A Patriot's Ruse I By CAPTAIN P. A. MITCHEL. WUICN tli war of liirii'iwudnnr cum tm, N'w Yurk'i iwpuU Hun lind chnnc'd from lut of il mukliiii )iilchnii!U to ruuiprlHii iiiiiii)' hiiI of rvQiifiiiout. tl tvim llifii lluit that WM-li'tjr lu wlikb AlvinUr lluiiilliuu null Anrua Uurr iiuuo it'll or Iwiiily ji'iir lattir wan fiirmliiK Ivupin luiil ln nuii tu up ml r on iliflr tnlil tuUiiU of mIit. Miid (mill I dluiiurn vmm (jultu prumn tluus, ()li NU'lmlns Vim Scliootlljorpi), svmiltliy cllUt'ii. Iiulll In IiIk liuus In tiiu village of (ini'iiuti li (luiiu lut'B a urt of I Im illy of Ni'w Vorkl a vnult In which in More hi" vuliiiililo tnb warn. It win lormcil In tliu swutiil uluiy In hiillwny ruiuiliiM post hi UYVU IlI'llliHllll. tl II tkilOIMlllUVVII won H inlrliit. unit wlii'ii In tl utrUKule fur IihH'iu'IkIi'IU' Hi Hrlllsh owu Jiliil Now York h titnvvfl to Wi'itt clii'xiur roumy, mnun nftiwu or twuniy mlli-a up i lluilwm rlvvr, within ih Auu'rli'utt Illicit ctmiiunmki by yuutitf UiMHi'iiuiit Colonel Annul Uurr. Un ion' Hi" vrni'tintlon h rvlurtipi to tli rlty to tw iKiir Ills real imtiito, leaving lil uiovuliln valuubli't lu Wosuiiuslur couiuy. ' KiUth Van HrhoonhoTon wblla In VotU'limtur uitt a youiiK llinilfiiant lu Uurfi rviiluiciit, C'liarU-a lluuerison, buiI tli tmwtlug hud rwiiltwl In a lovt mutch, Ttie Kumrniluu whim alia wwiit back to ttia city win very trying to a pair of lovurn aginl twenty two and nluotmm rwtwtlvy. Though but fow mlloa apart, tlioy were atlll vury far. Kolwrtaon atood tho wpn ration a month, then, putting on a coumrynian'a clotliva mid carrying a Inrgo banket coulalulng liultor. cgoi and oilier farm liroduco, b aot out for iw York. At Klug'a tirldg, a wooden alrtic turt Dimming Hpuyten tuyrll creek and coiiiiectlug Uaubuttau lalaud ultb tlia nmltilitiul. bo found tb Ittltlnh pickets. Ills farm product, passed lilm. and liti walked to t tit southwest mini, crossing dlagnunlly wlmt la now Central park and iniido toward tba Hudson lower down till tie cam to I ho vlllngo of Crvenwlch. Aa b win crossing a Hold wliero llio Columbus liionilliieiit now lnin!i one I'eler OI demlinw, a ruMd Tory, aaw mid fol lowed lilm. I.'unwara Hint lio waa watched. Lieutenant Itultcrtson knock ed at the dor of Mebolna Van feihoou liuven. showed 111 basket of prKlui- and wan admitted. Thin Olderohaw aaw and straightway walked down to Howling green, whero Im fuutid CJen- rrnl llowa, to whom ha reported tha fart. Tli Bvtivrnl ent a ainall trinip couiiiianded by a aorKiant to eaptur tba youiiK patriot, whom ha did Dot doubt had come Into bla Hue fur tba Miriww of apylng. Chnrloa lUibeiWon and Edith Van SehiKiiiboven re alttlng together In tho piulor, wheru tbejr could look out on tli bnmd Itudaon. when they aaw a doien redcont tnHi dnaU up and aurround tho lioumi. Kor a moment IMIth waa parnlywHl; then, auddenly inillierlng bur fncultlra, alio aelred her loror'a linnd. run with him npHtnlra anil, ownlug the fault door, thrust him In, cloning the door after him, locking It mid putting the key In her pocket, fcho waa loo excited to think if hla being aiuothered, but fortuuata ly a amnll vcutllnlor had boea left over tba door, Wlien th aergcant entered Edith hud recovered her equanimity ao far an to meet hlra with a well feigned look of aurprlso on her face mid In vited him to aearch Ilia house. Not finding any one. ho left the premlsea guarded by hla maa and rodo to Oen eral Howe. Howe, believing that the lieutenant wua there, aeut Captain uwyer with hla company to relieve tho aergeant nud to lake op his qunr tera lu the hoime, keeping It aurrouud ed. Bnwyer, who win a young