Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 29, 1911, Image 1

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VOL. XV NO. 30
A v ' '
ir ,- n mar. .
'fjfcJr 1
The Name of
Old Glory
From "1!om Folka." by Jma Whltoomb Kllr.
c .yri:it. t:rt.
Uand by iit'lul .rmlulun uf Dm puLllatwra,
tl li"l)lj-Mf mil company.
LO GLORY, uy, who,
t By tha ahipt and tha eraw
And tha long, bland.d rank. ? tha gray nd
'.. J '
' " . ' , . -J
C--H cJamcst
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r . . ,. 1...- . ' ... . .
L- ' - i
tht blu
Who iv you, Old Glory, tho rrnmo tht you br
With uoh prido ovorywhtro
At you c.rt yourl ro to h ropturout lr
And loop ou full longth, wo'ro wonting you tof
Who aovo you ht namo, with h rlnfl of tho m"
And tho honor ond fomo o bocomlnij to you,
Your itripoo otro'-td in ripplo of whito ond of rod.
With your tUr. t thoir allttorina boot ovorhood,
By doy or by night
Thoir doliflhtfulott light
Laughing down from thoir llttlo oquoro hoovon
Who govo you tho nomo of Old Gloryf 8y, who
Who oovo you tho nomo of Old Gloryf
Tho old banntr liftod and, faltorlng, thon
In waguo liipa and whioporo foil oilont again.
Old Glory, tho otory wo'ro wanting to hoar
la what tho plain faota of your ohriattnlng woro.
For your noma, juit to hoar It, It and ch.or It, a tang to tho tplrlt
Aa aalt at a toar,
And. taoing you fly and tha boya marching by,'a a ahout in tha throat, and a blur In tha oyo.
And an aching to liva for you alwaya or dlot
If dying wo atill lep you waving on high.
And io. by our lova
For you, floating abova,
And tho aoara of all wara and tho oorrowo tharaof,
Who gavo you tha mmi of Old Glory, and why
Aro wo thrillad at tha namo of Old Gloryt
Than tha old bann.r leaped, liko a aail In tha blaat,
And fluttorod an audiblo anawar at laat.
And It apaka, with a ah!. l th. uolee, nrt I ''U ' J
By tha drivtn anow wnna mo . w.
Of my bara and thoir haavon of tiara ovorhaad
By tho aymbol oonjolntd of them all, akyward oaat,
Aa I float from tha atoepla, or flap at tho matt.
Or droop o'er tho tod whoro tha long grataea nod
My name la at old at tht glory of God.
j, cum by tha namo of Old Glory.
prove n attractive feature. aIiO.CKKJ at 13J; Jr.seih Listi.-r,
largn pavilion ia len r.uilt wpft 10XKJ at 1L'2; Morrow A Kecnan.i
of the Cotntnrrcial Club 1UU ' fi5,(X)0 &t 1 1; liiuek I5utto Compa- j
whoratha patriotic -xert iM will ny. 59.0 K) at l.'ij; I'.lack Uuttej
I held on the lib, afu-r which the Company, at 13 J; Thomas ;
eta will be cleared away anl tha ' Huston. ld.WXJ at M. F. Mc- j
;Coin, ll.(XJ!)Ht I3i cnt.
Mail Service
Contract ha been Let and Ser
vice will Commence Next
A letter from V. E. Coman to
Moor ued for dancing,
Tha automobile parade will be a
rioveity. f 1 10 in offered in prize.
50.(10 for tbe beet dccorateJ car,
3.').(X) for tbe nxt bent and 25.(XJ
for tbe under-orated car prenenting
the bet sppi arance. Decoration
can be oi bunting, or flower or the
car, can be made to represent a
Moat or pome such object as may
be deitired by the owner, but in
Cane owners of cars cannot devpte
the time to making up any special T. M. Haldwin, this city, an
preparation, they' are pecially nounces that the mail contract
invited by tbe committee to enter Culver to Prineville has been let,
theparade with th. ir car in order j effective July 1, and the route
to make the parade aa much of ;from Shaniko. which has pre
succew as powible. All persons! vailed for many ears, will be
are requested to end postal cards .discontinued on that date. Tie
'to tbe Automobile Parade Com-j name of the successful biddor is
miltee at once announcing their not given. Frcra Mr. Coraau's
.williiiKnees to do so and a place ; letter it is inferred that the Orb-
will be aligned them immediately. (?" Trunk Lino has tbe mail
To Organize Big Devel
opment League.
