. It I ordered that the board of road viewer meet at the begin, nlng of said proposed road on July 80, lllll, view, review aud mirvey anld proposed road and report there on at the next term of this court Pet I Hon for county rond by Oscar Cox et nl. l'etltlon accompanied by a bond of 1200 with Tillman Iteuler nnd Andrew Morrow a sureties. 1 1 Is ordered that the board of road viewer meet at the tieglunlng of aid proponed road on the 24th of July, lull, view, review and survey said proposed road and report there on at the next term of till court. l'etltlon lor county road by W. II. Itamsey et ul. l'etltlon accoin pun led by a bond of with W. II. Kaiusey aud C. U. itamsey n sure tie. It I ordered tlmt the board of road viewer meet at the licglnnlng of laid proposed road on the IStli of July, 1U11, view, review and survey said proposed road and report there on at the next term of this court. l'etltlon tor county road by W. (llcnn Louck et nl. Petition nc coinpanlcd by a bond of 100 with W. (ilenu Louck anil It. K. Preston us sureties. It In ordered that the board of road viewer meet at the lieglnnlng of said proposed road ou July 21, lllll, view, review and sur vey mild proposed road nnd report theroou at the next term of this court Petition for county rond by W. P, Wilson et nl. Continued because of failure of sureties to qualify on bond. Clerk to notify It. M. Illshop. Petition for liquor license by Ueo. A. Steven and Edward II. Howell. It appearing that said petition la signed by 82 legal voter residing within Itlack Ilutto precinct, that a lioud lu the penal sum of $1000 with W. N. Cobb nnd C. L' OlHtnssuretles, I hereby approved; that the receipt of the county treasurer for $200 is on II le herein, It I therefore ordered that the clerk Issue n retail liquor license to the said Ueorgo A. .Stevens and Kdward II. Howell to sell spirit uous, malt and vinous liquors lilies quantities than one gallon In eald precinct for a period of six months, beginning July 1, 1011, aud ending December ill, 1011, both Inclusive. Petition for liquor license by li. D. OoiiHer; said petition being -signed by SO legal voter residing within Ashwood precinct; bond In the penal sum of $1000 with J. a. Clark and H. C. Orator a sureties, Is hereby ap proved; that the receipt of tbe coun ty treasurer lor fiOO 1 on flls ksrttla. PRINEVILLE, VVflMiVr llK' VWCWMH J- AvTARy mj w Cfl Amid the tooting of wlilxtle from launrbm lined up at th end of the course and the cheering- of thoumind of college rooter CWS onapSDOIS t'ornoir vamlly eight won the grent nntiual boat ntee' on the Iludwin river opposite roughkecpsie. Jowph Cnllliiux. former Of lhl Wfk nilnlater of flnnnce, was Bp)lnlcd premier of tbe Kreurb repuhUc and has formed t new cabinet General William II. I'.ixby. VI IIIC " CC chief of eugliiuers In charge of the work of ruining the Mulue, baa declared that tbe secret of the destruction of the tmttieHhlp will never lie known. Lincoln llenvhey, aviator, flew under the bridge across Niagara falls and so close to tbe rapids that tbe spray from tbe fulling water reached hU fnce. Jimcph It. Kelt lunnnn was found guilty of making a fraudulent report while preHldent of the Carnegie Tnwt company of New York. Through tbe efforts of Itlchurd I'arr, the deputy surveyor of the port of New York, a smuggling plot Involving many millions has been unearthed. , it u then-fore ordered that the clerk w tt r-tnlt lliuor license to the j said K. D. Uonser to wll lliioni In j !,, quantities tliim one gallon In tlH, Ashwood precinct for a period of j one year, beginning July 1, lull, and ending June 1012, both Inclusive, I ivmion of Koy L. Kidder et nl, for Cunty roml. It appearing to the j court Unit tli notice of said rond were not posted 110 dny prior to the ; i,,,vtlng of the court. 11 required by ,lw It la ordered Unit the suhl tmit ter lie continued until the next term of this court. Clerk to uotlfy peti tioners of mild defect. Viewers' report of Frank Irvine et nl road read a second time and ap proved. Rond disallowed because of heavy grades and excessive cost Clerk to notify boudsnien of cost to date and request Immediate pay ment thereof. Viewer report on C. C. McNeely ct nl rond approved. Kond declared a public highway and clerk directed to notify local supervisor or mipcr visors to request petitioner to do nate at least one day's labor In open ing snld road nnd fcucce across the same If any, and that the said super vlor or stiHTvlsor complete the work of opening snld rond as soon a be or they shall have sulllclent fund In their hands therefor. Viewer' report on L. W. Long et al road approved. Iload declared