Loudon awell. nt onco began to mnko lovo to Kdltb. Hho found It aomewhat illlllcult to feed her lover, since alio had no way to do ao except through the ven tilator, nnd. having to miiml on a ctutir for the purpose, she dared not tratiHuiit food when the captain wn In the houae for fear of his catching her at It One night when the bell on Trinity church, fur away on the lower end of the Inland, struck 1 Kilith arose from her bed, put oil a dnasing wick, went to tho vault, unlocked It. let her lover out, took him up to the third story and locked lilm In nu uuuaed room. Then, going down to Captain Hmvyer'a room, alie knocked at hla door! culling to hlni that alio hud been frightened by a huge black cat that had got Into the house nud asking lilm to drive It out- "Don't trouble your aelf to put. ou your clothes," alie suld; "use this" And, opening the door a few Inches, alio dropped a double gown of her fnther'a Into the room. Sawyer arose, put ou his boota and tho double gowu, seized tho only weapon hiuuly, his sword, nnd went out Into tho hall. There ho found Kilith. apparently very much fright ened. Sho had lighted u candle and conducted htm along the hall to tho vault, whoso door stood njur. There the horrid thins went In there!" bub almost shrieked. Sawyer boldly entered the vault, tn r second bo heard a click behind him. . lie wns a prisoner. ltunulng to the room whero she hnd left her .lover, Edith released him and lighted him to Sawyer's apartment, whero tho Yankee put ou the British er's uniform, went dowastnlrs nnd ;jifter n parting kiss strode out and past tho guard. Hawyer, after taking In tha situation, at up a terrific howl, boptng to mnka himself beard by tha guard without, but ba might aa wall hava triad to make hlumelf hoard from the bowels of the earth. lie waa not used to ris ing early, to be waa not mlased tu tha morning by bla man. Edltb kept him confined aa long aa aha dared, than let lilm out, and the enucy girl bad tba effrontery to aak If be bad killed tba at. Considering the ridiculous tight tba eplsoda would plnre blm tn. Captain Hawyer never rwimrted It When the evacuation of tha city took place Hobertaon entered It and mar rled the girl who had saved hi in from the fate of a spy. Land to be Cleared by Contract. HiK) acret ol land to h clearod by con tract, ('all on or address lilack ilutte Laud It l.lotock Co., Histars, Oregon, or call at LongMlollow Itanch, 5-4 Hand dance Haturday evening, July 1, Ihiuclng will comintnce at H::iU sharp. Give us your order for CORDWOOD Juniper or Pine, large or small quantities. DILLON'S YARD 1 Opposite Post Office. Kutlct For I'ublicAtion. ttt-tmrt tin-tit of tha Inferior. . H. Iali4 Ultlrt al Tim I'wll--. ntfti JllllB'A'ttcl. lull N-illr In hprrlir Kiwi 1ih,1 Aulfm K 4. Miller, I'rlnt'vtHe, Oritmi, whtt on Auirtit "Mi. Itrnit.- MiiiMia,trn1 No,-l f'T l-.U -at 8-u ml i. K4. tl.iti I. Towtiaililb 144 Mouth. Htititttt 14 to.t, IUniMfli M.Thttnn, Im m-'l (ap of hitoitllon In initkn tliml iitiiiniitlsV lt proof, to itHlnhlUh cliiliu Id lti Innd itMivo ittM!rM'1, Hforn Vrri'n tlntun, 4oiintv i'ltrln, ! lit uiftm Ml lrtiicvtll(t, ure tMt, on lit Dili tJujf of Aitul- ut. t lulttoint tiiintm witii-w! i, Aivirt ItlKtfft. KlMtlMMI A. IttUM-H, "f i'MllfVlllH, lilt. t hrlatUll rfc-ltH. Henry TWiliL I'tlWCH lltllln, Ol((on, PIONEER SADDLER Mnnufocturer of and dealer In Harness, Saddles, Chaps, Bridles, Silver-Mounted Bits and Spurs. Reatas, Quirts, Ladies' Stride Saddles. E. H. Smith, Prop. Prineville, Or. DR. K. D. KETCIIU3I Drugless Healer gploal Adjnrtmenta and Dietetic a Bpecialty CONSULTATION FREE Hours 70 to 12 a. in- 1 to t p. m. t'Slls answered promptly. Rooms 16-17 Adamson E'dg. Notice to Craditora. Noll- Is hi n-hr alvim that lh unilrmlaiw-d hsi lnvii. Ir Hi" ' ouniv lurt ( ' niolt roilllIV. HlnU-orOn-aoil. UulV HOlMilllU-O inlnUlrnUirof tli Kll "f Kl Imril M.