Prineville Should Cleap Up and
Decorate for the Occasion
Do It Now.
j Prineville is petting ready to en
Jtertain the greatest development
1 meeting ever held io the history of
'Central Oregon. It will he a
gathering Ht which will be organ
ized the Central Oregon Develop
ment League. The purpose is to
promote the affiliation of all the
commercial bodies interested in
Let every owner of an auto help to contract from the Columbia river jthe building up of thU part of tbtt
make this the finest feature of the 'to Culver. Service to interme-; gtae
idiate points will be announced I
j Immediately after the parade! -
jthe patriotic exercires will be held uCOrge DdRieS Killed.
on the open air pavillion at the
Club Hall.
tireat preparations
are being
Word reached Prineville Tues
day night that George V. r.arne,
made at the club grounds for the tne lawyer, was killed at Canyon
closing event and at 8 p. m. on city tbe first of the week. No de
Vednedy, July 5th, the gates tails were given and as the wires
will ewing open disclosing the!
t i f . i. , t : :u
.: be, ''Quit Your Knocking." Its
t meaning is that every community
shall stop knocking every other
community, and that every indi
vidual in each community will be
pledged to stop his kicking the
things that may not suit him in
his own town aud get down to work
greatest aggregation of attractions, could -be learned. His eon, Wid
! shown since the last big circus. i Barries, left Wednesday for Grant
! More than twenty booths re"county. .
! bting constructed, each to contain! 1
from oneu. a ; doxen attractions ;Must Ot Sell
1 ue riH-ciai icaiureo mil' lid nic
Iggarotte village,' Ufty-Gufty, the
were down to that place none i for the good of all. The nnder-
wild man, Alexarfdcr, the most re
"ui'itkable dwarf in the world. The
usUk) 'oetvfeoo the Merrimac and
Monitor, Little Egypt, the most
sensational dancer in the world.
These and mnny others will furnish j
lying idea is that if a man comes
to Central Oregon and he is inter
ested sufficiently so thrit- he will
stay in Central Oregon. No mat
ter where he may locate, it will be
for the upbuilding of the entire
Boose to Red Man!801'0"- It'peyIee mu8t Bet
'in Central Oregon if .we want' to.tfe
r r i i .Ivelop its -farming and other re-
Miidrnu. was found wuiltv bv a I
jury in federal court last week
!of having sold intoxicants to
i ri ri 1 1 .... ...1 T;rt
amusement enough for any one for,"eurS vlr au
one evening. There will be fea.jfromthe arm SPrinSs reser"
tures introduced startling in their vation' In this case, as in oth
originality and daring in their per- ers, C. C. Covey. Indtan Agent,
formance. Professor Blonde wm ' gave Orr money and sent him to
make his famous slide for life from ! Procure evidence, Dave Steele.
a white man, went along as wit-
p:' tfllffHIW" Mil PT IMt.
People Coming from all
Parts of County.
Big Auto Parade, Three Days
of Baseball, Street Sports,
Streets of Cairo, Etc.
Everything is shaping up beau
tifully for Prineville'ij mammoth
3-dny Fourth of July celebration,
Uoports from all parts of the coun
ty indioate a record-breaking
crowd and Prineville is straining
every nerve to have all prepara
tions in readiness.
Workmen have been busy all
the week on the interior of the
Commercial Hall, It is being
sealed with red fir and if time per
mits will be painted at once.
Tho big electric mast, for tho
streets of Cairo was placed in po
sition Tursday on tho tennis
grounds of the club. The lumber
for the booths and places of enter
tainment wan Wing placed by
workmen at the same time. Every
thing in this department of the
celebration will be in readiness.
No expense is being spared to
give the people the time of their
life. The Fourth of July commit
tee has $2000 to spend and every
man, woman and child in the
county is invited to come to Prine
ville and enjoy the occasion.
One thousand in coin of the
realm will be distributed among
the baseball teams. All lovers of
this manly game will have an op
portunity never before afforded in
the interior of witnessing some fine
sport, (lus Schroeder with his
Silver Lake Giants, the dusky
boys from the Warm Springs, the
Uend, Redmond and Metolius
toams, together with Prineville s
invincible nine, will keep the turf
on tbe new Uavulson tmu pars
smoking for at least three days.
The ball grounds, too, are in tine
shape. The grandstand is covered
and the lumber is being delivered
for the high board fence. These
a high pinnacle, and the Missis
sippi minstrels will fill the air
with sounds sweet and strange.
Look for the bearded woman.
Listen for the sounds from the
streets of Cairo.
The street sports will be pulled
off on Main street. Attractive
' ness.
j On December 11, 1910, Orr,
: acting under instructions from
; Covey, who was annoyed at the
I druikeDness among the Indians,
wont to Madras and was intro
' duced by another Indian as his
! cousin and vouched for to the
rmrspa nra offered for the different
D..o,a ,,. 'saloonkeepers. Rust, according
may be looked for. j
The erand chorus under the di-:
il!o. l, Iinln,r :ii,wus an ngui.
