tnir i-a1nav-w tuaTOBUlliraawiinna'WDaa an lean- R L.JORDAN & COMPANY C F T Up Sale ! Exceptional Values In Muslin Underwear. Muslin Petticoats, Embroidery and Lace Trim med, Regular $1.25 values , ....$ .93 Regular 1.00 values .80 Regular 1.65 values 1.20 Regular 2.25 values - 1.85 Regular 3.00 values 2.40 Ladies' Shoes In all the latest styles. 1 lalf shoes, one and two strap pumps, high cut, etc., nil our $3.-" shoes at $2.60 Ladies' Waists. All this seasons styles and strictly up-to-date. Regular $ 1.00 waists, Special $2.85 Regular $2.t"0 waists. Special $2.10 Regular $1.75 and SI. 85 waists. Special $1.30 Regular $1.50 and $1.65 waists, Special $1.15 Ladies' and Children's Hose. Fine cotton hose, selling regularly for 1 5c, special, 10c. per pair. Dress Ginghams. All our 15c dress ginghams for I2j cents. A Regular 1.25, special Ladies' Muslin Gowns. V neck embroidered trimmed, short sleeves, regular $1.50, special at $1.20. i ligh nnd V neck cm-' broidered long sleeves, regular 1 .00 special 80c. 95c. Figured Lawns. Dimities, Cotton Foulards, Soisettes and all white waistings at exceptionally low prices during this sale. Watch Our Windows. Inspect Our Trunks, Steamer Trunks, Suit Cases. R. L. Jordan & Company. rjTwtfc.mwyi T he Occasion C) CJNCAN M. SMITH. Ti.i drawing nearer, The tzy Va eeScbretel And thsr. Is warning amoie. f (""V S v won't vjykf Have leg to wai1 T.t need To toll Tha children They know It. I etauld say For what 13 svb ihjy But waiting For t.ia day' And it la an occasion To ttir Tho sluggish breast. Tha birthday Of a nation That occma To atand tha test. Tha dy Our sturdy father KOSft UP And e-oned Tha pac, Tha famous That mzo'a Thl lend A Vv lit Tha c;r.cM boy And Tut h alp Wilh ecundl li'a oniy onco A tve'vairtonlh Tho tlirloua Day ccmca found. ( pt t majority are of more than passing In terest to citizens ot the Culled States, but a few affected the world. History includes the following: July 4. 11S7 Sultau Salniltn. the hero of Moslem romances, defeated the crusaders at Tiberias, Holy Land. This led to the capture ot Jerusalem aud the third crusade. July 4, 15U1 The laws of oppression ender which the Huguenots were per secuted revoked by an edict of rienry IV. of in.nce. July 4. loW Nova Zcmbla was dis covered. July 4. 1043 Indian massacre. The Huron village ot St. Joseph was wliwd out by the Mohawks, father Dauiei baptized all who desired before Oe was killed. July 4. 1GT.3 The meeting of Crom well's parliament, when Cromwell was crowned "lord protector or England." July 4. 17'tr iJeclnrution of Inde pendence. P.irth of Luited States as a DUtiull. July 4. 177S Colonel Clarke. Ameri can army ollicer, surprised and cap tured Kasknvkiu and r'ort (ieore. In. July 4. 17!Ki John CJuim-y Adams' wonderful speech, which marked the commencement of his public life. July 4. 