-V'T. d.-,.. i, nil sll iH-raoim Imvliia rlulms uliit ld wiUUi sr Iwn-lir nuulrMl lo .r-M ii( lli mum, duly vi-rini d. In mild Ad mluUlfslor t llio lw oltlio of M. K. Ilrliik. tu l'rliHvltle, lirfson, wllltlii nIs motillis froin His date uf llm Ural publlostlon of llils IIMlHW. . , Iwud and futilUbrd flrst tlins Julia silt, Itfil K. A. UIIHHKT, Admlnlilralor or Hi" islBle of Hlclisrd Mi-ywr, dtoeswd. Excursion Fares East 1911 For All Point on Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navi gation Company CbicaM "2'50 Council Uluffei Omaha KitDsay City M. ,hiMiih . , . St. I'aul Si. I'aul, via Council llluffs MimittiiiKtlis. ilirsc.t MintmaKili, via Council Bluffs 63.0 J'oit : w-w lton "0-00 New York.; Mi I .mi! i O.IK) Washington li.'c. 07.50 Atlantic City, N.J 102-40 SALE DATES June 28. 29, and 30. -July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 20, 27 and 28. Aujtu.t 3, 4, 5, 11, 18, 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 2'J and 30. September 1, 2, 4 5, (1, and 7. Ston-nvera within limits in cither direction. Final return limit October 31st. One way through California f 15.00 additional. Inauire of of any O-W R. & N. Agent for more complete infor mation or WM. McMl'RRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. co.oo 63 90 liO.Oti BigH orse oale j The Central Oregon Live Stock Sales Ass'n of Redmond, Oregon, announces their first monthly sale on 1 j July 17th, 1911. Sale will run until all horses that are listed are sold. We guarantee to have the buyers here. , If you have any horses to sell, list them with our secretary. Fee for selling is nominal. iiiiL' Crook County Jewelry & Sporting Goods Store DON'T NEGLECT YOUR WATCH A WATCH is a delicate piece of machinery. It calls for less attention than most machinery, but must be cleaned and oiled occasionally to keep perfect time. . With proper eare a Waltham Witch will keep perfect time lor a lifetime. It will pay you well to let us clean your watch every la or 18 month). D. H. PEOPLES Civil and Irrigation Engineer. rrigation. Subdivision, Land Surveying, Mapping, Estimating. Office next door to Lyric Therter L. KAMSTRA, Proprietor. L JU Jk. -Ik. JL.Jl.-lt.il. JL JL. JLJk JL ri ri u J r i LJ n i. j r L J ri LJ r i t j ri LJ r,t l j M CJ ri LJ ri LJ CI LJ ri L J LJ rn LJ 1i -jf LJLJi.JLJ4.JtJL.JL.Ji;JLJL;jLJL: J Scnoral ffilacksmithing IIoRSESHOEisa, Wood Work, etc., Niailt and Promptly Done When it is Done By : : : Robert TIfoore Satisfaction Will Be Guaranteed Prineville, Oregon. G. H. Brewster. C. E. E. L. BrewrttT City Engineer Frineville, Or, Brewster Engineering Co., Prinarilla, Oregon. Surveying, Maping, Estimates. Phone, Pioneer 231. HARNESS and 1 I SADDLERY 8 SHOP L J C3 LJ r .1 L'J ri LJ r 3 LJ L.J n LJ r.i LJ en LJ r,3 LJ C3 LJ r,3 LJ C3 LJ r,3 LJ en L J LJ 7F, i 1-V 7 1 H. D. STILL Prineville, Oregon r.irsririrtrsrirjrawrnra irnrrnrrcnp?irr;rtrBrnr?irrtr;ai5 3 LJL jLJl-JV-JL JLJLJLjLJL.Jl.jf L JL JL JL JL JL JL. JLJL UL JLJL JL.JL J OREGON TRUNK RAILWAY DAILY TRAIN SERVICE. To Portland Spokane, Seattle, St. Paul, Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Omaha Kan sas City. Trains leave Opal City 8:30 a. m., Culver 8:50 a. m., Metohus 9:10 a. m., Madras 9:30 a. m., arrive Portland 7:45 p. m. Leave Portland 9:55 a. m., arrive Madras 7:50 p. m., Metolius 8:05 p. m., Culver 8:23 p. m., Opal City 8:50 p. m. Direct