VI 111. T. ,. A4llt-l .
to the evidence, furnished him
the liduor when assured that he
rection oi iev,
be well worth a trip to hear.
The committee suggests that
everybody clean up and decorate
early. The town should be given
athletic grounds, the gift of the
Oregon & Western Colonization
Company to tho Prineville Com
mercial Club, are the equal of the
famous grounds of the Multnomah a g'l appearance for the conven
Club of Portland. I tion that is to be held in Prineville
Another pleasant feature of the June M ftnu JU1 DU5V
celebration will be the ball games
between the Lend and Prineville
public school boys for a purse of
$50.00. Don't think they can't
play bail. That's where you will
deceive yourself. For youngsters
Madras Wool Sales
A special dispatch from Mad
ras to the Oregonian dated June
-1 says that the first sealed bid
they can line up with the best of wool sale was held at Madras to-
them and deliver the goods. In
the games so far this season it has
been an even break with the boys.
The Fourth of July purse will
settle the question of supremacy
for this season.
Trineville has a good band of
fifteen pieces and when headed by
an awe-inspiring drum major will
provide entertainment for all
lovers of music.
The details of the official pro
gram are not complete but there
will be something doing all the
time. There will be baseball in
the forenoon and afternoon. Band
ooncerts every day, besides the
Streets of Cairo on the club
grounds. Open air dancing will
day and a large quantity of the
new clip was disposed of. A
good many growers have mar
keted their wool at private sale,
while others will wait for the
second, public sale, which is
scheduled to come off July 14.
The following clips were sold
here today: J. R. Breese, 10,000
pounds at 12 J cents; E. D. Gra
ham, 9000 pounds at 13J cents;
T. F. McAllister, 15,000 at 153;
C. II. Daly, 22,000 at 13; J. C.
Houston. 14,000 at 12J; William
Smith, 12,000 at 14 J; Charles
Bernard, 11,000 at 12?; Purilly &
Meben, 57,000 at 13; P. & C.
Dunham, 14.000 at 12J; James
Cram, 22.000 at 13J; A. P. Jones,
Five cases, in which Mr. Co'
vey secured evidence by similar
means, are yet to come up. The
'defendants are S. Masterson,
Harry Key, Patrick McCormick,
! Elmer Hammer and Carl Law-
son. All are Madras saloonkeep
ers. Mr. Covey has inaugurated
wholesale prosecutions of saloon
keepers in the Madras territory.
Many of bis cases have been
tried in the state courts under
the state law, which prohibits
tho sale of intoxicants to Indians
whether allotted or unallotted.
Recourse has been made neces
sary to state courts by a ruling
of the U. S. Supreme Court,
which held that the federal
government nas no ngnt to su
pervise the personal conduct of.
an allotted Indian on the ground
tnat he is a citizen of the United
States and has the same privi
leges as other legal voters. Mr.
Covey has been very successful
in his campaign, having secured
convictions in a majority of
cases. Oregonian.
Pony Wanted.
Saddle pony, must be easy gated and
thoroughly reliable for child. J. S. Fox,
Pioneer 'phone, 6-29-lt
sources. And tt will be mighty
hard '.man to please who cannot
God something to suit him some
where in this part of the state.
So far as heard from there will
be 150 delegates here. They will
come from as far south as Klamath
Falls and Lakeview and from
Antelope, Fossil, Mitchell and all
the towns along the railroad. Re
ports received indicate that two
autos from Klamath Falls, two
from Lakeview, one from Crescent,
two from Lal'ine, two from Paisley,
one from Laidlaw, one from Sisters,
three from Redmond, and one or
two from Madras, Metolius, Hill
man. Culver and other points will
be here.
A delegation from the Medford
Commercial Club who are making
a tour of Central Oregon have
promised to attend. They will be
headed by Judge W. M. Colvig, who
first visited Prineville in 1SG1.
The delegates from - Bend and
south of Bend will come in a body
on Friday morning, plans having
been made for them to meet at
Bend on Thursday night, where
they will be entertained by the
local club. Headed by the Bend
band the entire delegation will
reach Prineville at 10:30 on Friday
Of the notable visitors from
Portland there will be Mr. Carl
Gray, presideut of the Spokane,
Portland and Seattle railway and
the Oregon Trunk railroad; Gene
ral Manager W. E. Coman of tha
same system, and others whose
names have not been learneo.
William McMurray, general pss
seuger agent of the 0-V. K. & X.
and the Southern Pacific lines in
Oregon, Mr. W. G. Scott, assistant
general passenger agent of the
same systems, and Mr. Harvay
Lounsbury, representing the freight
traffic- department of these roads
will also be here. M. J. Costello,
general freight agent, and F. W.
Graham, industrial commissioner
of the Great Northern railroad,
Continued on page 2.