1SU4 Nathaniel Hawthorne was born. July 4, I SI 7 Erie canal commenced. . -.... '-.,.,.ntennrv of iim AC'scGfl' y . ita Cards. THE HAMILTON STABLES J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor I'KINEVILLK, OKF.GON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember uu when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent 8 Warren & Woodward CIVIL ENGINEERS Irrigation, Subdivision, Land Surveys. Estimates Furnished on Power Plants. MAPS We nave had 10 years experience, embracing all branches vil Engineering. Redmond, Oregon. Crook County jibs tract Co. Alwlrnrtit ol IllSrt III All Utti) ttlul limn lot in Cruolt retlliijr. B. F. Wylde. Secretary. PriaoJIe, Orrfo. t Jf. flotonbory !Pmy.,m. am J J" rytn (County 1'liyiK'lnii.) Cmttt mmtwmrmm' prmmmpt mmjf mm nifAt tmm mmmrm ml A mf T-T-m t ml mm Vtymlm iTawM, tPrintrntil; N. W. Sanborn Attiiniey-ntlwtw . 1 1 .' 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 n lilm k rmfom. Kr.-.l A. Itiri-. ('. y J. . N.Mll. , Jr.. (:., Hicc & Neville Civil Enginetrt, t.enrmt Kiiht'rln. CiirsntvtM e, Ohrine. mCawyor jf iff, iPrimmif, Ormftm, WADIi HUSTON Surveyor Homestead locutions a lijiecialty Prineville, Oregon Prlnev 1 C. J" Pa, C C. SJrix lyjtctati ana Ottryon Call anawkkkii rwuipTi.T iur or Niqht Orf l( K (INK IKM1H Hnl'I H UP AliliM)N' liHfa Htiihk. Hutu ulTI.-i. tt riJ (It'lHX) tt'i.'hliullt'B, j (torn try -m t-Mwm float Cstata Office wit ti Ueo. W. llarnn Prin.M., . . Dr. J.TrejicIlcs Fox OrtooH t THE FOURTH IN HISTQ Many Famous Events That HaW pened on Independence Dal TUe I'ouith of July la peculia American holiday, but In Bed history we tiud some Important that liava occurred on this day eat Market 2c Reinke, Props ltton, Wholesale and Retail tusage Nice and Fresh ed Bacon and sh and Poultry Season. I! w. v. m inis O. C. V()UN(i jCatvyors Priu-ff( )n All rniirtx, HrU1 iiKi'iitlnn to Cuvgr Junction, Oregon Dr. John Huback, !,nte Vetrrlimry Htinrt'on V. B. Army, I'1'pnrtitHMil il i he l'hll!ilneii. All SmtkIiuI Wurk tti KtiiNoimblo I'rU't'B, Hamilton Stnblet. Prineville. Or. W. A. liliLL FRANK MI-NE1TE I.iiwyers The Dnllfi Oregon js. Home Cured Lard lb. 90c; 10 lb. $1.75. I Chat, S. Cdwtfds Jif. iP, Sitllmap O'iCL'MHTH Belknap c9 Gdwards iPhyittiant and tSurytom, Priniil, Ortyan ?. ClUoit, i jfittrnty'al-jCaw SPrinoutlU, Onyon. M. U. V.. N. Knr; mill I.. H. A. I.oiid.mi Lii piiciTdri'iii.n Mutv Mi'.licul llnnnl. SnH'iliit in Siirirrry; Ilyt;ii'lii; All ii'i'ntiiry t'tiiml; Wuiucii anil cliililri'n's (liTMi'fl. Atti'iiilimw at ollli'i', Main Ht., rriii( vi It, iliiily II tu 3. J ul. I'luiH'iT 1..7. Iluntinnton & Wilson Attorney. or The Pulli'H, Ihiivo opi'iifd office It Portland, Oregon, Room. 805-807 Lewi. Building. HunIwmh Nfnt to tilt-in from Oook rounly thPMiKh Ihi'lr olllc'i' In TIik Iliilli'H or illrtx't If tlM-lr I'orlliiinl itihlri'KH will n-m-lvc prompt ulli'iitlon. furlliuxt I'holM!, Main 1W, (J. A. McFAKLANK Lawyer Prnrtice in all court, and U. S. T.nnd Ollico. Redmond, Oregon Willard II. Wirtz Attorni'y-Ht-Iwiw. Odlco In M. II. BIkkh' tilllce. rmNnvii.i.i:, OitrcooN Dr. J. W. Curtis Eje.ight Specialist Adomaon Building, Odlce Hour. 2 to 5 p. m,