a public highway and clerk directed to notify suMTvlsor or supervisors to donate at least one day's labor In opening anld road aud fence across the same, If any; and that said supervisor or supervisors complete the work of opening said road a soon as he or they ahull have sulll clent funds lu their hand therefor. Viewer' reporU on the 11. B. Ford et nl road and the Robert C. Jordan et ul roud were approved. Itouds declared a public highway and clerk directed to notify local supervisor to request petitioner to donate at least one day's labor In opening said roads; anld supervisors to complete the work of opening said road ns soon a he or they shall have sulll clent fuuds lu their lianas therefor. Upon the application of W. 11, Cook, Howard W. Turner nnd 0. W. E. Footo, trustee of the Mt. Jeffer son I. O. O. F. Lodge No. Hffl, of Madras, Oregon, for approval of plat and tracing of Mt. Jefferson I. O. O. F. cemetery, and It satisfactor ily appearing to the, court that eald plat and' tracing thereof, together with the dedication of the walk and drives ns shown thereon to the pub lic forever, have been filed with the county clerk, that the same have been duly approved by the couuty surveyor aud county assessor, aud it further appearing that nil of the requirements of law have been com plied with, snld plat and tracing thereof I hereby approved by the court aud ordered spread of record. l'etltlon for the establishing uf a water system for Culver townslte and for the use of farmer and resi dent In townships 11 s, range 12 e, tp 11 , range 13 e, tp 13 I, range 12 e, and tp 12 , range 18 e, all lu Crook county, and fvr tks tf railroad CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 13, companies and manufacturing pur poses, asking that W. P. Myer nnd O. ('. Young, their heirs, successors and assign, be granted a permanent franchise to operate a system of waterworks mid pipe line and to distribute water thereby to said cl linens and residents of Culver, Ore gon, and to the farmer lu said above mentioned township and to the railroad companies nnd manu facturing concerns. lyeave I hereby given to the said W. P. Myers and O. ('. Young to establish aud main tain said system, provided said grantee save harmless Crook couuty from all loss or damage arising therefrom. Provided further, that till water system lie completed and under oeratlon not later than June 1,11112. Petition for right of way for Agency Plains Telephone Co., along the Kutcher and Lyle Gap precinct. It is ordered that said company be given such permission. The Bend Company was granted permission until August 1. loll, to remove certain rock from the Des chutes river In order to drive log thelu. lathe matter of the communica tion of Ambrose Gherlnl relative to (K4.40 found by coroner who held In quest on body of James Rosa. Clerk requested to notify said counsel that the coroner's Inquest, expenses of burial, etc., exceeded the total amount found on tbe person of said deceased. The objection of 40 voter nnd tax payer of Heaver creek precinct, re questing that this court refuse to grant a liquor license to any one to sell liquor In suld precinct, etc., was rend and ordered Hied. New 7otlng precinct. Petition of J. W. Wright with 28 signers, asking for the creation of a new voting pro duct, the boundaries of which shall correspond with the Cllue Fall road district It Is ordered that said voting district be created with the boundaries as aforesaid that the voting place be designated as the local schoolhouse; that J. W. Wright, John Tetlierow, and J. A. VoBeburg net as judges, and that H. W.Mart in, B. F, Chuse and Loyd Harader act as clerks of election. The Oregon Trunk Rnllway ten dered to the Board of Commissioners of Crook county Its check for $1000, the same being the amount con tributed by snld railway company to Bald county to assist In the ex pense of the construction 6t a wagon road from Big Agency Plain to Vauora, which Is accepted by the court with thanks. Clerk directed to place same to credld of general rond fund. .The approval of the plat of High land Park Addition to Metollu le continued upon the recommen dation of Fred A. Rice, couuty sur veyor, because of several minor de fects. The report of the couuty clerk, allowing the payment of bounty ou 314 coyote scalps, 70 bobcat front feet and 2 cougar front feet, amount ing lu all to $551, was received. Said scalps and front feet were thcu re duced to ashc. The petition of J. W. McCullom for a license to sell liquor was disallowed tor failure to comply with the statute. Refund of taxes to R. B. Muulg. Receipts were presented to the court for payment of