stage connections to and from interior points. R. BUDD. Chief Eneineer. R. E. MICHAEL, Portland, Oregon. Agent, Madras, Ore. J. H. CORBETT. T, A. GRAHAM, Agent, Opal City, Ore. Agent, Metolius, Ore. C.R. Henry Resident Locator of HOMESTEADS In Southern Crook Co. Address : : Paulina, Oregon For further information apply to m. Phoenix Secretary, Redmond, Oregon. W Contest Notice. Department of the Interior, United SutesLaad Orfice.Tue Dalles Ore, June 8, 191i, To William H. Bryan of Prineville, Orxxon, Contest?: You are hereby notified that Frank 8. Hodman, who nives Prineville, Oresrront as his postotHoe address, did on April 24, 19U, filfinthis offie his duly cormtMrated ap pltpHtion to contest and secure the cancella tion of your homestead. Serial No. 06-tiii made April 7. ItHQ, for S1- SE1-. S'a S' Sciton IS. Township IB S., KanK Iti K., Willamette Meridian, and a grounds for hlscontest he al leves that sjiid illtam H. Brvnu has wholly abandoned said tract lor uer six mouth last past; that he has wholly i-siUrd to reside uHn, improve and cultivate saiiUra-H of land as required by law, or at ail; tl;s his absence therefrom was not due to nu employment in the army, navy or marine corps ol the United staTi'sin time of war. You are. therefore, further notified tht the said allegations will be tken by this otiiee as having been coniesseu Dy you, aim yjur sata entry ,-.ut be eaneeiea inere.tiuur wnnous VOUr tu llier ripni W uettru un'iein, viuier beiore this othee oron apical, if xu mil to tilo in this otiiee within twenty days atr the FO'.'KTH publication of this notice, as shown below, vour answer, under oth. spjeiricslly meeting aud responding ;o ti.es; Hlk-sations of contest, or if vou fail within tuat time to tile in this otiiee due proof that you hava served a copy of your answer on the ssvut contestant either in person or by ronisu red mail. If this service is made by the Unlivery oi a copy of your answer to the contestant in person, proof of such service must be eitner tha said con testant's written aeknov.-UV.inent of his re ceipt of the eopv, showing the Utue of its re ceipt, or the affidavit of tho pervou by whom the delivery was made stating when and where the copy was delivered; if mde by regis tered mail, proof of such scrvK'e must consist of the aihdavit oi the person by whom the copy was mailed stating when and tho postomoe to which it' was mailed, and this attidavit must bo accompanied by the postmaster's receipt for the letter. You should state in yonr tumver the name of the postothce to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. 6-2Sp 0. W. JIOOKE, Register. I)nte offlrst publlontlnn Jutie', Im itate of second publieutton Jtitv fi, irtll. Pate of third publication .Inly U. 1"!', Date of fourth publication July -0, 1UU. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, V, 8. Land Otiiee at The Dalles, Oregon, Me.y 'J;hd 1'Jll. Notice is hereby given that JAMK8 R. H.UIVKY, of Roberts, Oregon, who. m NovemVer nth, 1906, made Homestead, No. hVUi; serial. No. 0hfS2, for lotsti and 7, See. 6 and lot 1, NK NWV section 7, township 18 south, ram;e IV east, Willametto Meridian, has tiled notiee of intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Warren ISrown, countv clerk at his office, tit Prineville, Ore gon, on the 5th day of July, PJii. Claimant names as witnesses: James A. Moffltt, ol Prineville, Oregon. Claud C.Dun ham, J. li. Roberts, Arthur C. Moss, of Roberts, Oregon. C. W. &OOKK, Register. 6-lp i Furnished Rooms for Rent. ! Fnrnisbeti, single or doable. Also beds for the Fourth. Inquire at Sbipp house. Mrs. Ida Prose, propr. 6-15