taxes upon property never owned by R. B. Mutxlg It Is therefor ordered that tbe county tax olletor lsa a rssslpt to th snld Mutr.lg for the entire amount of his taxe for the year 1010, and It l further ordered that the county clerk draw a warrant on the general fund, puynble to said R. H. Mutxlg for the sum of Ill iH',, the same being the ex ecs of the total amount of taxes actually due from the said Mutzlg. Refund of taxes to Fred Anderson. It appearing to this court that Fred Anderson paid the sum of $ls.92 taxes upon certain property never owned by him. It Is therefore ordered that the county clerg drrw n war rant on the general fund In favor 'of 1 said Fred Anderson for the sum of $1H.I2. Now I presented to the court the request of Claude C. Covey for per mission to oiiernte a ferry across the Deschutes river at Mecca, Oregon. It I therefore ordered that said Covey ,lie granted permission to oierate and' maintain a ferry ac cross the Deschutes river st Mecca, Oregon; that his maximum charge thereon will be 25 cents for the two horse team and wagons, an auto, etc; 40 cents for 4 horse teams, 10 cents for foot passengers, and S cents per head for horses and cattle. Said ferry to be owned and operated by tbe Indian Agency and open to the public at the above charges until the further order of this court .Request for permission to con struct Vanora-Metollus road. Now appear Ora Van Tassel and other residents and citizen of Crook county and requests thlB court to ask permission from and co-operation by the Warm Spring Indian Agency to construct a wagon bridge across the Deschutes river near the town of Vanora, and a public high way or wagon road leading there from In a westerly and southwest erly direction to the Metollu river. County clerk is requested to forward this request to Supt. Covey at the Warm Springs Agency and request that he give this matter his at tention. It is understood that said rond and bridge will be constructed nnd maintained without direct ex pense to Crook county or said Agency. Wrongful assessment of C. J. Johnson. It appearing to the court by aflldavlt of C.J.Johnson that he had been wrongfully as sessed for the sum of $04.10 and that the sheriff has remitted the same, It Is ordered that the county clerk cred it the sheriff on the 1010 taxroll wtth said (64.10. Wm. Stetnke wo wrongfully assessed for the Bum of $3.74 which the Bherlff remitted; clerk directed to credit sheriff on 1910 tax roll for the amount. Now Is presented to the court the application for the creation of a new Justice district, and upon a full hear ing of the facts It Is ordered that a Justice of the pence district be cre ated to be known as the Opal City precinct No. 40; that said Justice be maintained in the town of Opal City or in the Immediate vicinity thereof; It Is further ordered that Van Tassel be aud is hereby appointed justice of the peace within and for said dis trict, nnd It Is further ordered that James Bolen be appointed constable within and tor said precinct. Both olllcers to serve until the next gener al election. Petition for J. A. Peck et al county road. Couuty clerk ordered to for ward all papers to district attorney for hi opinion as to their validity. The same action was taken In the J. W. Lewi t al county road. Plat el Davidson addition to 1911. f- Sister. It apiearlng to the' court i that all requirements of law have ; been complied with, said plat and i tracing thereof Is hereby approved , and ordered spread of record. j In the matter of the pint of Bend i park. It appearing to the court ! that all the requirements of law have been complied with, said plat and tracing thereof Is hereby ap proved and ordered spread of record. Plat of first addition to Bend Park. ! It appearing that all the require-; menu of law have been compiled j with, said plat and tracing thereof! is hereby approved by the court and ordered spread of record. Plat of First addition to Metolius. It appearing to the court that all the requirements of law have been complied with, said plat and tracing thereof Is hereby approved and or dered spread of record. Fife district voting precinct. Now Is presented to the court tbe appll cation for the creation of a new voting precinct, and upon a full hear ing of the facts It is ordered that the territory described as follows be known as Fife precinct, to-wit: Commencing at tbe nw corner of sec. 6, tp. 19 ., range 22 e., w. m., in Crook county, Oregon, thence run ning due south 24 miles to tbe w corner of sec 31, tp. 22 s range 22 e; thence east 12 miles, thence north 6 miles, thence east 6 miles to the se corner of sec. 36, tp. 21 ., range 24 e., thence north 15 miles to the ee. corner of sec. 13. tp. 19 s north 15 miles to tbe se. corner of sec. 13, tp. 19 s, range 24 e ; thence w est 12 mile, thence north 3 miles to ne corner sec. 1, tp 19 s, range 22 e., thence due west 6 miles to place of beginning. It Is further ordered that C. A. Gil christ (be chairman), W. W. Brown and Joseph Street act as Judges, and R, S. Dixon, Herman Schmld and Chas. A. Sherman act as clerks of election for said precinct, and that the polling place shall be what Is known as RIverdale schoolhouse in District No. 74. White Butte voting precinct. An application asking for the creation of a new voting precinct and upon a full hearing ol the facts It Is ordered that the territories described as fob Iowa be known as said votlug pre cinct, to-wlt, Commencing at the nw corner of sec. 6, tp. 19 s., range 22 e., thence running east on township line 6 miles to the ne. corner of sec. 1, said township and range, thence south 3 miles, thence due east 12 miles to the se. corner of sec. 13, tp. 19 s., range 24 e thence norths miles along the couuty line, thence due east 6 miles, thence north 6 miles to to the ne. corner of sec 1, tp. 18 s., range 25 e., thence due west 24 miles to the nw. corner sec 6, tp. 18 s., range 22 e., thence south 6 miles to the place of beginning. It is further ordered that J. O. Garner (chair man Chas. Bolsby and J. A. Smith act as Judges, and Orrln Mills, W. N. Dunkle and S. N. Morris act as clerks of election for said precinct, and that the polling place shall be what Is known ns Suplee school house In District No. 40. Whereas Crook county has not during the year 1911 a large amount of road fund at Its disposal and whereas sold road fund should be expended In the most advantageous manner by the co-operatlou of the several road supervisors with the county court, it is therefore ordered that the county clerk notify each and every road supervisor to curtail Continued on Inside pap. VOL. XV NO. 32 FATAL ACCIDENT OREGON TRUNK Caused by Heat Spread ins: the Rails. CARS PLUNGE FORTY FEET Day Coach Fall on Engine Escaping Steam Cause Great Suffering. Tbe firet serious railroad wreck on the Oregon Trunk happened Monday. A special dupatch to tbe Oregoniao, dated July 10, Bays: One man was killed, five person fatally injured and a dozen more hurt when a southbound Oregon Trunk passenger train plunged over a 40-foot embankment 23 mile Dorth of Sberar's bridge at 3:35 o'clock this afternoon. Tbe train was running 40 mile an hour when it struck a spread rail, caused by the intense heat of tbe afternoon. The dead: Louia Rising, storekeeper, Warm Springs Indian School. Fatally injured: Mrs. Louis Rising. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Baker and eon, Morris, Sheridan, Or. Mr. J. V. Rapmuss, Ellsworth, Wis. Seriously injured: J. V. Rasemus and baby daugh ter, Ellsworth, Wis. lies ter Baker, SberldaD, Or. - -George McKtllip, fireman, Van couver, scalded and cut. A. A. Camp, Seattle manager Kerrick & Company, nose broken. S. L. Arthur, Seattle, badly scalded. Slightly injured: Tbomas Miles, engineer, Van couver, forehead cut; Walter Lar son, brakeman, Vancouver, hands cut; George Suckicb, Burns, Or.; Pat Collins, Spokane, Warh.; Thomas Redding, Portland, cuts and bruises; C. Swanson, brake man, Minneapolis, bruised. When the engine hit the sun kink in the rail it left the track and rolled down a 40-foot em bankment. Tbe baggage car re mained on tbe rails, but the day coach following, left the track, plunging 40 feet to the top of the locomotive in tbe ditch. When tbe car struck the engine the escape valve of the boiler waa ripped off and steam and hot water shot into tbe car filled with panic stricken pasBeEgers, who had been projected into the front end of the coach by the impact. P. J. Gal linger, a conductor, was riding with Conductor Cass, at the rear end of the car. Both clung to a seat as tbe car shot down the em bankment. They escaped serious injury. Thomas Miles, engineer, and George McKillip, fireman, said they knew nothing of the danger until the locomotive was rolling down the steep incliue. Both men stayed with the engine until it struck the bottom of the ditch. McKillip was unconscious and. was caught under the cab, but ex tricated himself before the safety valve was released. IIh was scalded on the back and neck and slightly injured internally, but his condition is not considered critical. A special train was made up at The Dalles and physicians were hurried to the scene of the acci dent The injured were brought to a hospital in this city late this afternoon. Heroic work wag performed by Continaed on page Z